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Thread: Confessions of an IEE-ENFp

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    Default Confessions of an IEE-ENFp

    - I admit I can come across as condescending on the internet while at the same time being very annoyed by condescending people. I am not condescending in real life
    - I can be judgmental when it comes to people who are arrogant, hurtful, and/or inconsiderate
    - I am horrible at staying in touch with people
    - I often think I know better than other people and don't like criticism. However, I will apologize when I made a mistake and I am consciously working on being better at taking criticism. I will not, however, cease to think that I know better than most of you
    - I secretly dislike a number of people who will never know that I dislike them. But my dislikes can easily change into likes because I am willing to reconsider my initial judgment (and I forgive easily)
    - I manipulate people
    - I make promises that I can't keep (with the best intentions, but still...)
    - I like to either be the center of attention or blend in in the background (depends on my mood) and I want either on my terms only
    - I severely dislike demands that are inconvenient for me
    - Abstract things that do not relate to reality make my brain bleed and make me agitated and defensive
    - I take offense easily and might lash out when I feel cornered

    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Sorry, someone please move this to delta! I cannot have this in the cold hostile outside world....
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  4. #4


    You are definitely my Identical. And now, Isha is "pretty sure".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    - I secretly dislike a number of people who will never know that I dislike them.
    Haha! Do you also secretly like others?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    - I secretly dislike a number of people who will never know that I dislike them. But my dislikes can easily change into likes because I am willing to reconsider my initial judgment (and I forgive easily)
    - I'll try to find something to like about you, but if the things I dislike keep appearing I'll put a lot of distance between us. If that doesn't work, I will subconsciously sabotage the friendship until you go away.

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    "I spend all my life hiding that I'm very judgmental"

    - one IEE.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Last edited by Kim; 12-08-2009 at 02:28 PM.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    "I spend all my life hiding that I'm very judgmental"

    - one IEE.

    I think it's because we easily and automatically read people. It's hard not to have an opinion on someone. And it's a constant struggle because it is UNPLEASANT not to like someone.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post

    I think it's because we easily and automatically read people. It's hard not to have an opinion on someone. And it's a constant struggle because it is UNPLEASANT not to like someone.
    Why not be less opinionated then?

    I think that being heavily opinionated about others eventually leads to a form of self loathing and unhappyness within ourselves.

    No one is perfect, so there is a certain amount of live and let live required, we all have stuff to deal with which is the flip side of being too judgemental of others, or rather those who are judged such a context.

    Maybe if you have opinions on others, try to remember not to take it too seriously, we can laugh at ourselves for our own faults, and laugh at ourselves for being hypocrites at times, cause everyone is (whatever type) at some point, just the way of us humans, so when we do that (or remember that) having opinions on others isn't quite so bad, and takes the sting out of them, and perhaps the sting out of the guilt over having them too, ha...but it can help to temper them also, their severity and quickly-forumulating.

    There is some school of thought that we can retrain our habits, it takes maybe a few months of making an effort then it becomes natural to us, so there's no harm in working on the points that we deem we'd like to reduce in ourselves.

    Although, ... I can't help but wonder what the point is of this thread, are you looking for attention or something? Are you an only child, maybe that is why you want everything your way? I dunno, you sound like a handfull of IEE on the forum, lol.
    Last edited by Cyclops; 12-08-2009 at 10:08 AM. Reason: typo

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    The way I feel about Kim is similar to the way FDG feels about Joy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post

    Although, ... I can't help but wonder what the point is of this thread, are you looking for attention or something? Are you an only child, maybe that is why you want everything your way? I dunno, you sound like a handfull of IEE on the forum, lol.
    This thread came out of a comment on the other thread about weaknesses of IEEs. IEEs are often stereotyped as ditzy angels who are fun and cute and I don't like that stereotype because I don't want to be reduced to being the cute little dual by people like you.

    I am not an only child and the reason why I like things my way is because I don't like being tied down by things. It does not mean that I expect everything to go my way nor that it does. And the one thing that infuriates me the most is when people are condescending towards me and other people, so be so kind as not to act like the wise old man patting his little dual on the head. It's insulting.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    - I'll try to find something to like about you, but if the things I dislike keep appearing I'll put a lot of distance between us. If that doesn't work, I will subconsciously sabotage the friendship until you go away.
    I sabotage it by ignoring it until it goes away. I have confronted people in the past, but I avoid it when I can. I just put my head in the sand until all the bad stuff goes away. :redface:

    PS: This rarely happens because I don't usually get close to people I end up disliking.
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  14. #14
    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    Guess we're not as accepting as we think...
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex View Post
    Guess we're not as accepting as we think...
    I accept people for who/what they are... I just don't feel I have to accept them being near me =)

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    This was said:
    How about "fellow IEEs can you relate to this"?
    So I'll respond to this :
    - I admit I can come across as condescending on the internet while at the same time being very annoyed by condescending people. I am not condescending in real life
    I think I might have come off as condescending on the forum a few times, but I think (hope) that it only applied to a small handful of individuals. As in, I think (hope) I only acted that way towards the small handful of individuals. In each of the cases I can think of that might apply, the individual very often was condescending to ifs about it, either. There's only so much abusing of others that I can handle before I feel the urge to step in.

    - I can be judgmental when it comes to people who are arrogant, hurtful, and/or inconsiderate
    I can be judgmental of actions that people do (including the words that they say), as well as the intent behind deliberate actions/words. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I've judged the person as a whole. This is often just one of many other actions that they do. I might like some things about someone, and strongly dislike other things about them. One minute I could be so angry with a person that I might say that they disgust me (but it's usually within the situational context), and the next let all that negative emotion go and recognize that they are just being who they are. I might dislike someone but respect some of the things that they do. Or like someone and be disgusted by some of the things that they do. My 'judgments' are rarely black or white, there's just too many shades of gray. However, I see very few, if any shades of gray when it comes to child abusers and psycho killers.

    - I am horrible at staying in touch with people
    I am horrible at staying in touch with people. It seems that I perceive the possibility of getting in touch with them any time, without much changing in terms of our relationship. This doesn't always work this way, lol, but the perception seems to remain, regardless. However, I also don't feel that I should be the only one to attempt to stay in touch. The phone/email works both ways. So I don't feel as if I'm the only one to blame if I, personally, don't keep in touch with someone. If they really wanted to contact me, they would.

    - I often think I know better than other people and don't like criticism. However, I will apologize when I made a mistake and I am consciously working on being better at taking criticism. I will not, however, cease to think that I know better than most of you
    I'm sure there are times/situations in which I think that I know better than someone. I do know that often times I've had more actual experiences or shared experiences than someone about some things. I'm sure that I also have certain ideas obtained from readings/observations that I feel would need to be taken into consideration when someone attempts to tell me something is true. During these times I probably come off as feeling like I know better than the other person.

    I don't take criticism well. I've enough self doubts as is. There's little reason to state the obvious when I know I suck at something, and then to be told I suck at it..or laughed at for sucking at it. It offers me nothing to learn from. I guess that's what it is, constructive criticism is far more acceptable than just plain criticism. If you're going to criticize something I did/said, then at the least offer an idea for how to avoid it or do it better next time. Oh, and some of the worst criticisms are those that there is absolutely no way that *I*, personally, could have had knowledge/experience to draw from. We learn by making mistakes. If I am going to attempt to learn something, then I WILL make mistakes. Not allowing those mistakes to be made leads to inability to act/experiment/explore due to fear of making mistakes and leading to perfectionistic tendencies in which the person freezes up and does NOTHING at all.

    - I secretly dislike a number of people who will never know that I dislike them. But my dislikes can easily change into likes because I am willing to reconsider my initial judgment (and I forgive easily)
    There are a few people that I don't particularly care for, but I'm usually still open to communications from them. But just because I don't personally like a person, doesn't mean that I necessarily dislike them either. I more often feel neutral in those instances. There are very few people that I actively dislike/avoid. Dislike/avoidance usually comes from feeling as if someone is smothering me, attempting to control/manipulate me, or consistently abuse my good faith in them.

    If I actively dislike a person, that person will have no doubts about it. (think mcnew) If, however, you think/wonder if I like/dislike you, then know that I'm still open to communications with you. Unfortunately, there are some people who consider "I disagree with you" to mean "I hate you". (oh, "you" in this paragraph doesn't mean you, personally, Kim. I like you, even if we disagree about some things, and even if we don't stay in touch. )

    - I manipulate people
    Manipulate has so many connotations to it that it's become one of those XYZ terms. How do you manipulate people, Kim? For myself, I consider even attempts to alter someone's perceptions as a form of manipulation. And since I very often attempt to help someone see other sides of the coin(s), then I'd also fall under manipulating people. Basically, I see attempting to influence a person or situation as being 'manipulating'. There are, however, forms of manipulation that I find disgusting and will either avoid or attack. For example, people who threaten suicide to get others to do something. People who attempt to control me and/or my relationships beyond my relationship with the actual individual involved. (eg If you're going to be their friend then I won't be your friend. or I won't be your friend because you don't like this other person.) Also various forms of blackmail.

    - I make promises that I can't keep (with the best intentions, but still...)
    Alas, I do make promises I can't keep. Over the years I've learned to avoid making the promise and saying something like "I'll try" or "maybe". Sometimes it's because I can't seem to say "No". Other times it turns out that it's just not something that I, personally, can/will do. More often, however, it's because I got distracted and forgot about it.

    - I like to either be the center of attention or blend in in the background (depends on my mood) and I want either on my terms only
    I do like to be the one who chooses how much "face time" I get. To every season there is a purpose. And to every situation there is a mood. And I'm damned well moody!!! Unfortunately, this is one of those things that I can't tell where type comes in and mood disorder ends.

    - I severely dislike demands that are inconvenient for me
    Similar to previous paragraph. I figure I am the one best able to figure out what I am capable of or not at any given time. Just because someone wants something doesn't mean that constraints fall away.

    Alas, I'm also a person who wants what she wants NOW and have a hard time waiting. The mood can so easily slip away, and if I'm in the mood now, but external constraints block me, I can get very irritable. I know from experience that more often than not, once the constraints are removed, the mood is gone and/or I've moved on to something else.

    - Abstract things that do not relate to reality make my brain bleed and make me agitated and defensive
    It's fun to "what if". Unfortunately, there's only so far from reality that I can step away from. If it strays too far from experience then I'll get antsy, and if it continues to go further, then I'll get agitated and will either try to bring it around back to some kind of realistic footing or will drop the subject. Unfortunately, I also seem to lack details in my thoughts/ideas/memories, and so often my side of discussions will seem to lack 'substance'/details/reality.

    - I take offense easily and might lash out when I feel cornered
    I get hurt easily. I wouldn't call it taking offense, as to me that seems like feeling as if someone is attacking me. But I do feel hurt easily, regardless of whether or not I think the person may have been deliberately attacking me or were just pointing something out to me.

    I also often feel emotional turmoil inside in such situations. Was the person actually attacking me? What did I do to deserve that? Were they criticizing a mistake or were they criticizing me, as a person? Were they trying to be helpful or were they laughing at me?

    I'm more likely to withdraw due to the turmoil and questions than I am to lash out. Lashing out seems to come most when I feel blocked, it seems to be an effort to remove the blockage so that I have my freedom again.

    Unfortunately, I also don't often know what I'm feeling until I've responded to something, so it's possible that there's some kind of reinforcing thing going on, like circular thinking..only...circular feeling?

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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post


    Thanks Ann and good to read you.

    WWT, I have been stressed and overworked, so I am a bit more agitated than usual. For some reason I got infuriated by the accusation of being an attention-seeking and high-maintenance only child. Bloody internet just might not be my medium.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    For some reason I got infuriated by the accusation of being an attention-seeking and high-maintenance only child.
    Hey, I'm legitimately those three things!

    *dives in front of Kim to take Cyclops's next bagpipe machinegun assault*

    Anyway, dude, your culture has manskirts. Think about it.

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    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    - I admit I can come across as condescending on the internet while at the same time being very annoyed by condescending people. I am not condescending in real life
    I can come across as condescending in real life too. Especially when people ask me stupid questions with a bad attitude. I really can't stand it. I definitely can come across as condescending on the internet. Especially when I'm addressing Coolanzon...

    - I can be judgmental when it comes to people who are arrogant, hurtful, and/or inconsiderate
    I wouldn't say I'm judgmental. They make me angry in that "let's torch their restaurant" kind of way.

    - I am horrible at staying in touch with people
    Ditto. I only keep friends that can handle weeks or even months of no contact. But then when we do catch up, nothing has changed. Facebook has kind of eased this problem though, sad as that is.

    - I often think I know better than other people and don't like criticism. However, I will apologize when I made a mistake and I am consciously working on being better at taking criticism. I will not, however, cease to think that I know better than most of you

    I like constructive criticism. However if I think you're wrong I will challenge you. Maybe in a manner which seems personal. I try to make it not personal, but yeah...

    - I secretly dislike a number of people who will never know that I dislike them. But my dislikes can easily change into likes because I am willing to reconsider my initial judgment (and I forgive easily)
    Thinking about this I definitely don't hide it. I don't return calls, text messages, etc. I generally do not get close to people that I don't like. Luckily, I don't meet many people I do not like, and when I do they probably don't like me, because I don't hide that I don't like them.

    - I manipulate people
    Yeah I do this. Sparingly though, which is bad because it means I know when I'm doing it. It feels almost like a burden that I can influence people's moods and feelings. But if I want something badly enough...

    - I make promises that I can't keep (with the best intentions, but still...)
    All the time, and usually about time. I've gotten better about this though. Forcing myself to carry a diary really helped.

    - I like to either be the center of attention or blend in in the background (depends on my mood) and I want either on my terms only
    I'm not sure what to say about this. I usually just become the centre of attention because I am often the one who created the group in the first place. I like being the centre of attention. In a group I definitely don't like to be a wallflower. Or can't be? If I feel like I want to blend into the background I'll probably just go home instead, or find someone to have a one on one with.

    - I severely dislike demands that are inconvenient for me
    I used to not be able to refuse demands. Now I actively tell people to fuck off. Just comes with running your own business. I learned very quickly that people often like to treat you like your time is worthless. These days I don't let them.

    - Abstract things that do not relate to reality make my brain bleed and make me agitated and defensive
    I like discussing abstract things. But I'd rather talk about things like politics, the financial system, the economy, what the government could be doing to improve X city, people's confusing behaviour especially in relationships, etc etc.

    - I take offense easily and might lash out when I feel cornered
    Used to. These days I'm more "this conversation is over." Or if I'm being nice "Anyway... [segue]" I don't have the energy to lash out anymore and don't like the step back it makes me take with people. If you push me too much I'll turn cold on you and put a truck load of distance between us. I'll let you know what you've done but I won't make a big deal out of it.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post

    Thanks Ann and good to read you.

    WWT, I have been stressed and overworked, so I am a bit more agitated than usual. For some reason I got infuriated by the accusation of being an attention-seeking and high-maintenance only child. Bloody internet just might not be my medium.
    Someone has to tell you you're a fucking asshole, you're out of control and it's too easy to impress many people on the internet.

    And you don't think you're attention seeking? I think you admitted you were in one of the posts you deleted, so shut up, it's why I asked you about it, and that you try to change it around simply shows to REAL people how pathetic you are.

    You're the sort of person that reminds me why ENFp's can be such self indulging, petty assholes.

    That you aren't an only child makes it worse, and i'm not joking when I say this, but I bet you're fat.

    Change, or be the same, but don't think you're not hated by a lot more than one person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Someone has to tell you you're a fucking asshole, you're out of control and it's too easy to impress many people on the internet.

    And you don't think you're attention seeking? I think you admitted you were in one of the posts you deleted, so shut up, it's why I asked you about it, and that you try to change it around simply shows to REAL people how pathetic you are.

    You're the sort of person that reminds me why ENFp's can be such self indulging, petty assholes.

    That you aren't an only child makes it worse, and i'm not joking when I say this, but I bet you're fat.

    Change, or be the same, but don't think you're not hated by a lot more than one person.
    Seriously? You go to the energy of hating people on forums? That seems like a huge waste of energy to me. Does reading someone's words really upset you that much?

    Hey maybe you're a bit of a fuckhead too?

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    Seriously? You go to the energy of hating people on forums? That seems like a huge waste of energy to me. Does reading someone's words really upset you that much?

    Hey maybe you're a bit of a fuckhead too?
    I hate the type of person she is, but i'm able to experience the semantic of the word without any emotion attached to it, it's a sort of coldness in a way and I usually just try to avoid people like that IRL.

    There's a good change you're a fuckhead too, btw.

    Edit: How are you anyway, Kim's bitch? Fuck off and let her speak for herself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post

    You're the sort of person that reminds me why ENFp's can be such self indulging, petty assholes.

    That you aren't an only child makes it worse, and i'm not joking when I say this, but I bet you're fat.

    Change, or be the same, but don't think you're not hated by a lot more than one person.
    LOL! You're on a roll, Cyclops. . .

    I'm enjoing this thread immensly. I'll take passion over indifference any day.

    Also, I wonder what the "fat" ratio would be among ENFP's? Seems that with all the hyper-activity going on in our busy little heads it would be on the lower end of the scale. . .

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by eddikens View Post
    LOL! You're on a roll, Cyclops. . .

    I'm enjoing this thread immensly. I'll take passion over indifference any day.

    Also, I wonder what the "fat" ratio would be among ENFP's? Seems that with all the hyper-activity going on in our busy little heads it would be on the lower end of the scale. . .
    lol, it'll be over soon, I can't post here all day... I hope!

    Well, fwiw ime it seems they come in two varieties, skinny and eh, not skinny, I could maybe relate it to subtypes, infact I think the filatova or the gulenko ones do relate build and gate to the ENFp subtypes, heh, dunno if it's always accurate of course, like most things in teh social sciences.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Someone has to tell you you're a fucking asshole, you're out of control and it's too easy to impress many people on the internet.

    And you don't think you're attention seeking? I think you admitted you were in one of the posts you deleted, so shut up, it's why I asked you about it, and that you try to change it around simply shows to REAL people how pathetic you are.

    You're the sort of person that reminds me why ENFp's can be such self indulging, petty assholes.

    That you aren't an only child makes it worse, and i'm not joking when I say this, but I bet you're fat.

    Change, or be the same, but don't think you're not hated by a lot more than one person.
    Calm down man, you're being too sensitive... If we're talking about attention seeking, you're doing it right now, more so than what you are saying about Kim. You're just throwing ad-hominems right now for no reason.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Calm down man, you're being too sensitive... If we're talking about attention seeking, you're doing it right now, more so than what you are saying about Kim. You're just throwing ad-hominems right now for no reason.
    Its not ad hominems you walking fuckbag

    you have the uncanny ability to chime in when your not wanted. He's simply posting his thoughts on kim, shes been the one reacting with flaming PMS for the past couple of threads.

    Why dont you do a little research before opening that cockhole you call a mouth
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    This was said:

    So I'll respond to this :
    - I admit I can come across as condescending on the internet while at the same time being very annoyed by condescending people. I am not condescending in real life
    I think I might have come off as condescending on the forum a few times, but I think (hope) that it only applied to a small handful of individuals. As in, I think (hope) I only acted that way towards the small handful of individuals. In each of the cases I can think of that might apply, the individual very often was condescending to ifs about it, either. There's only so much abusing of others that I can handle before I feel the urge to step in.

    - I can be judgmental when it comes to people who are arrogant, hurtful, and/or inconsiderate
    I can be judgmental of actions that people do (including the words that they say), as well as the intent behind deliberate actions/words. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I've judged the person as a whole. This is often just one of many other actions that they do. I might like some things about someone, and strongly dislike other things about them. One minute I could be so angry with a person that I might say that they disgust me (but it's usually within the situational context), and the next let all that negative emotion go and recognize that they are just being who they are. I might dislike someone but respect some of the things that they do. Or like someone and be disgusted by some of the things that they do. My 'judgments' are rarely black or white, there's just too many shades of gray. However, I see very few, if any shades of gray when it comes to child abusers and psycho killers.

    - I am horrible at staying in touch with people
    I am horrible at staying in touch with people. It seems that I perceive the possibility of getting in touch with them any time, without much changing in terms of our relationship. This doesn't always work this way, lol, but the perception seems to remain, regardless. However, I also don't feel that I should be the only one to attempt to stay in touch. The phone/email works both ways. So I don't feel as if I'm the only one to blame if I, personally, don't keep in touch with someone. If they really wanted to contact me, they would.

    - I often think I know better than other people and don't like criticism. However, I will apologize when I made a mistake and I am consciously working on being better at taking criticism. I will not, however, cease to think that I know better than most of you
    I'm sure there are times/situations in which I think that I know better than someone. I do know that often times I've had more actual experiences or shared experiences than someone about some things. I'm sure that I also have certain ideas obtained from readings/observations that I feel would need to be taken into consideration when someone attempts to tell me something is true. During these times I probably come off as feeling like I know better than the other person.

    I don't take criticism well. I've enough self doubts as is. There's little reason to state the obvious when I know I suck at something, and then to be told I suck at it..or laughed at for sucking at it. It offers me nothing to learn from. I guess that's what it is, constructive criticism is far more acceptable than just plain criticism. If you're going to criticize something I did/said, then at the least offer an idea for how to avoid it or do it better next time. Oh, and some of the worst criticisms are those that there is absolutely no way that *I*, personally, could have had knowledge/experience to draw from. We learn by making mistakes. If I am going to attempt to learn something, then I WILL make mistakes. Not allowing those mistakes to be made leads to inability to act/experiment/explore due to fear of making mistakes and leading to perfectionistic tendencies in which the person freezes up and does NOTHING at all.

    - I secretly dislike a number of people who will never know that I dislike them. But my dislikes can easily change into likes because I am willing to reconsider my initial judgment (and I forgive easily)
    There are a few people that I don't particularly care for, but I'm usually still open to communications from them. But just because I don't personally like a person, doesn't mean that I necessarily dislike them either. I more often feel neutral in those instances. There are very few people that I actively dislike/avoid. Dislike/avoidance usually comes from feeling as if someone is smothering me, attempting to control/manipulate me, or consistently abuse my good faith in them.

    If I actively dislike a person, that person will have no doubts about it. (think mcnew) If, however, you think/wonder if I like/dislike you, then know that I'm still open to communications with you. Unfortunately, there are some people who consider "I disagree with you" to mean "I hate you". (oh, "you" in this paragraph doesn't mean you, personally, Kim. I like you, even if we disagree about some things, and even if we don't stay in touch. )

    - I manipulate people
    Manipulate has so many connotations to it that it's become one of those XYZ terms. How do you manipulate people, Kim? For myself, I consider even attempts to alter someone's perceptions as a form of manipulation. And since I very often attempt to help someone see other sides of the coin(s), then I'd also fall under manipulating people. Basically, I see attempting to influence a person or situation as being 'manipulating'. There are, however, forms of manipulation that I find disgusting and will either avoid or attack. For example, people who threaten suicide to get others to do something. People who attempt to control me and/or my relationships beyond my relationship with the actual individual involved. (eg If you're going to be their friend then I won't be your friend. or I won't be your friend because you don't like this other person.) Also various forms of blackmail.

    - I make promises that I can't keep (with the best intentions, but still...)
    Alas, I do make promises I can't keep. Over the years I've learned to avoid making the promise and saying something like "I'll try" or "maybe". Sometimes it's because I can't seem to say "No". Other times it turns out that it's just not something that I, personally, can/will do. More often, however, it's because I got distracted and forgot about it.

    - I like to either be the center of attention or blend in in the background (depends on my mood) and I want either on my terms only
    I do like to be the one who chooses how much "face time" I get. To every season there is a purpose. And to every situation there is a mood. And I'm damned well moody!!! Unfortunately, this is one of those things that I can't tell where type comes in and mood disorder ends.

    - I severely dislike demands that are inconvenient for me
    Similar to previous paragraph. I figure I am the one best able to figure out what I am capable of or not at any given time. Just because someone wants something doesn't mean that constraints fall away.

    Alas, I'm also a person who wants what she wants NOW and have a hard time waiting. The mood can so easily slip away, and if I'm in the mood now, but external constraints block me, I can get very irritable. I know from experience that more often than not, once the constraints are removed, the mood is gone and/or I've moved on to something else.

    - Abstract things that do not relate to reality make my brain bleed and make me agitated and defensive
    It's fun to "what if". Unfortunately, there's only so far from reality that I can step away from. If it strays too far from experience then I'll get antsy, and if it continues to go further, then I'll get agitated and will either try to bring it around back to some kind of realistic footing or will drop the subject. Unfortunately, I also seem to lack details in my thoughts/ideas/memories, and so often my side of discussions will seem to lack 'substance'/details/reality.

    - I take offense easily and might lash out when I feel cornered
    I get hurt easily. I wouldn't call it taking offense, as to me that seems like feeling as if someone is attacking me. But I do feel hurt easily, regardless of whether or not I think the person may have been deliberately attacking me or were just pointing something out to me.

    I also often feel emotional turmoil inside in such situations. Was the person actually attacking me? What did I do to deserve that? Were they criticizing a mistake or were they criticizing me, as a person? Were they trying to be helpful or were they laughing at me?

    I'm more likely to withdraw due to the turmoil and questions than I am to lash out. Lashing out seems to come most when I feel blocked, it seems to be an effort to remove the blockage so that I have my freedom again.

    Unfortunately, I also don't often know what I'm feeling until I've responded to something, so it's possible that there's some kind of reinforcing thing going on, like circular thinking..only...circular feeling?

    It's ok, I still like you.

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    yeah none of these ENFp confessions are surprising or even bad, really ... I have way worse traits than all of these. If you think these are bad then I'm definitely going to hell.

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    It seems IEE's on here have been confessing their flaws.... don't seem to be too flawed to me though. i've seen flawed-y-er flaws

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    I can relate to a lot of this to different degrees, I think it may be an Ne+Fi thing
    Fi creatives are generally less judgmental and more socially open than Fi dominants though, so don't feel too bad about that part
    EII INFj
    Forum status: retired

  32. #32


    Although what's been said here can be artibitutable particularly to ENFp's in varying degress, and at best marginally to INFj's (male INFj's are often little like what's portrayed as a for instance), and some other people in general, Kim displays these particular qualities in massive excess, sort of like a glutonous Roman senate imo, who indulges far too much in their own appetites.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Although what's been said here can be artibitutable particularly to ENFp's in varying degress, and at best marginally to INFj's (male INFj's are often little like what's portrayed as a for instance), and some other people in general, Kim displays these particular qualities in massive excess, sort of like a glutonous Roman senate imo, who indulges far too much in their own appetites.
    While I don't know about Kim's history on the forum I don't think she has posted anything, in this thread, that's deserving of more criticism.
    It looks like she was trying to make an honest attempt at humility, which puts her in a vulnerable spot.
    When someone is already kicking themselves there's no need to knock them down
    EII INFj
    Forum status: retired

  34. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    As you should.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post

    Thanks Ann and good to read you.

    WWT, I have been stressed and overworked, so I am a bit more agitated than usual. For some reason I got infuriated by the accusation of being an attention-seeking and high-maintenance only child. Bloody internet just might not be my medium.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    While I don't know about Kim's history on the forum I don't think she has posted anything, in this thread, that's deserving of more criticism.
    It looks like she was trying to make an honest attempt at humility, which puts her in a vulnerable spot.
    When someone is already kicking themselves there's no need to knock them down
    You can see from the first post that Kim thought I was correct to take my stance at her offense, however, the second post is just an attempt to have some stupid dig at me, even although the matter had been laid to rest, probably to gather public sympathy, but it doesn't matter that you or wrong way ticket or anyone else looks to intervene on her behalf, it doesn't change the facts of the matter.

    I've never been to keen on Kim, my last post sums it up - the essence of why I don't like her, and i've just decided to say it for a change, in response to her actions, why be nice to someone you don't like who's also cheeky towards you, so what's the big deal?

    Edit: If she was really looking to be humilified, or have humility rather, then she'd have listened to my honest attempts at assistance, which she knew was meant that way, instead of arrogantly calling me "Dr Phil" or some crap.

    Kim sums up the essence of the worst things about ENFp's in their maximums, my only failing here is perhaps to respond to her response to me, and to say I thought this and what I think of her, but I decided to respond rather than start, you see.

    So she's really just looking for attention, not to show humility or any interest in changing anything about her, even the parts she feels guilty about.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    You can see from the first post that Kim thought I was correct to take my stance at her offense, however, the second post is just an attempt to have some stupid dig at me, even although the matter had been laid to rest, probably to gather public sympathy,
    It was an explanation, nothing more. You are entitled to your opinion about my character and looks, so knock yourself out.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    I post something about IEEs in Delta, so I am looking for advice? How about "fellow IEEs can you relate to this"?

    So go ahead and ignore me because I am not looking for virtual Dr. Phil. NOT EVEN AN ISTP ONE!

    (For some reason this exchange makes me laugh. Maybe it's duality at work. )

    its because you're acting like a stupid bitch?

    Yeah, I think thats it.

    You seriously need a reality check.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    It's getting pretty heated in Delta! What happened?


    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    ]I manipulate, Im condescending on the INTERNETZ blah blah blah
    I noticed you attempting to condescend since you got here, needless to say its irritating as hell. What are you overcompensating for? Do you even know your type yet? Hmm? Still entertaining ideas?

    How about you entertain the idea of shutting the fuck up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    Seriously? You go to the energy of hating people on forums? That seems like a huge waste of energy to me. Does reading someone's words really upset you that much?

    Hey maybe you're a bit of a fuckhead too?
    All right you fucking cockqueen, let's do a little Q & A

    Q: What have YOU done besides douche up delta?

    Cyclops, on the other hand, is a valued poster. You should learn from him. You might finally learn how to contribute something useful besides bitching about how imperfect you are. Same goes to you Kim.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I've never been to keen on Kim, my last post sums it up - the essence of why I don't like her, and i've just decided to say it for a change, in response to her actions, why be nice to someone you don't like who's also cheeky towards you, so what's the big deal?

    Edit: If she was really looking to be humilified, or have humility rather, then she'd have listened to my honest attempts at assistance, which she knew was meant that way, instead of arrogantly calling me "Dr Phil" or some crap.

    Kim sums up the essence of the worst things about ENFp's in their maximums, my only failing here is perhaps to respond to her response to me, and to say I thought this and what I think of her, but I decided to respond rather than start, you see.

    So she's really just looking for attention, not to show humility or any interest in changing anything about her, even the parts she feels guilty about.

    Yes, my thoughts exactly.

    If anything a DUALS criticism should be the one IEE's take into account, if any at all. I for one am glad there's finally some feedback from the SLI side, in many cases critiques add MUCH more insight then praise. In many ways, even in myself I will admit, IEE's like to believe they are perfect gods. This is not the case, learning to embrace that side, the one you want to hide from the world, and finally beginning to learn and grow(something many of you on here run away from) is the KEY to finding your duals. This was the kind of message I was intending to relay in the other thread.

    Or you can keep bitching, asking retarded questions about 'an sli did this what does this mean LOLZ' maybe youll get an answer in 20 years.

    Now, you, Kim, on top of being a raging bitch(RAGING), idiocy has now been added to your list of crimes.

    Your arrogance must be killing brain cells.

    Rejecting the help of a dual, treating cyclops like shit(for no reason). Whats wrong with you? He's done nothing but offer GOOD help and you let your pride, your FOOLISH pride get in the way.

    He's absolutely right. You dont desire change, you show NO humility, you parade your sins as if they were some kind of gotdamn achievement.

    You surely go through a couple of cocks a day, perhaps nightly. Something to patch up that leaking ass-vault you call a self-esteem. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    You've been on a roll lately, Cyclops.

    Right on
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    What an interesting thread.

    My opinion - swearing isn't Se, i've heard too many Delta's swear, for instance on a building site, some of those guys would swear like troopers. It's probably why the person is swearing which could be related to Se - the reasons for it, for making a (blunt) point, or eg for dramatisation and impact, these could be some dividing reasons.

    Anyway, some people don't like it, but everyone does it at somepoint.

    Also, I have to agree with someone who mentioned earlier something about Kim being sort of non ENFp'ish. I don't want to re-type someone, because that's a futile thing to re-type anyone in this discussion or even on the forum, unless they are seriously interested (and other have the time) even then it doesn't always work, but imho, she isn't like the typical ENFp range.

    There's been almost no Fi from some quarters in this thread, let's look at what Ricks said here;

    Quote Originally Posted by Ricks SLI description
    To get through to an SLI, give him personal sensory experience (Si), a dispassioned account of the facts (Te), fascinating prospects (Ne), or a warm and sensitive attitude (Fi).
    I can't see how Kim describes herself as someone with a warm and sensitive attitude, especially in the post she deleted as I recall, however, the internet is full of crackpots, and I can't in fairness exclude myself from that, since I contribute.

    I'm just glad that there's plenty of real life people who are generally decent people and do fit in somewhat with what Rick says.

    Also, Kim an infantile? Maybe, sounds more like one of those aggressive victims, always wagging the finger at people and as she says, won't ever stop thinking you know better than everyone, good luck with that when it comes to having to actually negotiate and appreciate someone elses viewpoint.

    Of course, you still could be ENFp, you might be ENFj, but then, socionics doesn't explain everything.

    It doen't matter though, I mean:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    Kindly kiss my fat ass.
    Surely you must have realised by now that I wouldn't go anywhere near you? Seems like we will never communicate particularly well.

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    Oh dear.

    I don't think any type has any inherent horrible flaws, so that's why the "IEE flaws" might not come across as horrible. :wink:

    Looking back I see how my reaction to Cyclop's post can be seen as an overreaction. I felt it was condescending and have thought this about some of his posts in the past. I might very well have misread it and apologize for that. But wtf about the bs after?!

    As for the stereotype of "cute and ditzy" and so on, I like it when my boyfriend and my friends call me that in real life because I think I am that, but they don't reduce me to that because they know I am not just that. They know I am also serious and hardworking. Perhaps I am projecting something, I don't know.

    I tend to overreact on the internet and in real life and I have a temper and I am sorry. I do sometimes want attention and sometimes I don't. In this case I posted a list of what bother me about myself and on which I am working looking for feedback from IEEs (what I should have pointed out perhaps). And really, so what if I was looking for attention?! Get over it.

    As for SLI feedback (since Cyclops and ThePirate say I don't listen to my dual), I lived with an SLI for six years and in moments when I complained about things or felt bad about myself he would say something like: "You think too much. Let's go for a drive to Home Depot," (if I was upset about someone, he would say something llike "people are stupid. Let's go for a drive to Home Depot") which was PERFECT. So maybe that makes me a different type or him or I don't know.

    I absolutely sure I am not EIE. My second most likely type would be SEE.

    So: I overreacted, I apologize, I might have wanted attention (I seriously don't know), I might be a fat fucking arrogant stupid posturing asshole, and maybe I am secretly even an ENFj who is infiltrating delta.

    Now relax and have a freaking cookie. Cyclops, you can still kiss my fat ass.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Now relax and have a freaking cookie.
    I don't mind if I do.

    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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