I've been studying Gulenko's DCNH subtype system for quite a while now, and I think I have a solid enough understanding of it to fill in some of the holes. As far as I know, Gulenko never did write up DCNH descriptions for each of the 16 types. While the general correlations I discovered between the Meged/Ovcharov & Gulenko descriptions of the standard subtype model and the DCNH subtype model are interesting, I don't think they should be relied upon definitively. Ultimately, unless someone can find descriptions by Gulenko, it'll be up to us to come up with them.

I've started with LII, being the type I know most intimately. These descriptions are not based on any other descriptions; instead I tried to base them on a combination of functional analysis, and behavioural analysis of the LIIs whose DCNH subtypes I have been able to determine.

DCNH Subtype Descriptions for LII

Dominant: tries to influence the world by his wisdom and intellect, in an almost Machiavellian way. People are chess pieces to be influenced in the right direction, in pursuit of his goal. He does this, not because he enjoys it, but because he feels it is necessary. He prefers to take a back seat from the action, directing and guiding others, but he will step in himself if he must. When the weight of the world is not on his shoulders, he may reveal a mirthful sense of humour, but this is seldom.

Creative: has a sort of reserved openness about him. Can be very absent-minded; you may occasionally find him quietly pacing about, staring off into space, mumbling to himself, a frown of concentration on his face. He is defined by his curiosity; he wants to learn how everything works, and why everything is the way it is. As far as he is concerned, learning is its own reward, and he is baffled that others do not feel the same way. He can be oblivious of social problems, sometimes even oblivious of other people entirely. He has a strong ironic wit, and may use sarcasm as a weapon. Conscious of his appearance, he tries to dress well, but if he has lost himself in his studies for a few days (as he is known to do), he may appear rumpled and wild-haired.

Normalizing: appears stern, emotionless, robotic. Gives the impression of solidity, stability, and immovability. Attempts to make him show emotion almost always fail. His primary focus is on logically and ethically correct systems and behaviour. In any given task, he hones in on what is most important, and ignores all distractions, almost as if he is not a part of the world around him. Deconstructs abstract and theoretical problems with ease. Can be sharp and unforgiving, intentionally or otherwise. Clothing is very conservative, neat and tidy.

Harmonizing: at his best, he gives the impression of sublime tranquility, at his worst, nervous awkwardness. He tries to create harmony, resolve problems, and avoids violence. He likes nothing more than a comfortable evening hanging out with a few good friends -- he is probably the most easygoing and sociable of the LIIs. He may come across as a "loveable geek".

Constructive feedback (i.e., feedback you can back up with logic and evidence) is appreciated. I'm not entirely certain of the Harmonizing description, and to a certain degree, the Dominant. But I'm pretty confident of the Creative and Normalizing descriptions.