Wasn't there also a comment from Diana? Well, I don't think I am ISTj. I have analyzed it and I do have many of the ISTj qualities, but that's just one aspect of my personality. I get these ISTj moments, but this is not what I usually am. I know a couple of ISTjs and they are very similar. They even look similar in a way. Both wear rather gray not-outstanding clothes, glasses, no make-up, are cum laude students, short, friendly and most importantly - both are selectively opinionated. They are not very original in their thoughts, but they are intelligent in a logical way (rather analytical, not sharp and witty). This is all very nice, but in general, I don't think or act the same way. We get along well, but mostly talk when we have a reason to do so.

I will try to analyze the Expats version of the functional description by Stratiyevskaya. And I'll try to interpret in a more flexible way. I'll combine it with Blakes function descriptions in oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?t=2477

1 yes, I live my live in a way that would maximise my possibilities. I have a high goal and I have dedicated my life to achieving it. I can't live without a goal. Then I would be living an empty life. I wouldn't work for minimum wage, but I will make an exception if it brings me a lot closer to my life dream. I'm not as chaotic as they described, but I think I just use Te in a different way. These are some things from Blakes functions description that I recognize in myself: Planning all actions. Ambitious – the will to succeed. Rationalisation, productivity, sequence. Skill to bring to perfection the procedure for the fulfilment of any actions.

2 I have little sense of time. I used to be late very often. Blakes description: Intense feeling of dangers. Expectation of positive changes in the future. Foresight, the skill in advance to avoid future danger. Positive prediction of the future, dreaminess, ease, intuition. ....but this is still stained with the habit of always counting on the worst possible thing to happen in the near future. I live my life trying to avoid the future disaster that I have predicted to happen.

3 My emotions are very obviously visible from my body language. I act rather positively and joke around quite often. I practically never greet people with a straight face. I smile a lot and I do it genuinely. I don't fake emotions. When I'm talking to someone boring, I don't try to look interested. When I'm talking to someone in a bad mood, I make a strong mental wall around me and try to leave asap. I'm afraid of being influenced by their nervousness. I'm not sure if I act the right way, but I do my best to read the body language of other people.

4 I have a weakness for very pretty things, I can just stare jewelry, even if I'm not going to buy. I get great pleasure from perfect paintings and the right music. (sometimes almost orgasmic sensation). On the other hand, I don't have much sense of style. I just wear what feels right, but I always double-check with other people when I try something new.

5 I don't consider myself to have any moral principles. I think that almost everything is allowed if the situation calls for it. Killing is ok, when it's self-defence, stealing is ok, when there is no other way. (homeless people are not allowed to steal food. if they want to eat, they should either get a job or collect empty bottles). There are plenty of things that I take for granted - from being polite to not stealing. I am annoyed with people who have strong moral principles because I see this as an inability to make your own choices in life.

6 "With their entire pragmaticality and practicalness the ENTjs have a habit to periodically "hover in the clouds"." very true. I have a rather strong will power, but not when it comes to everyday matters. I still haven't quit smoking and I couldn't follow a diet. "Focused on achieving an end result." I do like to think so.

7 Things must make sense. "For the ENTj it is very important precisely the authenticity of information sources." yes. "He possesses excellent memory, he easily memorizes new information, trying to immediately systematize it." no! I only remember the things that fit into my personal system. Total inability to memorise facts. I can remember complex logic when I understand it thoroughly, but I'll still forget the facts behind it. "However relaxed he was, it would seem, any logical contradiction immediately pricks up his ears. ENTj - fundamental enemy of manipulation with facts, even if this does not change the essence of concept. " very true.

8 "He subconsciously compares his own possibilities to the possibilities of others, because this is the region, in which it is constantly desirable to work at himself and to obtain appreciation without fail." yes. I want to be better than other people and I'm willing to learn now skills if I need to. "Subconsciously the ENTj feels, that this quality is given him in order to rescue someone, to help out those, who are weaker than him, who fell into the misfortune." Must be very subconscious! "The ENTj respects people, who achieved much in the life because of their diligence, fearlessness, perseverance, foresight, common sense,; he respects people with the fantasy, people, who develop their abilities." very true. "about his achievements, LIE never claims anything excess - he does not love empty bragging." true. "LIEs are very life-loving and optimistic, they love the saturated vital rhythm: active, dynamic labor and productive leisure." not me!

I know this is quite a lot of text... I actually needed to do that anyway, so it wasn't much trouble to write it. I even saved it in MS Word, just in case. I realized that I can make anything sound logical if I try. So if I really wanted to believe so, I could say that I'm very good at communicating with other people or, to the contrary, that I annoy them all the time and that they put up with me because they are polite. BTW! Erkki is rather convinced that I have finally found the right type, but he doesn't know much about socionics.