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Thread: Si and the Seasons

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    Default Si and the Seasons

    So it hit me, I was considering what the idea of was... I read up on and found this....

    Quote Originally Posted by Introverted Sensing
    Recalling past experiences, remembering detailed data and what it is linked to. Introverted Sensing often involves storing data and information, then comparing and contrasting the current stimulation with similar ones. The immediate experience or words are instantly linked with the prior experiences and one registers that there is a similarity or a difference - for example, noticing that some food doesn't taste the same and is saltier than it usually is. Introverted Sensing is also operating when you see someone who reminds you of someone else. Sometimes the feeling-tone associated with the recalled image comes into your awareness along with the information itself. Then the image can be so strong, your body responds as if reliving the experience. This could be seen as a source of feelings of nostalgia or longing for the way things were. In one instance, a young couple living in Europe spent their weekends trying out restaurants looking for food that tasted like American food.
    The striking thing is this always happens to me with the seasons and the weather.... immediately when I feel it getting cooler and more brisk in fall, immediately it inspires a sense of nostalgia in me and I feel like I am reliving every fall in the past over again and nostalgic thoughts and feelings flood in... it happens near the change of every season.

    Would this phenonmenom be me experiencing directly? And has anyone else every gotten this?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    The striking thing is this always happens to me with the seasons and the weather.... immediately when I feel it getting cooler and more brisk in fall, immediately it inspires a sense of nostalgia in me and I feel like I am reliving every fall in the past over again and nostalgic thoughts and feelings flood in... it happens near the change of every season.
    That sounds like Ni, actually. One thing that you'll notice Ni users doing is lingering on events when they recount stories, I understand because having strong Ni gives them a great many impressions about the situation. Similarly, Ne bases can make connections and associations rapidly and easily, and Fe bases will always have some strong emotional impression about every tiny event in their day/life.

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    Well, that can happen to me, too.
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Well, that can happen to me, too.
    interesting, what I would be fascinating is if there are some people that haven't really experienced this or only mildly.... that would imply that there is a distinction here and that jungian functions are at play.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    That sounds like Ni, actually. One thing that you'll notice Ni users doing is lingering on events when they recount stories, I understand because having strong Ni gives them a great many impressions about the situation. Similarly, Ne bases can make connections and associations rapidly and easily, and Fe bases will always have some strong emotional impression about every tiny event in their day/life.
    It does but I think thats because its easy to confuse Ni and Si, both are about a strecth in time and linking events, and about a more internal/subjective perception of things, due the fact they are both introverted perceptual functions.

    I think the smoking gun distinction between the two is that intuition is based around abstraction and sensing around sensation. In what is being connected over time is the sensation you've experienced. In what is being connected is more abstract in nature and not just a matter of sensation.

    A good measure to tell the difference between the two is to consider past and future. is more attuned to the past since is about sensation. You experience a sensation and it is immediately linked together to all similar sensations of the past, producing a deja-vu, nostalgic experience. on the other hand is more attuned to the future since is about abstraction. You experience a hunch about how the events of something have been evolving and you develop an intuition of where something is heading. isn't about the future though because you can't "Sense" the future you can only sense what is now and what has been.... the future is the realm of abstraction and imagination.
    Last edited by male; 09-26-2009 at 11:08 AM.

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    I have these sensations and reflections. It seems naturally human.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by ollobollo View Post
    I think you're spot on, HaveLucidDreamz. I have strong sensations like these and attribute them to . Of course, everyone experiences this in one form or another, so I've been wondering how it feels like for others in comparison, for example -PoLR types.
    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    I have these sensations and reflections. It seems naturally human.

    Well first of course its human.... all Jungian Functions are part of anyones personality....

    My interest is in identifying how this all works with Model A.... everyone will experience this, but my guess is that some people are more in tune with this than others.

    I know for example I have little ... that doesn't mean I am unaware completely of my surroundings.... what I think it means is that I tend to just kind of zone off and ignore the immediate events that are unfolding in front of me, I've noticed that this happens especially in familiar places.... when I drive to my apartment complex, alot of the scenary that a person at first glance would be impressed by seems boring and instead of taking in this sensation at each chance like a first time observer I cut it out and focus more on what inside my head at the time... ocassionally when I take my focus out of my head and look around I am amazed at all the things I have been ignoring around me, but regardless of this I still end up being sucked into the realm of my thoughts because it draws me in so much... is only really triggered for me in full intensity when things get exciting, new, or novel.

    You could apply this similar idea to people with weak and expect them to simply be unaware or not in touch with these nostalgic perceptions, but still ultimately experience them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    So it hit me, I was considering what the idea of was... I read up on and found this....

    The striking thing is this always happens to me with the seasons and the weather.... immediately when I feel it getting cooler and more brisk in fall, immediately it inspires a sense of nostalgia in me and I feel like I am reliving every fall in the past over again and nostalgic thoughts and feelings flood in... it happens near the change of every season.

    Would this phenonmenom be me experiencing directly? And has anyone else every gotten this?

    i experience this as well. is it Si related though? i always thought everyone felt that way, and esp in the fall.


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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    i experience this as well. is it Si related though? i always thought everyone felt that way, and esp in the fall.
    Yea, I dunno.... the thing is I've never heard anyone say this directly before.... but from the posts on here it seems like this could be some sort of almost universal phenomenon or something. What makes it even more fascinating is the whole cosmic concept of the seasons and the concept of life and evolution.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Yea, I dunno.... the thing is I've never heard anyone say this directly before.... but from the posts on here it seems like this could be some sort of almost universal phenomenon or something. What makes it even more fascinating is the whole cosmic concept of the seasons and the concept of life and evolution.
    yeah...what does it all mean, all of us spinning on this clear blue green marble called earth? lol

    seriously though , yeah. we're connected to our environment, but we are so in our heads we can't even really grasp it. ducks and geese are better off. they "know" to fly south and "where" to fly to.


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    Well there are two possible feelings in this spoken of generality. There is the Si, recalling past experiences in reality, reminiscence of events embedded in the seasons, much in detail even, and then the Ni, finding symbolism through imagination or some esoteric understanding of the weather. I think most people will have both of these feelings. INxJs will probably relate more to the Si most often, and ENxP will likely relate a bit less to the Si. These two functions are introverted perceptions however, so there is no objective, integrated, dependent basis on external reality. I certainly relate a lot more to the latter feeling, and find it odd when others don't relate to my impression of external themes, because I have an esoteric and rather mysterious understanding of it, which has little to do with dependance on reality, and recollections that more Si types would adhere to grasping and bringing up. My SLI friend experiences both of these things, memories of familiar environments and inherent impressions of environments, but he doesn't bring them up all too often and neither do I.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    yeah...what does it all mean, all of us spinning on this clear blue green marble called earth? lol

    seriously though , yeah. we're connected to our environment, but we are so in our heads we can't even really grasp it. ducks and geese are better off. they "know" to fly south and "where" to fly to.
    True but like the way it is in the nature of ducks and geese to fly, it is in the nature of humans to question.

    At any rate..... I just find the idea of seasons fascinating... that something simple and perceivable on the earth is actually due to some grander scheme of cosmic motion, but then again I study physics so I find this stuff fascinating where other people are just like "Wtf?", who cares...

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    True but like the way it is in the nature of ducks and geese to fly, it is in the nature of humans to question.

    At any rate..... I just find the idea of seasons fascinating... that something simple and perceivable on the earth is actually due to some grander scheme of cosmic motion, but then again I study physics so I find this stuff fascinating where other people are just like "Wtf?", who cares...
    i'd love to have the consciousness of an animal for a day. like, a dog. then, a cat. then a horse or something. or to be one of those animals. for a day.


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    @Lucid: What you said right there sounds like Si/Ne valuing.

    You are perceiving multiple layers of complex interactions. Each "smaller" layer is a component of an even "larger" layer.

    So there is the seasonal pattern. That is your playing field of concrete interactions. You experience the pattern as a dynamic-involved field. Something that is readily sensible, concrete, and experiencible.

    Then you take all of that involved data and compress it into a single static abstraction (the seasons of Earth). As you increase the scope of your perception, that abstraction fades and you are able to perceive a higher "plane" of interacting processes(the cosmos).

    Si>Ne>Si (Si patterns are made of Ne and Ne can only exist in an Si context)
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    And has anyone else every gotten this?
    Seasons, sure.

    More striking to me is feelings that random scenes will invoke. Everything from places I've visited to places I've created in my mind. Additionally, snippets of movies, video games, and books are also sources of this atmosphere. It can even be extended to music in numerous ways, one example being how the design of the cover art and liner notes can influence music, or in turn become more alive by what's being heard.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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