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Thread: Overlooked mistypings

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  1. #1


    I agree that the best way to decide someones type (that we have available to us) is by logical discussion.

    However, I don't know if one can force a person to say they are XXX, however, there has been times when group consensus has pointed away from someone whatever type they say they are.

    I suppose the best way to go about it is to put the arguments on the table, then either agree or agree to disagree.

    However, some types (and some people) are less likely to agree to disagree, or adopt a live and let live attitude, for various reasons.

    Some types (and people) will continue it by making sly digs at the other, some types (and people) will bitch about someone to others.

    Then it becomes a shit fest heh.

    So I don't know what the solution is. I would prefer it if the first thing happened - arguments are reasons were put on the table and discussed with reasons and logic, without it becoming personal. Then either agree on that type or just say, "fair enough, i'll think about it".

    But fuck, the freedom of expression on this forum is pretty good, but not OTT, so it's difficult to play with restricting peoples behaviours and forms of expression too much (for instance, on another forum I had several threads going which for me were all related to my type, but not everyone realised this and at a later date I connected them all together), just one of many examples.

    But in that, maybe someone saying "can't discuss that particular thing here" as an overall rule is limiting to all types, perhaps especially those who value Ne - but not exclusively i'm sure!

    Oh, what a load of shit i've probably just posted, lol

  2. #2
    Creepy-Pied Piper


    Removed at User Request

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