Quote Originally Posted by incognito View Post
Where is the line drawn though, or can one be drawn, between 'knowing' based on natural intuitive forecasting, and knowing based on probability, fact and experience.

I once spotted two pit bulls leisurely sniffing the pavement while their owner was chatting with a friend. Nothing but maybe a bit of anxiety I seemed to pick up from the dogs that there will be a major incident in the near future. The thought was instantaneous, without analyzing circumstances, type of breed, etc. Two weeks later, the incident happened, and the owner was forced to euthanize one of the pitbulls. Now, one might argue with common sense that a pitbull will most likely be involved in an altercation at some point in its life, as would any breed of similar disposition. However, this prediction was specific as to time - near term, not at any point in its life.
that's not typical Ni. It sounds more like a gipsy fortune telling story. But I don't say it didn't happen, I just say you're overrating Ni here...

More likely Ni is when you see two pittbulls you get a 1 second duration mental picture of dogs running towards you and ripping you to shreds. Forseeings risks is typical Ni (Te)