Quote Originally Posted by discojoe View Post
Where in the Constitution does it say that one of the president's responsibilities is to speak to school children? How is it not condescending to think that parents need the president to come in and teach them a lesson about responsibility? What a narcissistic piece of shit of a president.

This is nothing but a PR move to give his free falling approval ratings a boost in order to pass health care. Anyone who falls for it is a gullible fool with no common sense or capacity for independent thought.
Bunch of wackjobs running the media these days turned this into a story. My local school actually sent home an opt-out form for parents who didn't want this president speaking to their kids. Other schools just flat out won't show this president's speech.

Sad that these zealots are the same bunch who will tell you to love your country and stand by your Comander-in-Chief no matter what (so long as he has and "R" after his name).