Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
I'm now starting to second-guess the type. I know a lot of ISTjs mistype as ISTps...

I know all about the differences in theory, but I suppose I just assumed since he said he was ISTp, that he was. I'm now wondering if he could be ISTj...

When I described Si, as being comfort-focused, he didn't immediately agree w/ that. Though did agree w/ the Te description. I'm also not sure if he was blank enough. ISTps are suppose to look very blank right? He's also scheduled things in advance. He seems slightly more status focused than me...like picked to live in a really nice building...though I dunno if that was for Si-type comfort or not. ISTjs have a slight gleam in their eye right? He might have that.

In favor of ISTp, I described an ENFj as far as how they want an emotional reaction, and he said he wouldn't like that. He does some extreme sports.

I wish there was a definite way to know. sigh. I guess time will tell but I just hate how I'm often wrong about identifying ISTps...it's seriously the one type I can't seem to spot.
The ISTjs that I know love their structure. Rules are important. Less so for the ISTps. We see rules as an impediment, or at best a necessary evil.