Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
I think in general supervisors like and connect with their supervisee. The only time supervisors start to despise their supervisee is when they finally push them over the edge and the supervisee begins to act out. So, the supervisor feels like the supervisee is attacking them for no reason.

yes. agree w this. i've watched myself do this w infj and i've seen istj do this w me a million times. for a while there, i had a lot of istj friends and at one point, my work supervisor was an istj.

in fact, this dynamic worsens over time and becomes entrenched and people can start to have lasting resentments. for someone else watching, it's bewildering.

to me, there are just certain relationships that can only go but so far. supervision is one where the supervisee has to set some clear boundaries, but even that doesn't work since the supervisor can't really help it since it's their leading function.

it's kind of a drag, really. that some relationships don't work out no matter how hard you try.