Is there a connection between the types of your ancestors and your own type? Are there any studies concerning this question?

If that is not the case I'd like to know your family trees to see if we can make out a tendency...

INTj.................ISFp................ESTj..... ......................INFj
..|.....................|.....................|... ............................|
..|.....................|.....................|... ............................|
..-- ESFj -- ISTj --......................-- ENFj -- INFj -- INTp--
..................|............................... ..|..............................
..................|............................... ..|..............................
..................---- INTj ------ INTp ----...............................

How to read that:
My INTj-grandfather and my ISFp-grandmother got my ESFj-aunt and my ISTj-father. My ESTj-grandfather and my INFj-grandmother got my ENFj-mother, my INFj-aunt and my INTp-uncle. I am INTj, my brother is INTp.

Is there a tendency?
It is obvious that dichotomies are not handed down directly: If your parents are both sensory it doesn't mean you are sensory, too.