It's innately confusing because they are speaking from their egos, a fragmented perception of who they really are- so you try to use *your* ego to try and understand theirs and it's just what we in the gay community call a 'hot ****** mess' really.

Thoughts and emotions, you cannot dichotomize them. Whoever did it, was one of those sad people who couldn't have any sort of 'normal' human relations with anybody, so he tried to analyze human behavior with his ego.

How you think is always connected to how you feel, as there is an underlying emotional resonance/vibration in everything. Even mathematics. Some people like that one kid I saw in 20/20, can see how numbers actually feel. I believe everybody has the potential to tap into these energies, although we are all kinda born with natural magical powers.

Gulenko erotic attitudes are also bullshit too, by the way.