Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
I never understood people who looked down on others you know, doing 'normal' things. It's like somebody has to do it. I used to be like that too when I was like 13 and very immature. I can't believe the way some people will respect a doctor over a janitor just because the doctor is a doctor. Yeah cleaning shit for a living, who would want to do that, but somebody has to do it or society wouldn't be able to function. In the grand scheme of things they are just as important as the doctor.

Also most doctors aren't doctors because they actually care, they just like the material wealth and status symbols. You can say there's nothing wrong with that, but if you are in a position where you have other people's life in your hands, then you should do it unconditionally.

Also given how fucked up humanity is as a whole truly, how awful, offensive, hypocritical, bigoted, and inhumane *most* people are, why do we want to save them anyway?
TOTALLY agree on the 1st two paragraphs. don't agree on the third because people have potential. But yeah, I was just bitching about this same topic and I'm so glad someone else shares that outlook!