1. You wouldn't want me being a housewife, I would be the worse housewife on the planet;
2. There is substantial archeological proof that women and men's roles were different but equal in the past and infact, women developed farming. There is also a theory that once this happened that the need for hunting lessoned (typically a male role) and when that happened, men took over farming and to make themselves feel better for doing "women's work" they demeaned the role women in the community. What you are seeing is not so much a precidental change in women's roles but rather a return to their role as an equal.
3. Women have every right to chose whether or not they work/don't work....so who cares what some man thinks.

I think whether a woman works or not it is her choice and/or maybe has to do with the financial choices that family has to make. I don't think any man should be able to make that choice for a woman. I can't make that choice for a man so its only fair.

P.S. My sister works full time and her husband stays home and takes care of their daughter. It was a sensible financial choice to make because she made more money and they both liked the thought of having one of them at home rather than a nanny.

Their choice isn't for everyone but that's the point it was THEIR choice.