Quote Originally Posted by Transigent
Exactly what the girl above said, like exactly. (Jesus that was totally accurate and brilliant.)

ISTj's will initiate things.

ISTp's are more like stone. They kinda remind me of something akin to a "stubborn wussy". They are cool though, just don't really expect them to do much of anything besides hoard food and work on various things.

Socially, they can be shyish and sometimes sarcastic, but as they get older they tend to become more genuine around people.
Thank ya sur! I heart many of your observations too. Right on target. Let's start a love fest. Peeeeople alllll over the wwworld, join hands, start a love train... I especially loved your singing in the chat. It put me is such a good mood, AND that guys link you posted...geez, every now and then, my imagination randomly re-plays those images and I just start cracking up. See what you've done! You've infested my brain with...such things.