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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Default Tipping

    Is tipping style related to type? I've noticed I'm kind of an emotionally generous tipper. About as low as I go is 20% (15% if they give bad service) and I've never stiffed anyone. That and I tend to give ridiculous tips for good service. The restaurant I just got back from my waittress asked if I wanted a dessert and gave it to me for free so BOOM 50% tip. It's kind of funny, but since I usually find a favorite restaurant to go to, after a while when I show up all the servers seem really happy to see me.

    Also, I'm one of those people that draws smiley faces on the receipts.
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  2. #2
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Omg. I never tip anything. It's not customary to tip around here, waiters already have a good salary.
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  3. #3
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Omg. I never tip anything. It's not customary to tip around here, waiters already have a good salary.
    I wish they paid waiters/waitresses more in the US so we didn't need to tip. I usually tip between 15-20% regardless. I don't like the subjectivity involved in tipping and trying to figure out how much each person should get. Too much hassle. I'm all in favor of doing away with the tipping altogther and just paying the waiters and waitresses more to begin with.

    I was eating out with my ESE mother one day and she takes tipping seriously. She'll give low tips to those who don't remember to come back to refill her glass or don't stop to ask her if she likes her food okay. Personally I prefer to just be left alone and I don't want someone coming back every couple of minutes to check on our table.

    My SLI father is rather stingy with the tipping and rarely goes above 15%, even if the service is excellent.
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    It depends. If it's a place I intend to never come back to, I won't tip. If it's a place I visit often, I will leave a good tip, because I know it's going to be worth it in the long run. For example, there's a restaurant/sports bar that I frequent, and I always leave them a good tip. Because of this, they recognize me and I end up getting lots of free food, mainly wings and dessert. So I guess it depends on whether or not I profit in the long run.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    I tend to be a generous tipper! I really just like the thought of possibly making the person a little happier, haha... especially when it's a job where they probably don't make that much money.
    mm i dunno. my roommate works at a gourmet pizza place where he does all the leg work making the pizza and prepping everything and he gets 8.50 an hour whereas the waitress who deals with the customer, writes shit down on paper, and delivers food SOMETIMES makes about 12 an hour. That's bullshit. I wanna tip the cooks.

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    I think I generally go with whatever percentage is typically expected in the situation. And I usually ask someone else what it is... because someone else usually has a strong opinion on what it should be and as long it's not above 20% I'm usually sort of "whatever" about it (I'd probably feel guilty if it was too small though). Because I expect that it may be as high as that. Anyway, I almost wish the tip was already automatically figured in. At some places it is for "parties of a certain number" which is just much easier.

  7. #7


    I'm a big tipper. I've tipped the delivery guy from the chinese food place down the street like 50% before. which got my wait time for sweet and sour chicken down to 10 minutes after I hung up the phone, very important when your stoned out of your gourd and dying from munchies

    me and a friend uses to spend half our days ditching school in the Denny's down the street when we were in highschool. I think we were the only highschool kids who actually gave the waitresses decent tips (we'd end up tipping equal to the check or sometimes more, which wasn't all that much since we'd usually just order coffee's and some french fries with ranch dressing on the side). For this, we were always seated in a booth in the corner way back in the empty dining room part of Denny's that they didn't use so that we were safe from the other annoyingly loud highschool ditchers, police (we were typically stoned, often tripping on acid) and highschool security guard sweeps.

    tipping well can get you some great perks (not that that's really the reason that I do it)

  8. #8
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    I tip ~20% rounded up to the nearest dollar.
    For my regular places or friends I round to the nearest 5 or 10 dollar increment.

  9. #9
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    I tip well. My husband is cheap. Even if he wants to tip well, he can't bring himself to do it, so he has me pay.
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    I always tip well. I waited tables for a short period of time and... that was enough to turn me into a good tipper. It's a very frustrating job. Bleh.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Is tipping style related to type? I've noticed I'm kind of an emotionally generous tipper. About as low as I go is 20% (15% if they give bad service) and I've never stiffed anyone. That and I tend to give ridiculous tips for good service. The restaurant I just got back from my waittress asked if I wanted a dessert and gave it to me for free so BOOM 50% tip. It's kind of funny, but since I usually find a favorite restaurant to go to, after a while when I show up all the servers seem really happy to see me.

    Also, I'm one of those people that draws smiley faces on the receipts.
    I start at 15% for average service
    I go 10%-15% for poor service
    I go 15%-20% for good service
    I go over 20% for excellent service
    I go 0-10% for crap service

    I usually round up also

    I used to work at a restraunt and believe me you people must be the exception because most people tip around 10-20%.... then you have either extremes, some people are cheap and don't tip at all and some people are generous and tip alot more than I feel is worth my service. I worked to-go though so not tipping was alot more common, as people think they don't need to tip the to-go person, but I was pretty pro, I fielded orders in like an air traffic controller at a busy airport. I liked that job, I'd leave a 4 hour shift sometimes with 50 dollars in cash tips on top of a normal wage (for a job like that) on a good day.

    As far as socionics my guess would be xSTx is likely cheap and xxFp are likely generous, I am xNTx and I usually take a second to critique their service to produce a deserving tip... I wouldn't call myself generous or stingy, but fair.

  12. #12
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    I tend to be a good tipper, but the truth is that sometimes waiters do not deserve the tips. But for many of them it really makes difference, and you can tell that they are grateful to you. And as it has already been mentioned, it can also yield benefits for you, in the form of freebies, or simply smiles and better service.

  13. #13
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    i worked for tips before so i try to tip at least the minimum of 15%, try to 20% if they did good. if they sucked it prolly dips below 15% but prolly not so low as 10% since i just can't do it. a lot of service really sucks these days though. and if i'm broke it's harder but i do it anyway.


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  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    a lot of service really sucks these days though
    lol I guess, most of the time I'd say people know what they are doing but I have two idiosyncracies...

    1) I hate when people will greet you with "How are you doing" but they really don't want you to answer with the typical "I am doing fine" etc... instead the phrase's meaning is something closer to "Can I take your order"... I don't get that because why don't they just say "Can I take your order" or something. It seems retarded to have a conversation that goes like...
    "How are you doing today"
    "Double Cheeseburger!"

    2) I hate it when people will do some service for you, like check you out at the grocery store, hand you food at the drive thru, and so forth... but they don't say something to end the interaction, they just awkwardly hand you your food and then turn around and ignore you.... I am so used to people saying something like "Have a nice day"... not because I really believe they want me to have a nice day, but because it lets me know that our interaction has ended.

    Honestly, I think its because of text messaging and facebook and shit, people don't know how to deal with random people in face to face interactions. It also happens with people who speak poor english, not being racist but the "How are you doing" is a favorite among mexican people who work drive thrus in this one area of town and everytime I answer "I am doing fine" they say "Tell me when your ready to order" all frustrated and awkward... its not my fucking fault lol, they asked me how I was doing!


  15. #15
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Is tipping style related to type? I've noticed I'm kind of an emotionally generous tipper. About as low as I go is 20% (15% if they give bad service) and I've never stiffed anyone. That and I tend to give ridiculous tips for good service. The restaurant I just got back from my waittress asked if I wanted a dessert and gave it to me for free so BOOM 50% tip. It's kind of funny, but since I usually find a favorite restaurant to go to, after a while when I show up all the servers seem really happy to see me.

    Also, I'm one of those people that draws smiley faces on the receipts.
    I'm pretty much like this, except I don't draw smiley faces on the receipts, and I occasionally forget about details like tips. Also, in non-restaurant situations I'm not always sure whether a tip is expected or not.

    I don't go out to eat much, though, so I can afford it.
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    good service is hard to define.

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    Quote Originally Posted by heath View Post
    mm i dunno. my roommate works at a gourmet pizza place where he does all the leg work making the pizza and prepping everything and he gets 8.50 an hour whereas the waitress who deals with the customer, writes shit down on paper, and delivers food SOMETIMES makes about 12 an hour. That's bullshit. I wanna tip the cooks.
    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    so do I then, lol
    Yeah, but keep in mind that isn’t always the case. At least cooks get a steady pay, where servers are almost completely dependent on your tips. Like I’ll work a seven hour shift and only walk away with about $30-40 in tips, plus a few dollars below minimum wage an hour. So maybe a combined total of $55 divided by seven hours is about $7.80 per hour, just under what a cook would make there.

    And not only is it just as physically laborious when the place gets busy, but it also tends to be emotionally draining to an extent (for me, at least). Tbh, I would consider the emotional effort wayyy more work than whatever I do physically. and what makes it worse is that everything you go through feels too petty to get upset about, even though you know internally that there must be some good reason for why you feel this way. Like even right now I feel totally pathetic complaining cause it’s such an “easy” job and, all in all, it’s just food, not someone’s life at stake, right? But it’s a service job, and in that people will treat you like it’s the end of the world if you can’t manage to refill their iced tea within 5 seconds of an empty glass cause you’re a little busy atm. basically, it just sucks being the “face” of someone’s dining experience. Because even if your server was great and did their best, if your food is terrible, you don’t leave a great tip. When other people slack, it’s always the “face” that takes the hit.

    And there are more shitty tippers than generous ones, so even if you feel like you overtip, chances are the extra dollar or two you gave only balanced out what they should’ve received from someone else. Ugh, I hate saying “should’ve” though, because technically it is a “tip” and so one shouldn’t technically feel entitled to it… but heh, in a way we are, since it’s the primary source of profit for all the work we do. Personally, I always tip at least 20%, as do most people who’ve had even a little bit of experience working in a restaurant, I’ve noticed. The most common tip I get is $3, but on average it ranges from $2-$10. Rarely below, unless it's a single person—businessmen who come in for a quick meal & coffee, to-go orders, a hungry student late to class, etc. Almost never above, unless they're A) creepy, B) a large party, C) extremely impressed, or D) know me personally.

    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    not being racist but […]
    lol and one more thing: to those of you who think it’s wrong to profile… fuck you, because when I started working I didn’t believe ANY tipping stereotypes had truth to them, but in only a couple months I’ve been proved totally wrong. hah. SO IN CONCLUSION ALL OF THOSE RACIAL/OLDPEOPLE/REGIONAL/FATPEOPLE/etc STEREOTYPES ARE ABSOLUTELY TRUE but I won’t elaborate cause I know I’ll take shit for it ahah
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    i used to make serious money in the biz in the 80's. i'd make $100 a night in tips, plus we used to get minimum (bussers and barbacks got minimum) i was a barback....i'd go home with like $600 a week for part time work. it was awesome.

    of course we used to drink a lot of it up until 4:00am...oh well at least not every night....


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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    Yeah, but keep in mind that isn’t always the case. At least cooks get a steady pay, where servers are almost completely dependent on your tips. Like I’ll work a seven hour shift and only walk away with about $30-40 in tips, plus a few dollars below minimum wage an hour. So maybe a combined total of $55 divided by seven hours is about $7.80 per hour, just under what a cook would make there.

    And not only is it just as physically laborious when the place gets busy, but it also tends to be emotionally draining to an extent (for me, at least). Tbh, I would consider the emotional effort wayyy more work than whatever I do physically. and what makes it worse is that everything you go through feels too petty to get upset about, even though you know internally that there must be some good reason for why you feel this way. Like even right now I feel totally pathetic complaining cause it’s such an “easy” job and, all in all, it’s just food, not someone’s life at stake, right? But it’s a service job, and in that people will treat you like it’s the end of the world if you can’t manage to refill their iced tea within 5 seconds of an empty glass cause you’re a little busy atm. basically, it just sucks being the “face” of someone’s dining experience. Because even if your server was great and did their best, if your food is terrible, you don’t leave a great tip. When other people slack, it’s always the “face” that takes the hit.

    And there are more shitty tippers than generous ones, so even if you feel like you overtip, chances are the extra dollar or two you gave only balanced out what they should’ve received from someone else. Ugh, I hate saying “should’ve” though, because technically it is a “tip” and so one shouldn’t technically feel entitled to it… but heh, in a way we are, since it’s the primary source of profit for all the work we do. Personally, I always tip at least 20%, as do most people who’ve had even a little bit of experience working in a restaurant, I’ve noticed. The most common tip I get is $3, but on average it ranges from $2-$10. Rarely below, unless it's a single person—businessmen who come in for a quick meal & coffee, to-go orders, a hungry student late to class, etc. Almost never above, unless they're A) creepy, B) a large party, C) extremely impressed, or D) know me personally.

    lol and one more thing: to those of you who think it’s wrong to profile… fuck you, because when I started working I didn’t believe ANY tipping stereotypes had truth to them, but in only a couple months I’ve been proved totally wrong. hah. SO IN CONCLUSION ALL OF THOSE RACIAL/OLDPEOPLE/REGIONAL/FATPEOPLE/etc STEREOTYPES ARE ABSOLUTELY TRUE but I won’t elaborate cause I know I’ll take shit for it ahah
    yeah, but my roommate makes awesome pizza. it's all too onfusing really.
    Last edited by olduser; 10-09-2009 at 12:20 AM.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    lol and one more thing: to those of you who think it’s wrong to profile… fuck you, because when I started working I didn’t believe ANY tipping stereotypes had truth to them, but in only a couple months I’ve been proved totally wrong. hah. SO IN CONCLUSION ALL OF THOSE RACIAL/OLDPEOPLE/REGIONAL/FATPEOPLE/etc STEREOTYPES ARE ABSOLUTELY TRUE but I won’t elaborate cause I know I’ll take shit for it ahah
    Lol I really wasn't being racist... to be completely strict about it, I was formulating a hypothesis over the influence culture has on the habits of workers in the service industry (you can quote that to impress people :wink.

    I know it sounds like lawyer bullshit, but I look at stereotypes as only hurtful when you automatically assume a person of a specific race magically inherits the traits from a stereotype, especially if those traits are negative. Stereotypes on there own I think shouldn't be shunned because without them people wouldn't have a sense of distinct cultural identity.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    in the biz
    you make it sound like you worked in show business or something

  22. #22
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Actually, the reason I never tip under 20% is due to reading the earlier posts on this blog a few years ago: Waiter Rant

    I've never waited tables, but I think I have a fairly good idea of what it's like, now.
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    Ah wow, from your descriptions the whole way restaurants work is really different in the US compared to here. For example, here we don't tip, but waiters have a pretty good pay - around 70-80 euros a day if you've got some experience and the place is at least decent. Plus, waiters are never expected to be really fast, just not to be excessively slow - if you have to wait 5-10 minutes to get your stuff and/or to get something refilled it's considered as totally normal, complaints start past 20 minutes usually.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Ah wow, from your descriptions the whole way restaurants work is really different in the US compared to here. For example, here we don't tip, but waiters have a pretty good pay - around 70-80 euros a day if you've got some experience and the place is at least decent. Plus, waiters are never expected to be really fast, just not to be excessively slow - if you have to wait 5-10 minutes to get your stuff and/or to get something refilled it's considered as totally normal, complaints start past 20 minutes usually.
    When I left HK to the U.S, I thought it was ridiculous to have to tip everything that is service related, dining out, hair salon, at the bar and so on. I always try to tip about 15% and maybe a little bit more by rounding it and giving them exact change. But man, I never understand people that tip 40 maybe even 50% for a hair cut.
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    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 07490 View Post
    When I left HK to the U.S, I thought it was ridiculous to have to tip everything that is service related, dining out, hair salon, at the bar and so on. I always try to tip about 15% and maybe a little bit more by rounding it and giving them exact change. But man, I never understand people that tip 40 maybe even 50% for a hair cut.
    We're supposed to tip for haircuts now? Since when? Hopefully things are different in Canada and I haven't been unintentionally rude to my barber all these years...
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    I usually get my haircut for free.
    Last edited by Park; 10-10-2009 at 12:00 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    you make it sound like you worked in show business or something
    restaurant biz...:-) although it might as well be showbiz since so many aspiring performance art people wait


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    I hate tipping situations that aren't food-related. At a restaurant I tip between 15-20% no matter what. But for hair and massages and crap like that, I never know exactly what's expected and I kind of panic. I usually tip $30 for my hair cut and highlight which costs about $140. So I think that's okay? I got a massage the other day that cost $80 and I tipped $10. probably on the low side but I was never going back (I used a gift certificate for that one).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    restaurant biz...:-) although it might as well be showbiz since so many aspiring performance art people wait
    Nah I said that because there is some sort of connection... not nessicarily showbiz, but working in a restaruant in the US is a totally different world from other jobs.

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    I tip completely on the quality of service I receive. But it's usually a pretty good amount. If you're rude, I'm going to snub you.

    I do think tipping could be fairly type related. On some profiles, I have seen that certain types are more frugal with money. I don't remember which ones and I'm too tired to look it up, so I guess you know where I'm going with this.

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    I hate tipping situations that aren't food-related. At a restaurant I tip between 15-20% no matter what. But for hair and massages and crap like that, I never know exactly what's expected and I kind of panic. I usually tip $30 for my hair cut and highlight which costs about $140. So I think that's okay? I got a massage the other day that cost $80 and I tipped $10. probably on the low side but I was never going back (I used a gift certificate for that one).
    Lol the 15% thing only works for restraunt service... at least thats the way I look at it. For haircuts I work in the range of 1-5 dollars. 5 is a fucking spectacular haircut, but I usually drop 1/2 dollars for ok or good service.... when I worked to-go at a restraunt this is usually how tipping worked... it was in a 1-5 dollar range. Thats good money if you get 10 cars that tip you 5 bucks you walk away with 50 dollars, you can field in 10 cars easily in 30 minutes so the potentials there.

    Either way what I'd love to do with haircuts is tip 100% and when the person is all like "awww thanks", I'll be like "No you don't understand, you cut my hair all wrong, I paid you a 100% tip so you can get yourself a haircut and learn how a pro does it, so next time you get it right".

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    my hair usually runs around $100 so i tip $20. it's your hairdresser, man. they have a lot of to treat 'em good.

    i agree w red though...non restaurant tipping is kind of a gray area that i'm kinda confused about.


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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Nah I said that because there is some sort of connection... not nessicarily showbiz, but working in a restaruant in the US is a totally different world from other jobs.

    i know!! it so is a different world. in a lot of ways, my favorite job ever.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    my hair usually runs around $100 so i tip $20. it's your hairdresser, man. they have a lot of to treat 'em good.

    i agree w red though...non restaurant tipping is kind of a gray area that i'm kinda confused about.
    Whoa. I go to Fantastic sam's for ten bucks and tip her like 2 bucks. I'm so incredibly cheap. No...actually i just see it as being smart. I have a tip calculator on my Iphone. It's usually 10%.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    I usually tip $30 for my hair cut and highlight which costs about $140.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    my hair usually runs around $100 so i tip $20.

    Wow... And here I was, griping about having to pay 17 bucks for a haircut!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post

    Wow... And here I was, griping about having to pay 17 bucks for a haircut!
    i knew a girl who payed this much for a haircut and spend 4 hours getting it done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian View Post
    I wish they paid waiters/waitresses more in the US so we didn't need to tip.
    Who's they? You'd still be paying for their salary, but it would be in the form of increased menu prices. And the servers probably wouldn't work as hard to make you happy.

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    I usually tip 18% to 25%. If the service is bad, I'll still tip the customary 15%, but I may inform the restaurant that their employee isn't treating their customers well. (I'd want the same if it were my business.)

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  39. #39
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    My haircuts are about $30 and I tip about $5. I also tip $5 for a massage.

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  40. #40
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    I think the waiter thing bothers me. I really don't need someone to make me happy by serving my food. I would be perfectly willing to just go down a buffet line and just pick whatever and bus my own table. (Well, actually a lot of restaurants where I live do ask you to bus your own tables, which I really prefer the non-interference in general... I don't like being interrupted in the middle of a conversation to ask if I want more water... it's like, I don't care... I'm interested in the conversation.) So I often feel really stressed out at restaurants that have wait staff because there's the constant interruptions and the constant questions that I don't know the answer to and then there's the tip element... it is just way too complicated. Thankfully, I rarely go to such places. I think this is my severely antisocial side talking. I think I find the idea that someone feels they have to treat you a certain way in order for you to give them enough tip to get enough pay for the day disgusting. I guess that I mean it feels unequal (and I've worked in service jobs before so I know first hand how it feels - or rather how I felt). I think that American culture is getting way too service-oriented for the most part.
    Last edited by marooned; 10-10-2009 at 11:59 PM.

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