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Thread: My Type - ILI, ILE, LII?

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    Default My Type - ILI, ILE, LII?

    This is where I write a big wall of text, but the problem is I have no idea what to type. Suggestions?

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    This is where you talk about your personality.

    For instance, I'd usually start by saying I'm the classic introvert, whatever that really means, and I'm lazy and carefree (in the realistic sense), I don't notice things around me or details, and I think too much, and I have a big imagination, and etc. Talk about people or tasks, your interests and hobbies and your interpretation of such. Life priorities usually come all out eventually. Try to write a good few long paragraphs about yourself, and don't copy my style.
    Last edited by 717495; 10-11-2009 at 06:39 AM.

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    Anyone met an ILE-Ne who's socially inept?

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    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    *microwave goes off*
    Her: Go away, why don't you eat your food?
    Me: What food?
    Her: I just heard the microwave go off.
    Me; You're assuming I have food in there - I could have a drink in there, my foot in there, etc.
    Her: Whatever.
    Sounds like you contribute to that other guy's problem.

    "No assumptions, I clarify everything!"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Sounds like you contribute to that other guy's problem.

    "No assumptions, I clarify everything!"
    LOL, maybe. We might even be the same type.

    I'm guessing the information I've given isn't enough to properly type. Give me some typology questions, people~! I'm open to anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    Anyone met an ILE-Ne who's socially inept?
    I'm a socially inept ILE and I'm not Ti sub.

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    Okay, let's say you're walking down the street, then you see a guy walking carrying a dress shirt with a hanger, and a cup of coffee. He stumbles, and you think to yourself, "Why is he walking ...."

    "Maybe he doesn't have a car, why would someone carry that while walking if you have car?"
    "Maybe he has a car, but he thought he needed the exercise, and choose to run his errands on foot."
    "But he seems fit and he isn't overweight ... maybe he's just lazy?"

    This is what I do to amuse myself while I'm walking alone, don't judge me.

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    Any assistance?

  9. #9
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    I would say you are ILE. I am 99% sure you are Alpha NT, and probably 80% sure you are ILE. Your emphasis in your descriptions is mainly on Ne possibilities, not Ti logical conclusions. The social awkwardness points towards weak Feeling, ruling out Delta NF.

    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    I think I thrive on conflict, on arguing. Yes, I am argumentative. I tend to play the devil's advocate just for the sake of fun, and make up ridiculous claims to entice a reaction from my audience.


    I say what I mean - political correctness is pretty much foreign to me.


    I don't like to be bossed around - I will probably openly defy someone if they attempt to control me. I like to take a stand when something doesn't make logical sense no matter what the consequences are for my questioning.
    The parts I quoted I think indicate stronger Se than an LII like me would have. ILEs are less afraid of confrontation than LIIs, just like LIIs are marginally better at understanding how people feel about them than ILEs are.

    If you've described yourself accurately, then I'm pretty sure you're ILE.
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  10. #10
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    *microwave goes off*
    Her: Go away, why don't you eat your food?
    Me: What food?
    Her: I just heard the microwave go off.
    Me; You're assuming I have food in there - I could have a drink in there, my foot in there, etc.
    Her: Whatever.

    Note: I did have food in there.
    lol that's possibly the most obnoxious thing I've ever seen.

    I'm not opposed to ILE. I'd say ILE > LII.

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    I think my previous description was a little out there .... I could be ENTp, though.

    I rarely interact with anyone - I never take the initiative in my dealings with people, and find it extremely difficult and nerve-wrecking. I'm socially awkward, a feeling of uneasiness consumes me in social situations; I don't know what to say, how to behave, etc. My eyes tend to wander when speaking to people, and I seldom make eye contact - many people have commented on this. In fact, I am sure one person (a teacher) that has done so is ego type. She seemed bewildered by my aloofness and unresponsiveness to her concern and probing questions. "You'll talk to me when you're ready." I laughed at that.

    Communication wise, I'm not sure how to define myself. The only person I have conversations with regularly is my mother. These aren't exactly conversations, just more like me rambling on about varying subjects (random things) or analyzing her behavior for kicks. More than once has she referred to my mental processes being retarded.

    During class, I usually sit in the back, and the further away I'm from people, the better. I attempt to avoid boredom, but when that's inevitable, I'll pull out my book on formal logic, or stare blankly into space.

    I don't thrive on conflict - I think I exaggerated a tad on some parts of my earlier post. I do like to get things out in the open, but not to the extent of drawing unwanted attention to myself in a classroom or group. I'm still argumentative, and I'm a pretty unapproachable person.

    I attempt not to sugarcoat my words, but I'm aware and keep up all with the pleasantries I'm comfortable with saying (which is quite possibly limited to "thank you"). I still do prefer being straight to point and honest, I care very little for the supposed atmosphere.

    Although I still believe I chafe at being under orders that don't make sense - I don't openly defy someone, I silently resist. I don't take a stand, I just do things begrudgingly, or just find a clever way to show my disdain.

    When I am present in a group, I'm very much focused on the productiveness, and its purpose. If we aren't doing anything worthwhile, I don't see the point in participating. I really refuse to take on obligations because I'll either a) forget or b) not get to them out of laziness.

    I could write more, but I'd need questions.
    Last edited by OnePiece; 11-05-2009 at 10:37 PM.

  12. #12
    Hello...? somavision's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    I could write more, but I'd need questions.
    would you like a hug?

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    I'm going with INTj. Your first post was written in more of a closed-ended way "This is where I write a big wall of text," which is sort of a decided thought. Versus how an INTp would be a bit more open-ended or undefined about it.

    Also, the fact that you prefer to be asked questions, instead of easily writing a free flowing monologue the way an ENTp would, I think seems more INTj.

    Just my guess though Let us know what you end up deciding on.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    I think my previous description was a little out there .... I could be ENTp, though.

    I rarely interact with anyone - I never take the initiative in my dealings with people, and find it extremely difficult and nerve-wrecking. I'm socially awkward, a feeling of uneasiness consumes me in social situations; I don't know what to say, how to behave, etc. My eyes tend to wander when speaking to people, and I seldom make eye contact - many people have commented on this. In fact, I am sure one person (a teacher) that has done so is ego type. She seemed bewildered by my aloofness and unresponsiveness to her concern and probing questions. "You'll talk to me when you're ready." I laughed at that.

    Communication wise, I'm not sure how to define myself. The only person I have conversations with regularly is my mother. These aren't exactly conversations, just more like me rambling on about varying subjects (random things) or analyzing her behavior for kicks. More than once has she referred to my mental processes being retarded.

    During class, I usually sit in the back, and the further away I'm from people, the better. I attempt to avoid boredom, but when that's inevitable, I'll pull out my book on formal logic, or stare blankly into space.

    I don't thrive on conflict - I think I exaggerated a tad on some parts of my earlier post. I do like to get things out in the open, but not to the extent of drawing unwanted attention to myself in a classroom or group. I'm still argumentative, and I'm a pretty unapproachable person.

    I attempt not to sugarcoat my words, but I'm aware and keep up all with the pleasantries I'm comfortable with saying (which is quite possibly limited to "thank you"). I still do prefer being straight to point and honest, I care very little for the supposed atmosphere.

    Although I still believe I chafe at being under orders that don't make sense - I don't openly defy someone, I silently resist. I don't take a stand, I just do things begrudgingly, or just find a clever way to show my disdain.

    When I am present in a group, I'm very much focused on the productiveness, and its purpose. If we aren't doing anything worthwhile, I don't see the point in participating. I really refuse to take on obligations because I'll either a) forget or b) not get to them out of laziness.

    I could write more, but I'd need questions.
    I could have written this.

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    From I've read, your self-typing is ENTp?

    Can anyone explain to be how Fx PoLRs differ from one another?

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    Juvenile shindaiwa21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    I think my previous description was a little out there .... I could be ENTp, though.

    I rarely interact with anyone - I never take the initiative in my dealings with people, and find it extremely difficult and nerve-wrecking. I'm socially awkward, a feeling of uneasiness consumes me in social situations; I don't know what to say, how to behave, etc. My eyes tend to wander when speaking to people, and I seldom make eye contact - many people have commented on this. In fact, I am sure one person (a teacher) that has done so is ego type. She seemed bewildered by my aloofness and unresponsiveness to her concern and probing questions. "You'll talk to me when you're ready." I laughed at that.

    Communication wise, I'm not sure how to define myself. The only person I have conversations with regularly is my mother. These aren't exactly conversations, just more like me rambling on about varying subjects (random things) or analyzing her behavior for kicks. More than once has she referred to my mental processes being retarded.

    During class, I usually sit in the back, and the further away I'm from people, the better. I attempt to avoid boredom, but when that's inevitable, I'll pull out my book on formal logic, or stare blankly into space.

    I don't thrive on conflict - I think I exaggerated a tad on some parts of my earlier post. I do like to get things out in the open, but not to the extent of drawing unwanted attention to myself in a classroom or group. I'm still argumentative, and I'm a pretty unapproachable person.

    I attempt not to sugarcoat my words, but I'm aware and keep up all with the pleasantries I'm comfortable with saying (which is quite possibly limited to "thank you"). I still do prefer being straight to point and honest, I care very little for the supposed atmosphere.

    Although I still believe I chafe at being under orders that don't make sense - I don't openly defy someone, I silently resist. I don't take a stand, I just do things begrudgingly, or just find a clever way to show my disdain.

    When I am present in a group, I'm very much focused on the productiveness, and its purpose. If we aren't doing anything worthwhile, I don't see the point in participating. I really refuse to take on obligations because I'll either a) forget or b) not get to them out of laziness.

    I could write more, but I'd need questions.
    Well I can certainly tell you're an Alpha NT. You sound like an Ne alpha NT. Whether you are Ne-ENTp or Ne-INTj I'm not quite sure. I'm an Ne-ENTp and most of what you said is true of me. I'm a 7 sp/sx which apparently makes me more reserved and seemingly introverted. Oh, my mom doesn't call me a retard though

    Let me ask you a some things:

    Do you feel you have a hard time trusting relationships you have with people. Even if they respond positively, do you still think that they might just be tolerating you? Does it shatter your confidence when you get even a brief moment of negative response from someone?

    Do you find that you tend to change topics rapidly in the flow of conversation/chat room or that you tend to want to see through what you were talking about.

    Do you find that you shift from activity to activity before you complete one, or are you thorough and methodical in tasks? Do you work in intense bursts or pace yourself?

    Do you look at your IM window hoping people will talk to you, or are you content to sit there and read whatever uninterrupted? If it's someone you actually want to talk to, are you inclined to finish what you're reading or respond immediately?

    Do you find yourself learning new things with objective of competency or trying to master fewer things?
    Last edited by shindaiwa21; 11-08-2009 at 09:29 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    From I've read, your self-typing is ENTp?

    Can anyone explain to be how Fx PoLRs differ from one another?
    If you are indeed ILE (I think you are) you should have a -Fi PoRL. This would translate in a tendency to avoid negative emotion, and reticence to deepen personal contacts with people, preferring to be friendly and benevolent towards all. Can you relate to this?

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    Do you feel you have a hard time trusting relationships you have with people. Even if they respond positively, do you still think that they might just be tolerating you? Does it shatter your confidence when you get even a brief moment of negative response from someone?
    I don't relate well to this.

    Do you find that you tend to change topics rapidly in the flow of conversation/chat room or that you tend to want to see through what you were talking about.
    If I'm genuinely interested in the topic at hand, I'd definitely want to see through what I was talking about.

    Do you find that you shift from activity to activity before you complete one, or are you thorough and methodical in tasks? Do you work in intense bursts or pace yourself?
    I shift from activity to activity, never quite finished with what I was doing before, and tend to work in bursts.

    Do you look at your IM window hoping people will talk to you, or are you content to sit there and read whatever uninterrupted? If it's someone you actually want to talk to, are you inclined to finish what you're reading or respond immediately?
    I'm content to sit there and read in both situations.

    Do you find yourself learning new things with objective of competency or trying to master fewer things?
    Trying to master fewer things.

    If you are indeed ILE (I think you are) you should have a -Fi PoRL. This would translate in a tendency to avoid negative emotion, and reticence to deepen personal contacts with people, preferring to be friendly and benevolent towards all. Can you relate to this?
    Not really.

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    With the exception of this answer "I shift from activity to activity, never quite finished with what I was doing before, and tend to work in bursts." you're answers seem pretty consistent with what I'd expect from an INTj. That one answer is very classically Ep though, which does make me doubt a bit. Still, the PoLR kinda clinches the case for me: it doesn't sound to me like you have an Fi-PoLR (what my first question was trying to get at.) I wouldn't say an Fi PoLR would make you friendly and benevolent to all, but with people you care about, you will probably try to avoid any situation of emotional conflict. It sounds like you don't respond well to authority, which might indicate Se PoLR (not that ENTp's love authority.) I feel like you're kinda methodical in your writing. Most Ne-ENTp's will have no problem blathering about themselves right off You seemed genuinely disimpassioned about people, which would be kinda uncommon for having Fe Hidden Agenda (especially most valued.) You might be unskilled, but you'd probably feel more of a desire to connect than I've seen you express.

    I'll try just a few more question:

    Do you feel a strong desire to connect with other people (not necessarily many, but any?)

    Do you fall in love with girls easily (not necessarily possessively, but do some girls bring out strong feelings quickly?) Do they seem a bit magical to you?

    In a conversation, do you feel like a rock in a stream? Do you feel like people don't actually listen to what you're saying when you're arguing and you just keep having to repeat yourself?

    If you'd be willing to post a few photos, visual ID might really help clear up this matter. Either that or conversing with you.

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    Do you feel a strong desire to connect with other people (not necessarily many, but any?)
    Not in particular.

    Do you fall in love with girls easily (not necessarily possessively, but do some girls bring out strong feelings quickly?) Do they seem a bit magical to you?
    None of the above.

    In a conversation, do you feel like a rock in a stream? Do you feel like people don't actually listen to what you're saying when you're arguing and you just keep having to repeat yourself?
    Yes, I have to repeatedly say the same thing over and over again until I properly get my point across. People tend to gloss over trivial things and irrelevant facts while arguing - Oh, don't forget the ad hom attacks.

    If you'd be willing to post a few photos, visual ID might really help clear up this matter. Either that or conversing with you.
    I willing to do the latter.

    The only types I've really considered were ILI, LII, and ILE. I don't think I could be anything else but an NT of some sorts (excluding ENTj for obvious reasons). And if this helps, I identify with the enneagram type 5w4 sp/sx.
    Last edited by OnePiece; 11-09-2009 at 02:49 AM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    The only types I've really considered were ILI, LII, and ILE. I don't think I could be anything else but an NT of some sorts (excluding ENTj for obvious reasons).
    Funny, that's exactly the types I was considering when I first came here.


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
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    Juvenile shindaiwa21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    Not in particular.

    None of the above.

    Yes, I have to repeatedly say the same thing over and over again until I properly get my point across. People tend to gloss over trivial things and irrelevant facts while arguing - Oh, don't forget the ad hom attacks.

    I willing to do the latter.

    The only types I've really considered were ILI, LII, and ILE. I don't think I could be anything else but an NT of some sorts (excluding ENTj for obvious reasons). And if this helps, I identify with the enneagram type 5w4 sp/sx.
    You seem extremely alpha NT to me. The only reason people (I being one of them) consider INTp at first is because you seem say well I'm not a super-strict Ij temperament, I'm not an extrovert, and I'm NT, so I must be INTp. These were also the three types I considered when I joined socionix.

    From what you've said I'm pretty certain you're INTj. In my experience INTj's argue statically, repeating the same few things that they believe clinch the argument, where ENTp's argue more dynamically, bouncing back ideas others send and them and throwing out new ideas that come to them during the argument. Sorry if that came out sounding a little derogatory to INTj's, but hey, I'm an ENTp, I'm biased to me. Also your lack of interest in other people is pretty atypical of ENTp, but not unheard of.

    As for enneagram, I tested as a 5, but apparently I'm a 7, also sp/sx. If you indeed are a 5, it would be a pretty weird type for an ENTp, but fits well with INTj (pretty common type for INTj's). sp stacking would make you come across even more strongly introverted in all likelihood.

    Lastly, your writing seems calm and measured like and INTj not sort of twinkley and ecstatic like an ENTp's. Some Ti-ENTp's will come across as calm and measure though.

    You can AIM me if you feel like interacting. EDIT: thought I had my AIM listed, but that was a different forum. Now it's up.
    Last edited by shindaiwa21; 11-09-2009 at 03:21 AM.

    Arctures: delta just produces boring people
    Arctures: but that's how we like it

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    vero: That's why I date an SLI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Funny, that's exactly the types I was considering when I first came here.
    The reason is because on many sites (ahem wikisocion ahem) there is no real difference between INTp, ENTp, and INTj (besides some obvious Ij parts to INTj).

    If you're Alpha NT, kinda into darker shit, and you have E5 in you, then INTp becomes a likely candidate.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    The reason is because on many sites (ahem wikisocion ahem) there is no real difference between INTp, ENTp, and INTj (besides some obvious Ij parts to INTj).

    If you're Alpha NT, kinda into darker shit, and you have E5 in you, then INTp becomes a likely candidate.
    We have a whole bunch of E5 INTj (hitta for one) don't we?

    Arctures: delta just produces boring people
    Arctures: but that's how we like it

    vero: who needs a real person
    vero: That's why I date an SLI

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    yeah there are many E5 INTj's...

    Some 9, 1, and 6's though.
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    Are there many E5 ENTp's?

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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    its possible. I cannot think of any atm.

    I originally thought I was E5, but after actually reading E6 on a good enne site I'm certain (irony lol) that I'm a 6w5.
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    I'm most certainly an enneagram five, possibly with a six wing, and sp/sx instinctual subtype. Seems rather odd for an ENTp, no? I'm not too sure how a Ti-ENTp would differ from a Ne-ENTp.
    Last edited by OnePiece; 11-12-2009 at 01:42 AM.

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    Do you really want to find out your type?

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    From what I've seen E5 ENTp's are very uncommon if they exist. I'm pretty sure you're INTj (Ne or Ti is uncertain.) The reason being is that I feel like your first Function is Ti. You seem strongly rational to me, without being haywire Ti. Ti-ENTp's can be haywire Ti a bit, but they are still irrational.

    It's hard to qualify how ENTp subs differ. The best way to look at it IMO would be to look at how Archon and other Ti-ENTp's differ from me and Riddy. Ne's tend to be a bit more outgoing and direct, more random. Ti's are a bit more focused and, well, Ti-eey.

    Arctures: delta just produces boring people
    Arctures: but that's how we like it

    vero: who needs a real person
    vero: That's why I date an SLI

    dolphin: someone tell gulanzon adjusting shower water to the right temperature is not si

    Kraezz: you just have to do the ****** thing sometimes

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    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    Do you really want to find out your type?
    I don't know, maybe I should make a thread about it.

    Well, it seems as if it's highly unlikely I'm an INTp, so I can scratch that off my list. Really, the descriptions of the Gamma quadrant were always foreign to me.

    Alpha NT is the general consensus, so all I have to do now is decide between ENTp and INTj. Although I didn't get a definite answer, I appreciate the help you've all provided me.

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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    oh well yeah, you could be INTj too.
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    Although everyone in this thread is sure I'm an Alpha NT, I'm really not. No one really bothered to explain why, so I'm left confused.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OnePiece View Post
    Although everyone in this thread is sure I'm an Alpha NT, I'm really not. No one really bothered to explain why, so I'm left confused.
    This is true, and unfortunately, it's how typing often goes here at this forum...

    Usually, someone pulls a typing out of their ass, others agree with it, (trying to sound knowledgeable all the while, maybe throwing in some enneagram stuff to obscure their ignorance,) and then it snowballs until it becomes a consensus.

    And thus the typing is total horseshit.

    Have you thought about LSI..? You have a laconic style of responding that I've noted in many Ti-LSIs.

    Many LSIs believe that they have to be some sort of "NT" when they come to Socionics--b/c they come from other systems (e.g. MBTI,) and know that they are 'imaginative' and 'creative.' Certainly, many LSIs are both.

    P.S. having just read what you've written in this thread... I have no idea how Alpha NT was what was decided on by the people who typed you... quiet, sometimes socially awkward, somewhat aggressive... Beta would be the first quadra I'd look at if I was you. Beta introvert specifically. (LSI even more specifically.)

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    It's not that the typing is bullshit, but at the moment, I'm considering INxp (far more so INTp), and just wanted to know everyone's reason for Alpha NT. And also because of opposing viewpoint from another forums with basically the same information.

    I wouldn't describe myself as aggressive at all, actually. I've thought about LSI and deemed it unlikely along with all the other Beta types (excluding INFp, which is the only ethical type I could see myself being for some reason, but that isn't very likely either). When applying force, assertiveness, and direct action are absolutely necessary in a situation, I have difficultly doing so, and just end up not achieving anything. But, Se-creative works in so many other ways, am I right? I really think I'm an intuitive type because Sx just seems so unlikely.
    Last edited by OnePiece; 12-16-2009 at 08:33 PM.

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    I'll try to help you get the right type--or at least in the right quadra--if you want.(You might well be right about INTp.)

    These are a couple of questions that I usually ask:

    1) Who is someone famous (could be now or from history) you admire..? Very briefly: why?

    2) What's some entertainment that you like..? Could be TV shows, bands, specific movies, specific authors, etc

    3) What do you want to be doing in five years..? Ten years..?

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    1) Who is someone famous (could be now or from history) you admire..? Very briefly: why?

    This question ... it always frustrates me because I have no idea. I actually had to write an essay with the same question and I settled on Richard Dawkins. I believe I cited his ability to play to his audience and articulate himself so well. Of course, there was more, but those two things come to mind.

    2) What's some entertainment that you like..? Could be TV shows, bands, specific movies, specific authors, etc

    House, Monk, and any version of CSI, I'm attracted to mysteries. TBS is probably the best station on television because of its re-runs of The Office, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, and King of Queens.

    3) What do you want to be doing in five years..? Ten years..?

    No idea.

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    any time
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

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    I can be any irrational intutive type from every quarda (excluding Delta) ... Ugh.

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