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Thread: Met an ISTp! (finally)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post

    So you think you're Fi sub?

    The Te sub for SLIs seems a little more exciting from reading descriptions, but from experience, I think I get on a little better with the Si sub. Assuming Te sub means "randomly gets really cranky" and Si sub means "iceberg++", I'd know two of both subtypes.


    Visual identification time!
    Yeah I'm most def the Fi sub . I wonder if you're Ne if you prefer the Si sub? Didn't people think you were an ENTp at one point too? So maybe you're just "super Ne" or something?

    Actually I think that whichever dual subtype you match with better isn't "cranky" from your perspective as much as the other one would be. I think Si ones are definitely more chill, but the Te have more of an edge or something. But it's like, an edge that doesn't bother me for some reason. Probably because they're so blunt, so I can be the same way back and then there really is no room for mis-communication.

    Your VI of the fuzzy animals there was excellent! LOL. And good underlying points too. Though I still don't think the Te ones are dangerous.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Yeah I'm most def the Fi sub . I wonder if you're Ne if you prefer the Si sub? Didn't people think you were an ENTp at one point too? So maybe you're just "super Ne" or something?
    Yeah, I think I'm definitely Ne sub, especially compared to my other IEE schoolfriends. Isha pointed out that Ne/Si dominate my personality to the degree where other aspects aren't really distinct (although, curiously, she sees herself as being more outwardly Te/Fi and yet Si sub; somehow I'd rather frame it as more obvious Introversion. Also, I can't remember her exact words, so no accurate information for you!)

    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Actually I think that whichever dual subtype you match with better isn't "cranky" from your perspective as much as the other one would be. I think Si ones are definitely more chill, but the Te have more of an edge or something. But it's like, an edge that doesn't bother me for some reason. Probably because they're so blunt, so I can be the same way back and then there really is no room for mis-communication.

    Your VI of the fuzzy animals there was excellent! LOL. And good underlying points too. Though I still don't think the Te ones are dangerous.
    In what ways could you see Si subs as cranky? One of my friends is in the cadets, and even when he was fuming about inept subordinates or something, he didn't strike me as being as outwardly emotional about it as, say, my design'n'tech teacher getting mad at the class for being late with their design plans. (SLI-Si and SLI-Te respectively, I think.)

    Though, I think duality is still intact across subtypes. I'm still an IEE, so SLIscowl tends to slide off me (even though I prefer the Si subs' "vibes"). I haven't interacted closely with either of the Te subs I know, though, so I can't really comment further.

    But yeah, Te subs aren't dangerous. They're like LIIs... it can be cute when they get angry

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Yeah, I think I'm definitely Ne sub, especially compared to my other IEE schoolfriends. Isha pointed out that Ne/Si dominate my personality to the degree where other aspects aren't really distinct (although, curiously, she sees herself as being more outwardly Te/Fi and yet Si sub; somehow I'd rather frame it as more obvious Introversion. Also, I can't remember her exact words, so no accurate information for you!)

    In what ways could you see Si subs as cranky? One of my friends is in the cadets, and even when he was fuming about inept subordinates or something, he didn't strike me as being as outwardly emotional about it as, say, my design'n'tech teacher getting mad at the class for being late with their design plans. (SLI-Si and SLI-Te respectively, I think.)

    Though, I think duality is still intact across subtypes. I'm still an IEE, so SLIscowl tends to slide off me (even though I prefer the Si subs' "vibes"). I haven't interacted closely with either of the Te subs I know, though, so I can't really comment further.

    But yeah, Te subs aren't dangerous. They're like LIIs... it can be cute when they get angry
    Interesting! Well, I wouldn't say I see the Si subs as "cranky" -- I mean of course I think they're awesome being Istps and all! It's more that the Te ones are a little bit more business-like or blunt or something, and I like that. It's almost like, the Si ones are so chill that I might bulldoze over them occassionally (they'd probably not even notice), but I want someone to react to me I guess and stand up to me if I'm getting slightly out of line. Sounds strange I guess.

    I guess it's because I can be blunt also. I'd almost rather see some reaction I guess, even if it's slightly bad, as a teensy bit of conflict doesn't bother me, as I'd rather know how someone actually feels/thinks. I like people who can handle me saying random things w/o thinking I'm mean. And the Te ones I think take what I say w/ a grain of salt w/ thinking I'm being mean just because I'm ranting about something/someone.

    But really, who knows.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Interesting! Well, I wouldn't say I see the Si subs as "cranky" -- I mean of course I think they're awesome being Istps and all! It's more that the Te ones are a little bit more business-like or blunt or something, and I like that. It's almost like, the Si ones are so chill that I might bulldoze over them occassionally (they'd probably not even notice), but I want someone to react to me I guess and stand up to me if I'm getting slightly out of line. Sounds strange I guess.
    Hmm. I can see how this is analogous to how I enjoy being vibrantly crazy, and having that responded to (hence why I enjoy hanging out with other Ne types). Case-in-point, the chat logs I frequently post. That said, it's not necessarily pleasant or easy for me to deal with emotional exchanges, and I've definitely got into fights with the SLI-Te friend I just remembered existed (seriously... I know so many I can't even keep count) more frequently/for longer periods than my Si sub friends. He's still responsive to the crazyface, but interestingly, will actively try to draw it out of me at times.

    I think the conclusion we can draw from this is that Gul is just incredibly self-centered and likes having an audience. Si sub wins!

    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    But really, who knows.
    Five! FIVE!!!


    I think for me as well, needing to know what someone else really thinks/feels about whatever is less of an issue. Partly because I suppose I'm less focused on alignments and sentiments and boring crap like that (no offence ), and partly also because I can be quite arrogant about "knowing" what someone else thinks once my Ne gets rolling. I think it can be down to a person's mood and how I express that habit as to how they receive it.
    Last edited by male; 10-06-2009 at 06:43 AM.

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    this is kind of fascinating, as far as how you're matching up the sub types! I definitely don't like being "zany" for too long of a stretch. And I really don't mind dealing w/ emotional stuff, so long as they aren't being a jerk about it. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal to clear something up. So yes that makes perfect sense to me.

    I think you summed that all up nicely! And we are all incredibly self-centered in our own ways, lol. Luckily I think the ISTps enjoy being your audience!

    So it makes me know how there is that thing w/ some ISTps being mean to "test" people's feelings? I'm guessing the Te ones would do that more than the Si ones, based on all of this. You think?

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Hmm. I can see how this is analogous to how I enjoy being vibrantly crazy, and having that responded to (hence why I enjoy hanging out with other Ne types). Case-in-point, the chat logs I frequently post. That said, it's not necessarily pleasant or easy for me to deal with emotional exchanges, and I've definitely got into fights with the SLI-Te friend I just remembered existed (seriously... I know so many I can't even keep count) more frequently/for longer periods than my Si sub friends. He's still responsive to the crazyface, but interestingly, will actively try to draw it out of me at times.

    I think the conclusion we can draw from this is that Gul is just incredibly self-centered and likes having an audience. Si sub wins!

    Five! FIVE!!!


    I think for me as well, needing to know what someone else really thinks/feels about whatever is less of an issue. Partly because I suppose I'm less focused on alignments and sentiments and boring crap like that (no offence ), and partly also because I can be quite arrogant about "knowing" what someone else thinks once my Ne gets rolling. I think it can be down to a person's mood and how I express that habit as to how they receive it.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    I think you summed that all up nicely! And we are all incredibly self-centered in our own ways, lol. Luckily I think the ISTps enjoy being your audience!
    I think so too.

    Totally random tangent, but: [ame=]Interpersonal Circumplex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] <- BG brought this up a while ago. What's interesting is that "high agency" (dominant or extravert types) naturally complement "low agency" types, while "high communion" types (caring and sharing and mushy stuff like that :redface: ) do best with other "high communion" types. I think this is basically what happens in every dual pair.

    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    So it makes me know how there is that thing w/ some ISTps being mean to "test" people's feelings? I'm guessing the Te ones would do that more than the Si ones, based on all of this. You think?
    I don't recall ever having ever experienced this, actually. I think Te subs, especially compared to the Si subs, are just more expressive. If a Te sub is cranky with you, you'll cop it (hmm, I think "bark" is a good word for what I'm thinking of), but if a Si sub is mad, they'll tell you (in SLI flatspeak, of course) "I'm really pissed off at ___" or "I really hate that."

    In general, though, I think the Si subs will just be milder. And one of the Te subs I know always looks cranky anyway, soooooo

    While I'm on the topic of SLI expressions, isn't it just the best thing in the world when they laugh?

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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post

    While I'm on the topic of SLI expressions, isn't it just the best thing in the world when they laugh?
    I've seen it happen and it touches my heart.
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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Interesting! Well, I wouldn't say I see the Si subs as "cranky" -- I mean of course I think they're awesome being Istps and all! It's more that the Te ones are a little bit more business-like or blunt or something, and I like that.

    Really interesting thread!

    Interestingly, people always comment about this SLI I know that he always looks mad and that he looks like he hates being on the job. I was so surprised to hear people say that because I didn't see that about him at all.

    BTW, the way Te-subtypes are being described here, sounds like he is Te-subtype (or he just uses a lot more Te at work).
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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