(room decorating fail)
Example 1: I can see a SLI being disappointed if this happened -- like let's say the paint they bought didn't shine the way it was suppose to, etc. But they'd probably then focus on a solution to that problem and correct whatever wasn't "working."

(changed/cancelled plans)
Example 2:I think there are situations where an SLI would care -- let's say they planned a trip to the best ski slope ever and want to use their new ski gear stuff. But they don't get to do that and have to stay home. They would definitely be bummed. But if it was a regular night, then think of something else fun to do. Unless the poor planning meant not getting together at all, in which case I'm sure they would also be sad).

My ENFp friend and I were just talking about this and we're actually both planners, in that we want to have at least the basics decided. Especially dates. We just want a time and a place to meet up, and then are open to doing whatever.

Though I'd prefer to keep things less set in stone, I am very clear about what I'm committing to and what I'm not. Most of my friends are super organized so I don't say I'm going to something and then bail (as that pisses people off and I don't think I'd have many friends doing that). If I'm not 100 percent, I'll say that I'm not sure if I can go yet and will let them know by whatever day. Or I might even say I'm likely not going, but may end up there if xyz happens. I just like people to have an expectation set so they aren't dissapointed.

Now, after I show up at the specified time/place, then I don't really care if the plan changes, or what specifically happens. If I'm hanging out w/ someone and we had plans to get lunch at one place, and it's closed, who cares. Or if we end up doing something different, whatever -- so long as other people weren't expecting us to go to something.'

I don't think this has much to do with functions or socionics but more with how you're raised (as far as planning) and the expectations of the people in your life.