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Thread: I'm very curious

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    Default I'm very curious

    Hello there. I'm very curious about my type. I test INTP in most tests, INTJ in some, but the various online descriptions peg me beautifully as INTP.

    HOWEVER! I was recently spot-typed as first INFP, then later refined to INFJ. This has caused a considerable amount of uncertainty in me and some 2nd+ opinions would be greatly appreciated. What should I say about myself? Hmm......

    I work at a car/RV dealership as the tech support guy. I have interest in programming, but I've only gotten proficient in batch because I'm too lazy to learn an actual language. My favorite websites are,, and

    I suppose I'll post some answers I gave to some questions someone asked me in order to determine my type but never got back to me:

    Do you like to read? If yes, what do you like to read when you do? Why do you like to read such things?
    Yes, I like to read. I don't normally read books, but when I do, they tend to be science fiction or fantasy in nature, but I often prefer a good dose of comedy in them as well. My favorite books are The Lord Of The Rings, Catch 22, and the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy series.

    What I normally read is stuff online, usually pertaining to a subject I'd like to learn more about, or comedy sites such as

    I like to read fantasy because I like to mentally travel into fictional universes and it is much easier and vivid when it has already been thought out and described. I like reading to learn more about things because it has proved to be the best source of information. I like reading comedy because I like to laugh.

    Who was your favorite teacher? Why were they your favorite?

    My favorite teacher was my math teacher in high school. He was funny, sarcastic, witty, dealt with obnoxious students by playfully yelling at and insulting them (which disarmed them, while leaving them and the rest of the class in a good mood), explained things while using his own personal views of the thing being explained ("The book says to do it this way, which I think is dumb, but I'm too lazy to explain a different way, so just do it this way or I'll fail you."), and let us watch The Price Is Right every Friday. He was entertaining. It was fun to be in his class.

    What was/is your favorite subject in school? What about the subject was most interesting to you?

    My favorite class period was when I got to help the network administrator administrate the network. My next favorite one was P.E. because I'm relatively physically fit and it was easy. My favorite actual subject was math because it seemed the most simple to understand. I didn't really like it, though.

    What is your definition of common sense?

    Sense is knowing what behavior will ensure your physical and social well-being and that of others. Common sense, in general, is very personalized to the values of the individual mentioning it. I have personally never used the term to compare to someone's behavior.

    What would be the description of your ideal job? What about the job would make it ideal?

    My ideal job would be to get paid to do what I do on my time off.

    I haven't been able to point out an ideal real job. I've heavily considered computer programming and, more recently (at the suggestion of my grandma after learning about a card game I made up), working for a toy company making up games. That would use my imagination and my logical skills.

    How about some pictures?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    The tone of your post seems a bit too chatty to me for you to be Fe-PoLR, but everyone's different on the internet...

    What are your favourite things to do when you hang out with friends? What sorts of roles do you usually play in those situations (organiser, conversation leader, comic relief)? What sorts of conversations do you have with your friends?
    When I hang out with my friends? Hmm...with my friends...
    I don't hang out with my friends. I don't talk to my friends unless one of them happens to call me or email me, which is rare. I haven't kept in touch with any of my friends at all. I have my wife and our 2 kids. I see my immediate family once every 1-2 weeks since they only live a couple miles away. Any movies I go to are almost always with my wife only. Once in a great while we'll go with my family.

    As far as the role I play when I would hang out with my friends, if I had to pick one of those I'd say comic relief. But there were often those who were much more comic relief than I. I was usually the guy who quietly observed everyone and would unexpectedly blurt some witty joke I just thought up about the current situation. I'm much more open and talkative with my family. In those situations I'm usually explaining something I recently learned about or showing them something interesting or funny I recently found. I also end up fixing their computer a lot .

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    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    I'd be interested in hearing how you came to that conclusion.

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    Alpha NT.

    Yeah its cliche and obvious, but w/e alpha nt alpha nt alpha nt.

    IEI is kinda silly, but not impossible. I doubt it though.
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    Try taking this test.
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    Why programming? What's your favorite part about it? How can you justify the switch from programming to inventing games? Isn't that a bit of a stretch? oh, and what do you like better, fantasy or sci fi and why? You seem really energetic right now, are you always that way?

    oh, I don't really need to wait for an answer. LII 9w1! Welcome bro! (we are identicals)

    It looks like we have all the same tastes too. I'm a computer science student, but I'm not THAT into it. I would rather do something a little simpler and more fun. Lord of the rings is my fav, I didn't read Catch-22 but I read 1984 (I liked it a lot), I spend countless hours looking at funny things on the internet, etc. I even go through the same type questioning that you do.

    The 9w1 thing is from
    Last edited by electric sheep; 09-19-2009 at 08:42 PM.
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    Why programming? What's your favorite part about it? How can you justify the switch from programming to inventing games? Isn't that a bit of a stretch? oh, and what do you like better, fantasy or sci fi and why? You seem really energetic right now, are you always that way?

    oh, I don't really need to wait for an answer. LII 9w1! Welcome bro! (we are identicals)

    It looks like we have all the same tastes too. I'm a computer science student, but I'm not THAT into it. I would rather do something a little simpler and more fun. Lord of the rings is my fav, I didn't read Catch-22 but I read 1984 (I liked it a lot), I spend countless hours looking at funny things on the internet, etc. I even go through the same type questioning that you do.

    The 9w1 thing is from Enneagram Institute: Enneagram Testing & Training
    Nice Vash avatar.

    I like programming because I'm good at it. I've only written batch files, but when I'm trying to make one do something, I will be preoccupied with it until I figure it out. Sometimes it takes weeks. I'm more apt to write malicious programs, though. I don't spread them, but I offer them to people to see if they can disarm them. I've gone to malware removal experts and they were unable to do anything. I like being able to do something that most people I know don't know how to.

    I can justify the switch because I'm not a programmer. I'm interested in the practice, but my job doesn't rely on me being a programmer. I like making games as well, specifically the rules. I've made a couple amateur RPGs, but pride myself in the elaborate systems I make that are in them. I also like making the code as short as possible while still doing the same thing. I was always the one making up games to play with my 5 younger siblings.

    I like fantasy a tad better. Science fiction is interesting, but if there's a lack of adventure, it is boring. There are exceptions, of course, like "Memento". My favorites are ones that are fantasy AND science fiction.

    I type as 5w4 for the Enneagram. I haven't read the 9w1 description yet, though. I own the book "Personality Types" by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson.

    I suppose I'm this energetic in written form. I'm much less so in person. I think I am this way because it is easier to be expressive and energetic in writing because it uses the same muscles as not: the fingers. In real life, it requires a lot more. I'm much more apt to nod than open my mouth and say "yes".

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    lol I used to type as 5w4 too, but 9w1 became obvious once I realized the difference between the two types.

    They can be similar, but you're expressing the need to escape to happy places and you entertain a lot of happy thoughts. 5w4s are much more serious, argumentative, and precise. Seriously, our lives are eerily similar. Mentioning the 9w1 is important because most INTP and LII descriptions maintain that we are all serious, insensitive, self confident, and argumentative. 9w1s are none of those things.

    on jobs, I can never really think of a dream job either. But my job satisfaction seems to be tied to my ability to help those near me with my tech skillz. I like the tech jobs because of that.

    Vash is a 9w1
    Last edited by electric sheep; 09-19-2009 at 09:36 PM.
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  10. #10


    Hmm. My book's at work so I don't have it right now. I'll have to look into that.

  11. #11


    At any rate, my stack is SX/SP. If you want something interesting to read, check out my irrational rant from intpcentral. It was a few days after 2 members said I was INFJ and gave very convincing reasoning.

    I was laying on my bed last night and started feeling depressed. I started getting this anxious, closing-in, trapped, claustrophobic feeling. I realized that it was due to this whole INFJ business. INFJ, I mean what the fuck. J's not so bad. It doesn't suit me regarding my understanding of J, but its like having a screen on your window as opposed to not. Sure, I'd prefer to see outside without having it obstructed in any way, but its not that big a deal. F on the other hand. Fuck. "Feeling" is just as much an "F" word as "Fuck". F is weakness. F is crying over stupid things. F is flimsy. F is doing and saying things that you really don't mean because you are so angry you can't see straight and then regretting it later. F is ruining relationships and friendships because of the things you did or said in the heat of the moment. F is a soap opera. I'm better than that.

    I can't tell what people are feeling. I can put myself in their shoes easily enough and imagine what it would be like to be in their situation, but I can never feel the way they feel. I can usually tell that something is wrong, but if I try to guess what, I'm way off mark. I have a long-standing habit of unintentionally saying and doing things that offend people or hurt their feelings. Usually I don't even know that I did it or I caused it. Then, IF they tell me, I'm usually quite surprised. What? You are upset because I said THAT? But what's wrong with that? I can't think of any possible way someone could take that in a way that in a negative way......Huh? You took it THAT way? How on earth could you take it THAT way? What must go through some people's heads...

    I don't know why I have such an emotional attachment to INTP. I guess it stems from what INTP did for me. All of my life I've felt misunderstood. I liked being unique, but also wanted people to know the real me. Many times I would get people thinking I was doing things for some hidden agenda. I don't have freaking hidden agendas! Whatever I said, that's what I meant! Don't try to read between the lines because you'll get incorrect data and it will confuse the issue. Don't try to find the real meaning behind what I said, because when you can't easily find one, you'll default to assuming there is a negative one. And just because I ask a fucking question about something doesn't mean I'm fucking complaining about it! Ugh, why do people have to be so "F"?

    So anyway, I've had lots of misunderstandings with people thinking I'm meaning something I'm not. One day I decided to search for a good personality test. The "which Disney character are you" ones were mildly fun in their own way, but were ultimately meaningless. There must be one out there that is based on actual research. Enter MBTI. Took the test at, tested as INTJ, read several profiles, decided I was really INTP. I felt a strong sense of pride when I'd read it. Yes, that is me. Wow, I'm so cool. Hey, so-and-so, read this and see how cool I am. Do you think the guy this profile is describing is cool? Well, that's me. Did you ever know (aspect of INTP profile) about me? Do you have a better understanding of how I work now? Does that explain why I always do such and such? So now let's see what you are. Yes, c'mon. Here, I'll read it to you and you answer. Okay, fine, you can sit down and do it, but can you read it aloud so I can know where you're at? Ah, I see you're (MBTI type). Does that sound like you? Cool *writes down so-and-so's type next to their name on my list*.

    INTP was always there for me. I could be around people who could do so many things better than I could, but I never felt completely inferior because I always had something they didn't. I always had my hidden trump card. Even if they didn't know it, I knew I could always be better at at least something. Like playing a game against someone and giving yourself a handicap. It appears to be equal, but they are trying their hardest. You are, too, but only because you're fighting the handicap as well. If you wanted to, you could remove it and totally obliterate them. But you don't and you make them think you are pretty even with them. It's the knowing that I could that gives me security. INTP was that for me.

    After the initial disbelief at the notion that I could be an INFJ and reading the reasoning behind it that I couldn't ignore, the depressed feeling started slowly creeping in. I realized I ignored it until last night. It honestly feels like I lost a good friend. Like I had an argument with someone I deeply care about and they never want to see me again. Like someone close to me has died and I'll never be able to see them again. Like everything I've ever known has been a lie. I feel betrayed. I keep telling myself "this can't be real, there has to be a mistake." But I don't know enough to be certain about any of it. I'll just have to see and learn.

    The above is highly irrational. I know it sounds silly and a lot of it is unrealistic, but it is what my feelings are saying, not what my rationality is filtering out. I don't have any ill feelings toward Technical or Estelore. I like them both and am amazed by them. None of these feelings are directed at anyone other than myself, and none of them were caused by anyone other than myself.
    Last edited by Idec Sdawkminn; 09-19-2009 at 11:17 PM.

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    I'm sp/so stacked, so there are going to be some significant differences between us, I guess. You seem disillusioned that you weren't INTP like you thought. It doesn't mean you aren't INTP/LII, because 9w1 means you have a weak sense of self, and we get frustrated when people misunderstand what we are trying to say. It's more because we're sloppy thinkers and it's difficult to say precisely what we mean, and it's a source of conflict. Conflict is horrible to a 9w1.
    The saddest ESFj


  13. #13


    Do you like Hellsing Ultimate?

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    I've seen Hellsing, but I didn't get into it.
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    I was tempted to say IEI at first, but I am going to say LII.

    For the record; Hellsing the original is much better than Hellsing Ultimate.

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    I think the INTP profiles make me seem more intellectual than I really am, which is sort of a self esteem boost. I had to take a hard look to realize I'm not as smart as I thought I was.
    The saddest ESFj


  17. #17


    So, I got my book from work and read the whole Nine profile, then the specific 9w1 one. It does sound quite a bit like me, but not 100% of it. I know that rarely will 100% of a profile match anyone, but the Five profile seems to fit me the same percentage.

    I'm interested in the descriptions of the types. The people who typed me as INFJ (this is MBTI typing) did so regarding my speech patterns. They said an INFJ is really skilled at imitating an INTP, and also that it is really difficult to accurately type yourself. I'll just copy and paste some of it. I'd really like to see what other opinions are regarding this because I don't know nearly enough about the inter workings of any of the systems to agree or disagree with them. Sorry for the length:

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    I'm sure I'm an INTP. I'd be interested to see if you had a different type for me, but I fear I haven't posted much on this forum for you to be familiar with my personality.

    I am curious, though, what you would get from my story I posted in the Creative Expressions subforum.
    Quote Originally Posted by Technical
    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    Interesting. What leads you to believe I make decisions based more on emotion than logic?

    Also, did you read any of the story?
    Quote Originally Posted by Technical
    That there is a story is enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Technical
    I consider what I've observed, and among that are trends such that Feelers tend to both produce evidence of their supposed tendency toward logic, and also do not realize that a Feeling preference doesn't imply low intelligence.
    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    That makes sense. I'm not opposed to the idea of me really being a Feeler. From what I've read, you sound like you know what you are talking about. What doesn't make sense to me, then, is why every description I've read pins me at least 80% as INTP. Are you saying that everyone has the description of INTP wrong? Also, if I am INFP, why would I view myself as a T? Why would I test as a T?
    Quote Originally Posted by Estelore
    *raises hand* If I may:
    I freely admit that the methods I use to type people, while achieving similar results to Technical's methods, are dissimilar to his in practise, chiefly because I do not define a clear system for them. One of the things I do day in and day out is analyze people's speech patterns, and for most people I can tell within ten minutes of conversation, spoken or typed, rather exactly how the other person thinks and functions.

    Going simply on your speech patterns, syntax, diction, and semantics:
    "That makes sense." = typical of NF. For NT, if it makes sense, it's obvious that it makes sense, and it is assumed that the person making sense is aware of their sense-making. Ergo, very rarely does a true NT openly state that something makes sense. They may weakly-smile-and-nod to perpetuate the conversation, but they typically wait for open prompts to speak directly.

    "I'm not opposed to the idea of me really being a Feeler." = Once again, NF. In this case, it's an act of placation and unconscious self-promotion in the hope of being viewed as more logical by "lacking bias". It actually stresses the existing bias.

    "From what I've read, you sound like you know what you are talking about." = FJ styled placation this time; this is the unintended flattery-without-giving-ground. You're acknowledging another's competence in some area in which you yourself have no particular expertise, but you don't really want to state openly that the other person knows more than you know. In the event that the 'expert' is wrong and you went with his statements anyway, you want plausible deniability. Instead of "You know what you are talking about", which is very obvious flattery, you include "sound like" to diminish the intensity of the statement, and you include "from what I've read" to look like you educated yourself on the subject in advance.

    "What doesn't make sense to me, then, is why every description I've read pins me at least 80% as INTP." = NFJ; You've received conflicting evidence from more than one source, and of the two, only the one you'd rather not believe has comparative objectivity. It makes you defensive, and you challenge the least-preferred evidence-giver to explain why it disagrees.

    "Are you saying that everyone has the description of INTP wrong?" = FFFFF. If you read the last few pages of the thread, Technical had actually confirmed several INTPs before you posted this. I'm not saying you didn't read anything, of course; it is clear, however, that you skimmed or are attempting to apply an argument that you see as logic (and which really is not). Application of absolutes and generalities (everyone, wrong) and transference of supposed guilt/accountability (Are YOU saying?) are heavily F factors, and the absolutes also contain a powerful measure of J.

    "Also, if I am INFP, why would I view myself as a T? Why would I test as a T?" = IFFFFF. I freely admit that I'm an INFJ-in-denial. People who consider themselves T tend to take pride in the fact that their thoughts are somehow better or clearer than those of Fs, and when they are called F, they take umbrage at it.

    From strictly a speech-pattern standpoint, the habit of repeating a question immediately after
    stating it implies vehemence of emotionality toward the subject. The T says, "I'm trying to understand; tell me more." The F says, "[Please] explain to me how I'm wrong! How am I wrong?"; this puts supposed responsibility on the person challenged to present an answer that the F will accept, or else 'lose' the 'debate'.

    Remember, 1. I say none of this in offence. 2. I say all of this from the position of a person with a long history of recognizing and analyzing patterns in English language. 3. I hold no personal feeling toward you whatsoever beyond the simple desire to offer my views of the subject that you might have a better view of it yourself.

    Edited for spacing to avoid wall-of-text.
    Quote Originally Posted by Technical
    You know, I was thinking INFJ could possibly be a better fit than INFP myself. And you're as smart as I am. I don't say that very often at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Estelore
    Presuming you're speaking to Yours Truly, thank you and ditto.
    If you're not, disregard this post, naturally.

    My first suspicion for him to be INFJ was the fact that within two sentences of his first post, my immediate thought was, "Ye Saints, the fellow talks like a member of INTJforum!"
    So many members there walk an incredibly fine line between T and F that they might as well be totally F, because of the two, it tends to override. A feeler can think solid thoughts and still feel with perfect ease, but a thinker with too much feeling loses much in the way of precision, because he/she applies unconscious biases to things that aren't even personally relevant. *cough*Yours Truly*cough

    I never considered him remotely P. Sorry. He's open-minded to a decent extent, but he is also too vehement for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Estelore
    INTPs don't talk as much as we do. They say as much, but they are concise and unrepetitive.

    Have you noticed how wordy I am? How prolix you are? How verbose are so many other FJs-in-disguise on this forum?
    Yes, we are incredibly precise in speech, but only because each time we repeat ourselves, we are refining meaning a little bit further.
    INTPs are precise by saying exactly and simply the first time. One-liners are frequent and sufficient.

    Also, you're definitely not INFP. The closest INFP equivalent to your mindset, you'd be a good bit more flexible on this, and you'd think of yourself as INTJ instead of INTP, anyway.

    The number one reason for the INFJ, though:
    You state yourself that you desire to understand yourself AND OTHERS AROUND YOU.
    For the INTP, the problem is being understood, not understanding. Their obliviosity to emotions in others makes them bad at communicating to emotional types. You, on the other hand, are incredibly good at conveying what you mean, both to me (another INFJ) and to Technical (an INTP), and you have not displayed the oblivious inconsiderateness of the TP, that blithe unawareness of emotion that isn't intended as an insult but often succeeds at it.

    Your combination of adept courtesy and desire to understand OTHERS, your verbosity and articulation, and your F showing up throughout your speech collectively point unmistakably (to me, if to nobody else) at INFJ-with-a-T-nearly-but-not-quite-balanced, 100% certain at this point. I don't claim that very often, but you are far too similar to how I've been for me to mistake it.
    (some posts removed for length's sake)
    Last edited by Idec Sdawkminn; 09-20-2009 at 07:49 AM.

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    NT, probably alpha NT. My tentative guess is LII > ILE. The first photo looks more ILE, but I'd take VI with a grain of salt. This paragraph in particular made me think you're probably valuing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn View Post

    Who was your favorite teacher? Why were they your favorite?

    My favorite teacher was my math teacher in high school. He was funny, sarcastic, witty, dealt with obnoxious students by playfully yelling at and insulting them (which disarmed them, while leaving them and the rest of the class in a good mood), explained things while using his own personal views of the thing being explained ("The book says to do it this way, which I think is dumb, but I'm too lazy to explain a different way, so just do it this way or I'll fail you."), and let us watch The Price Is Right every Friday. He was entertaining. It was fun to be in his class.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    You state yourself that you desire to understand yourself AND OTHERS AROUND YOU.
    For the INTP, the problem is being understood, not understanding. Their obliviosity to emotions in others makes them bad at communicating to emotional types. You, on the other hand, are incredibly good at conveying what you mean, both to me (another INFJ) and to Technical (an INTP), and you have not displayed the oblivious inconsiderateness of the TP, that blithe unawareness of emotion that isn't intended as an insult but often succeeds at it.
    ok, one thing to say regarding MBTI and Socionics: The primary drive of LIIs is to understand the world. I don't know about INTPs anymore, I pretty much stopped caring (I left INTPc years ago). I also inhabit the space between worlds, in that I can speak very scientifically and very sensitively.
    Your combination of adept courtesy and desire to understand OTHERS, your verbosity and articulation, and your F showing up throughout your speech collectively point unmistakably (to me, if to nobody else) at INFJ-with-a-T-nearly-but-not-quite-balanced, 100% certain at this point. I don't claim that very often, but you are far too similar to how I've been for me to mistake it.
    well he's talking about MBTI, for sure, and that doesn't really related to socionics. It sounds like he's trying to say you're too aware of people's emotions or something. I don't know your MBTI type, but you are certainly LII. (Time for Socionics talk) Having Fi role allows you to "appear" sensitive and for you to communicate emotions, but it's draining. It's something you feel you have to do in order to maintain peace, or whatever. You would rather have fun keep it light hearted than talk about your feelings all day (preference for Fe). You don't like having to worry about offending someone. You want to say what's on your mind, but you become irritated when people are too sensitive, because they should know what you mean. That makes you question why you speak your mind in the first place. Am I right?
    Last edited by electric sheep; 09-20-2009 at 05:14 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn View Post
    I'd be interested in hearing how you came to that conclusion.
    By the impressions of what you said and how you look. You're definitely intuitive and most likely Se valuing, though obviously not an Se type. Introvert > extrovert, IP > EJ, don't seem to care about Fi at all, your favorite teacher sounds like a SLE... so IEI is my best guess. Other plausible types would be EIE and Ni-ILI. The only alternative I could see outside of Se/Ni is Ti-LII.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    By the impressions of what you said and how you look. You're definitely intuitive and most likely Se valuing, though obviously not an Se type. Introvert > extrovert, IP > EJ, don't seem to care about Fi at all, your favorite teacher sounds like a SLE... so IEI is my best guess. Other plausible types would be EIE and Ni-ILI. The only alternative I could see outside of Se/Ni is Ti-LII.
    lol you already figured out his teachers type too?!?! He liked his teacher because he was never harsh, and kept everyone laughing.
    The saddest ESFj


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    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    lol you already figured out his teachers type too?!?!
    I didn't figure it out, but that's the closest fit based on the way he described him. HO HO HO.

    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    He liked his teacher because he was never harsh, and kept everyone laughing.
    You have a point besides "SLEs are harsh and can't make people laugh"?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    You have a point besides "SLEs are harsh and can't make people laugh"?
    That that's not enough to make judgments about his type. Teacher could be SLE, but I've really liked my SLE teachers too... although maybe admired is a better word. Just how "in control" he was. Conflicts are nothing, he takes it all in stride, and keeps a good sense of humor at the same time. Something I could never do. That was one class (Ancient Greek) that I really wanted to do well in, partly because he made it fun, and partly because I wanted to impress him.
    Last edited by electric sheep; 09-20-2009 at 10:28 PM.
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    oooh I noticed that this estelore guy kinda sounds like an IEI. I really don't like the way he talks--most of the things he says kinda seem like he pulled them out of his ass. Sometimes I get this impression from Ni types. I just want to yell "how do you know that?" and this doesn't seem to be a question they can answer. Anyway, IEI is the benefactor of LII. Benefactors have a tendency to mistake their beneficiaries for their identical, but of a lesser social class or something--just a lesser version of themselves.
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  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    ok, one thing to say regarding MBTI and Socionics: The primary drive of LIIs is to understand the world. I don't know about INTPs anymore, I pretty much stopped caring (I left INTPc years ago). I also inhabit the space between worlds, in that I can speak very scientifically and very sensitively.

    well he's talking about MBTI, for sure, and that doesn't really related to socionics. It sounds like he's trying to say you're too aware of people's emotions or something. I don't know your MBTI type, but you are certainly LII. (Time for Socionics talk) Having Fi role allows you to "appear" sensitive and for you to communicate emotions, but it's draining. It's something you feel you have to do in order to maintain peace, or whatever. You would rather have fun keep it light hearted than talk about your feelings all day (preference for Fe). You don't like having to worry about offending someone. You want to say what's on your mind, but you become irritated when people are too sensitive, because they should know what you mean. That makes you question why you speak your mind in the first place. Am I right?

    Still not 100% sure about 9w1, though. I'll have to do more comparisons. As far as Estelore, she was initially typed by Technical as INFJ when she believed herself to be INTP. She was short with him and "disturbed on 17 levels" about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn View Post

    Still not 100% sure about 9w1, though. I'll have to do more comparisons. As far as Estelore, she was initially typed by Technical as INFJ when she believed herself to be INTP. She was short with him and "disturbed on 17 levels" about it.
    Yea that sounds like the over dramatization of an IEI.
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    I think that the issue here is that you 9w1 LIIs come across as more friendly, and rather xEI-ish, than the others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    I think that the issue here is that you 9w1 LIIs come across as more friendly, and rather xEI-ish, than the others.
    Why thank you we still bite though.
    I must admit, I take some satisfaction in being a thorn in the side of Socionics.
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    so much for a conflictor, huh? It's just the truth, but don't get frisky (=P).

  30. #30


    By the way. Hellsing=8. Hellsing Ultimate=10.

    Also, what would you type my wife as? She tested as ISFJ. (more quotes)

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    I'm also married to an ISFJ. I love her very much (I initially had some trouble with this because I analyzed the idea of love too much and whether I really loved anyone or not). Our conflicts are always initiated by her usually taking something I said personally or as a complaint when I was just making an observation, usually something I found amusing enough to comment on. The argument then turns into her making sarcastic comments under her breath as she walks away and refuses to talk on the subject anymore because she doesn't want to hear my excuses of how I didn't mean it how she took it.

    Her biggest complaints have been that she feels 2nd place to the computer, she feels like I'm bored with her, doubts that I think about her much at all, doesn't feel that I care about or consider her wants and feelings, thinks I'm arrogant and always think I'm right and she's wrong, says I have no compassion, and can't stand how I can ignore our 9-month-old son when he's crying his head off.

    Her happiness is very important to me, so I strive to meet all of her needs, however unnatural it may be at the time. I've gotten into the habit of cleaning up the kitchen for her whenever I get off work because I know she hates doing it. Before she moved in, all of my dishes would be dirty in the sink, some with mold growing on them, while I washed the one dish and utensil I needed to eat that one meal. I had nothing on the walls and only essential furniture. Thanks to her, it is much cleaner and much more homely now, but if I don't want her to be stressed out and take it out on everyone, I've found that I can't stick to my normal INTP habits, ignoring everyone and spending the evening glued to the computer screen and only stopping because I want to spend time with my wife watching a movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    LOL. If I said that, she'd say "I only watch TV because I have nothing else to do because you are on the computer all the time."
    Quote Originally Posted by Relatively Accurate
    I don't understand why you are responsible for her leisure time. Personally, I find men to be a bit clingy and prefer a lot of alone time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    This was my initial question. Especially since she's an introvert. Doesn't she like time alone? I think I have an understanding, though. She's with the kids all day, with one of them a baby and needing her all the time, she has the housework and she gets stressed. She also has her family pressuring her to keep in contact, a "friend" who only calls her up when she needs something, and an ex-husband, whom she shares her daughter with, who regularly makes her upset whenever she has to talk to him. I'm supposed to be her relief. She has no hobbies (except now, her friend got her started on the Twilight books) and is extremely bored when she's not doing things that "need to be done". Hence, she looks to me. She grew up around horses and her only real interest her whole life was riding them. She has no horse now and we live in an apartment complex.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    For her, it's not that she wants us to do things together that I'd rather not do. I usually try to include her in as much as I can. She just doesn't share some of my interests. But she's always busy with the housework and the kids. It seems like the only time I can spend time with her is if I'm helping her with those. That doesn't seem like quality time to me, so I opt for the computer, whereas she complains that she doesn't want to do the work, either, but it needs to be done. We enjoy enough of the same movies and a lot of the same TV shows (CSI, The Mentalist, Heroes), so that is how we spend most of our time together. It is my way of getting her away from her "responsibilities" and to spend time with me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    I then met my current wife at work. She tests as ISFJ. Right from the start I was determined that I would be what she deserved in a partner because of how selfless and caring she was toward me. We had some rough spots, but I'm ultimately very happy with her and love her very much. The struggle is getting to know each other and how we operate, but we're getting there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    That's funny you mention the end of the day. Usually when we have arguments, it is in the evening and remains unresolved (to my dismay) until the next day. She says to just forget it and I say it needs to be resolved and the cause identified or we'll inevitably have it happen again.

    "If it happens again, it happened for a reason." Gah!
    "Yes, so lets find that reason so it doesn't happen again!" Nope.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    I'm a firm believer in "don't go to bed angry" as well. She's never asked me if we were all right. Never. She just goes to do housework or take out her frustration on her daughter. She's always fine the next day like nothing happened, but it gets added to her store of examples and eventually will come up again when something similar happens. If I want her to get over it before bed, I have to sit her aside (against her expressed wishes) and explain to her my position and what I meant while she sits there in silence and listens. She'll either finally respond with "okay, I've listened, are you done now?" at which point I give up, or she'll fold and say that I'm right: "Okay, you're right, I'm wrong. Are you happy now?"
    "No, I'm not happy now, because I don't want to be right. I want you to understand me and for me to understand you." Those ones usually end very vaguely with me not knowing the end result.
    I have to explain how much I care about her and love her and how I'm trying my best and doing all I know how and all that for things to usually turn out better. I have to be careful, though, not to focus on my sacrifices for her. You'd think doing so would show how much she means to me, but all she responds with then is, in a rather insincere tone, "I'm sorry I'm such a burden for you." A similar response is given if I focus on how much it makes me unhappy when she's unhappy. Meh, live and learn.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn
    Similar to me, except when I bring it up again, she is upset that I'm "still talking about it" and she seems to regain the negative emotions she had when it happened. She then wants to stop talking about it because she doesn't like the negative emotions. The only time it works to talk about it is when she brings it up on her own and admits to being slave to her emotions and how she hates it. We can (very mildly) laugh and joke about her tendencies then, but I have to be careful because in that mood, she can easily become depressed and start beating herself up.
    Last edited by Idec Sdawkminn; 09-21-2009 at 04:50 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn View Post
    By the way. Hellsing = 8. Hellsing Ultimate = 10.

    Also, wife tests as ISFJ in MBTI and lots of people at INTPc agreed with that type from the stuff I said about her and quoted her on. What Socionics would that be?
    oh, I've seen a little bit of the original Hellsing, but not Ultimate. I didn't get into either, but from what I saw of the original, I think I would like it/them.

    ISFJ could be anything. Take a look at intertype relations first and see if any work. ISFJ roughly translates to ESI, but there's no guarantee that's what she is. If she was ESI, then you would have a super ego relationship.

    However, I know one ESE in particular (that I just happened to fall madly in love with) that would not be ESFJ (ESE ~ ESFJ), but probably some introvert instead. ESE + LII = dual relationship.

    In the off chance that you're looking at, ditch that and look at these instead:
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    By the way. Hellsing=8. Hellsing Ultimate=10.
    Hmm, perhaps this is a mater of priorities. I tend to give more priority to plot development, OST, and something I would call "X factor", than to the animation. Flashy CGI graphics look nice, but I've found that when a series excels in this aspect, it is usually at the expense of the other, imo, more important aspects. Also, it doesn't leave as much room for imagination to flourish.

    Also, what would you type my wife as? She tested as ISFJ. (more quotes) [...]
    Dude, you're sounding very Decisive (Se-Ni valuing) to me, especially when it comes to relationships.

    Here you have a few tests. Not completely sure about their usefulness or validity though:

    Google Translate

    (you need to know about this)

    Mizami: Registreer jezelf nu!

    I think your wife is probably EII.

  33. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    Hmm, perhaps this is a mater of priorities. I tend to give more priority to plot development, OST, and something I would call "X factor", than to the animation. Flashy CGI graphics look nice, but I've found that when a series excels in this aspect, it is usually at the expense of the other, imo, more important aspects. Also, it doesn't leave as much room for imagination to flourish.

    Dude, you're sounding very Decisive (Se-Ni valuing) to me, especially when it comes to relationships.

    Here you have a few tests. Not completely sure about their usefulness or validity though:

    Google Translate

    (you need to know about this)

    Mizami: Registreer jezelf nu!

    I think your wife is probably EII.
    I'll give those a try. Last time I took a socionics test (the one where you have to click ones that are you, then ones that aren't), I got INTp.

    My wife tested as 6w7 if that helps.

    I started watching Hellsing Ultimate and thought the original was better. After watching the first 2 episodes, though, I found I liked the newer one better. Ultimate tells more back story, has more of a feel of one long story, seems way more epic to me, and the main enemy is way more devastating.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Idec Sdawkminn View Post
    My wife tested as 6w7 if that helps.
    ah yes... so was she...
    I think your wife might be ESI, if not EII
    Last edited by electric sheep; 09-21-2009 at 05:52 AM.
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    I'm thinking INTp too, but consider ENTj as well. What you mentioned about being proficient at math, but not liking it much, may point to having strong Ti but not valued (in the "id block"). And if your wife is ESI, that would make sense as she would be your dual.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    I'm thinking INTp too, but consider ENTj as well. What you mentioned about being proficient at math, but not liking it much, may point to having strong Ti but not valued (in the "id block"). And if your wife is ESI, that would make sense as she would be your dual.
    I don't think we have a dual relationship here. It seems like he is trying to understand her, but she doesn't want to be understood. She doesn't seem to be giving him the feedback that he needs to know that the relationship is in good standing.
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    Quote Originally Posted by fear of sleep View Post
    I don't think we have a dual relationship here. It seems like he is trying to understand her, but she doesn't want to be understood. She doesn't seem to be giving him the feedback that he needs to know that the relationship is in good standing.
    Perhaps it is Te feedback and not Fe feedback.

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    I dunno, how do gammas try to make each other happy?
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  39. #39


    I didn't like the Google Translate test at all. Didn't even bother.

    Interestingly enough, I took the Mizami one (with some input from the wife who agreed with my answers for the most part) and got this:

    Your result

    These types might also be considered

    These types are not very likely

    These types are quite unlikely

    These types are extremely unlikely

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    Welcome aboard fellow SEE!

    No, not really. You are probably one of the types listed as "second options". You got the same exact results that I got on the test, though. And the other test is not bad, only that you have to read about the Reinin Dichotomies before taking it. It is simple, but therein lies its strength, because unlike the mizami one, it doesn't force you to pick an option for any dichotomies that you don't understand/don't agree with. I'd bet you'd get a more satisfactory result with that one.

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