Hello there. I'm very curious about my type. I test INTP in most tests, INTJ in some, but the various online descriptions peg me beautifully as INTP.

HOWEVER! I was recently spot-typed as first INFP, then later refined to INFJ. This has caused a considerable amount of uncertainty in me and some 2nd+ opinions would be greatly appreciated. What should I say about myself? Hmm......

I work at a car/RV dealership as the tech support guy. I have interest in programming, but I've only gotten proficient in batch because I'm too lazy to learn an actual language. My favorite websites are somethingawful.com, boners.com, and thereifixedit.com.

I suppose I'll post some answers I gave to some questions someone asked me in order to determine my type but never got back to me:

Do you like to read? If yes, what do you like to read when you do? Why do you like to read such things?
Yes, I like to read. I don't normally read books, but when I do, they tend to be science fiction or fantasy in nature, but I often prefer a good dose of comedy in them as well. My favorite books are The Lord Of The Rings, Catch 22, and the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy series.

What I normally read is stuff online, usually pertaining to a subject I'd like to learn more about, or comedy sites such as somethingawful.com.

I like to read fantasy because I like to mentally travel into fictional universes and it is much easier and vivid when it has already been thought out and described. I like reading to learn more about things because it has proved to be the best source of information. I like reading comedy because I like to laugh.

Who was your favorite teacher? Why were they your favorite?

My favorite teacher was my math teacher in high school. He was funny, sarcastic, witty, dealt with obnoxious students by playfully yelling at and insulting them (which disarmed them, while leaving them and the rest of the class in a good mood), explained things while using his own personal views of the thing being explained ("The book says to do it this way, which I think is dumb, but I'm too lazy to explain a different way, so just do it this way or I'll fail you."), and let us watch The Price Is Right every Friday. He was entertaining. It was fun to be in his class.

What was/is your favorite subject in school? What about the subject was most interesting to you?

My favorite class period was when I got to help the network administrator administrate the network. My next favorite one was P.E. because I'm relatively physically fit and it was easy. My favorite actual subject was math because it seemed the most simple to understand. I didn't really like it, though.

What is your definition of common sense?

Sense is knowing what behavior will ensure your physical and social well-being and that of others. Common sense, in general, is very personalized to the values of the individual mentioning it. I have personally never used the term to compare to someone's behavior.

What would be the description of your ideal job? What about the job would make it ideal?

My ideal job would be to get paid to do what I do on my time off.

I haven't been able to point out an ideal real job. I've heavily considered computer programming and, more recently (at the suggestion of my grandma after learning about a card game I made up), working for a toy company making up games. That would use my imagination and my logical skills.

How about some pictures?