Quote Originally Posted by ollobollo View Post
I think you're spot on, HaveLucidDreamz. I have strong sensations like these and attribute them to . Of course, everyone experiences this in one form or another, so I've been wondering how it feels like for others in comparison, for example -PoLR types.
Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
I have these sensations and reflections. It seems naturally human.

Well first of course its human.... all Jungian Functions are part of anyones personality....

My interest is in identifying how this all works with Model A.... everyone will experience this, but my guess is that some people are more in tune with this than others.

I know for example I have little ... that doesn't mean I am unaware completely of my surroundings.... what I think it means is that I tend to just kind of zone off and ignore the immediate events that are unfolding in front of me, I've noticed that this happens especially in familiar places.... when I drive to my apartment complex, alot of the scenary that a person at first glance would be impressed by seems boring and instead of taking in this sensation at each chance like a first time observer I cut it out and focus more on what inside my head at the time... ocassionally when I take my focus out of my head and look around I am amazed at all the things I have been ignoring around me, but regardless of this I still end up being sucked into the realm of my thoughts because it draws me in so much... is only really triggered for me in full intensity when things get exciting, new, or novel.

You could apply this similar idea to people with weak and expect them to simply be unaware or not in touch with these nostalgic perceptions, but still ultimately experience them.