This is something that has continuously puzzled me and I wanted to get some feedback from Extroverts on how they feel about this subject.

I have an aquaintence I see every now and then. No sexual feelings whatsoever, it's purely a friendship thing. We'll see each other in passing and what was supposed to be a 5 minute conversation will turn into a four hour conversation with him doing 95% of the talking. It's not a bad thing and normally I'd never willingly converse with someone for such an extended period of time without wanting to bash my head in, but it just clicks and I even welcome it. Now, here's my question...I don't really do much talking and perceive myself to be even slightly boring but when he leaves, he'll text me and say i'm the most fun person he's ever been around and how much he loves hanging out with me. I'm always taken back when he tells me these things because all I do is lend him an ear and he raves about me like I'm the most amazing person in the world. It's flattering but it really that hard to find someone who'll listen to you? It's not 'boring' for the extrovert to do all the talking?

I guess this could go into General Discussion but being as IEE's are my dual, I'd like to get their input on the subject.