Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
XoX YOURE KILLING ME HERE! Well at least Im not bored.
I'm glad I can keep you from falling into the abyss of boredom. That is the worst thing that could happen to a person!

Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
So youre saying that you agree with the ENFP descriptions even more than the ISTPs? hmmmmm
Im bewildered.
Well I seriously doubt I have strong Si, Se, or Ni after reading more about them and discussing about them with people who use those. Then again I can relate much better to what is written about Ne. That really leaves only ENFp, ENTp, INFj, INTj as options. At the moment I rank them 1) ENFp, 2) INFj, 3) ENTp, 4) INTj. I do still keep door open for other types too I guess, lol.

I don't relate to Te at all really. So that would make it even more likely that I'm not ISTp or ESTj. I don't have strong Si. I don't have strong Te. Pretty much end of discussion I guess, lol.

I have learned to avoid typing by behavioral descriptions. Behavior is so dependent on environment. Of course the ENFp descriptions have things that make me doubt a bit. But ISTp descriptions have at least as many things that don't really fit at all. None of the types fits me that well if I read only behavioral descriptions. The best behavioral description so far has been the ENFp with strong N subtype description. INFj with strong N subtype has been the second best.

Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
Maybe VI could help If you have any photos that might give us a clue. ISTPs, ENFPs and INFJs do have some physical differences.
No one here can VI...Lot of people in the chat have seen my pictures (I won't post them here but I can show you them there). The most popular impression is that I am E and j (!). ENFj and ESTj being most popular. Then there are lots of other types that have at least one vote. ISTp has exactly one vote. What I read from the subtype descriptions the ENFp N subtype has better defined shapes in their face (like jaw and bone structure in general etc) and less roundness than the F subtype. Most people think I am j and not p based on my pics but maybe it is the subtype that makes me look j or something. If I don't trust behavior descriptions how can I trust VI?