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Thread: ISTps suck?

  1. #81
    without the nose Cyrano's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    Well, that's also from my IEE perspective. I'm not sure an SLI would view him in the same way. My other SLI friend who also knows him thinks he's a really cool guy and respects him a lot. They relate very easily and with a comfortable familiarity, despite never hanging out with each other outside of one particular activity. I'm not sure how she'd describe him... but probably not in the same fashion I did.

    He's just one of those SLIs that make me wonder whether he actually wants to be friends with me or not. He doesn't like emotional people, people who talk too much, people who talk about insignificant things, or people (especially women) who gripe about things.

    Which makes me think, "Are you sure you like me? Really really really sure? Cause I'm emotional, talk too much (particularly about insignificant things) and I'm dying to rant about my patronizing asshole of a coworker in that gloriously female fashion that makes men CRINGE." And yet his butt is still in his chair. Out of laziness? Craziness? Curiosity? All of the above?

    I'll probably never know.
    You just go ahead and rant. He won't like emotions directed AT him, and he will run from whining, and emotional fawning, and just general drama. But he will be happy to hang with you if you are sincerely stressed (Be prepared for helpful solutions). The SLI also loves happy people because he doesn't know how to, or is afraid to, display such emotion. He will be memorized by your bravery and willingness to share. Just don't make him feel guilty if he can't reciprocate. He NEEDS your emotional contact.

    Enneagram 5 with a side of wings.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    And it doesn't bother him if others do this, like if his friends are showing off an expensive car they bought just for status or to get chicks, it makes me gag, but he thinks "whatever makes them happy." He's also pretty into fashion, or anything else status-y.

    But I think this could really be a product of your environment thing. Like an SLI I knew from the midwest who was skinny and cool, who then became super buff in college and became obsessed w/ cars and trying to appear cool, even wanting to become a model, which made him look kinda stupid.

    I totally agree though Tiny Dancer, as if I were you, I also wouldn't mention which school, etc. It makes me cringe when people name drop, etc.
    This is surprising to read... I know LSEs like the above, (a kind of showiness,) but I suppose it wouldn't be out-of-the-question for SLIs... Is your boyfriend anything like this guy below..? (I know that he's delta ST, but I'm not 100% sure which one

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyrano View Post
    You just go ahead and rant. He won't like emotions directed AT him, and he will run from whining, and emotional fawning, and just general drama. But he will be happy to hang with you if you are sincerely stressed (Be prepared for helpful solutions). The SLI also loves happy people because he doesn't know how to, or is afraid to, display such emotion. He will be memorized by your bravery and willingness to share. Just don't make him feel guilty if he can't reciprocate. He NEEDS your emotional contact.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyrano View Post
    You just go ahead and rant. He won't like emotions directed AT him, and he will run from whining, and emotional fawning, and just general drama. But he will be happy to hang with you if you are sincerely stressed (Be prepared for helpful solutions). The SLI also loves happy people because he doesn't know how to, or is afraid to, display such emotion. He will be memorized by your bravery and willingness to share. Just don't make him feel guilty if he can't reciprocate. He NEEDS your emotional contact.
    Yeah, got no baby mamma drama

  5. #85


    Do SLIs in general enjoy being complimented on their displays of happiness?

  6. #86

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    This is surprising to read... I know LSEs like the above, (a kind of showiness,) but I suppose it wouldn't be out-of-the-question for SLIs... Is your boyfriend anything like this guy below..? (I know that he's delta ST, but I'm not 100% sure which one

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
    "I make things out of brass. I make a LOT of things out of brass. I like brass a lot." LOL

    Dear god that guy makes me cringe. He uses lots of big kinda pretentious words (except for the thing about brass. That clip really made me laugh though. He reminds me of the Frasier show.

    No, he's not status-y in a way that's obvious like that since he's quiet. And he does kid around/not like pretentious things (we joke about wine swirling). Yet he'll go for the nicer clothes, be impressed with other people's status (if they have a title or something), stare at expensive cars, etc. I think it's just the NY thing. A lot of people are like that here. It's weird.
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    Well, I go for nice clothes too, because good design is good design. Expensive doesn't always mean it's nice, though. It's the fabric, details, cut, etc. But yeah, NY is a whole other universe where that's concerned. Everyone I know who's moved there has become style mavens after a couple of years. It's amazing. Those t-shirt and cargo-wearing college students are so chic now!

    stare at expensive cars
    Are there guys who don't stare at expensive cars?

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Do SLIs in general enjoy being complimented on their displays of happiness?
    If it's not so serious and excessive : we would be flattered that you noticed, but not so much if you shower us with admiration xD
    How about this, though: are IEEs generally approachable after a couple years of isolation (lol)?
    Last edited by jaZ; 12-04-2009 at 01:02 AM.
    Feels gewd to be an ISTp

  9. #89


    I have no idea how to answer that. I was a very visible figure in school, and people would certainly walk up to and talk to me quite easily when I was around, but I basically hung out in the dark and hidden areas of the school grounds with the same group of Deltas I'd been hanging with for nine years

  10. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    Apparently my current girl is my dual... if you ask sappho.
    Yep, and I stand by it :wink:

    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    The only way I think I could ever be considered 'confusing' by a significant other would be because I never, ever know how I feel about someone...hence the 'push-pull' relationship. I mentally cannot be around someone 24/7. I need my own time to analyze how I feel about them and think about it and digest it all and take it slow. I find that most people don't want that. They want to immediately label it, know where they stand, how I feel about them, where it's going, blah blah blah and it turns me off, I'll pull away then realize how much I miss them and then I'll go back to seeing them a lot and then even more expectations will be put on me then I get burnt out and the cycle continues. Basically, I hate expectations and answering to people.
    Ah, this is such a nice thing about SLIs. Because IEEs [or I, at least] also hate expectations, and I don't like to put them on others either. I guess that's why it works.

    And the whole needing-time-to-think-about-things thing works too. Slows me down and lets me have time to think - and to not feel pressured - at the same time. I think it's good that SLIs take things as slowly [and, um, almost methodically heh] as they do. It can be frustrating or maddening at times, but I think that as long as both people are patient w each other, it works [sometimes very patient, in the case of the IEE "waiting" for the SLI ;p] .

    Quote Originally Posted by jaZ View Post
    If it's not so serious and excessive : we would be flattered that you noticed, but not so much if you shower us with admiration xD
    How about this, though: are IEEs generally approachable after a couple years of isolation (lol)?
    Yes, we are. Or, I am at least, and I would think other IEEs would be as well.

    As an example, I broke up someone - an SLI, as it happens - and we went our separate ways and didn't talk at all for over a year [might have been closer to two, even; I don't remember]. But when we did start talking again, it was like old times - we're still best friends... our friendship is Platonic in as close to the true sense of the word as may be possible.

  11. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    our friendship is Platonic in as close to the true sense of the word as may be possible.

  12. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Well you see...

    ... not quite.

    I was referring to something more along these lines: Spiritual love between persons of opposite sexes. It is the friendship of man and woman, without mixture of what is usually called love.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    Yes, we are. Or, I am at least, and I would think other IEEs would be as well.

    As an example, I broke up someone - an SLI, as it happens - and we went our separate ways and didn't talk at all for over a year [might have been closer to two, even; I don't remember]. But when we did start talking again, it was like old times - we're still best friends... our friendship is Platonic in as close to the true sense of the word as may be possible.
    That's great, because I was out of town for a couple years (i.e. I was in my room), but now I'm back and want to feel the juicy verbal sex again.
    Feels gewd to be an ISTp

  14. #94


    Well, sending a short, friendly email couldn't hurt....

    Good luck

  15. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    I was referring to something more along these lines: Spiritual love between persons of opposite sexes. It is the friendship of man and woman, without mixture of what is usually called love.
    Haha. Random trivia: in French, they actually distinguish between pederasty and Platonic friendships, due to the ambiguity I just raised (I think the words/phrases they use translate as "Plato's love" and "love by Plato" respectively... anyway, there's a wiki article on it for the curious amongst ye.)

    Anyway, it's slightly less romantic, but there's always Triangular theory of love - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with boring words like "liking" and "companionate love"... even though that's a phrase

    I also kind of wanted to contradict that definition you gave. I think it's possible to have "love" without there being "desire" involved. But I suppose that just boils down to a semantics game

    SLIs make really terrific friends, too, I think. I think having someone loyal and supportive like that is just what the chronically scattered and overextended IEE needs.

    Anyway, I'm in a good mood and listening to rockin' SNES tunes (literally--these ones were composed by the bassist from a rock band, and you can def. hear the influence ), so I'm even more enamored with the dual experience in general than usual. Sorry

  16. #96
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    However, I will say SLI's can have the uncanny ability of making one feel like shit. Lack of compromise, caring, and walls they have up can be annoying.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    However, I will say SLI's can have the uncanny ability of making one feel like shit. Lack of compromise, caring, and walls they have up can be annoying.
    yes. they seem to care in ways I don't quite get at first, like giving me directions. But if I call them crying they'll just say nothing. nothing. silence. And then ask me if I'm crazy. great.

    freakin duality.
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  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I am happy for peoples success, but if someone were talking about going into X school, purely because it was X school, i'd find it unneccessarily pompous and think the person was a bit of a tube, tbh.

    So it depends on the circumstances surrounding it.

    I suppose a similar story is that the university I went to was one of the top universities for science, but i'm so uninterested in stuff like that, that I didn't even know, i'd actually have rather have picked another university because it would have been easier, and at the end of the day it's about performance at work rather than going to such and such a place.

    Dunno, maybe there is a different attitude to all this stuff in America than here, as university education is still free for all in my country, for instance.
    I still think that there is envy involved in scoffing at someone who wants to study at a university, even if it's only because of the name. It's almost like you don't want them to succeed.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    yes. they seem to care in ways I don't quite get at first, like giving me directions. But if I call them crying they'll just say nothing. nothing. silence. And then ask me if I'm crazy. great.

    freakin duality.
    They love the emotional support the other way though.

  20. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    I still think that there is envy involved in scoffing at someone who wants to study at a university, even if it's only because of the name. It's almost like you don't want them to succeed.
    Well, not for me it's not.

    Take cars for instance, I can afford a big car, but why would I need one as I don't have a family and I don't drive for long distances or fast anywhere? And if I couldn't afford one, i'd still be exact same person no better or worse than anyone.

    I have a friend with a Lotus and he enjoys it and it's cool, an aquaintence with a Boxter who's a pretentious git, like I said it's the reasons involved. Not only that, the guy with the Lotus can afford it, but the guy with the Boxter can't really, and he's living a life of illusionment just to "impress" people, which I think is trivial in my humble estimation.

    If you want to believe it's envy when I personally say it's not, then I can't do much about that ... I can't explain anymore really

  21. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    yes. they seem to care in ways I don't quite get at first, like giving me directions. But if I call them crying they'll just say nothing. nothing. silence. And then ask me if I'm crazy. great.

    freakin duality.
    Do you cry over everything? Excessive crying would grate on anyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Do you cry over everything? Excessive crying would grate on anyone.
    You really must be a SLI with that response Cyclops! How did you ever doubt it?

    And no, I don't cry over evvverything. Just some things.
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  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    They love the emotional support the other way though.
    which is fine and all, but how about a little gotdamn reciprocation? And for the record, Ive seen logicals give emotional support so no one come in here with 'its not their job, blah blah'

    Humans have emotions other then happy, and those not as appealing may require attention from time to time.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

  24. #104
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    This talk I getting really annoying. There's plenty I can't stand about my supposed dual but I don't complain because frankly, who cares. Don't like sli's, don't date em, what a concept.

  25. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    You really must be a SLI with that response Cyclops! How did you ever doubt it?

    And no, I don't cry over evvverything. Just some things.
    Sorry, I realised how that may have sounded after being away from the PC, sorry.

    I'm just trying to think about it from an ISTp POV, it's difficult for us to process someone when they are being extremely emotional, fwiw I often think the best thing to do is to get them to calm down, admittedly, his words, saying "are you crazy" may not be the best approach, but i'll hazard a guess that he meant in a way that was to help.

    I could try to explain, but I really feel i'm digging myself into a hole, which i'm trying to shyly laugh off, erm... sorry :-D (Didn't meant to be bad....)

  26. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    which is fine and all, but how about a little gotdamn reciprocation? And for the record, Ive seen logicals give emotional support so no one come in here with 'its not their job, blah blah'

    Humans have emotions other then happy, and those not as appealing may require attention from time to time.
    ENFp's often have a lot of hang ups themselves about life, i've known a few to experience a lot of guilt about stuff, and having someone who listens, which usually an ISTp does - as long as they don't get too emotional all the time (think about PoLR issues and how ESFj's for instance get very externally emotional), it seems to go a long way for ENFp's sanity.


    Something else I have to add - and this goes to you, wrong way ticket and to Jewels, i've never seen someone bitch so much about their partners, I mean seriously, listen to yourselves, and you think it's just ISTp's that "whine"?

    The way you guys are going is what we have to put up with all the time! And another matter, this guy knows about socionics as far as I know, so it wouldn't be a big suprise that he reads this forum.

    The way you guys go on makes me think that it's a bad move to say stuff confidentially to ENFp's, slacker mom does something similar in that imho she talks too much about private stuff about her partner on this forum, I don't know why you guys do that but it's not cool.

    Oh, normally I don't say these things, normally I just put up with them because you guys really ARE COOL overall!!!!!!!! seriously.

    I suppose i'm saying it - not to attack, just to present another perspective maybe you don't hear so much fwiw.


    So I kind of agree with Jessica about the complaining thing she mentioned, imho she's basically saying if they're that bad why date them, in a round about way. So ie, maybe they aren't as bad, and you guys are just being negativists?
    Last edited by Cyclops; 12-05-2009 at 10:05 AM. Reason: typo

  27. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    The way you guys go on makes me think that it's a bad move to say stuff confidentially to ENFp's, slacker mom does something similar in that imho she talks too much about private stuff about her partner on this forum, I don't know why you guys do that but it's not cool.
    Well, relationships (Fi!) are really fascinating (Ne!), so it's just really difficult not to talk about them for we poor IEEs

    That said, if something is specifically flagged to me as confidential, I make every effort to resist talking about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I suppose i'm saying it - not to attack, just to present another perspective maybe you don't hear so much fwiw.
    Heh, the SLI perspective?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    So I kind of agree with Jessica about the complaining thing she mentioned, imho she's basically saying if they're that bad why date them, in a round about way. So ie, maybe they aren't as bad, and you guys are just being negativists?
    "What do you see in him?"
    "Potential. Some day."

    At the very least, for a Gul, I've stuck around waiting for romantic relationships that never even began, for far longer than I ought to have (think spans of a year, people); for girls who were barely my friends. Bleh. Even if we're characterized as lowlives who commit weakly and are perpetually unreliable, I can't help but wonder if it's a natural behaviour to stick it out in the hopes that "I can see this getting better".

    Anyway, I'll say it again... an untrusting IEE is an overly analytical IEE as he or she processes all the evidence that comes to mind. But then you can get stuck on one kind of theme or track, and drift off from reality... and then argue yourself in circles with point, counterpoint, and exasperating confusion. I think this is what we're getting from jewels, as it's definitely something I recognise from myself and other less-confident IEEs.

    Anyway, heh, good advice: talking to other people about your relationships will only confuse you more. It takes courage, but you should preferentially talk to the person that's bothering you about what's up

  28. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Well, relationships (Fi!) are really fascinating (Ne!), so it's just really difficult not to talk about them for we poor IEEs
    You don't need to be Fi to bitch about someone.
    That said, if something is specifically flagged to me as confidential, I make every effort to resist talking about it.
    What's confidential or not shouldn't have to come with small print, but fair enough that you do it, it doesn't change my current opinion on what seems to regularly take place.

    And it isn't all ENFp's, but, maybe after a few pages of this - even though it is just internet heh, maybe the ENFp's here will look back on this and decide that perhaps it says more about them than some guy or girl that does or doesn't even exist yet.

    I mean, in real life, a group of people going on about someone's apparent negative points without anyone or the person themself to defend them, it's probably called bullying, and ironically, many ENFp's would probably say they are against that.

    Such is the joys of you guys lol, heh, w/e some stuff should be kept among friends and some stuff shared in public, but typically, bitching in public comes back to bite the person in the ass.

    And if it's not bitching, substitute some other word, no need to get semantically mad!

    Heh, the SLI perspective?
    I don't know if I can speak for everyone of that ilk, lol, but I don't really want to keep writing about it, hehe.

    "What do you see in him?"
    "Potential. Some day."
    What does that mean? ENFp females aren't the only women who try to change a bloke, lol [but I know you are a guy, maybe male ENFp's try to do it too, possibly, could write a bit about my experiences of ENFp's on this matter, it isn't necessarily a bad thing].

    And seeing potential in someone, you mean, like dating an alcoholic and putting up with the shit because one day he or she might overcome their battle with the booze? Most people date someone because they see things in them they like, everyone surely sees some sort of potential in their partner on a more realistic scale, even if it is just the potential to make them happy.
    At the very least, for a Gul, I've stuck around waiting for romantic relationships that never even began, for far longer than I ought to have (think spans of a year, people); for girls who were barely my friends. Bleh. Even if we're characterized as lowlives who commit weakly and are perpetually unreliable, I can't help but wonder if it's a natural behaviour to stick it out in the hopes that "I can see this getting better".
    This can happen to any type, it sucks, perhaps the solution is for us all to become celibate.
    Anyway, I'll say it again... an untrusting IEE is an overly analytical IEE as he or she processes all the evidence that comes to mind. But then you can get stuck on one kind of theme or track, and drift off from reality... and then argue yourself in circles with point, counterpoint, and exasperating confusion. I think this is what we're getting from jewels, as it's definitely something I recognise from myself and other less-confident IEEs.
    I agree with that, and hells bells to me lol, but the ISTp that jewels knows, someone saying, "are you crazy"? which could well have been in response to something just like you say! For instance an ENFp with a million conclusions and panics in their head which are basically all wrong, saying someone is crazy could be taken as an insult or taken in a way which is trying to say - "don't panic so much, you're thinking about a million things or even just one tangential thing which isn't the case, here's some S perspective on the matter", and so forth.

    Anyway we don't know the full situation, all we know is that he said something, we dinna know why, how, in what context or anything ... and it's been portrayed in quite a negative light, which surely is wrong?
    Anyway, heh, good advice: talking to other people about your relationships will only confuse you more. It takes courage, but you should preferentially talk to the person that's bothering you about what's up
    I hope so, i don't think i'm particularly comfortable being as forward about this or some other topics for some reason or other, however, tonight I go out for a while, looking forward to it!

    Oh, I'll need to get round to making a thread or a blog on supervisors, i'm in fairly close quarters with one just now, it's interesting to observe the difference in dominant and creative Si, and socionics definately helps me to comprehend the Fe imo.

  29. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    You don't need to be Fi to bitch about someone.
    What's confidential or not shouldn't have to come with small print, but fair enough that you do it, it doesn't change my current opinion on what seems to regularly take place.
    Oh, I wasn't talking about the griping, I was more thinking you were talking about IEEs talking too much about stuff happening in other people's lives.

    Guilty conscience, heh.

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    Something else I have to add - and this goes to you, wrong way ticket and to Jewels, i've never seen someone bitch so much about their partners, I mean seriously, listen to yourselves, and you think it's just ISTp's that "whine"?
    Well, it's friction in relationships that we notice first. So if something feels "off," it's at the forefront of our minds and we're wondering how to fix it. Thus, it comes out of our mouths.

    IEEs mull over the inner workings of people and relationships - other types mull over issues surrounding their ego functions. Unfortunately, ours includes analyzing the people closest to us, our reactions to them and the situations we're in.

    So while jewels is expressing her misgivings about her relationship, she's also trying to understand where a compromise may lie and whether her expectations are unrealistic despite the fact that the situation is giving her a lot of emotional torture. Her posts are not the sum total of her opinion of her boyfriend - knowing IEEs, a full character sketch would be five miles long. (Neither are mine, actually. What I say is 1/10th of what I think about a person.)

    Honestly, not complaining doesn't actually mean anything... I have a friend who never ever complains about her spouse, but if you observe them together, you have to wonder what's going on, because there is no joy in the relationship at all. She jumps on him for everything he says and does. It's not my place to say anything, but I wonder - what gives? Can a person be happy when they wear a frown around their spouse 24/7? Is it even the relationship that is the problem, or the fact that she's been bottling up grievances for years?

    Talking about private stuff... you know, that is a stickler for IEEs.. and the only thing I can say about that is that I prefer that no one tells me anything private, so that way I'll never slip up and mention it accidentally. I still haven't forgiven myself for things I said 10 years ago. I talk too much and that's all there is to it.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Well, not for me it's not.

    Take cars for instance, I can afford a big car, but why would I need one as I don't have a family and I don't drive for long distances or fast anywhere? And if I couldn't afford one, i'd still be exact same person no better or worse than anyone.

    I have a friend with a Lotus and he enjoys it and it's cool, an aquaintence with a Boxter who's a pretentious git, like I said it's the reasons involved. Not only that, the guy with the Lotus can afford it, but the guy with the Boxter can't really, and he's living a life of illusionment just to "impress" people, which I think is trivial in my humble estimation.

    If you want to believe it's envy when I personally say it's not, then I can't do much about that ... I can't explain anymore really
    I'm not that stubborn, but I have yet to be convinced. With the car analogy you're implying that getting an education in a top university is just for show, and that it's unnecessary. I can't say I agree with that. I do understand what you mean about people using it to show off, and I hate that too, but not everyone does it to show off or just do it for show. There are some degrees that require well-equipped labs and equipment that will substantially help your learning and being at the cutting edge of your field if you can use them, and they usually are only found in these top universities. I'm a strong believer of "if there's a will there's a way" but in some cases it's a matter of making your life unnecessarily difficult, by not opting/applying for a good university for its name, and what your friends might think. Screw that, succeed!! *raises fist*

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    ENFp's often have a lot of hang ups themselves about life, i've known a few to experience a lot of guilt about stuff, and having someone who listens, which usually an ISTp does - as long as they don't get too emotional all the time (think about PoLR issues and how ESFj's for instance get very externally emotional), it seems to go a long way for ENFp's sanity.


    Something else I have to add - and this goes to you, wrong way ticket and to Jewels, i've never seen someone bitch so much about their partners, I mean seriously, listen to yourselves, and you think it's just ISTp's that "whine"?

    The way you guys are going is what we have to put up with all the time! And another matter, this guy knows about socionics as far as I know, so it wouldn't be a big suprise that he reads this forum.

    The way you guys go on makes me think that it's a bad move to say stuff confidentially to ENFp's, slacker mom does something similar in that imho she talks too much about private stuff about her partner on this forum, I don't know why you guys do that but it's not cool.

    Oh, normally I don't say these things, normally I just put up with them because you guys really ARE COOL overall!!!!!!!! seriously.

    I suppose i'm saying it - not to attack, just to present another perspective maybe you don't hear so much fwiw.


    So I kind of agree with Jessica about the complaining thing she mentioned, imho she's basically saying if they're that bad why date them, in a round about way. So ie, maybe they aren't as bad, and you guys are just being negativists?
    You have a point. I think relationship bitching has a therapeutic effect on delta NFs though. In any case, I don't think duality is the relationship of mutual understanding (not for a long time at least)... If someone is looking for that, it's better to go for identical or mirror. These is my 2 cents.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    Well, it's friction in relationships that we notice first. So if something feels "off," it's at the forefront of our minds and we're wondering how to fix it. Thus, it comes out of our mouths.

    IEEs mull over the inner workings of people and relationships - other types mull over issues surrounding their ego functions. Unfortunately, ours includes analyzing the people closest to us, our reactions to them and the situations we're in.

    So while jewels is expressing her misgivings about her relationship, she's also trying to understand where a compromise may lie and whether her expectations are unrealistic despite the fact that the situation is giving her a lot of emotional torture. Her posts are not the sum total of her opinion of her boyfriend - knowing IEEs, a full character sketch would be five miles long. (Neither are mine, actually. What I say is 1/10th of what I think about a person.)

    Honestly, not complaining doesn't actually mean anything... I have a friend who never ever complains about her spouse, but if you observe them together, you have to wonder what's going on, because there is no joy in the relationship at all. She jumps on him for everything he says and does. It's not my place to say anything, but I wonder - what gives? Can a person be happy when they wear a frown around their spouse 24/7? Is it even the relationship that is the problem, or the fact that she's been bottling up grievances for years?

    Talking about private stuff... you know, that is a stickler for IEEs.. and the only thing I can say about that is that I prefer that no one tells me anything private, so that way I'll never slip up and mention it accidentally. I still haven't forgiven myself for things I said 10 years ago. I talk too much and that's all there is to it.
    Ok, she has a point too...

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    lol Well, I wasn't really arguing for or against anyone or anything - just offering my thoughts on what jewels posts were about.. which isn't necessarily what a person might think if they take her posts at face value and out of context of an IEE's thought processes. Our opinions on things and people are under constant revision.

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    I agree w/ all of you.

    Tiny Dancer, yes, that's exactly my motivation. Cyclops those are all good point and I do feel bad about it. I should prob stop posting about it, especially since it's only the bad things I'm posting when there are far more good. Maybe I just have trust issues...hard to tell.

    Thank you guys all for your input!!
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    lol Well, I wasn't really arguing for or against anyone or anything - just offering my thoughts on what jewels posts were about..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post

    And it isn't all ENFp's, but, maybe after a few pages of this - even though it is just internet heh, maybe the ENFp's here will look back on this and decide that perhaps it says more about them than some guy or girl that does or doesn't even exist yet.
    Yes, this is absolutely the case. For instance all the things I mentioned are just things Im frustrated with them about at the moment. All the attributes I mentioned"

    "Lack of compromise, caring, and walls they have up"

    are the same things I admire:

    Strength of Character, A Cool Head, Selective Of Who They Let In

    I would like SLI's alot less without these qualities. Its just I, and probably others, perceive these as hindrances pertaining to the start up phase of the relationship.

    Cyclops, your posts are awesome. I've interacted with many enfps, and I know how annoying they can be. I know how how annoying I have been in the past, how I have gotten when I've been out of control. Alot of them annoy me on this forum TBH.

    So its really really nice to look at what you guys like about us, and maybe even more so, what you don't like about us. On this forum, it means alot more to me than any other type saying it.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    I wouldn't talk about confidential stuff if anyone here knew us or was likely to every know us. It's fairly anonymous.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    why is everyone so down on SLIs?
    I generaly really like SLI's.

    Though on this forum a couple are dumb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    This talk I getting really annoying. There's plenty I can't stand about my supposed dual but I don't complain because frankly, who cares. Don't like sli's, don't date em, what a concept.
    There's something I've been learning about different types of people Jess.

    Certain types of people LOVE wallowing in their own vomit inducing, self-inflicted drama. They LOVE to talk about this shit!

    The answer, really, I found is to ignore em. Gets em riled up every time. Sadly most don't learn their lesson; they end up running to someone who WILL pay attention.

    Edit: To be clear, i'm not talking about IEEs.
    Last edited by xyz; 12-07-2009 at 06:51 AM.

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    Might I just interject:

    SLI are untrustworthy and manipulative bastards. How do I know this?

    I am one. I will use you to fulfill a goal that benefits me or somebody close to me.

    And at the end of it, I will try to be your friend, provided I don't destroy you in the process.

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