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Thread: Extroverted Intuition Ne (subjective description )

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    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Default Extroverted Intuition Ne (subjective description )

    Ne is an implicit function. It involves understanding the internal essence of objects.

    A "total" Ne state feels like complete detachment from reality. You don't notice the need to eat and drink, what's happening around you, or any sensory information that reaches your brain. The world loses its luster as you become fixated on solving a problem in your mind.

    It feels like you're sinking away from reality towards the subconscious. At first, you feel like a worthless waste of skin because you can't fully conceptualize the problem. Every time you picture it, the picture is hideously incomplete, or worse, complete but primitive. You keep trying and trying until, all of a sudden, the subconscious erupts in a burst of revelation and fleshes it out before your eyes in full light... and Eureka!! You feel joy as you understand the problem in its full complexity. Unfortunately, this inspiration is random and only comes when it wants to.

    Ne is an extroverted function. It gorges on information from the external world. The more possibilities, information and impressions you collect, the more you can examine an object of thought from multiple dimensions. The information is used to encircle the object and to triangulate its internal essence.

    The "internal essence" of an object is a magnification in scope of the real, hidden objective qualities inside an object, greater than what can be normally perceived.

    Ignoring Ni means that you prefer not to utilize abstract structures, or generalized abstractions that can cover a slew of situations. Instead, you treat each problem on its own merits and try to give a uniquely authentic solution to each problem. To use Ni would feel like brushing over crucial details that might be different this time around.

    Since I can remember, I've been able to intuitively recognize how people organize their thoughts. Whenever I meet someone new I try to unlock the vault of their thoughts, understand their mental structure, mental abilities and mental defenses.

    I don't do this to harm them. Far from it. I'm just curious about their internal mechanism and how they operate. I'm completely galvanized and drawn to people that are complex. They represent a difficult challenge to solve. I'm attracted to fucked up people that have severe emotional problems (which is how SEI duality works ). One sad outcome is that, as soon as I understand someone, or if I've solved someone like them, I lose interest in them as a person.

    I compare Ne to being able to see the hardware connections inside someone's brain. I can't always tell the content of what someone is thinking (that's software, which is Fe "internal processes"), but I'm attuned to how they think about X. And this allows me to evaluate someone's potential for grasping a problem.

    I piece together someone's "potential" by the concepts they emphasize and the conceptual trade offs they make when explaining something, as well as the level of sophistication with which they frame their ideas. These ripple to the rest of their world view.

    All this happens within seconds.

    If I'm teaching, I can steer someone to the right solution by custom-fitting the lesson to how he processes information. If I'm being an obnoxious asshole, I'll make sure that he understands just enough to keep him interested, but not enough to ever understand what I'm saying.

    I'm attracted to people that have potential talents I can help develop, but who are humble and don't believe in their own potential. I try to be friendly and not an asshole to them, but in my experience weak Fi still makes me seem like an asshole.

    disclaimer: This is a subjective description of Ne. It's not a function description, just some collected observations (with the help of socionics) about my mental state that I endorse. Whatever I write is about myself only, and will be tainted with some Ti. By no means is this description complete and I could be completely wrong. It's entirely possible I'm not even ENTp.
    Last edited by xerx; 11-28-2009 at 09:37 PM.

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