So lately I've been reading a few articles that tell me that 'Healthy Narcissism' is okay. But who gets to define what is Healthy Narcissism and what is not? How can you test something like that? It's not like a clear answer, like saying 'A glass of water is healthier than a glass of coke.'

And how specifically is Narcissism the opposite of Empathy? Have we even thought this through. I don't even think there is such a thing as Narcissism or Empathy in real life. Things are just kinda how they are, you know. =/

So clearly define for me, what 'Healthy Narcissism' is as opposed to 'Bad Narcissism.' World leaders all tend to be tall and good looking, very image-focused. Would we really trust somebody who doesn't have the self-confidence to keep up their appearance and strength?