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Thread: Ne/Si – not in touch with the real world?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    But what the heck do you mean by "reality"? I have the feeling that I see the reality clearer than you do, although I don't care about "goals". What would happen to me because I change jobs and interests, will I die?

    There are no goals in this life, but people invent them. I'm seeing people you describe too limited (especially because they adopt mainstream values), they don't realize there can be a more interested life to be lived if they're not so material-oriented.

    Btw, your last post is full of typical Ni-valuer remarks. I don't think you value Ne.

    Memento mori.
    What do you mean by not having any goals? I respect that people have a different direction or even no direction at all, I'm not even saying that I have one or that it has anything to do with materialism.

    I think that a goal is something personal and each can deicide what he wants his life to be like. I'm not striving to find the mainstream road, I'm striving to overcome some of my weak points and develop myself because the place I want to be in 15 years requires some growth on my part. That's the essence my goal, how does that have anything to do with the mainstream? Because I said the words college and job? Well, the means in which one chooses to lead their lives is completely up to them and it has nothing to do with mainstream values. I may like the concept of college and a career but that's not the actual achievement. Even if I don't have a particular career or make a certain amount of money I would've achieved my goal if I did something I thought I couldn't do or grew as a person.

    What you're basically saying is that Ne/Si individuals can't have goals, especially if they want a career because that's too mainstream and Se/Ni.

  2. #2
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Sorry, I did not want to judge you, but you started it. I'm exactly how it's written about ILEs, although, saying we're not in touch with reality I find a bit arrogant.

    I also oppose the label of "Don Quixote" - I think the comparison is way exaggerated. Take this example: people keep asking me why I encrypted my partitions. "Do you think someone will ever look through your data?". This rhetorical question pisses me off because, first of all that's not their problem, second - if I can, why not do it? A rhetorical question in return is "Why do you lock your door when you get out? Do you think someone will get into your house?"
    It's basically the same shit, just people have the false impression some things are more important than others.

    Anyway, the way you put the problem looks very depressing in my (so I don't say that it is) perspective.
    This moment I'm trying to remember if I heard other than Betas and Gammas saying "developing myself". For those quadras it's already a rule in my view. I also wrote about this rule:

    Btw, I think this article might help you.

    Being a Decisive type is probably the same reason why the word "mainstream" resonated for so long in your hear. It's only a label, but with a pejorative connotation in the mainstream these days. The same is "materialistic", so your reaction is not surprising.
    I don't know what's bad about it, it simply happen that what I usually like is not mainstream, but I know people who do like and we're getting very well along.

    I'm not saying that Ne/Si (Judicious) can't focus on goals, but they are a bit different than the Ni/Se (Decisive) ones. Usually their ambitions differ in that Judicious people want something specific, but Decisive something big. This was actually the meaning of the phrases on Wikisocion on this dichotomy, which was badly translated and some poor users interpreted it totally different.
    Jud want to write books - Dec want to be writers, Jud want to play guitar - Dec want to be guitarists, Jud wants to practice surgery - Dec wants to become a surgeon, and so on... It's the same thing, but viewed from different perspectives.

    This is the reason why Judicious people are not so strictly attached to their qualification.
    This is also the same reason why Decisive aspects of reality are mainstream: because they are labeled and this information can circulate very quickly. For example it's much easier to tell the name of the brand to someone than to enumerate all its products. We all use both approaches, depending on needs, but have different focus.

    I'm not too old, but from my experience I can tell you that you can't have both. This "both" means a lot of things, some of them we can choose, others are inborn, but antitheses in any case.
    I met people who all their youth tried to be more mature, "grown-up". They were surprised to be rejected in groups of slackers, but really, they were ridiculously unfit - maybe here I'm a bit biased towards one side .

    I'm curious what do you think about this, if you consider the possibility to be a Ni/Se valuer.
    I agree with the trying to be mature part.. Maturity is being comfortable with who you are and making the best of yourself..

    I can't see myself as Se/Ni but I can see that what I'm saying may be interpreted as Se/Ni valuing.. I can't easily find myself fitting into any category, and I find them too simplistic to cover all grounds of my personality/tendencies..

    As for the description of Judicious/Decisive, what I've learnt in life is that ""I have to behave naturally, I am who I am and I can't change it " type of thinking can sometimes limit you yet I feel more comfortable with this sentiment than I would be with the other one. I would like to implicate them both, be able to be who I want to be (and if I want to change something about me that's holding me back I'd like to do that) but I also want to discover what I do best and develop that.

    What I meant with the title is that the quote from portrayed an image of people who weren't in touch with life's circumstances, people can't always do interesting and pleasing things unless they're lucky enough to have the means to sustain themselves without paving their way like most people.. I find it hard to believe that Ne/Si people can't adapt themselves to do what it takes if they have a certain goal or worse that they never try to achieve something (whatever it may be) that's challenging to them and that may require dealing with less than thrilling parts of life. If you don't challenge yourself your development stays in certain limited boundaries. I think people are what they are but that doesn't mean they can't step out of their own limits.

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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    It doesn't really matter what type I am and I never really know my type anyway.
    I thank those who commented so far but I don't feel like I've gotten to the bottom of this issue, so feel free to post your thoughts..

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