He's a very private person, a recluse. He practically never leaves his room, let alone his house. He constantly tells me he does so because he hates people. He has about two friends other than myself, we've all known all each other for years. He clearly has some difficulty making new friends.

I remember a time when he actually comes outside to pay me a visit (my house is a block away from his), he told he feels very anxious when outside, always on the look out for danger. It's obvious to me he's very uncomfortable in social situations. Perhaps he has some kind of anxiety disorder?

He's very, very messy. His spaces are always in disarray - cans, papers, books, games, you name it and it's on the floor. His hair is almost always long and unkempt, he shows no regard for his appearance whatsoever. He says sitting in a barber shop is a nerve wrecking experience, but it's mainly because of his lazy nature he doesn't get his hair cut for months on end.

He's constantly asking seemingly pointless and obvious questions, "why?", "what do you mean?", etc. He says he only does so for confirmation. A rough quote: "I can assume what you mean by going with the most probable meaning, but that assumption can also be wrong."

Mr. Literal, I call him. Very blunt, almost to the point of being unnecessarily cold (at least not to me ), so far as claiming honesty is his greatest value. I always say he should be more tactful and considerate of other's feelings ... He doesn't believe in pretense, he just says what's on his mind, often mocking others for their supposed stupidity.

He's usually a pretty calm, easy going guy, but when criticized, he can be a bit touchy. He doesn't sulk, he gets anger, you can hear it in his voice (he kinda yells), and see it in his body language. He says he only does this when the critic is plainly obviously doing it to get underneath his skin and trying to knock him down. He goes to possibly extreme lengths to humiliate and reveal how stupid this person really is. He usually just dismisses people's opinions, so it's really odd.

When I was telling him about my relationship problems with my girlfriend, before I even finished talking, he just told me to stop talking. He asked me, "What can I possibly say to this? She obviously isn't a very big fan of logic, so an illogical solution is your best option ..." Then he went on about how possibly murdering her dog and sending chain letters to her house could solve all our issues. He's not really someone you go to for emotional support ...

When he calls me to converse, it usually only to share one of his crazy ideas, play checkers and chess, or videogames. These are probably one of few occasions where he displays any kind of enthusiasm.

He has a bit of a dark sense of humor, hmm ... this isn't particularly dark, but it's something he does often. When in group conversations, he's makes pretty obvious puns, seemingly patting himself on the back for coming up with such a witty joke, then goes on ask "you get it?" and then goes to explain the most simplistic wordplay as if the people surrounding him are idiots - he tells me that's the joke.

I'm not sure if it's because of the people he's associating himself with (he calls them acquaintances and tells me never to refer to them as his friends), but he's very anti-authoritarian. Walking out of school during lunch, skipping classes, running away from security guards, questions and sarcastically insults authority figures. He's a bit of a delinquent, I suppose. But typically he's the quiet guy in the back of class either sleeping or spacing the fuck out.

+ seems to be there.