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Thread: Confessions of an IEE-ENFp

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    A Tiger livin' in a zoo.
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    I'd rather go to the pub than go to Home Depot. (Our version is called :"Bunnings," I think)

  2. #2
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    something you did hit a vulnerable part in cyclops. I've experienced this with my dual too, where I project alot of my hangups and flaws onto them. It happens more in my mind than it does in real life. But it's come out in real life as insecurity a few times, especially a few years ago. It doesn't happen anymore. I think that's what this was ..

  3. #3
    Kim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    I'd rather go to the pub than go to Home Depot. (Our version is called :"Bunnings," I think)
    Oh, I hate Home Depot. It was just a filler example (he does love it though, lol). He would just suggest to do something because he knows that doing something "real" gets me out of a funk.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    I'd rather go to the pub than go to Home Depot. (Our version is called :"Bunnings," I think)
    I'd do both. Home Depot could be replaced with Frys (or even better, the local electronics place here)

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Oh dear.

    I don't think any type has any inherent horrible flaws, so that's why the "IEE flaws" might not come across as horrible. :wink:

    Looking back I see how my reaction to Cyclop's post can be seen as an overreaction. I felt it was condescending and have thought this about some of his posts in the past. I might very well have misread it and apologize for that. But wtf about the bs after?!

    As for the stereotype of "cute and ditzy" and so on, I like it when my boyfriend and my friends call me that in real life because I think I am that, but they don't reduce me to that because they know I am not just that. They know I am also serious and hardworking. Perhaps I am projecting something, I don't know.

    I tend to overreact on the internet and in real life and I have a temper and I am sorry. I do sometimes want attention and sometimes I don't. In this case I posted a list of what bother me about myself and on which I am working looking for feedback from IEEs (what I should have pointed out perhaps). And really, so what if I was looking for attention?! Get over it.

    As for SLI feedback (since Cyclops and ThePirate say I don't listen to my dual), I lived with an SLI for six years and in moments when I complained about things or felt bad about myself he would say something like: "You think too much. Let's go for a drive to Home Depot," (if I was upset about someone, he would say something llike "people are stupid. Let's go for a drive to Home Depot") which was PERFECT. So maybe that makes me a different type or him or I don't know.

    I absolutely sure I am not EIE. My second most likely type would be SEE.

    So: I overreacted, I apologize, I might have wanted attention (I seriously don't know), I might be a fat fucking arrogant stupid posturing asshole, and maybe I am secretly even an ENFj who is infiltrating delta.

    Now relax and have a freaking cookie. Cyclops, you can still kiss my fat ass.
    OK, I thought about this.

    I think a main part of the issue here is to do with culture.

    And i'm not having a go at you or Americans here, and thank you for your apology, but to me and many other Europeans also from what I can tell from my travels, Americans often come across as loud, brash, unreserved, boistrous and ... unashamed, and this sort of thing, although Americans that I see in Europe seem even unaware of the way they behave, is actually inherently offensive to many people in Europe (i've seen peoples reactions on the continent to Americans and the same person and their reaction to me).

    One can spot them a mile away when they are here.

    Typically, Delta's here are more reserved, respectful and humble, even the ENFp's who could be said to be the most outgoing of the quadra.

    I think that what I commented on (and what thepirate commented on - wether you like him or not) is your - what comes across as for instance - unashamedness of the more negative points about yourself that you posted here (and the ones you deleted), it's like Americans (and how you come across) are boasting even about their faults like they are proud of them. I think it's a culture thing, and it's not really how most people operate here, but it's more...normal in the States.

    I actually struggle to combine American people with Deltas at many times.

    Of course, you are I suppose a product of your culture, as are I, but I wonder in general, how do the type descriptions of Delta apply to American Deltas?

    Cyclops, you can still kiss my fat ass
    When you said this again, it suddenly clicked with the "Yank" accent, someone saying such a thing where I am from would be laughed at, but it's probably seen as cool and marking ones territory or something in America.

    In retrospect, and again - not to be taken offense at by you (incase you do), it's quite possible that you are just being normal as per your culture, and my reaction is simply typical of an ISTp in this vicinity. I know 4 ISTp's IRL and they are typical of the qualities I describe and those who come across as excessively loud and some of the other things I mentioned tend to be an antagonistic thing to them.

    Maybe the whole loud and proud American culture thing feels like a sort of 'encroaching' on their own Si internal territory, in a way.

    Anyway ... it could well lead to a bigger discussion about culture and type manifestation, I suspect.
    Last edited by Cyclops; 12-11-2009 at 08:18 AM.

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    many of the overworking conservatives are delta. there are many ways to cliche american culture.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratXII View Post
    many of the overworking conservatives are delta. there are many ways to cliche american culture.
    I'm not going to get into a debate about the cliche of American culture, I am simply speaking about something like 99.9% of those that i've actually met, and i've encountered quite a few not only here but mostly when backpacking. I could share plenty of actual stories in this regard, if I had the time or the inclination, who knows, if someone with worldy experience contributes, maybe I will?

    And of course there are exceptions in just about every generalisation and just about every trend, but i'd be a fool to ignore what I actually have observed and what others I know have, that's really all on the part of discussion with yourself, hmmm.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I think that what I commented on (and what thepirate commented on - wether you like him or not) is your - what comes across as for instance - unashamedness of the more negative points about yourself that you posted here (and the ones you deleted), it's like Americans (and how you come across) are boasting even about their faults like they are proud of them. I think it's a culture thing, and it's not really how most people operate here, but it's more...normal in the States.

    I actually struggle to combine American people with Deltas at many times.

    Of course, you are I suppose a product of your culture, as are I, but I wonder in general, how do the type descriptions of Delta apply to American Deltas?
    Perhaps I'm misreading what you're saying, but it doesn't sound like boosting of ones faults, it looks like an attempt to connect with others who may relate to her (perceived) faults. This is very typical behavior of Fi's.
    Fi's like to speak about personal sentiments as it bridges gaps in understanding and connects people, creating bonds.

    Maybe it's a difference in culture (I don't know) but it seems odd that you dislike what Kim is trying to do here;

    "SLIs are easy people to talk to about one's personal sentiments about life, people, and relationships, since they listen closely and with genuine interest as long as the person they are hearing out is not worked up or agitated.

    SLIs appreciate such qualities as concern, tact, and openness about one's feelings. These are the kinds of people they are drawn to for friendship."

    EII INFj
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    Perhaps I'm misreading what you're saying, but it doesn't sound like boosting of ones faults, it looks like an attempt to connect with others who may relate to her (perceived) faults. This is very typical behavior of Fi's.
    Fi's like to speak about personal sentiments as it bridges gaps in understanding and connects people, creating bonds.

    Maybe it's a difference in culture (I don't know) but it seems odd that you dislike what Kim is trying to do here;

    "SLIs are easy people to talk to about one's personal sentiments about life, people, and relationships, since they listen closely and with genuine interest as long as the person they are hearing out is not worked up or agitated.

    SLIs appreciate such qualities as concern, tact, and openness about one's feelings. These are the kinds of people they are drawn to for friendship."

    Well, it sounds like you don't get it then, I can't be bothered reading through the thread again, but that's the response that was obtained and i'm not the only person that spots it.

    Quote Originally Posted by leckysupport
    The way I feel about Kim is similar to the way FDG feels about Joy.
    Hopefully this guy isn't joking, maybe he get's it too.

    BTW, I find it *really* unlikely you are INFj, your T is just too good when you are talking about socionics on these forums, and as we've discussed before about for instance the other aspects of Fi - dealing with the known and the unknown for instance - you're lack of Ne seemed possible to me, given that you didn't lock on to the new possibilities, instead sticking to the existing traditions.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    Perhaps I'm misreading what you're saying, but it doesn't sound like boosting of ones faults, it looks like an attempt to connect with others who may relate to her (perceived) faults. This is very typical behavior of Fi's.
    Fi's like to speak about personal sentiments as it bridges gaps in understanding and connects people, creating bonds.
    She also could be expecting a sympathetic response from the forum and sympathy is attention. Although I'm not entirely sure about her intentions, as a general rule I expect them to be bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Are you really serious about that?

    As for my response to her "confessions", half of them contradict themselves, essentially meaning she admits to nothing in particular. For example:

    - I admit I can come across as condescending on the internet while at the same time being very annoyed by condescending people. I am not condescending in real life
    I'm condescending, but I'm not condescending
    - I can be judgmental when it comes to people who are arrogant, hurtful, and/or inconsiderate
    I'm judgemental with nasty people, but (implies) I'm nice to nice people
    - I secretly dislike a number of people who will never know that I dislike them. But my dislikes can easily change into likes because I am willing to reconsider my initial judgment (and I forgive easily)
    I like some people sometimes and I hate some people other times
    - I like to either be the center of attention or blend in in the background (depends on my mood) and I want either on my terms only
    I'm narcissistic sometimes and sometimes I'm not
    The only two confessions that mean anything are:

    - I manipulate people
    - I often think I know better than other people and don't like criticism. However, I will apologize when I made a mistake and I am consciously working on being better at taking criticism. I will not, however, cease to think that I know better than most of you
    Although you can always say everyone manipulates other people and that manipulation is a massive part of social interaction.

    Basically it says very little about her, even less about IEEs and if it is a form of retribution it fails massively since she barely admits to anything.

  11. #11



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