re: Aristotle, agreed that the biggest focus in his writing is Ti. Whatever he is, he's Ti-subtype. Next time I read him I will try to reflect afterwards on whether there is any evidence for beta over alpha or Se over Ne. Further agreed that he is very different from Kant.

I'm listening to Caroline, or Change by Tony Kushner. In that play, Caroline is LSE, Emmie is EIE (they're a clear example of superego; in person they drive each other crazy, but when they just think about each other both profoundly admire the other. Of course, they're also mother and daughter.) Dotty is IEE. I'm not sure about Noah. He could very well be EII. The dead mother could have been EII too, but also likely ESE. The dad is in grave need of Fe, and she likely provided it. But I haven't thought about it at all. Rose is good chance ILI. I'm almost positive she's ILI, actually. Mr. Stopnick is SLE. Stuart (the dad) is LII.

So yes: Caroline = LSE. Emmie = EIE. Dotty = IEE. Stuart = LII. Rose = ILI. Mr. Stopnick = SLE. Dead Mother = Good chance ESE. Noah = not sure, but EII makes sense.

Tony Kushner could very well be EII... but I don't know. He seems to be Fi/Te, political morality and all that jazz.