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Thread: What type am I?

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    Default What type am I?

    Last edited by energystar; 03-01-2010 at 07:43 PM.

  2. #2
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  3. #3
    Blaze's Avatar
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    wow...hard to say. you have a lot of into there that seems to go in one direction, but then you go off in another direction. so i'm not sure. what type do you think you are? how old are you?


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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    Last edited by energystar; 03-01-2010 at 07:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Blaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by energystar View Post
    Female, 5.2”, medium build, square body type, hips and shoulder the same width, gain weight in the midsection like a man, not on my hips and thighs like most females. Rectangular face, forehead and jaw equal width, square jaw, square forehead.
    All trough life I have been told that I am “a brute”, meaning that I am too rough physically, I don’t sit down in a chair I drop myself into it, I walk heavily, I break stuff and I can be generally rather clumsy.

    Despite this I have always been very artistic. My favorite pastime as a child was drawing, sewing (taught myself how do sew clothes) and spending time in nature.
    I have always loved animals, and I also like bugs, frogs, spiders. I have never been squeamish, afraid of the dark or bugs.

    seems sensing.

    I have been good in pretty much every sport I have tried, downhill skiing, karate, kickboxing, gymnastics, but I can’t claim to be a very sporty person, I lose interest fast.

    also sensing; EP temperament.

    I was very introverted until I started school at age 7, I then I became very extroverted among people, but still needed a lot of alone time. In my late twenties I started to introvert more and I now consider myself more introvert than extrovert. Spending time with people tend to drain me and my idea of hell on earth are shopping malls, large family get togethers such as weddings, christenings, parties etc., business parties and networking events, formal dinners etc.

    logical. introverted.

    I like spending time alone, reading and pondering things such as personality type.


    I must always be DOING something or I get so restless I go insane. I am not one to lay in bed all day or relax on the beach. (boring)

    EP temperament.

    When stressed or needing to think things through long walks are the best medicine. I have a few good friends, I like to talk if the topic is something interessting or if its a problem that needs to be solved.

    Si valuing.

    Some still claim that I must be extrovert due to the following behavior:
    I will say exactly what is on my mind, I have always been accused of being blunt and too honest, I have no trouble standing up for myself, speaking up in groups or interrupting others. I think quick and I talk quick.

    Se. Logical.

    I can be somewhat commandeering and critical, but I have no wish to lead other or to be lead.

    Se role?

    Even as a small child I was not a very cuddly, I was one to crawl into my parents bed or hug for extended periods of time. I liked a quick hug when I was upset but not much more. I am still not a very cuddly person, don’t enjoy much hugging or holding hands etc.

    not Si valuing.

    On the other hand I was very sensitive as a child, and was easily offended and hurt by peoples words (according to my mom anyway)

    weak ethics.

    Theme trough life is a very low boredom threshold, a blatant disregard for rules I don’t see the point of, trouble committing and a very strong need for personal freedom.

    Ne or Se leading.

    I have worked most of my adult life in the creative field, graphic design, illustration, web design etc. I also enjoy the technical side of my stuff and learn new programs and systems really fast.

    Ti in ego.

    I have real issues with being told what to do.

    Se role?

    At the same time I have a very strong work ethic, I can’t do poor work, and I am a sucker for praise and admiration. I want to be great at what I do and I tend to overextend myself. I
    I can be very charming and sell you on pretty much anything if I want to.

    Fe hidden agenda.

    I start a lot of projects but can be poor on follow through.


    I am good at determining the size/scale of real life objects and I have an incredible memory for colors.


    I am also very good at determining how to do something in the most efficient and practical way.

    strong Te.

    I am horrible bad at remembering people’s faces and names, UNLESS I see them on television, I can almost instantly recognize every movie I have seen(and that is a LOT), even if I just see a few seconds in the middle of it.

    intuition in ego.

    I used to be a total slob, hate cooking and cleaning, but over the years I have learned to clean and organize my things and I am pretty good at it now. Still don’t cook though. I used to be late for everything.

    Se role? improving over time?

    I have never felt very feminine or girly, I did a lot of bad stuff as a kid and teenager but I was real smart about it and never got caught. I liked taking risks and doing things that where dangerous or even illegal. I still get a kick out of that but I don’t give in to it anymore. I was a straight A student, mostly due to my very competitive personality, I have since learned to be less competitive and not try to be the best at everything.

    logic. EP temperament.

    Overly emotional displays makes me very uncomfortable, along with illogical arguments for why someone deserves something. Example being people dragging up their sad childhood and crying as an argument to win say a singing contest. I can see what one thing has to do with the other. I don’t like sentimental people, people who are too idealistic or people who pity themselves and blame the world for their misfortune.

    seems SeTi.

    I can be a hothead, (less so with age) but it passes quickly. I am very hard to get to know well, I like to keep people at a distance, but when someone gets on my good side (after a couple of years) they are in for good. I feel no need to keep in regular contact with friends in order to be good friends, I can see you in two years and it’s like no time has passed. Female friends seem to have trouble with this part, males not so much.

    seems SeTi.

    I am very kind and I show my appreciation for people by doing stuff for them and/or helping them out. I can be very supportive. I feel a deep connection with nature and all sorts of animals. Not that gushy feely connection of people who just love cute animals such as bunnies and kittens but freaks out if they see a beetle. I genuinely have a deep love and respect for all animals to the point where I won’t squash spiders but carry them outside instead, they are after all just being their spidery selves. I have done this since I early childhood.

    maybe not type related? but i have seen a lot of ILE's who love animals.

    Typical fears of mine have always been getting stuck, being trapped and limited in some way. I don’t spend any time fearing accidents, plane crashes, fires, germs, diseases etc.

    seems more Se leading than Ne leading.

    If someone tells me their big dream I tend to want to know how they are going to achieve it (practical steps), I don’t mind arguing for arguments sake and I like playful banter.

    creative logic.

    Under stress I tend to become angry and irritable. Prolonged stress makes me very negative about the future.

    Si dual seeking.

    Sorry for the extremely long post, I am trying to give as much info as possible.

    Can anyone give me their opinion on what type they think I am?
    i think you are prolly an SLE or an ILE. leaning more toward ILE with a Ti subtype, which would explain the introversion.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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    Last edited by energystar; 03-01-2010 at 07:56 PM.

  7. #7
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    we got another live one people!

    welcome, btw, to this addictive place.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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    Last edited by energystar; 03-01-2010 at 07:57 PM.

  9. #9
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    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  10. #10
    Marie84's Avatar
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    ESTp/SLE seems very likely

    I have to commend you, this was an amazingly well written, detailed, self description
    EII INFj
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  11. #11
    xkj220's Avatar
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    I think some ST. NT's usually don't have their shit as together as you seem to have.

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    It sounds like something Joy can have easily written. I believe you are a EJ solely based on your writing style. I don't understand at all where ILE is coming from or Alpha. I have to vote ENTj on your type.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  13. #13
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    lol ohhhhh man.

    one day.
    The end is nigh

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by energystar View Post
    Hi all,
    I have been trying to correctly type myself for some time and I find it difficult. I have even asked friends and family to help but their opinion vary probably due to biases so I would really appreciate if someone who don’t know me took a shot at it.

    About me
    Physical description:
    Female, 5.2”, medium build, square body type, hips and shoulder the same width, gain weight in the midsection like a man, not on my hips and thighs like most females. Rectangular face, forehead and jaw equal width, square jaw, square forehead.
    All trough life I have been told that I am “a brute”, meaning that I am too rough physically, I don’t sit down in a chair I drop myself into it, I walk heavily, I break stuff and I can be generally rather clumsy.

    Despite this I have always been very artistic. My favorite pastime as a child was drawing, sewing (taught myself how do sew clothes) and spending time in nature.
    I have always loved animals, and I also like bugs, frogs, spiders. I have never been squeamish, afraid of the dark or bugs.

    I have been good in pretty much every sport I have tried, downhill skiing, karate, kickboxing, gymnastics, but I can’t claim to be a very sporty person, I lose interest fast.

    I was very introverted until I started school at age 7, I then I became very extroverted among people, but still needed a lot of alone time. In my late twenties I started to introvert more and I now consider myself more introvert than extrovert. Spending time with people tend to drain me and my idea of hell on earth are shopping malls, large family get togethers such as weddings, christenings, parties etc., business parties and networking events, formal dinners etc.

    I like spending time alone, reading and pondering things such as personality type. I must always be DOING something or I get so restless I go insane. I am not one to lay in bed all day or relax on the beach. (boring) When stressed or needing to think things through long walks are the best medicine. I have a few good friends, I like to talk if the topic is something interessting or if its a problem that needs to be solved.

    Some still claim that I must be extrovert due to the following behavior:
    I will say exactly what is on my mind, I have always been accused of being blunt and too honest, I have no trouble standing up for myself, speaking up in groups or interrupting others. I think quick and I talk quick. I can be somewhat commandeering and critical, but I have no wish to lead other or to be lead.

    Even as a small child I was not a very cuddly, I was one to crawl into my parents bed or hug for extended periods of time. I liked a quick hug when I was upset but not much more. I am still not a very cuddly person, don’t enjoy much hugging or holding hands etc. On the other hand I was very sensitive as a child, and was easily offended and hurt by peoples words (according to my mom anyway)

    Theme trough life is a very low boredom threshold, a blatant disregard for rules I don’t see the point of, trouble committing and a very strong need for personal freedom.
    I have worked most of my adult life in the creative field, graphic design, illustration, web design etc. I also enjoy the technical side of my stuff and learn new programs and systems really fast.
    I have been self employed for the most part. My record as a regular employee is 1 year and 7 months. I really wanted to make that job work for me and I sure tried my best to be positive and stay with it, but in the end I was so frustrated that I had severe three day migraine attacks almost every weekend until I quit.

    I have real issues with being told what to do. At the same time I have a very strong work ethic, I can’t do poor work, and I am a sucker for praise and admiration. I want to be great at what I do and I tend to overextend myself. I
    I can be very charming and sell you on pretty much anything if I want to. I start a lot of projects but can be poor on follow through. I am good at determining the size/scale of real life objects and I have an incredible memory for colors. I am also very good at determining how to do something in the most efficient and practical way.

    I am horrible bad at remembering people’s faces and names, UNLESS I see them on television, I can almost instantly recognize every movie I have seen(and that is a LOT), even if I just see a few seconds in the middle of it. I used to be a total slob, hate cooking and cleaning, but over the years I have learned to clean and organize my things and I am pretty good at it now. Still don’t cook though. I used to be late for everything.

    I have never felt very feminine or girly, I did a lot of bad stuff as a kid and teenager but I was real smart about it and never got caught. I liked taking risks and doing things that where dangerous or even illegal. I still get a kick out of that but I don’t give in to it anymore. I was a straight A student, mostly due to my very competitive personality, I have since learned to be less competitive and not try to be the best at everything.

    Overly emotional displays makes me very uncomfortable, along with illogical arguments for why someone deserves something. Example being people dragging up their sad childhood and crying as an argument to win say a singing contest. I can see what one thing has to do with the other. I don’t like sentimental people, people who are too idealistic or people who pity themselves and blame the world for their misfortune.

    I can be a hothead, (less so with age) but it passes quickly. I am very hard to get to know well, I like to keep people at a distance, but when someone gets on my good side (after a couple of years) they are in for good. I feel no need to keep in regular contact with friends in order to be good friends, I can see you in two years and it’s like no time has passed. Female friends seem to have trouble with this part, males not so much.

    I am very kind and I show my appreciation for people by doing stuff for them and/or helping them out. I can be very supportive. I feel a deep connection with nature and all sorts of animals. Not that gushy feely connection of people who just love cute animals such as bunnies and kittens but freaks out if they see a beetle. I genuinely have a deep love and respect for all animals to the point where I won’t squash spiders but carry them outside instead, they are after all just being their spidery selves. I have done this since I early childhood.

    Typical fears of mine have always been getting stuck, being trapped and limited in some way. I don’t spend any time fearing accidents, plane crashes, fires, germs, diseases etc.

    If someone tells me their big dream I tend to want to know how they are going to achieve it (practical steps), I don’t mind arguing for arguments sake and I like playful banter.

    Under stress I tend to become angry and irritable. Prolonged stress makes me very negative about the future.

    Sorry for the extremely long post, I am trying to give as much info as possible.

    Can anyone give me their opinion on what type they think I am?

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