I consider myself generally on the quite side. However, given the right topic, I will drag on without even realizing that I'm doing so much of the talking. When someone else does most of the talking I feel odd because I feel like I have to come up with a way of responding, or my mind will wander and I'll feel bad for not hearing what they say.

Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall
Also, sometimes I just want to say certain things and if I speak with other extroverts they will try to drag the conversation towards things they are interested in or just simply towards talking about them.
I've noticed this with extroverts. Or we'll just start talking over each other. I find myself fighting for time to speak.

It's strange, because as I said I consider myself on the quiet side, but when I'm really comfortable I guess I do talk quite a bit. It's weird.. idk. We need introverts to stimulate conversation I guess.