Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
It fits me. I never want to go anywhere involving finances, if I get money it would be more for some celebrity thing benefiting others, a lot of IEIs get paid that way. I also am really sweet and caring so people will take care of me in that regard, because it bores me to death. A lot of people think I'm avoiding responsibility or something but no, it's just too draining lol. Why should I focus my attention in that area when I get much more improvement focusing on my strengths? It's a misnomer to think improving weaknesses helps you, maximizing strength is the only thing that works.

Yeah I'd marry for money because I have enough love to give both of us, so if somebody wants to focus on the money while I give the love, to me that's just a natural balance. It amuses me that people think I'm a golddigger but nah. It's just a natural balance that works. Society says it's unfair to make women stay at home (when they don't want to), well it's just as unfair to make men work when it doesn't naturally mesh with their personality and what they have to offer.
I agree 100%