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EEG Interpretation

Visual inspection shows this EEG to be within normal limits for age. No epileptiform activity, persistent asymmetry or focal abnormality is seen in the record.


Results of quantative EEG analyses show lack of slow activity and decreased coherence with the frontocentral midline. This type of finding may be related to cortical overarousal and reported insomnia and anxiety. In addition, there is prominent slowing in the left parietooccipital region and decreased intrahemispheric coherence on the left. This type of finding is often associated with impaired sensory processing and sensory integration, with the left predominance likely impacting visual language processing, e.g. reading. Findings require additional careful clinical correlation to further assess significance specific to the individual.

Main Findings:

This qEEG is moderately abnormal showing:
  • Posterior alpha is maximal in the 9-10 Hz range and blocks well with eye opening. A small amount of slow activity is noted, maximally in the right central region
  • Absolute power is mildly decreased in the frontocentral midline
  • There is decreased intrahemispheric coerence in the low frequencies on the left between the occipital and anterior temporal regions, not seen over the homologous regions on the right. Multivariate connectivity analyses show markedly decreased alpha coherence between the left posterior temporal and left occipital regions. In addition, there is decreased connectivity with the frontocentral midline in the theta frequencies. There is also decreased theta coherence in the left frontotemporal and frontocentral regions with eyes open.
  • Mean delta frequency is high and mean alpha frequency is low in the left parietooccipital region
  • Symmetry analyses show slowing in the left posterior region


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