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Thread: Why are IEI and SLE good for one another? (INFp and ESTp)

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    redbaron's Avatar
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    Default Why are IEI and SLE good for one another? (INFp and ESTp)

    because they're both supremely selfish types. Probably the two most selfish types of the 16. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  2. #2
    betterthan's Avatar
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    what happend?

    IEI, sp/sx 4w3.

  3. #3
    redbaron's Avatar
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    eh, nothing really.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    beta's are stupid dumb teenagers! they want more and more every time they get it, get what? WHATEVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR BITCH! STRYKE IN YO FACE PEACE'O'SHIT!!!ahggrrrr SOCIETY BE EVIL, WE NEED POWER! WE NEED TOLERANCE! BUT FIRST, LET'S FUCK EVERYTHING AROUND HERE (we may need sexing afta we don-didit!thx *blahh*)

    you see?

    and yeah, i totally see IEI and SLE being really selfish, asocial sorta, ant everything else in between.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    eh, nothing really.
    um, yeah, um, so was it something bad? :{

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    redbaron's Avatar
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    teenagers is exactly right.

    I am so proud to be IEI.

    no, I was just realizing that the only ones that can really stand us, are our duals. to others we just come across as self-involved (which we are) and narcissistic.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    do you get that feeling, or may I set, get caught in that thinking strategy? > he's cool and smart, so he's ok for sex. or like, what I say somethimes to myself and others: if the talking is good, and she is sexually good, then we are good. ? ? ?

    uhuh. yep. IEIs are that sorta withdrawn and SLEs are that sorta enough cool to leave any minute. or somethin

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post

    teenagers is exactly right.

    I am so proud to be IEI.

    no, I was just realizing that the only ones that can really stand us, are our duals. to others we just come across as self-involved (which we are) and narcissistic.
    everybody's self centered. there is no thing as altruism. besides, i like IEI's and SLE's...self centered is not the first thing i think of when i think of them!


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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    I am so proud to be IEI.
    That's what the Nazis said.

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    They're not the most selfish types... plus it depends more on the person.

  11. #11
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Yay! I like this topic. Yes. It is completely true. I am utterly self-absorbed.

    The corollary to this, however, is that SLEs are the only people interesting enough to get an IEI to pay attention to anything other than him/herself and vice versa.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

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  12. #12
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    Go ahead, prove me wrong.
    Why should I do that? Being selfish is not wrong in my eyes. I believe that we all are selfish. Even the most altruistic persons on earth are selfish. They might do it for the benefit of their soul (heaven) but they are still doing it for them. Selfish!

    Being stupidly selfish is a problem... but I don't think it is a problem for IEI-SLE
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    It's true. INFps are selfish. (:
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    "When you see an evil act you have to stop it with your hand.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sema sahin View Post
    It's true. INFps are selfish. (:
    Always posting in tiny font makes me think you're whispering or really shy. :-P

    Err sorry.. carry on!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    Always posting in tiny font makes me think you're whispering or really shy. :-P

    Err sorry.. carry on!
    Use ! She's trying to asses our sight, she's an ophtalmologist
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    This is a good thread !! about my type some I can bask in the descriptions about me..

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Use ! She's trying to asses our sight, she's an ophtalmologist
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    because they're both supremely selfish types. Probably the two most selfish types of the 16. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
    Let's assume for a moment that I am indeed SLE... And even if I'm not, here's my perspective anyways:

    People SHOULD be selfish in that each person is responsible for looking out for their own best interests. I take full responsibility for my life, decisions, behavior, circumstances, and state of being, and I expect others to do the same.

    What happens when your best interests clash with that of another? Examine the situation thoroughly. Take into account each person's values, desires, circumstances, needs, options, etc. Consider what will likely happen if different courses of action are taken.

    Consider your own values. Is it important to you not to needlessly hurt other people? If you're a healthy person, it will be. How do you determine what is needless and what is not? Consider what each person stands to lose or gain. If there's something that you sort of want a little bit, but getting it would mean totally devastating another person (think of the Bible story about the guy who ate someone's pet sheep), then the cost does not outweigh the benefit, assuming you are a healthy person.

    What if you stand to gain a lot, but someone else stands to lose a lot as a result? Again, examine the situation thoroughly, especially the likely consequences each course of action. Ultimately, you should do what's right for you. It's your life. We each get one and only one to live.

    Maybe the other person will be hurt, but that's life. We can't be responsible for sheltering people from the consequences of their chosen paths. Each of us gets where we are through a series of thought processes and decisions. What if they don't "deserve" to have that bad thing happen to them? They haven't behaved maliciously or recklessly. My answer? Again, that's life. When shitty (or good) things happen to us, it is our responsibility to evaluate the cause and effect relationships at play and then LEARN from them and grow as a person. It is our responsibility to accept what is and then decide where to go from there. Sometimes what seemed like a bad thing at the time can end up being the best thing that ever happened to us, depending on what we learn and where we choose to go from there. And it is each person's responsibility to make that happen in their own lives.

    Another aspect of all of this is that all people are selfish. They can't not be. We can only see through our own eyes and think with our own mind, after all. Even if people are living their lives to make others happy, they're ultimately doing it because they want to. There is a greater reward for them in doing so than not. Or because it makes the most sense to them. Or because they are unable or unwilling to accept the alternative. In the end, they're still doing what's in their own best interests.

    (Can you tell I took Adderall today? )

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    Let's assume for a moment that I am indeed SLE... And even if I'm not, here's my perspective anyways:

    People SHOULD be selfish in that each person is responsible for looking out for their own best interests. I take full responsibility for my life, decisions, behavior, circumstances, and state of being, and I expect others to do the same.

    What happens when your best interests clash with that of another? Examine the situation thoroughly. Take into account each person's values, desires, circumstances, needs, options, etc. Consider what will likely happen if different courses of action are taken.

    Consider your own values. Is it important to you not to needlessly hurt other people? If you're a healthy person, it will be. How do you determine what is needless and what is not? Consider what each person stands to lose or gain. If there's something that you sort of want a little bit, but getting it would mean totally devastating another person (think of the Bible story about the guy who ate someone's pet sheep), then the cost does not outweigh the benefit, assuming you are a healthy person.

    What if you stand to gain a lot, but someone else stands to lose a lot as a result? Again, examine the situation thoroughly, especially the likely consequences each course of action. Ultimately, you should do what's right for you. It's your life. We each get one and only one to live.

    Maybe the other person will be hurt, but that's life. We can't be responsible for sheltering people from the consequences of their chosen paths. Each of us gets where we are through a series of thought processes and decisions. What if they don't "deserve" to have that bad thing happen to them? They haven't behaved maliciously or recklessly. My answer? Again, that's life. When shitty (or good) things happen to us, it is our responsibility to evaluate the cause and effect relationships at play and then LEARN from them and grow as a person. It is our responsibility to accept what is and then decide where to go from there. Sometimes what seemed like a bad thing at the time can end up being the best thing that ever happened to us, depending on what we learn and where we choose to go from there. And it is each person's responsibility to make that happen in their own lives.

    Another aspect of all of this is that all people are selfish. They can't not be. We can only see through our own eyes and think with our own mind, after all. Even if people are living their lives to make others happy, they're ultimately doing it because they want to. There is a greater reward for them in doing so than not. Or because it makes the most sense to them. Or because they are unable or unwilling to accept the alternative. In the end, they're still doing what's in their own best interests.

    (Can you tell I took Adderall today? )

    Bravo! Excellently said! I agree with you wholeheartedly and this is my outlook as well (including the consequences part).

    When I said said selfless in the other thread, what I meant was looking out for others--I guess that would be more along the lines of "caring". Thanks for verbalizing it.
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  21. #21
    redbaron's Avatar
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    good post, Joy.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    (: <3

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Gonna nitpick everything you wrote Joy. =)

    People SHOULD be selfish in that each person is responsible for looking out for their own best interests. I take full responsibility for my life, decisions, behavior, circumstances, and state of being, and I expect others to do the same.
    I agree. The sad fact is that many people weren't taught this growing up, and so they have to be re-learnt, that they are responsible for their own emotions. It is nice when other people 'pick you up' but you can't count on it or look forward to it, or you will always be dissapointed. Okay I take it back, I agree with this MOST of the time, but sometimes the opposite is true, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to defend it so much. It all depends on the situation.

    What happens when your best interests clash with that of another? Examine the situation thoroughly. Take into account each person's values, desires, circumstances, needs, options, etc. Consider what will likely happen if different courses of action are taken.
    This sounds kinda complicated. I would just remind myself of point one, that this person is innately selfish like me, and is trying to take care of themselves and their own family, they would stab me in the back in a heartbeat and that's not being negative, it's being realistic. Most people aren't my friends, but my competitors. And American Society greatly exemplifies this. Only trust people who have less than you or (about) the same as you. Do not trust people who claim they want to 'uplift you from a distance' because it is an obvious scam to make themselves richer. Look out for yourself and your own family, and the 'nigga you tryin' to suck & fuck' and put your bitch shield on with everybody else.

    Consider your own values. Is it important to you not to needlessly hurt other people? If you're a healthy person, it will be. How do you determine what is needless and what is not? Consider what each person stands to lose or gain. If there's something that you sort of want a little bit, but getting it would mean totally devastating another person (think of the Bible story about the guy who ate someone's pet sheep), then the cost does not outweigh the benefit, assuming you are a healthy person.
    Well politically speaking, I'm very liberal, so I always err on the side of being honest even when it won't gain me anything in the world, because my personal freedoms are much more important to me than having nice things. I grew up in a middle class family, but we were always on the 'lower end' of middle class and I never could afford the designer labels most of the other kids had. I never really cared or was jealous, cause I didn't like how american society was so plastic anyway, but I did not like the superior attitude that the rich stuck-up people had. I basically wanted to punch the preppy kids in the faces. And I'm actually glad what the columbine kids did, those preppy jocks were literally soulless and deserved that. So while you are all right in theory, you have to remember that you were born with certain privileges (and also disadvantages) that other people weren't Joy, and all your rants about 'Positive Thinking' and the like are nice, but also annoy me- because they sound a bit on the condescending side. You are right in essence, but you are just luckier than most people, we all are if we can use a computer. I'm not trying to 'liberal guilt you' but I am trying to 'liberal modest you.'

    What if you stand to gain a lot, but someone else stands to lose a lot as a result? Again, examine the situation thoroughly, especially the likely consequences each course of action. Ultimately, you should do what's right for you. It's your life. We each get one and only one to live.
    The system is already kinda fair to me (when it's properly enforced which rarely happens), because of the taxes everybody has to pay. The rich will always be richer, but of course the middle class and poor got screwed in the end as a result. =D If you work harder in life, you should have more than other people, but we have enough resources in the world to take care of everybody else. The problem is poorer people have bigger social problems than others and wouldn't know how to responsibly handle more money anyway. So I don't know what to say to this, other than the fact- I actually do think the system is fair, but people just exploit it anyway by knowing the right people. So I'm not sure what you are saying, cause the kind of thing you are talking about, we are already innately born into. If you come from a privileged family, you are not going to have the same neurosis or worries that the middle class have, if you are a middle class you are not going to have the same neurosis or worries that the poor have.

    Maybe the other person will be hurt, but that's life. We can't be responsible for sheltering people from the consequences of their chosen paths. Each of us gets where we are through a series of thought processes and decisions. What if they don't "deserve" to have that bad thing happen to them? They haven't behaved maliciously or recklessly. My answer? Again, that's life. When shitty (or good) things happen to us, it is our responsibility to evaluate the cause and effect relationships at play and then LEARN from them and grow as a person. It is our responsibility to accept what is and then decide where to go from there. Sometimes what seemed like a bad thing at the time can end up being the best thing that ever happened to us, depending on what we learn and where we choose to go from there. And it is each person's responsibility to make that happen in their own lives.
    Yeah see, this is the part where I find you ugly. "I got mine, what's wrong with you Jack" is retarded. You were BORN into a life of privilege, you bitch, and you need to realize this. I suppose you will try to turn this into my fault by saying I'm playing the victim or other psych 101 nonsense, but you are just repeating the same things and beginning to annoy me. How can you be so arrogant, Joy? I think a part of you does know this attitude is wrong though, otherwise you wouldn't try to defend it with your ego. You are just hot air, like a blowhard salesmen or something. I see right through you.

    Another aspect of all of this is that all people are selfish. They can't not be. We can only see through our own eyes and think with our own mind, after all. Even if people are living their lives to make others happy, they're ultimately doing it because they want to. There is a greater reward for them in doing so than not. Or because it makes the most sense to them. Or because they are unable or unwilling to accept the alternative. In the end, they're still doing what's in their own best interests.
    Stop it. Stop preaching to others, stop acting like you know more than anybody else, shut your trap for a change. You don't even know if all that is true for a fact, again it depends on the situation. Of course people are selfish, to a point. Why are you preaching at us for things we already know? Go write a self-help book or something and prey on people who you can take advantage of.

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