Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
As I mentioned, I made myself depressed and sick when the classes were nearing an end. Up until then I was loving tech school because all I had to deal with was os software, networking, and things of that nature. The tests were very easy to pass. I was probably feeling pretty cocky about my skills. My teacher had me tutoring others, and helping him with class preparations, from the very beginning of that program. Does that mean my Te isn't so bad after all?

When the time came to learn how to build the computer from scratch I got overwhelmed. I missed most of the classes because I was so sick over it. I told the teachers that I was studying at home and would still be able to do it. The problem was I didn't get to take apart and build a computer in class, like the others did, so I had to do my exam with very little hands on experience. Just what I knew from installing hardware on my own computer a few times. I had never built one though.

I built a solid product, somehow. I got to take it home and use it after I completed the program. I just didn't do it in the right right order, after the major components were installed. During the exam we had to take the whole thing apart and we were supposed to label everything so we could put it back together the "right" way. I was so nervous that misplaced a couple of things but I did find them later and installed them perfectly. I just didn't follow the procedures in the book. The exam took a whole day and I was so exhausted.

It was inspected and they had no way of knowing I didn't go step by step. I was very nervous about installing the power supply. Something about it intimidated me. I was better the second day, during the written part, except I drew two of the diagrams out of order. Even if he suspected I did it out of order because of that he didn't call me out on it like he did some of the guys. That is probably why I got a B+ instead of an A.

I also graduated at the very top of my class even though it was mostly men. No one had higher grades than me. Is that my Te or Ti?

Edit: I have been troubleshooting computer problems for years. Not only for myself but for others. I usually have no problem sorting it on my own. If I don't do it for awhile I might forget some things but I know how to research and find information I need to solve the problem. If I can't find it myself I will just ask a friend who knows more than I do. Sometimes there are no solutions readily available and that is when I look within for my answers. I ask myself what am I missing. I search my memory for anything that might be helpful. It works pretty well. I have found solutions to problems others hadn't yet and posted to help others.
Oh yeah stuff like that would intimidate me too.. like 'specifics' building thinsg step by step.. seems to exhausting.

An SLE once asked me about a function on my camera I hadn't used yet.. so I tried to find it without telling him I didn't know where it was and that I never used it before (I didn't want him to show me or something).. because I didn't want to appear stupid or less experienced than him lol. I actually found it after a while and was like 'phewww', haha. But damn was my forehead sweaty. :'D