If may digress, do any of the ENTPs here mind calling people? As an ISFP, I'd rather drive 10 miles and see if a store has what I'm looking for rather then picking up a damn phone and asking. Our shyness knows no limits!

As far as emotional distance and ENTPs, the unanimous complaint I have to hear about my ENTP boss is his distance. While I know he's incredibly just and democratic (as most ENTPs are) others assume his distance is a sign of his intellectual superiority or haughtiness over others.
It seems ENTPs expend tremendous levels of energy, and need this occasional distancing to recharge and reasses.
I've also noticed that ISTJ, ISFJ, and INFJ types tend to have the least sympathy towards his behavior, particularly when he breaks decorum; for example, reading dirty jokes in his email during our outpatient clinic, or cranking up the music in his office, while I tend to find his behavior most liberating.