Quote Originally Posted by MaviTilki View Post
On the forum it appears to be one, EIEs and IEIs are said to be very elegant and aristocratic.. EIEs are a tad more dramatic and IEIs actually have more of a sophisticated aura.. but I actually haven't met any stupid IEI yet all of them were at least average intelligence wise. I know lots of hard working and smart SEIs who excelled at school/ academic settings too.
Yeah I actually think most people on the forum have no ideas about IEIs irl.. yes I think we lack objective logic.. like we usually suck at seeing our actions more objectively or think in realistic terms.. we are also lazy as Ip temperament and probably not the most practical people, but I usually see IEIs as 'brainy' people like most intuitive function dominant people or intuitives in general, who suck more at practical everyday stuff. Highly imaginative as well.
So many negative stereotypes about IEIs tbh.
I do not think IEI suck at practical stuff. ILE, IEE sure. They seem like they are slipping on everything. But IEI and even ILI are very down to earth people yet intuitive ofc.