LOL I can't post my here
all the time, i'm what they call, "genetically deficient"
Near-sightedness is not a genetic occurance in itself; it has to do with how you treat your eyes when you are young and how much you strain them.Originally Posted by heath
i'm what they call, "that that kid played too many video games when he was a kid"
That's more like it!Originally Posted by heath
I think most people have poor vision
uhhhh that would be quite a problem for you...
yeah they're a bitch like that. you gotta make sure they pay you well cause you're the one who they're using to find out if their product will kill people or whatever
I'm an advocate of music, and playing music. I own a drumset which is kept in the garage/roommate's room, i play frequently, and am easily the best musician out of everyone i come into regular contact with. Recently, i started playing in bands outside the one that is formed by my roommates and I. My other rommate, who is of minimal talent and has actually harmed my drumset on occasion(which is damn near impossible considering everything on the drumset can be changed out), wanted to start a band, using my drumkit, without me. I initially agreed, though i was visibly and internally apprehensive. Then one evening, his band decided to have practice. I was in a room full of friends/peers, and they were all discussing various parts of their life, and eventually my roommates started talking about our music, and they all vaguely/playfully(i hate this) insulted me, "heath's the drummaster," etc. etc. I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY hate being talked about, especially when i'm in the room with people that don't know me well. I don't ever say anything when this happens, as i generally think my attitude doesn't allow for this sort of talk(i'm rare to commit it, and when i do, it's always with people who are comfortable with that sort of attention). Anyway, as i'm sitting there, the newbandstartin roommate confronts me, and says that his new band would like to practice using my drumset, and his argument for me to allow him to do so is, "i know you can find it in your heart to let us use your drumset." The odd thing, and the realization i had of being a thinking type happened when i analyzed my reaction to that statement. The statement meant absolutely nothing to me, i didn't even initially react. i reacted later when i relayed the situation and statement to someone else, and my reaction was a laugh, as his expense, and mostly at my own.
how would you react if this had happened to you?
how i wish i would have reacted-
"wait so did i lose something in my heart?"
another instance, that happened just now:
My family is from the south(though i was not raised there past the age of 3), and if you know anything about southern food, you know that the boiled cajun peanut is high class cuisine. Well, my mom just returned from a trip to the great state of tennesee, and returned with one such can of peanuts. As i was typing that last paragraph, my mom presented the can to me, put it in my hands, then made to leave. I laughed and said, "well it's a good can and all, but what am i supposed to with it here?" I felt like a real asshole. i do this a lot.. :\
i'm just now starting to feel sorry, my whole life i just didn't care, but now i'm starting to realize that things like that can hurt other people's feelings. My friend once said, "heath, you are an asshole, but not on purpose."
I said you were ESTp a long ass time ago. I can't internet type though. It's a sham.
i believe i'm istp/istj or distantly, an enfj.
Duh no, I played as hell but i've got like 25/20Originally Posted by heath
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
That's how I felt too when I started discovering socionics.Originally Posted by heath
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
I personally think your ESFp. My ESFp friend sometimes acts like that too, but not on purpose. If you were an ESTp, you would know when you are acting like an asshole and probably not care.Originally Posted by FDG
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch
6w7 sp/sx
Heath, would you do a video without your glasses? Something about you reminds me of looking in a mirror, and I want to see how similar we might look without any kind of obstruction.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
Edited for gayness.
err, to be perfectly honest, before i found out a lot about socionics, this messageboard, and all of you, i was 100 percent certain i was an entp(the description on fits me very well, plus i have that clever stutter).
and gilligan, you got it buddy! i need to take a shower, i'm gonna dress as retarded as i can, just you wait!
here you go gilligan, you helped me think less of myself.
It's remarkable, really. You look like me about a year ago. Your nose looks similar, the smile is similar, and there is this overall similarity that I really can't explain, but it's there, you know? I just get this weird feeling like I'm looking into a mirror when I watch your video. Maybe it's just me.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
If you two do share a similar appearance, Heath definitely comes across as the more mellow of the two for some reason. That said, he reminds me a little of a toned-down version of my ESTp brother.
estp is definitely a possibility, especially considering how much i gain out your posts baby, every one has a zen-like quality to me. er so yeh
For some reason? lol
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
lol, naw, that's just the weed talking. I think the following are the most likely for you, based on the impressions I get: I think we might share a Quadra, so ESTp, yes, ENFj, less probable but also a possibility. ESFp is also up there, perhaps more likely than ENFj <- shares Se with the ESTp, and there are definitely some Fi moments in your posts. That would make us semi-duals.Originally Posted by heath
Edited for gayness.
If he's ENTp... why do I not feel compelled to gut him like a diseased opossum? Perhaps the illusion hasn't worn away yet, but these days, ENTps maketh my skin want to run way from itself and join a band of God forsaken gypsies. You people make me sick. (And I say this with love, but God, I've never felt so close to homicide's sweet promise of vengeance as when I'm with you folks.) Heath doesn't. At least, not yet he doesn't. As soon as he starts mouthing off about his own greatitudinousness, you can call me Esmeralda.
Edited for gayness.
heath you are pretty
err thank you lady, you are cute stuff, but i think yr bf is way finer. no off.
as for me being ENTp, yeah, i probably am. i actually met another person who is a lot like me, especially with the sound of our voices, and the way our speech moves. I thought he was a cool guy, but he was a dick to his friends and required a lot of attention. I'm actually quite bashful around people and don't really entertain that much. Well, i do try to entertain, but always in a non-speaking medium(music, cool little body tricks, dancing, etc).
by the way, is anybody else completely infatuated with groups of people and group politics? I absolutely hate it, but love it when people are really involved in such stupid shit.
i love a really good adventure, i sold some drugs just recently for the whole experience of it all, and that was a cool little thing. I was thinking you could call me "a hobbyist drug dealer" lol
keep it real