Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
Maybe when they say they hate nerds, what they really mean is that they'd hate to be a nerd.
impressive! so true!

as for the topic at hand, your right in so far as ESTJ can be critical of INFJ but then again that is ESTJ for ya, and if you know a INFJ personally, they don't care, in a strange way, they may even like that someone notices them leaving. At the same time most people usually shake hands or wave.

I'm not sure which website posted this except that it was a russian socionics site, I found it on another forum about activity partners being more loyal. They listed duality descriptions by different socionic authors and in one, it contained an interesting point that extroverted ethicals and introverted logics have a hard time pairing up. In fact they mentioned many extroverted ethicals can not wait and marry sooner than any other type, often marrying another extroverted ethical. By extroverted ethical they meant ESE, EIE, IEE, SEE and their corresponding duals as introverted logicals.

As for the eternal struggle between nerds and jocks, or mind and body, ESE will likely revert to their role function Te in interpreting LII behaviour Ti. I will never forget one ESE totally turning me down because I was not her type. Even currently I work with a female ESE who is married to a large bruit. She keeps attacking my masculinity because I'm skinny and not high on testostrone. There is another ESE girl who was semi-interested in me but once I tried text messaging her, she never texted back, and the next time I talked to her she hinted that I'm werid. She is now dating a ESE who fits the stereotypical masucline ideal as seen on tv. He is a man-whore but then again so is she. These ESE in particular are superficial. That's my testimony.

in so far as going along with the general theory yes duals need close intimate interaction in order to really understand the others point of view. Why did the INFJ walk away, the ESTJ has no idea.