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Thread: Which places are "Delta"?

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    Default Which places are "Delta"?

    preferably in the U.S.
    ISTP - SERIOUSLY, i dont give a ****

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    Deltas could probably live anywhere, but...

    ESTj, Washington D.C. -- structure, government jobs, things are pretty clean.

    INFj, in the suburbs of a big city -- pretty surroundings and some nature are important.

    ENFp, New York City -- variety, nightlife, new people, artsy stuff.

    ISTp, on the edge of town -- anywhere laid back with easy access to outdoor sports, e.g. mountain biking, surfing, etc.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  3. #3


    Or combine all four into Canberra, Australia.

    Sucked in, America.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Or combine all four into Canberra, Australia.

    Sucked in, America.
    I wouldn't live in Canberra even if you paid me in gold nuggets and chocolate truffles.

    Melbourne is the IEE capital of Australia.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    I wouldn't live in Canberra even if you paid me in gold nuggets and chocolate truffles.

    Melbourne is the IEE capital of Australia.
    You say that like it's necessarily a good thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Or combine all four into Canberra, Australia.

    Sucked in, America.
    Canberra's more of a hole than Adelaide.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Errant View Post
    Canberra's more of a hole than Adelaide.
    Quote Originally Posted by Errant View Post
    You say that like it's necessarily a good thing.
    My thoughts exactly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Deltas could probably live anywhere, but...

    ESTj, Washington D.C. -- structure, government jobs, things are pretty clean.

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    not LA, and probably not NYC so much, either. Although I actually like NYC somewhat. I like DC more though.

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    Most of Northeast US, especially the New England region, perhaps with a few exceptions that mostly tend to lean towards Gamma. In Europe, I think most of Scandinavia and certain places in the western Mediterranean region, including France. Australia and New Zealand are hugely Delta. Much of Southern Africa, too. I'm not sure about Asia, but I would guess Japan and places like Hong Kong could be very Delta.
    Last edited by Park; 09-14-2009 at 01:20 AM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

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    Everybody would want to live in a mansion that the LSE bought, like Phillip Banks on "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"; they'd all want to have their own rooms there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Park View Post
    I would guess Japan... could be very Delta.
    I've been living in Japan almost 2 years now, but I'm not sure how to comment since I don't really know what makes a place Delta as opposed to some other quadra. I understand that Delta's may enjoy living in a place, but if say, Alphas also enjoy living in the same place then what are the criteria for considering it Delta rather than Alpha?

    Doing my best to provide something interesting to the conversation though, Japan has always struck me as very ISTp as a whole. There is quite a lot of variation depending on where exactly in Japan you are, but I think most people can probably see how it is a very Si country. There's so much emphasis placed on daily ritual, maintaining health, and being present in the time and place that you are. While there are of course pretty wild fashions and subcultures in bigger cities, most of Japan's aesthetics are very neat, tidy, pleasing, and subdued. Modern fashion here seems to have a fascination with the colour beige. Graphic t-shirts are basically nonexistent and one of the fastest ways to spot Americans in a crowd. Simple patterns or solid colours are preferred, and clothing is generally all matching and often looks like it was bought as a complete set rather than as separate pieces. Most people here don't want to impress upon others a particular image, and would rather blend in while expressing their own taste rather subtly. Pretty much no one goes out in sweatpants and a hoodie or anything that might look too 'lazy.' There are clear societal norms around self-expression and most people follow them rather closely. People love to travel domestically on holidays and enjoy the different regions' unique 'thing' whatever their 'thing' happens to be. Every region almost invariable advertises how comfortable it is though. Ads that emphasize adventure are relatively rare. There is definitely a love of nature, but it feels distinctly more Si than Se to me.

    Te is also readily noticeable in Japan. In particular in its somewhat infamous work culture. They teach you to respond to superiors with the shortest answers possible. Don't explain, just answer the question yes or no. Explanations are actually seen as somewhat rude when not requested. Companies here very much evaluate people as cogs in a machine - a thing that of course all companies must do on some level, but Japan takes a bit far at times. What I find a bit odd though is that they do not always do things the most efficient way (which I would think Te would desire), but rather will rigidly stick to the way that things have always been done and are incredibly resistant to any changes to procedure. Companies here are intensely risk-averse to the point that they will let themselves face certain doom rather than taking a risk which might save them even if they have basically nothing to lose. "That's the rule and it was put down for a reason so we can't change it. It's impossible," is a common sentiment. In my workplace I have often tried to introduce changes or suggest novel ways of approaching things that seem very easy to implement to me, but am met with, "It's impossible," even when it very clearly is anything but impossible. When pressed they also tend to give very odd round-about rationalizations for why certain rules must be followed, as though they themselves have no clue why the rule exists and are simply trying to provide some answer so you'll just stop questioning it and follow the program.

    Let me know if anyone thinks I have assessed these things as the incorrect elements, but that's how I interpret things here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    not LA, and probably not NYC so much, either. Although I actually like NYC somewhat. I like DC more though.
    I knew a guy (that I typed as a LSE) who once worked in DC as some sort of lawyer in "government affairs"; he used to describe DC as being a place where everyone flocked to the most important and most influential person.

    This along with with my impression of politics in general made me think it was a Se and Fe place.

    But then again I like to be where things are interesting, happening and cool. So I can sympathise and I guess if you're good at what politicians do, it would a good move regardless of type.

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    I just like the city. It was clean. Nice to see monuments, etc. I haven't lived there. But I enjoyed walking around it a lot.

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    I think that Jekyll Island, Georgia is pretty Delta. With the beautiful scenery, all of the things to do there. With the beaches, serenity, and swimming. Some of the historical locations are Delta-y too. There are a lot of places to take nice, calm walks there.

    Yellowstone is Delta-ish with a lot of the scenery and animals (well the fact that it's pretty much a big volcano makes me question if it fits into the category) that could be the te side of things though if anything related to Delta.

    The Sierra National Forest as well.

    Animal Kingdom Park in Disney is the Delta-est of the Disney parks, but the rest of them aren't really imo. Animals in general, and the themes of keeping our environment safe, and healthy.

    Point Pleasant West Virginia too.

    Assateague Island, with the ponies on the beaches.
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    Not to be stereotypical here, but I would say that Norwegian culture is very Delta.

    I would also say that many (but not all) corporate environments are Delta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by StarPath View Post
    Not to be stereotypical here, but I would say that Norwegian culture is very Delta.

    I would also say that many (but not all) corporate environments are Delta.
    As a self-typed Delta, I hate corporate environments and most things associated with them.

    Bureaucracy, red tape, top-down (micro)management, formal protocols and hierarchies, slow career progression, stifled individualism and room for innovation/creativity... and when you add to that all the ways in which nepotism, unfairness and horrible relationships can thrive in these environments, it's hard to find things to like or aspire for. Not to mention how any semblance of work-life balance and job security—things traditionally associated with corporate jobs—is rarely to be found, especially these days.

    To put it simply, my personal values don't align with those that tend to define or be prominent in most corporate environments.
    Last edited by Park; 04-10-2021 at 07:04 AM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    The 'small family business' seems to be something very delta with sp first. Even more if the business provides real products/services that make one's life easier. Farmers markets, family hardwares stores, bakeries, carpentry firms, and so on.

    Agreed. Saying that I hope no SLI would open a medium scale business without constantly getting advice that contradicts with their thinking. Their positivity, opportunistic nature and short sighted approach constructs a recipe for bankrupt, have seen this happening more than I should and even after one or couple of bankrupts, they don't really grasp why it happened and improve/change themselves. Eventhough they care about freedom, working for a corporate would seem to suit them better than managing a medium scale business.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Agreed. Saying that I hope no SLI would open a medium scale business without constantly getting advice that contradicts with their thinking. Their positivity, opportunistic nature and short sighted approach constructs a recipe for bankrupt, have seen this happening more than I should and even after one or couple of bankrupts, they don't really grasp why it happened and improve/change themselves. Eventhough they care about freedom, working for a corporate would seem to suit them better than managing a medium scale business.

    I think you’re underestimating SLIs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I think you’re underestimating SLIs.
    I don't think that I am, because I don't say those thing solely or mainly based on theory but also what I have observed in real life. I know 4 SLIs who started their work life by openning a business and bankrupted more than 2 companies. They work in corporate world now. There are successful SLIs out there, so this isn't about their success really, however, without gaining enough experience, if they would open a medium scale business, chance of them succeeding is very unlikely. If you or someone else knows a different story, I would like to hear how it happened. Because it seems to me that this kind of thing is a result of their psyche. They see an oppurtunity, overly get confident and optimistic about things will work out without taking or evaluating measurements to prevent and control unknown unwanted outcomes, only think about these things when things start to get worse than it should be, then they can maneuver but again, they don't think about other things that could get out of hand, only control what they see that they can suffer from and finally find themselves in a situation that they can't maneuver.

    When SLIs tell me their stories of bankrupt, at the beginning of their story, I question whether did they X, Y to see whether they took preventative measures and they didn't, they seem to bothered that it pops to my mind so immediately, since those things made them bankrupt. They seem to apply the same approach again when they are working for corporates so I don't see any sign of improvement. When I again warn them about how things can go bad, they are more prone to brush it off or they don't take it seriously or put enough effort to it as they should.

    Every type has their own shortcomings in different kinds of areas. My main purpose to write that post was to warn SLIs about their own.
    Last edited by myresearch; 05-13-2021 at 03:54 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I think you’re underestimating SLIs.
    I'm trying to think of a business that I'm familiar with that is run by an SLI. I think the only one I know is a house-siding repair business, and the guy has an LSE working for him. No idea what his business longevity has been.

    Wait. I think Berkshire-Hathaway has an SLI owner.

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    Alpha: the circus
    Beta: prison
    Gamma: the stock market
    Delta: the farm
    Last edited by xerx; 05-13-2021 at 06:05 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    Corporate environment is very rational-minded. They are very hierarchical and things such as chain of command, seniority, are valued. Wildcards like EPs or lazy experts like Ips aren't tolerated. IME the types that do best in those environments are LSI, LSE & LIE with an enneagram 3 fix. When those types need someone to do customer/public relations/marketing, they hire EIE, EII & ESI, but those types never really move up the ladder.
    I agree with the points you're making, but I think EIEs often move up the ladder.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    Corporate environment is very rational-minded. They are very hierarchical and things such as chain of command, seniority, are valued. Wildcards like EPs or lazy experts like Ips aren't tolerated. IME the types that do best in those environments are LSI, LSE & LIE with an enneagram 3 fix. When those types need someone to do customer/public relations/marketing, they hire EIE, EII & ESI, but those types never really move up the ladder.
    While I agree that I don't see too many ESI's high in the corporate ladder, I just encountered one who is in top management. She's from India, and I've only spoken to her on Zoom so I've never met or seen her, but she doesn't let anyone interrupt her when she speaks, and as super-organized as she is, and as good as she is at connecting people and tying up loose ends, she seems to just stop in her tracks and drink deeply whenever anyone is demonstrating Te.

    I'd like to meet her in person some time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    Wildcards like EPs or lazy experts like Ips aren't tolerated.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Soup kitchens, some residential treatment facilities. (although some of these are also very Beta and run by a lot of EIEs - a lot of them have warden LSEs and EIIs social workers)

    Anything that's pro-family and pro-heterosexuality or also pro-gay people but in a PC way. Like those white trash businesses on the side of freeways that sell pickles- that's very Delta. Most 'equality centers' are very IEE Delta because it's like trying to say gay people want to go out and shoot deer with a real SLI macho man wearing flannel even tho that's often not really true. Equal to what, exactly??? The entire point of straight and gay people is THAT WE ARE NOT EQUAL OR THERE WOULDN'T BE TWO DIFFERENT WORDS FOR US.

    Ultra religious farm lands where there's a lot of moral rules and they don't like pervy urban nightlife and they have like 16 kids and they all look whiter than hell - that's 'Delta.'

    Suburban small-town life is also usually very Delta. Remember EIE Gilly saying he loathes it? lolol. I think it's usually a mixture of both Alpha/Delta though. (98% of sitcoms are based on Alpha lifestyles.)

    I think the courtroom might be more of a 'Gamma' place generally speaking - but a LSE judge throwing a SLE male criminal in prison is also a common delta thing I think.

    btw I don't know how confident I am with this crap as I realize I'm relying on vague stereotypes lol but I'm pretty confident. So I admit I could be wrong. Tell me how I'm wrong tho.

    I think with that said- the flipside is that a lot of bdsm/sex shops are also incredibly Delta to me. Betas are the type of people that talk roughly but in reality often just want something nice, sweet and boring. Deltas talk sweet and nice and boring but in reality want to rough it up.

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