people gender is huge. huge huge in type expression. so huge, in fact, that there are separate male and female type descriptions. somebody took substantial time and effort to get that done...why? because they felt it was incredibly important.

when we think of Fi (or Fe for that matter) i bet a female image comes to mind, since there is greater social expectation that women should be ethically oriented. whether real women actually are ethically oriented is beside the point; obviously there are many logically oriented women who live under this social expectation every day. when we think of Fi, i am quite sure we are prone to think about how women express ethics, as if that is the only way to do so.

males who are ethical live under the social expectation that men should be logical, as all men do. or that men should be tough. that men should be leaders. so, consequently, men who are ethical are going to express their ethics differently than females would. they're going to give ethics a "male spin" so to speak.

what we see here with andrew dice clay (ADC hereforth), is precisely that. it is easy to interpret his behavior if we assume he is Fi leading. Fi leading would pick up on feelings of attraction and repulsion immediately, since it's in the leading position. ok so tom green touches ADC on the arm. ADC doesn't like tom green. he thinks "can't tom green see that i don't like him and he doesn't like me? why would somebody touch somebody who they don't like except to pick a fight with them? to express dislike?" so he fucks with tom green about it. he does it using Se, extraverted function. since ADC is an introvert, his primary mode of extraversion is Se. plus he's male. plus he's trying to act like his SLE he uses Se.

do you notice how the green thing with pins stuck in it goes absolutely nowhere? it's because ADC is Ne polr. he has no use for such alpha chicanery. he doesn't get it. (i can picture many guests who would love that green pin thing...and many conditions where this would be humorous).

he really surprises tom green, who intends no offense. and tom green is completely rattled. tom green tries repeatedly to reassure ADC, since he can see that ADC is offended. but it goes nowhere. well not hard to understand. with Fi polr, tom green has no idea that ADC doesn't like him or that he doesn't like ADC. tom green simply can't feel the relational vibes unless ADC spells it out in that nasty forceful way he does.

having said all this, i am here to re-state that i know several ESI males IRL who use FiSe in this dramatic forceful kind of way, minus the SLE mockery. i have not seen ESI women do this. not saying it can't happen (somebody mentions Allie here) but i just haven't seen it.

finally, again. this is CLASSIC ILE-ESI CONFLICT RELATION.

finally, i agree with gilly: SLE would be nothing like that. since SLE also has Fi polr. and, further, that parody that ADC is doing of SLE is based on stereotype, a stereotype that some find funny, but that ultimately is deeply offensive. not a big surprise since ADC is the supervisor of SLE.