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  1. #5841
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    @Sol whats the deal with ASMR, is it type related?

    maybe everyone does it but different types do it differently? sometimes it really rubs me the wrong way

  2. #5842
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    whats the deal with ASMR, is it type related?
    I did not notice clear types relation. F types more often do these clips, as it's humanitarian region.
    It looks as trance/calming with reflexes by which mothers may calm their small children. I suppose it overloads the perception channel and such makes the trance. Before I knew about ASMR sometimes I noticed similar effects from quiet whisper.

    > maybe everyone does it but different types do it differently? sometimes it really rubs me the wrong way

    Maybe there is a difference between the people in what stimuls work for them better. Also the important is in what state of mind they get them. At now this looks as random individual difference, mb related to past experience and changable, but not inborn and fixed.

  3. #5843
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    that makes sense

    i really like it with this song

    but most the time it feels super weird, maybe its a trust thing

  4. #5844
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    The evegreen tree (pine) for New Year celebration costed this year 1500 rubles ($25). It was 2.8 m high, so needed be cuted to 2.4 m to fit to the ceil. In the previous year were used 1 led garland + 2 with incandescent lamps. This year was bought 2nd led garland to replace incandescent ones. When I came to the shop, I've seen the needed garland as showcase. Then I've noticed strange, - dispite the showcase had multi-color lamps, the examples for selling (under the same number on the price tag!) were mono colored - this was written on the box (in English) and I've checked the garlands inside - indeed it had mono colored lamps and such appeared all the boxes on the shelf which I needed to look every. I asked the seller where is multi-color example to buy. She said it's the last, have brought the ladder and put off the garland showcase. The shop "Auchan" tried to fool its buyers by selling not what was claimed.

  5. #5845
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    00:00 hours. the cell phone rings. I take.
    - Hi, your familiar recommended you to guess by Tarot. She said you don't sleep, anyway.
    - I'm laughing. Explain that I'm a starter without special knowledge, which did a couple of times basic spreads on the sites for that familiar.
    - Ok. I want to know what you say about me and <some dude's name>.
    - (making basic relations spread and say all is bad)
    - Then will I'll have marriage or love in this year?
    - Asking her age - 31 y.o. - explaining that the girl is still young to have a lot of time to do this.
    (making basic spread and say all is bad in this year. as the next relations are bad) Explain her what is the difference between paid guessers and me. Offer to find the needed ones in the Internet.
    - May I ask you later to guess again?
    - I don't deal with it. Better to let that familiar help you.
    - Bye. Bye.

    I need to do a call to my funny familiar guesser to stop doing such jokes.

  6. #5846
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    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    Hey everyone!

    I went off the radar for awhile, it's been a really busy year. On top of the new job, we've had some exciting news! We haven't quite shared it on Facebook yet, but pretty much most of our friends and family know now.

    We're expecting our first baby mid June!

    Tomorrow marks the end of our first trimester. I'm hopeful the nausea and headaches disappear soon with it, as it's been much more challenging than I imagined. We should be able to find out the gender some time mid to late January.

    We're very excited. My husband has been so awesome. He's been cleaning the house every weekend, and even folded and organized a bunch of laundry I had sitting down stairs for awhile. Ohhhh, SLI
    Oh Wow! Congrats! I just saw this! I didn't know! God bless you all. Dear little one is very very blessed to have you two as parents. : )


    My news is that I am working ALL the time. Really really long days. 13 - 14 hours usually and will spend all weekend on curriculum and teaching research or organizing and completing paperwork. I come home and only then realize my feet are aching, and dear husband and I watch a show - I get fully relaxed with him moving non-stop all day, and we eat a dinner of some kind (take out way more than usual for us) and not much of that because I am losing interest in food because there isn't time to eat all day. Typically its an orange my husband sectioned for me in the morning and a Babybel cheese (because they are in my desk) (I am too busy to be bored with the same fare everyday) and I get a coffee, eventually - what I brought in the thermos is cold by the time I get to it, but I reheat it in a hotpot after everyone has left school, and sip it while I am running about trying to accomplish ten things before I go home - in the dark, my car alone in an empty parking lot, just like when I arrived. I didn't think I was up to working this hard, but I am not complaining. All of the possibilities keep me invigorated. I am building a program and the pace and it will work its way to more normal. I am meeting others who are doing crazy paces, too - and going home to their own children who need them - which seems way more exhausting to me.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    God is amazing. Being born again is so awesome.

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    I'm frustrated with my friend because it feels like whenever I try to lead us back to friendship, he subtly works against the platonic dynamic, yet he isn't comfortable with the romantic dynamic either, but I'm not either, so I feel like I'm doing the same thing. I thought I was comfortable with us talking about other people (romantic prospects and the like) but it's proving to be harder than I thought, I don't feel jealousy, but I feel like I won't be comfortable with that kind of dynamic until I settle into a new job, otherwise it'll occupy my thoughts, mostly because I'm equally immature in the sense that I don't want to be the one who lags behind. if he moves on before I do then I'll feel a sense of inferiority because I can feel happy that he's with somebody else, if I have something to distract myself with (i.e. work), but if I don't, then I'll just convince myself that I'm unworthy of the same happiness, but I think the worst part might be that I don't even think we've had a functioning friendship since we introduced romance to the equation, so I don't even know if we have a safe dynamic to begin with. we'd have to actively work on a friendship that we already lost, but realistically speaking, I don't see why we'd invest energy into fixing something that doesn't even serve us anymore. it's like trying to befriend your ex-partner when the foundation of your relationship was strictly romance, except that we did have a strong friendship at some point, we've just changed since then and now it's like befriending somebody totally different, but in that case, it'd make more sense if we just befriended different people. I can't even say what's holding us together anymore because I feel like we constantly misunderstand each other, sometimes to the point where it feels like we're doing it on purpose, which just proves that we're probably not suited to be friends anymore. he moved to a new university last year, which adds another layer of complexity to our dynamic because it means that while I'm in the same place I always was, he's been exposed to a new world, which I'm happy about, but I think that's a big reason why our dynamic has gotten worse because it's harder for me to imagine why we'd continue interacting if we have significantly less incentive, aside from familiarity, because he's always been more social than I have, so I can't even fall back on the fact that we know a lot about each other because he's extremely likable so I know he'll make similar friendships at his new university, whereas I'm usually content with my family and classmates. if I'm jealous about anything (which it probably sounds like I am) then I'm probably jealous that he's leading a better life than I am, which I didn't even realize until it became apparent to me that I was more invested in our dynamic than he was. I could bug my internet friends with this rant but I'm trying to create the impression that I'm working on this stuff, so that doesn't work unless I don't talk to them for a while and they assume it's because I'm being productive, plus it's gotten harder for me to keep up with any of my friendships because I'm usually agonizing over the instability of the aforementioned dynamic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    I'm frustrated with my friend because it feels like whenever I try to lead us back to friendship, he subtly works against the platonic dynamic
    If you are getting friendly emotional attraction to the human of opposite sex, he looks not very ugly and is not imbecile - you are getting romantic attraction. In case you feel him as friend, then either you'll switch to others, will break or will have what is now.

  10. #5850
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    Oh wasp, such a mysterious relationship you in. If you live far from each other that must be already hard to handle… I don’t know what kind of person he is, but most people take advantage in their first years out of home to have new experiences. Have you developed a platonic relationship while you were apart or have you always been this connected? It would be a pity to let something special dissolve because of distance, or of different experiences, and you could learn and grow from all these obstacles too. Jealousy is something natural when you care for someone, whatever the sex of the person, so if you feel like that’s too much to handle… that should be a signal of something deep.
    I’m not the one to give good advice but maybe a little break, even in contact, could help you both understand what you want from each other. And if that’s not the same for both, well… feelings don’t vanish over time, but emotions can, especially the bad ones. Anyway you need time spent together to let love bloom, so whatever you’ll decide to do, it will be up to how much you decide to invest in it. And please never feel inferior, you break my heart, you’re just a force of nature!

  11. #5851

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    Oh wasp, such a mysterious relationship you in. If you live far from each other that must be already hard to handle… I don’t know what kind of person he is, but most people take advantage in their first years out of home to have new experiences. Have you developed a platonic relationship while you were apart or have you always been this connected? It would be a pity to let something special dissolve because of distance, or of different experiences, and you could learn and grow from all these obstacles too. Jealousy is something natural when you care for someone, whatever the sex of the person, so if you feel like that’s too much to handle… that should be a signal of something deep.
    I’m not the one to give good advice but maybe a little break, even in contact, could help you both understand what you want from each other. And if that’s not the same for both, well… feelings don’t vanish over time, but emotions can, especially the bad ones. Anyway you need time spent together to let love bloom, so whatever you’ll decide to do, it will be up to how much you decide to invest in it. And please never feel inferior, you break my heart, you’re just a force of nature!

    yeah I have a roundabout way of explaining things, I sound like I'm swirling around in a laundry machine. I'm just worried about playing an angle because I don't think he's intentionally causing harm (most of the time) and I've always hated jealousy in myself, it's a feeling I actively try to avoid because I know I'm only jealous because he's better off than I am, which makes me question my place in his world, but I wouldn't have those fears if I was equally well off myself, so it's not his fault. I'm the problem here. we are just scared people who are afraid of their own vulnerability and the vulnerability of other people, even if I want to believe there are good intentions between us, which is hard because it's easier to be angry. I don't think romance will happen anymore because it just caused us confusion and strife, I don't think either of us believed that it was there, so it turned into this challenge of trying to convince each other how we felt in the only way we knew how, which wasn't sufficient for either of us, it was just a fucking mess all around. we stopped talking today because it was too hurtful, which might count as a break, but I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I want him to enjoy his time in university and I want to get better because I've got my own problems I need to sort out, but thanks for this post, I could probably vent all day but I don't wanna waste anybody's time with this because it's just a melting pot of guilt and anger and confusion! thank you for listening to me and the bolded message touched me for reasons I can't explain

    I just know I'm gonna miss his friendship because it takes me a long time to make friends so I'm beating myself up over how hard it's gonna be to start from scratch again, because it's not something you can force, it's gotta bloom like you said [insert joke to lighten up the mood]
    Last edited by wasp; 01-28-2018 at 05:06 AM.

  12. #5852
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    The problem with dating a hero is when they go out and do hero-y things.

    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  14. #5854

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    The problem with dating a hero is when they go out and do hero-y things.

    "I'm the hero of this story I don't need to be saved"
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

  15. #5855
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    The problem with dating a hero is when they go out and do hero-y things.
    "hero-vy" things

  16. #5856
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    "hero-vy" things
    Why the "v"?
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  17. #5857
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    so yesterday i got pissed at this girl on the astro forum, she was saying some ignorant things, and that got me to be pissed at whole humanity altogether, because, well, ignorance is bliss and it's even spread all around. so i got in quite a bitchy mood with her, but then i noticed smth else and i kinda went on a spree. story is as follows: last month i collected some data of some important italian people and gave them to the astro admins to be published on their databank (they take people suggestions so it should be fine). it was the data of 9 people, patriots, politicians and famous sportsmen, from trusted sources, but the admins plainly told me that such data "is less than acceptable, plz dont waste our time and space unless you show the pics of what you say". that was quite rude tbh, but who cares, I had the birth certificates for half of these people, and the other half was from the official italian astrological committee, and I took the pictures of these 9 people's certificates and showed them. obviously, i got no reply after that. but... what do i see yesterday? random girl submits the data of these 2 girls, age 20, unknown youtube stars who made a video on yt saying they were born at x time in y place, and forum admin goes like "thank you! they've just been added." so i was like... holy shit! this world suks. so i told to forum admin "very interesting to see that random 20 years old youtube stars get added over italian patriots and important people! keep it on!" and then i got called salty, and fk it all tbh. i should delete internet and move in the bottom of the sea.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Why the "v"?
    humour of Russian language
    "herovy" means "bad"

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    Probably today by Tarot guessing I've kept not the best, but acceptable relations which may go to official marriage and later to bring the life to a child.

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    i should delete internet and move in the bottom of the sea.
    set a mermaid avatar

  20. #5860
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    humour of Russian language
    "herovy" means "bad"
    Thank you, for the humor and the explanation.


    I've started dating someone who I'm pretty certain is LSE and I feel a little like talking about it, but at the same time what is there to say? So far it seems my main contribution to the relationship is being "good company." And he has concerns with keeping my toes warm, and extremely practical solutions for said challenge. Socionics lives on?
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    I've started dating someone who I'm pretty certain is LSE
    All pretty girls and guys are your duals. Such strange dependence. But as Jung said types may change, they may become other types later after behaved herovo.

    > So far it seems my main contribution to the relationship is being "good company."

    Base Te types seek for compassion and unconditional sympathy in relations. It's good company for them. Let him talk about himself, - he'll hope to see understanding and (look above). Base Te have a lot of Fi problems to tell about and no one to hear them, as people see ego and don't care what is in your soul (superid).

    > And he has concerns with keeping my toes warm, and extremely practical solutions for said challenge. Socionics lives on?

    probably Si type. "practical solutions" sounds too abstract

    offer him a test to keep your heart warm and mb lesser worry about his type

  22. #5862
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    Hey Sol do you have more tips for dealing with LSE, I think I may be dealing with one in my life and I want to know more about what they really want deep inside, beyond all the Te surface stuff. the kind of stuff they might be afraid to ask for or admit but that they'd really appreciate

    i immediately felt like as soon as we started interacting it was super stimulating but almost on the level of being too much, like it felt like we were moving super fast but didn't want to stop but there was some self awareness that made it uncomfortable because it was so forward

  23. #5863
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    All pretty girls and guys are your duals. Such strange dependence. But as Jung said types may change, they may become other types later after behaved herovo.
    First of all, lol at the word play.

    Second, yes, I totally agree, which is also part of why I feel like it's potentially useless to comment on anything right now. I mean, I typed him as LSE before I really considered him for a relationship. So maybe there's that in favor against bias. But, hey, my brain is likely addled at this point so... yeah, it's possible (likely?) I'm just seeing what I want to see.

    I do think that in general I've gotten pretty good at "collecting" Si types. I enjoy having them around me. And he matches that set far more than he matches the much more uncomfortable Se types. Though I do want to see him interact more around Se types, to see what happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Base Te types seek for compassion and unconditional sympathy in relations. It's good company for them. Let him talk about himself, - he'll hope to see understanding and (look above). Base Te have a lot of Fi problems to tell about and no one to hear them, as people see ego and don't care what is in your soul (superid).
    Aw, no one wants to see what's in your soul? That's some of the most interesting parts of people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    probably Si type. "practical solutions" sounds too abstract
    He has voluntarily provided (at various points) blankets, wool socks, fire, and a couple of days ago pre-heated downy booties to wear while in a longer car ride. And encouragement for me to build a fire when I'm cold and to put on enough layers. Also, telling me how being hydrated helps keep you warm, too. And a discussion on how bulkiness of limbs means that the blood stays warmer as it travels to extremities (I'm rather thin). I don't think that part was because I needed to do anything differently, more like an explanation of what was going on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    offer him a test to keep your heart warm and mb lesser worry about his type
    Ha, ok, thanks. I'll stash that away for potential future use. I still need to introduce him to my dog; socionics will have to wait a bit.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  24. #5864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    Hey Sol do you have more tips for dealing with LSE, I think I may be dealing with one in my life and I want to know more about what they really want deep inside, beyond all the Te surface stuff. the kind of stuff they might be afraid to ask for or admit but that they'd really appreciate

    i immediately felt like as soon as we started interacting it was super stimulating but almost on the level of being too much, like it felt like we were moving super fast but didn't want to stop but there was some self awareness that made it uncomfortable because it was so forward
    LSE's want to be respected. They work harder to be seen as being respectable by strangers than by their immediate family.

    In the immortal words of DJ Arendee, the way to seduce an LSE (he has a method for every type) is:

    "Wear a belt, tuck in your shirt, comb your hair, and talk about how perfect they are."

    Both my mother and my sister are LSE's, and I don't disagree with what DJ Arendee said. Neither my mother nor my sister are the healthiest people you'll ever meet, but based on my experience with them, I'd add that deep down inside, both of them think they're always right and they don't want any criticism from you and they certainly don't want any lip, either.

    It takes a remarkable person to deal with this kind of attitude and triumph over it. EII's have that ability, and other types don't.

    Having said that, I'll add that one of my best friends is an LSE. He's a great guy, but I'm glad I don't work for him.

    Disclaimer: This advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-20-2018 at 04:49 AM.

  25. #5865
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    Hey Sol do you have more tips for dealing with LSE
    Superid is the road to the heart. I've described suggestive region - they want unconditional sympathy and compassion - it's what base Te think as "true love".
    Do not show often antipathy except extreme cases and say that you forgive them everything in case you was offenced - explain why you disliked something and what she should do to avoid this. LSE with great interest will hear what you like and dislike and will try to do what you want (if will find as reasonable). You need be clear in this - T-S types are harder to understand you as unique human.
    Be polite and calm. Always. Especially when LSE is not - this will rise the respect to you greatly.
    If you see LSE feels bad - show your compassion, very gently and quietly, offer them to tell what was wrong to mb be able to help them. Generally LSE do not talk about own bad feelings (except close people) and are pessimistic - you need be able to help them in this - your compassion and sympathy improves their emotional state, they'll feel your support, become calmer and will see the situation lighter. You need to show often that all is ok in your feelings to them - so be smily if you like them, in other case LSE will think something is wrong.
    The 2nd function of LSE is Ne. They like when you say in optimistic way about situations and future as a range of possibilities. What good you may do both, what she may do for better, etc - this may be taken with suspicion and irony, but LSE will like this in you and something will try to implement after own thinking. They like when you describe what is inside of them - show how good you understand them, what is not on surface; same they may like when you describe other people, what is not on surface but deeper inside of them. LSE prefer tender influence, than direct S style pressing what they think as rude and vulgar. Talk more about "heaven" things but not primitive earthy things - LSE will prefer to see in you what is not in them, the ideas to see the world as more complex, - inspire their imagination with your own visions.
    You need to accept their ego function authority. They'll like sensory innocence and childish S style - they'll want to care about you, - show with smiles, words, hugs that you gratitude for this; do not hide own opinion (as T-S types do not understand you well) but be reasonable. When LSE say opinion about something - either agree or argue with clear and good arguments, or argue very softly or stay quiet. Never lie even in minor things, be sincere (or say nothing or be ambivalent) - LSE will understand some of your lie (Te - good memory and analysis of facts) and this will reduce respect and trust to you more than you may expect.
    Be cute, easy and funny. LSE are too serious and want opposite near them, except on work. But stay in polite and respected borders - LSE are conservative, even when they talk about personal freedom and are surfacely tolerant. They are childish and not stable in this, so do not risk with "new views" and anything "alternative" like multicolor hairstyle, - you should be predictable and hence "like anyone", be "good boy".

    > I think I may be dealing with one in my life and I want to know more about what they really want deep inside, beyond all the Te surface stuff.

    The theory describes good this part. Just look what is common in duals.
    But your type and her may be other than you think, - it's often when people mistake and romantic situations make such risks higher. I assume your type as F-I, but it's 4 of them.

    > the kind of stuff they might be afraid to ask for or admit but that they'd really appreciate

    it's weak function regions. LSE are hard to express negative about F and N. to close people of IRL communication they become more open. for others they prefer to look like Spartans - not emotional and without doubts - they are not such inside, just look such. if you'll help her to get more positive there - she'll like you

    > i immediately felt like as soon as we started interacting it was super stimulating but almost on the level of being too much, like it felt like we were moving super fast

    LSE do not move "super fast" generally. they study you and move gradually. after some time they may understand you are ok, the border removes and then things may move "super fast" (weak Ni does not like long time distances). She may be other type or the situation is "special" somehow.
    "being too much" impression is also strange for dual communications - you may have somewhere a confrontation. For example, in case you are both S types and "uncomfortable because it was so forward" reminds this. Or the reasons are by non-types factors.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Aw, no one wants to see what's in your soul? That's some of the most interesting parts of people.
    Anyone prefers to get use from me and that is mostly from strong ego regions. My "soul" means nothing significant for others, except the ones which want to support me like friends would do. In such way LSE see people and it's from their own perception which they project on others, and mb LSE prefer this style in others as mostly people are alien to allow them touch what is inside of you.

    > He has voluntarily provided (at various points) blankets, wool socks, fire, and a couple of days ago pre-heated downy booties to wear while in a longer car ride. And encouragement for me to build a fire when I'm cold and to put on enough layers. Also, telling me how being hydrated helps keep you warm, too. And a discussion on how bulkiness of limbs means that the blood stays warmer as it travels to extremities (I'm rather thin). I don't think that part was because I needed to do anything differently, more like an explanation of what was going on.

    ego Te is possible but also mb from specific knowledge in case he likes tourism

    > I still need to introduce him to my dog; socionics will have to wait a bit.

    if the dog is big and hunger than the opposite sequence mb more reasonble

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    LSE's want to be respected.
    This more relates to LSI. Fe - as the external image.
    LSE want be liked (Fi). Respect they await for strong ego regions mostly because trust themselves there and hence find this as reasonable in others.

    > the way to seduce an LSE (he has a method for every type) is:
    "Wear a belt, tuck in your shirt, comb your hair, and talk about how perfect they are."

    Fe - objective good traits, flattery and delight.
    LSE want _unconditional_ love, but not worship because they are "perfect".

    > I'll add that one of my best friends is an LSE. He's a great guy, but I'm glad I don't work for him

    he's too great

  26. #5866
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    LSE do not move "super fast" generally. they study you and move gradually. after some time they may understand you are ok, the border removes and then things may move "super fast" (weak Ni does not like long time distances). She may be other type or the situation is "special" somehow.
    "being too much" impression is also strange for dual communications - you may have somewhere a confrontation. For example, in case you are both S types and "uncomfortable because it was so forward" reminds this. Or the reasons are by non-types factors.
    thanks for writing that, I appreciate. when I say "almost too much" I mean I was worried they will regret it later (for opening up, I was concerned they might feel vulnerable even though they were reaching out to me). it was another man. its not romantic, rather they saw me flip out a little (this is uncharacteristic of me, in real life anyway) a week ago and approached me yesterday. we were hitherto strangers. the encounter just got me thinking about LSE in general, and I'm not really sure of their type, just a guess. I feel like I'm IEE and I feel like it may have been activity. im not trying to romance this person, I just want to deal with them in a way they appreciate out of my own appreciation for their concern for me

    I also agree that everyone desires "respect" on some level, i.e.: to not be blatantly disrespected. but making "respect" an issue is more of a Se(Fe) thing in general

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol
    LSE do not move "super fast" generally. they study you and move gradually. after some time they may understand you are ok, the border removes and then things may move "super fast" (weak Ni does not like long time distances). She may be other type or the situation is "special" somehow.
    "being too much" impression is also strange for dual communications - you may have somewhere a confrontation. For example, in case you are both S types and "uncomfortable because it was so forward" reminds this. Or the reasons are by non-types factors.
    Which sounds rather like Ni mobilizing rather than Ni PoLR:

    6. Ni: activating function of ISTj and creative function of ENFj

    The EIE is a person who lives in the past. He doesn't mobilize right away, but when he does, he expands a large amount of energy and is able to accomplish a lot of work. The LSI is able to patiently wait for this moment. He feels somewhat uncomfortable rushing ahead and prefers to exercise some caution and restraint. He either takes up a waiting position, or he immediately acts himself and does the work without delays, as he has no certainty the situation won't change. By this he draws the EIE into activity. The EIE readily mobilizes when there is need to do something that may save the situation. Thus, their forces are concentrated at the same point in time. Without these kinds of surges and breakthroughs, EIE's vitality decreases.
    In contrary to Ni PoLR, LSE's are always starting and doing things early and quickly, in case they miss out due to poor understanding of the flow of time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    when I say "almost too much" I mean I was worried they will regret it later (for opening up
    Only if you'll use this against him. But it's doubtful. LSE are cautious to say redundant, what may be used to really hurt them somehow.

    > they might feel vulnerable

    If LSE trusts you and you'll behave bad - then he'll feel offenced. For example if he thinks you as friend and you'll lie to him - this may be taken as personal insult, does not matter how important you think that info.

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    I don't lie to anybody

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I don't lie to anybody
    don't tell such to LSE being realists they understand it's impossibly and hence will think the opposite about you

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    haha their loss, but your point is well taken

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    haha their loss, but your point is well taken
    In past somewhere I pointed the case when you was not honest.
    Also I saw a human which said like "I never lie" and that human was among the most liers I ever knew.
    So would be not loss, but Te reason and experience.

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    if you pointed to a case where I was not honest just means you were wrong

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    Sometimes, in playful moments, I find myself imitating the qualities of my dual. I think of times in the past where it has been fun being around them, and I think about what I like. Replicating that behavior, that playful nature, is an attempt to replicate that feel good.

    I wonder if other people do this too.

    Considering we value the same functions - and in Delta that's Ne, Fi, Te, Si, it should be of no great surprise. I wonder if other Deltas imitate their duals at times also?

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    I find it impossible to consciously imitate the qualities of my duals. When I want to feel good, I have to seek one out and interact with them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    Sometimes, in playful moments, I find myself imitating the qualities of my dual. I think of times in the past where it has been fun being around them, and I think about what I like. Replicating that behavior, that playful nature, is an attempt to replicate that feel good.

    I wonder if other people do this too.

    Considering we value the same functions - and in Delta that's Ne, Fi, Te, Si, it should be of no great surprise. I wonder if other Deltas imitate their duals at times also?
    Hello, sweetheart. I just came back from the office meeting. I will now fold the clothes while you go and make dinner. Don't burn the steak this time, but don't make it too raw either. I told you what the perfect temperature for steak was. If you need my help again, just ask. Also, don't forget to circle the items that you think would look good for our living room in the Ikea catalogue that i left on the coffee table. I will give you my opinion on them as soon as i'm done filing this report for the CEO.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I find it impossible to consciously imitate the qualities of my duals. When I want to feel good, I have to seek one out and interact with them.
    I think with some comedians, for instance SLI Rowan Atkinson, when he plays some of his characters, like Mr Bean, it's kind of like an attempt to play his dual. He's like an infantile type of character. It's not dual, superficial yes, but there's signs of it there.

    I knew an IEE who imitated SLI, or perhaps LSE, becoming very business like in work related matters whilst working at home. Perhaps you need to be around some serious ethical situation, might be different for each type, possibly.

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    I might be able to imitate movements and hand motions, perhaps even some of their goofy side. But any attempted imitation would most likely be over the top or exaggerated.
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    Hypothesis: For delta duality to get off the ground, the NF needs to enter the ST's world.

    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I think in general its sort of on the extrovert or at least extroverted function to make a move, so like it spins out in different ways, but in general for the NFs it starts with considering the possibilities via Fi. At some point you do need to place yourself in the path of the STs. I also think Ne is more likely to be mobile in that area, since Ne could lead to making big moves, whereas the STs are less likely to be so inclined. So I do think you're right, that, left to their own devices, the STs will lie somewhat inert in their own world, so the NFs need to act in such a way that brings the two together. I do think once you're in the same general area the STs take over via Te/Si doing something similar but in a more spatially bound area, which is to consider the pragmatics of the situation in front of them. So yeah, on the whole checks out for me

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