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Thread: LIE thoughts: Insights into the minds of ENTjs

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    Cone's Avatar
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    Default LIE thoughts: Insights into the minds of ENTjs

    I had to post this for some insight into the minds of ENTjs. This is an excerpt from my ENTj friend's blog at . This is what happens when ENTjs get bored.


    We here at Earl Co proudly announce the Merium Webster's Earl Dictionary, a guide for intelligent, non-offensive rhetoric. This dictionary was designed by the people at Earl Co to create a new way to be politically correct and still state your point. It removes the need to curse at people by replacing the words with anagrams and acronyms. Using this style, you can both amaze and confuse your friends, state your point and not sound like someone who just got off of a mid 1800s sailing ship. Here is is, the New Age Earl's Dictionary, abridged form:

    Acheivement/Intelligence Ranking System (AIRS) - the common ranking system of people based on their acheivements, intellect or abilities. This was developed by Earl Co to rank the common person for their deeds and commitment to enriching theirs and the lives of others through good deeds, education, etc. Developed because the common man isn't the "uneducated selfish oaf" the elitists consider him.

    average human - a person without the intellectual capacity to exist without modern conviniences. They feel lost without them and often can't function without them. Their minds are untrained and as such, they rely almost entirely on a computer or similar device to guide them througout their lives.

    Barret - a term for a hyper-conservative sys admin who will state that any site is a security risk. These sys admins are of the variety to call a direct security breach. These are often people with disturbed childhoods revolving around a lack of security and boundaries. Standard wages are up to the nice sum of 60 thousand a year, starting out at 20 thousand a year.

    computer - an electronic device owned by the average human to do nearly everything for them. Simple calculations, directions and even human interaction are all what the comptuer provides. The average human finds that more than 10 minutes without being near a computer (or any derivitives, such as electronic devices) will bring panic and uncertainty as they know not what to do without the comptuer's supreme guidance. Computers can process billions of calculations per second, and give the comman educated man's mind a challenge.

    common educated man - a person (male or female) who does not rely on machines for basic needs. Can do calculations in their mind and can typically go throughout life without needing to consult a web site or computer for common tasks. The average human is nothing compared to these people.

    communist - something that is anti-capitalist, takes rights away from people, treats people as parts of a system, devalues ideas or people, and generally places everyone and everything under a categoric grouping.

    cracker - a computer programmer/sys admin/web dev/IT tech who has gone evil and started attacking systems and websites. Spymac faced one this past week (last week of April, 2005).

    Earl - title of nobility, granted by another Earl or by someone of high status. The highest of the ranks in the traditional English court, this rank is part of the AIRS to signify someone's importance or accomplishments, it is the highest rank. Designated for a long series of accomplishments, a high intelligence, an extemely wise person, or someone of high logical thinging abilities.

    elitist - someone who views themselves as superior to others, in intelligence, deeds, or any other category. Viewed by Earl Co as people of little true intrisic value, these people are often pompus, arrogant people who boast of themselves to boost their self-esteem. These people are former bullies or people whose lives lead them to believe they are superior. They include corrupt judges (contest, criminal, civil, etc), most politicians, monopolists, communists, etc. Examples include Bill Gates, the guy who gave Mr. H. a 3/5 at FBLA nationals, and crackers.

    folks - nice way of stating the word that begins with an f

    genius - someone whose IQ is greater than 140. Alternately, if you have done something of great value, you are granted the title of Genius.

    genii - more than one genius

    hacker - a programmer, developer, sys admin, etc who is good and develops, debugs and evaluates code. Not to be confused with crackers. Hackers are often called the "anti-cracker" in that they are typically the ones who will persue and attack a cracker convicted of criminal actions. They will often be the ones to capture crackers and arrest them. CERN has a very good place for hackers to track crackers, in that their supercomputer is capable of trillions of calculations per second. IBM has recently developed a supercomputer that exceeds that of CERN's, and will probably be the one hackers will migrate to. The FBI has a very good hacker division.

    hero - an idol, someone you wish to be. Alternately can be someone who has done something noteworthy. Usually used as such: "Your thesis on quantum theory was intriguing. You're my hero Mr. Hawking".

    hippie - someone whose hair is too long for their own use (typically outlandish and obscene), someone who is hypocritical of something (states that something is wrong but doesn't propose a solution). This is typically an insult.

    human friend - girlfriend or boyfriend. Using this removes all stigmas regarding orientation. If you wish to be specific, you can use human friend-f for a female, and human friend-m for a male. For husband or wife, use human friend-h or human friend-w. For an engagement, use human friend-e. If you don't plan to actually marry the person, but exist at such a level, just use human friend-p (for permanent co-existance). If someone knows of your orientation or status in the relationship (married, engaged, etc), the letter denoting the status is implied. Example of use: "Mr. H, who is your newest human friend? (the g is implied in this example, as he isn't married to her, nor engaged, nor a permanent co-existance has been established).

    Internet, The - a medium created by hackers to house the average human so they can interact with other average humans. Elitists are currently misusing the Internet to warp the minds of the average human to be sub-serviant to them. The common educated man uses the Internet to combat the elitists and regain the independance of the average humans. The movie "The Matrix" was patterned after the common man's (in the movie, Neo and the other freed people) struggle to free the average human (in the movie, those trapped in the Matrix)from the elitist's (in the movie, the machines) control.

    intriguing - interesting or curious

    iPod - something people who lack intelligence use to emulate a song. They spend thousands on music and play it constantly (or sometimes very few and far between) to "entertain" themselves. The common educated man has no use for such a device, as he has already conditioned himself to emulate an "iPod" in his mind, a device with infinate capacity and battery life.

    lodb - lady of dubious belonging, can be used to insult people, typically in place of the b word. Can also denote someone who is of doubtful intention (such as a lady of the evening, or street lady), can also be used in a similar context to mean someone who is overly liberal.

    Lord - the second highest rank in the AIRS system. Similar criteria as the Earl, but to a lesser extent.

    mind - what the common educated man uses throughout his daily life. It is used in place of the computer for common calculations and entertainment. It has infinate capacity and battery life, although the error rate is upwards of 20% (for a well-conditioned one).

    myriad - infinate

    script kiddie - programmer or other computer developer (web dev, sys admin, etc) who has minimal skill in actually creating or analyzing code. These people are beginners in their field and are weak versions of hackers (or crackers).

    Spymacers - people whose lives revolve around the website named Without this site, a combination of web log (blog), forum, gallery, auction, web mail, and web host, these people would be lost throughout their daily lives. Typically people without full-time jobs, and basically your average college studend or stay-at-home welfare participant, these people sit around a computer all day talking to each other via a computerized interface. They fear the light and human contact, and often find themselves going through withdraws whenever they leave the community for more than an hour. They are often considered worse than your average human, in terms of reliance upon computers.

    Welfare - a program designed by the common educated man to provide for the needs of the average human. The elitists have warped it to control the average human.


    You should hear this guy talk. He uses the strangest vocabulary you could ever imagine.

    By the way, "Mr. H" is myself.

    Your INTp friend,

    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  2. #2
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    Don't forget, the Gamma quadra is communist. :wink:
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  3. #3

    Default Intriguing, to say the least

    Hmm.... I always said psychologists were intriguing people, and this confirms it. First: I wrote these in alphabetical order, there is no psychology involved, although you could say that I view myself as both the common educated man and a sort of almost elitist, as I wrote that blog entry to sort of boast of elitality (which probably isn't a word).

    The entire blog entry was a joke, there is almost nothing serious about it. I just wrote up definitions describing people I know (such as Cone, who would be an almost elitist, but is also a hippie (he never does explain things at all, just tells the answer and leaves (typical signs of an elitist, who has hippie tendencies). Pedro could be listed as a hippie as well, as he doesn't exactly clarify on his intent in his reply (although it is intended). Further, he could be seen as a welfare average human (as whoever would comment on this blog entry would have to have the descriptions listed for a welfare human and an average human). Of course, bickering around genii (my own made up word) isn't something the common educated man does (mostly because you can never win, because a genius would always find a point to argue), thus I shall stop.

    So, allow me to repeat: this blog entry was intended as a joke. I encourage you all to go to spymac and read the thread I created on it. It lists quite clearly that this is intended completely as a joke because I had close to an hour to waste in VB class. Further, I based the entries on characteristics that I found amusing in other people around me. Lastly, I probably will use these words in a sentence someday, simply because they are easy, fun and amusing (since they originated as jokes, I'd get a good laugh out of remembering the joke).

    PS Mr. H can't read Canadian (joke, just in case you can't read jokes online, something that the common educated man could do (hmm... that would make you an average human).

  4. #4
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    Ladies and gentlemen, the ENTj!

    Funny how he keeps walking right into our analyses.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  5. #5
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    I always thought ENTjs were intruiging people, and this confirms it.

    Welcome to the site.

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    Oh, he's never coming back, ever. Count on it.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    That sux. I just read it but people will think I plagiarized "elite".
    If you do then don't.
    OMG INTp is so elite.

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    Thought I'd mention that my ENTJ friend is a commie. That does sound just like him, strange vocabulary and attempts at being comedic.

    It's fun to piss him off, and pretty easy, too. All I have to do is prove him wrong... Then he questions the validity of my sources, and he starts typing in all caps, entering mass ammounts of text at a time (over AIM). Sometimes he sends me emails with repetitive phrases, I think a couple of months ago he sent me an email that said "Scooby Doo" 100x... (I did a word count)

    Why do I feel the need to share this with complete strangers? I thought I was an introvert! Oh well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fairgeek
    Why do I feel the need to share this with complete strangers? I thought I was an introvert! Oh well.
    I don't know why we do this, but doesn't it feel like we have to share our private lives with people as much as possible? I've made strange, off-topic comments before, so don't feel bad. There are some people who say I'm a very private person, but then there are some who would highly disagree with that...

    And doesn't it feel like we have to share others' private lives with everyone as much as possible? (sorry Earl!)
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  10. #10

    Default ENTj thought process


  11. #11
    Creepy-monkey eyes


    changing the world or being in power?

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    build a house, right?

    if you achieve your list before point C which isyour death, you would be forced to think of something afterwards yet still between B and C.. whether it matters or is relevant to your goals or not. I'd be interested to hear what others say fills that void.

    And also, I think the need to do is common to all J types, don't you think?

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    Default Re: ENTj thought process

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    I view time in terms of my lifespan. Point A is when I was born, Point B is the present, and Point C is my death. To me the time between Point A and Point B is irrrevelavnt. Nothing can be done about this as it is the past. The time between Point B and Point C (the future) is important as things can changed is this time, however it is always shrinking and it's actual length is uncertian
    I wouldn't say that the past is "irrelevant", although its relevance may be due to how past experiences may be repeated/avoided in the future than being relevant as such.

    Apart from that, I can relate to what you wrote.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  14. #14

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    Yes, "perceiving the past as error check" is one of the aspects of .

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    Default Re: ENTj thought process

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Okay, I thought I would catch on eventually. What does this mean?

  17. #17
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    Default Re: ENTj thought process

    Quote Originally Posted by Functianalyst
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Okay, I thought I would catch on eventually. What does this mean?
    That means that Steve is a bastard who tries to free himself from the past. I have stumbled upon this topic at least two times, just to discover that this is the one where all the main talk is deleted.

    He must have come here and edited all of his posts into "dshföaihoihohdaiäöü" Well, I'm annoyed. Maybe we should rewrite the ENTj thought process, because this could be very interesting.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    Default Re: ENTj thought process

    Quote Originally Posted by Functianalyst
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Okay, I thought I would catch on eventually. What does this mean?
    It means that he had been stakeld by a past girlfriend over this foums, therefore he edited all his posts. (Not joking).
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  19. #19

    Default Re: ENTj thought process

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Quote Originally Posted by Functianalyst
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Okay, I thought I would catch on eventually. What does this mean?
    That means that Steve is a bastard who tries to free himself from the past. I have stumbled upon this topic at least two times, just to discover that this is the one where all the main talk is deleted.

    He must have come here and edited all of his posts into "dshföaihoihohdaiäöü" Well, I'm annoyed. Maybe we should rewrite the ENTj thought process, because this could be very interesting.
    Well, if you were not so silly you would have seen in Expats quote that this is what was written:

    I view time in terms of my lifespan. Point A is when I was born, Point B is the present, and Point C is my death. To me the time between Point A and Point B is irrrevelavnt. Nothing can be done about this as it is the past. The time between Point B and Point C (the future) is important as things can changed is this time, however it is always shrinking and it's actual length is uncertian

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    Default Re: ENTj thought process

    Quote Originally Posted by Sycophant
    Well, if you were not so silly you would have seen in Expats quote that this is what was written:

    I view time in terms of my lifespan. Point A is when I was born, Point B is the present, and Point C is my death. To me the time between Point A and Point B is irrrevelavnt. Nothing can be done about this as it is the past. The time between Point B and Point C (the future) is important as things can changed is this time, however it is always shrinking and it's actual length is uncertian
    Yeah, I saw it, but I thought that there must be more to it. My thought process is much more complex and I don't see the past as something that can not be changed. I can change the chain reactions that I have already started. I just have to notice these chain reactions before it's too late. The present is just a glimpse. This is irrelevant, because by the time I react to the present, it will have already become my past. (If I realize that I have offended something, I can't ignore it, because I might have started a chain reaction that ends with them hating me.) There can be no future without the past.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    I've already told her that ENTj is doubtful, since in reading the description of the ENTj type she did not identify with one of the most important trait, namely the necessity of a saturated rythm of life in order to feel alive My guess is ENTp logical subtype.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Because this is an abandoned thread, it's not stealing it. :wink:

    Maybe the reasons why people don't think I'm an ENTj, are only stereotypes. Maybe I'm just as ENTj as any other, but my stronger functions were suppressed while I was growing up, so I don't act like a typical Te-dominant ENTj would.

    I still haven't heard any good reasons why I should give up on the thought of being ENTj.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I've already told her that ENTj is doubtful, since in reading the description of the ENTj type she did not identify with one of the most important trait, namely the necessity of a saturated rythm of life in order to feel alive My guess is ENTp logical subtype.
    FDG, as for the rhythm of life, I do feel alive when I'm active and I do feel like a zombie when I have nothing significant to do. But you are right. I'm probably far less active than most other ENTjs.

    How many Ni-subtype ENTj do we actually have here in the forums?

    I could start a new thread in "what's my type" and explain why I think I'm ENTj. Would anyone care to read it anymore? This topic isn't over for me, but I get the feeling that not too many people would participate in the quest to find out my type. If I'm wrong, I'd be happy to start discussing it again.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    Well, Kristiina, I think I'm in the same boat as you, if that is any consolation

    My best guess at the moment is that I'm a very shy ENTj who behaves almost like an INTj. However, analyzing my relationships with people, INTj does not ring true.

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    Quote Originally Posted by emeye

    Well, Kristiina, I think I'm in the same boat as you, if that is any consolation

    My best guess at the moment is that I'm a very shy ENTj who behaves almost like an INTj. However, analyzing my relationships with people, INTj does not ring true.
    Yay, I'm not alone. Especially good after people tried to convince me that I'm INTj. I tried to convice myself of that for a long time , but it just doesn't make sense. The worst thing is that I have a rather strong (INTj?). But my is even stronger (ENTj?).
    And I have really tried to gather information about what makes an ENTj special, how can you really recognize an ENTj. Not much luck. Best answer so far: "ENTj walks very fast." :wink:
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    There is no such thing as an introverted ENTj, by definition.
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eidos
    There is no such thing as an introverted ENTj, by definition.
    But, there are plenty of ENTj with poor social skills, which cannot be distinguished from introverts in usual settings.

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    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    But, there are plenty of ENTj with poor social skills, which cannot be distinguished from introverts in usual settings.
    Social skills >< Extraversion. They are still clearly extraverts, just inappropriate socially. The ENTj's with poor social skills are still outspoken. They are just blunt and obnoxious, opening their mouth all the time and saying things that annoy people.
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

  28. #28
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    I think that the opposite is valid too. ENTjs that think they're introverted because they zone out at small talk.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eidos
    There is no such thing as an introverted ENTj, by definition.
    You are most probably referring to MBTI. Take a closer look at socionics. There are no such things as extroverted and introverted. There is, like someone said, "expressive" and "reserved". Introverted Fe types probably seem much more sociable than extroverted people who don't use Fe.

    Also, there is another aspect that people tend to forget. An extroverted Estonian will seem very reserved compared to an average (or even introverted) Spanish person. I think that people from the USA are rather loud and very expressive. And the rest of the world hates giving lectures to Estonians: "Why do they just sit there and look at us with that cold face? Why don't they ask questions? Or at least smile?!" It's nothing bad. We just have to remember that there are huge differences.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I think that the opposite is valid too. ENTjs that think they're introverted because they zone out at small talk.
    They will probably try to "force" people to big talk then, ending up annoying them.
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I think that the opposite is valid too. ENTjs that think they're introverted because they zone out at small talk.
    I usually initiate small talk. But I will seem very introverted among strangers or relatives/acquaintances whom I haven't seen in a while. I know I'm outspoken. I choose to smile and nod. I'm afraid that someone will get offended. And then someone asks me why I'm so quiet. I guess I seemed really introverted.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eidos
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I think that the opposite is valid too. ENTjs that think they're introverted because they zone out at small talk.
    They will probably try to "force" people to big talk then, ending up annoying them.
    Or just shup up and go do something else, as I usually do.

    Kristiina: I've been told that I was too quiet when the conversation was boring as fuck. No one that has known me for more than uhm, 2 hours have ever complained of me being too quiet...I gues the same applies to you.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Quote Originally Posted by Eidos
    There is no such thing as an introverted ENTj, by definition.
    You are most probably referring to MBTI. Take a closer look at socionics. There are no such things as extroverted and introverted. There is, like someone said, "expressive" and "reserved". Introverted Fe types probably seem much more sociable than extroverted people who don't use Fe.

    Also, there is another aspect that people tend to forget. An extroverted Estonian will seem very reserved compared to an average (or even introverted) Spanish person. I think that people from the USA are rather loud and very expressive. And the rest of the world hates giving lectures to Estonians: "Why do they just sit there and look at us with that cold face? Why don't they ask questions? Or at least smile?!" It's nothing bad. We just have to remember that there are huge differences.
    Socionics never said there was no such thing as extraversion or introversion. Even if it did, Extraversion/Introversion is a clearly observable dimension of human personality, one for which nearly all theories of personality have a definition of. There is also clear evidence for biological differences between extraverts and introverts.

    The problem with culture can be partially circumvented by comparing people's scores to the average of the population of their country. You should look at how extraverted you are compared to the average Estonian.
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Or just shup up and go do something else, as I usually do.
    If they do they will probably feel bad about it, contrary to INTj's that would surely feel comfortable just listening.
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Eidos
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I think that the opposite is valid too. ENTjs that think they're introverted because they zone out at small talk.
    They will probably try to "force" people to big talk then, ending up annoying them.
    Or just shup up and go do something else, as I usually do.
    I agree with all of the above.

    And as a consequence, being aware that he has annoyed them with the big talk, the ENTj may as a consequence (also due to role function) adopt a quieter stance with the same people (or kind of people) in the future, reinforcing the "introverted" image. At least with the people who don't know him/her well, as FDG observed.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  36. #36

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    And as a consequence, being aware that he has annoyed them with the big talk, the ENTj may as a consequence (also due to role function) adopt a quieter stance with the same people (or kind of people) in the future, reinforcing the "introverted" image. At least with the people who don't know him/her well, as FDG observed.
    That's probably true but I doubt that he will be able to maintain the introverted image for too long without having his true nature come out or feel bad about it.
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

  37. #37
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Yeah of course. Eventually, I start complaining how the gossiped people and the gossippers don't follow any logic in their behavior and thoght process and explanation, and they get pissed.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  38. #38
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    When I mentioned "bad social skills" I meant lack of interest to discuss the typical gossippy topics--society, people around, food, relationships, blah blah blah.

    Those are the things, which never interested me that much (besides, I cannot tell very well who loves/seeks whom). If I try to talk about topics that do interest me, there is hardly stopping me (i.e. I do not even notice the time passing) but when the other people in a group are not interested in the topic, and start zoning out, showing lack of interest, I shut up (don't want to bother them and make them unhappy, I guess) and let them take over the conversation. That conversation inevitably becomes frighteningly boring for me (I do not like to talk about topics that I possess no knowledge of) and time just stops.

    Obviously, I remember better occasions when I was bored to death, thus having a feeling that I am not talkative. Actually, friends have told me otherwise

    However, that still does not help with approaching other people, because I am lacking exactly the interest in topics which are generally socially acceptable.

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