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Thread: What do you like about your Beta friends

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    Ezra's Avatar
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    IEI Just legendary, really. Does everything the EIE does, but better. Their use of Fe is subtler, and less obvious/more to my taste. Can engage in conversation with them so naturally I could seriously never get bored of having them around. At the same time, even if I've known them for about five minutes, just being around them is quality. The only issue is that they are too few in my life!

    EIE Absolutely wicked people, I find them incredibly energising and great activity (literally) partners. Very fun and great to talk to - I can talk how I want without having to "tone down" because they're completely unintimidated and actually enjoy my behaviour. I love being around them.

    LSI Very good for discussion and to boost numbers at parties. Also if no other Betas are present you can have a good laugh with them about another quadra's being stupid. I like how structured, disciplined and solid they are.

    SLE Not sure if I have any (may do, but they may be EIEs). If so, similar to having EIEs around. Good company and fun to be around. Can have a good laugh with them. One SLE I used to hang around with I haven't laughed as much with anyone else as I did with him. We had a kind of competitive relationship, although I never saw it as that at the time.

  2. #2
    JuJu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    LSI to boost numbers at parties. Also if no other Betas are present you can have a good laugh with them about another quadra's being stupid.

    I was drinking a soda when I saw this, and spit it out laughing...

    (I'm friends with an LSI who has an inferiority complex re: SLEs... Seeing this would not help him with that.)

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    IEI: I find my relations with them have been ok overall. I dated one a few years ago, it didn't last long because he talked way too much. It was to the point of annoying like he couldn't stand silence; he was really into the small talk. He also annoyed me with his dreamy romanticism, he would play the guitar and I just thought he was a complete idiot after awhile because he wasn't that good at it.

    SLE: I like them very much, but since they are my activity partner, I find that it can be draining after awhile because of the whole over activation thing. I spoke with Mercutio on the phone a couple times, we had a lot to talk about, but I don't think I could take that kind of interaction on a daily basis.

    EIE: I have always been intrigued with them, partly because they are my identical, and also because they are so prophetic. I had a boyfriend who was EIE and his understanding of me was uncanny.

    LSI: I appreciate the fact that they aren't turned off by my antics and need for attention. They also like that I am deep; most people tell me to lighten up but that is not my nature and LSI's have never criticized me for that. I also am envious of their abilities to break things down logically because this is something I struggle with. They really are boring in many ways but I think that is good for me because I can't imagine having a dual as crazy as myself!
    EIE tritype 5w4, 4w5, 9w1

    As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
    Carl Jung, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", 1962

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    IEI's-Best conversation ever. If I spend too much time with them, we start to have conversations with our eyes its crazy. We know what the other is thinking. I see many similarities and the "business" thing a lot like the mirror relations says. Good times =)

    SLE's: I love them. Very good friends. I see how we can never sit still together. In relationships, I haven't been so lucky with them. I admire them for not caring about anything (or at least that's how they seem). Very courageous people, and most of all logical!!!!!! Oh and we're very unstable together.

    LSI's: I am sadly not close to my dual which bothers me. I would feel so complete with one. I have two male friends that are LSI but I've noticed that they are too serious and controlling for me. I love to annoy them! They do give great advice and it actually feels like they are listening to you.

    EIE's: I think some are too dramatic for me. I know that I'm dramatic at times, but the ones I know really over-think and over-analyze way more than I do. I either love them or hate them because we're too similar.
    ENFj Ni subtype 3w4
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    So I'm not really around much anymore (if ever) but this thread is very lovely and I thought I would just pop in to say that ... ta-da! I have no Fi! I read this most amazing description :

    It [Introverted Logic] is like common sense, in that it builds on one's expectations of reality, through a somewhat personal (though explicable) understanding of general truths and how they are manifested.

    Types that value Ti naturally question the consistency of beliefs that are taken for granted in everyday life. They strongly prefer to make decisions based on their own experience and judgement, as opposed to relying on external authorities for knowledge, which they use only as a last resort. They also have respect for people with clearly defined and internally consistent opinions, believing that a sense of internal certainty is necessary for orienting oneself in life. To these types, one's personal standards of truth are more reliable than public consensus.

    They see overly pragmatic views as shallow, and try to limit public discussion of mundane practical matters. They are especially sensitive to redundant information.
    ... and afterward my life flashed before my eyes and I came to the life-changing realization that I am LSI!

    Direct any questions, comments and/or congratulations to Ezra. Thank you very much.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by calenwen View Post
    So I'm not really around much anymore (if ever) but this thread is very lovely and I thought I would just pop in to say that ... ta-da! I have no Fi! I read this most amazing description :

    ... and afterward my life flashed before my eyes and I came to the life-changing realization that I am LSI!

    Direct any questions, comments and/or congratulations to Ezra. Thank you very much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by calenwen View Post
    ... and afterward my life flashed before my eyes and I came to the life-changing realization that I am LSI!
    I can buy that--I remember when you first posted pics here and you said you were SEI and you were dating an IEI at the time. This makes you Mr. Saturn's dual, yes?
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  8. #8
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    not gonna answer this thread in detail but I wanted to say that although I like EIEs, I can't be around them for too long. They're too opinionated and eventually exhausting. I need breaks. It's that whole Ej thing...

    but anyway, the others are good.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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