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Thread: VI Experiment: Forum Members

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    Default V.I. Experiment: Forum Members


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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    I'm not sure if this article has been addressed before, but this is from that humongous Russian site in the sky. See what you think.:

    Characteristic features of the types
    Don Quixote (ENTP)

    External signs

    From the external is indicative ILE, first of all, is focused on itself attention figure and carriage. Figure - long and thin. The parts of the body are also elongated. Especially this is manifested in the length of legs and is finger on the hands. If in the type logical component is intensified, then this special feature is expressed then not vividly. ILE is characterized by characteristic round-shouldered carriage with the sagging of the upper part of the housing forward in the manner of Latin letter "S". However, head in this case forward is not inclined. In ILE frequently are encountered the protruding or elongated, focusing on themselves attention noses. Impression now and then even is created, that it becomes accustomed to the smell of something. During the conversation this object loves to twirl anything in the hands, for example, knob, frequently breaks. In time walkings or when uvlechenno tells about by anything, it gesticulates and swings by hands as mill by wings. If in ILE it is intensified intuitive component, external signs somewhat different. For it is characteristic the chamfered chin, which smoothly passes into the neck, and also the protruding forward upper jaw. Intuitive subtype ILE is much less rapid in the motions in comparison with the logical. Eyes ILE those very washed away, regard through the fog, badly noting proceeding all around. They very cold, are completely deprived of emotionalism, of passion. One should say relative to clothing that in connection with the special features of figure ILE, the clothing almost always sits on it badly: it sags, it slips down, buttons are torn off and so forth this is manifested the brighter, the more the intuitive component is intensified in it.

    Manner of the contact

    ILE does not know how to hold correct distance in the contact in the long period. First it is friendly with the man, then, on the contrary, it is hostile to it, poor relation shows. Completely it does not examine the attitude of people toward itself. Therefore frequently it makes mistakes in its acquaintances. In the contact it behaves frequently unceremonious; it can tactlessly interfere into the conversation, loves everything to scrutinize, without turning attention to the reaction of people. Its fault never is recognized itself. Even if formally it apologizes itself, then nevertheless continues to conduct as before. It advances far reaching, frequently unreal under the given conditions plans. After a certain time forgets them and proposes something completely different, almost in no way logically connected with previous, but not less immense. To the past achievements it relates disdainfully. It is interested and says about entire uncommon from any regions. All newest theories draw it; ekstrasensy, yogi, biofield, NLO - all that that it cannot be explained from the point of view of logic and common sense. It not can to logically explain its ideas, they in it always intuitive, diffuse. The majority of people at them cannot be dismantled, simply they believe or do not believe. It loves to give advice as to disentangle from any difficult situation. It proposes in this case the most radical solutions.

    Special features of the behavior

    The chief characteristic of its behavior, on which with the confidence it is possible to assume belonging with this sotsiotipu, this large absent-mindedness. ILE is inclined to leave objects, where it used them. Small objects continually loses. At the work site and in the personal effect in it frequently the disorder. He forgets, which in it is already made, but that still no. In spite of this, it knows how to appear the necessary resourcefulness, keenness in the daily matters, extracting from in all any, even small benefit. This activity is now and then similar to kombinatorstvo in Ostap bender's spirit, because of what they can consider him sly and dodgy. In intuitive subtype this quality is expressed much less. Many matters immediately and rapidly to make do not know how. The fulfillment of uninteresting work to the latter draws off. Greatly it whips the presence in its time-trouble: it manages to make all accumulated matters in short time, although the quality of work because of this suffers. Another essential feature in its behavior - capability for the mobilization of its possibilities in the extreme situations. If volitional pressure is exerted to it, here it launches a counterattack. The response reaction can be more strongly. In such situations it can sometimes reach child abuse. One additional special feature, which vividly characterizes this sotsiotip, privneseniye into any matter, by which practically it is occupied, the element of chaos, disintegration, negation. Especially vividly this is evident against the background of the keeping balance themselves associations with strict discipline. This in it is obtained creatively: destroying, it sozidayet. Around it frequently begin to be grouped the supporters of its dalekoidushchikh intuitive ideas. In the limiting cases this tendency can appear in the form of present "attack on the mills" - something in the form of the open call by all with the explicit absence of chances to the success. Specifically, this quality pushed slightly deputy Obolensky to advance its own candidature to the post of the chairman of the Supreme Soviet, which shocked chamber.

    Dumases (ISFP)

    External signs

    SEI focuses on itself attention by the expression of face and by the proportions of figure. However, these signs greatly differ in two subtypes OF SEI. SEI with the intensive ethical component is learned sufficiently simply. It is characterized by complete, rounded figure, short legs and pritantsovyvayushchey gait, why with the view on it is created the impression of "elastic ball". Form of face OF SEI - round, without the protruding sharp parts. Sometimes is encountered the pulled up at the end "duck" nose. Eyes are also round. When it attempts to explain something, eyebrows rise upward. Transverse wrinkles on the forehead frequently are formed from this. Mouth is slightly it is bent into the nervous line. In the minutes of the emotional conversation, when anything says, frequently swallows by mouth air, as fish. The sensory version OF SEI has the elongated form of face. For it the characteristically suddenly thickening expression on face, the unexpectedly being appeared cruelty, when it desires to increase psychological distance, to place man on the place. The sensory subtype OF SEI is differed from ethical and in terms of more developed aesthetical taste. Its clothing is very frequently characterized by neatness and harmonious combination it is color. SEI ethical subtype produces the impression of cosiness, as if it recently left the apartment in the convenient, domestic clothing.

    Manner of the contact

    With the people SEI associates on the short distance. Is always sociable, obayatelen, it is friendly disposed. It knows how to cause sympathy to itself, to enter into the confidence. The nature of contact is very democratic. However despite the fact that it is outwardly soft, it can verbally and emotionally press to the people. In the voice the hardness sometimes is manifested, face becomes severe. It is inclined to give advice relative to will and initiatives, the type: "do not sit at one place", "attain in all by your labor", "to be twisted is necessary" and the like if man does not go with it to the contact, then he does not tie. Only one attempt usually is made. The aim is contact only with the interesting people. It cannot itself force to associate with the person, who causes in it antipathy, even in the interests of the matter. In such conversations it loses entire its attractiveness, speech becomes indistinct, unconvincing. It loves to gather and to transfer interesting information and rumors. Cannot on several times repeat one and the same without the changes. Telling them, something from itself is added. It can sow emotional instability because of this. Interest in the periodicals of avenue nature manifests. Its problems no one it ties. Usually it answers to questions about the matters, that everything in the order. It can for long speak, developing one theme. He tells, that sees all around that with it it occurred, about everything, which provides pleasure. Promises does not love to give. To the requests soak it most frequently answers thus: "4 to you I do not promise, but I will try" or "if to smog, then I will make". If promise does not hold in control, then it apologizes itself, until it feels that they forgave it.

    Special features of the behavior

    The most important special feature of the behavior OF SEI, which it is easy to note, if we ponablyudat' after it in the course of a certain time, this thrust to the pleasures of every kind. Desires everything to test in its own life, to obtain as much as possible enjoyment from the tasty food, the beautiful objects, the comfortable situation, the pleasant pastime. Greatly it loves to be enjoyed in the close to the circle of friends, starting company with a whole series of jokes, hints, dirty tricks. Does not love to carry out its time, where it occurs in the shadow. By its independent to parodoksal'nosti behavior generates frequently the bewilderment and negative emotions in those surrounding are caused. They can consider it because of this frivolous person. It does not love the business conferences and other dull measures. Has the tendency to negotiate on the unofficial in rovne. Moreover it uses only checked, reliable connections. Very economic. It loves to take different objects into the hands in order to touch them, to perceive their physical qualities. It loves to make the repair, other domestic works. Another important special feature of behavior, which makes it possible to determine this sotsiotip, the tendency to be held middle, not to be separated either to the side of the good or to the side the worse. It does not love to criticize people aloud for this reason, it does not interfere in the disputes, he tries to be held further from the authorities, with all to be in the peace. Efficiently it can work only for itself. Not it peretruzhdayetsya never in all remaining cases. It avoids strong physical loads. The efforts above itself it does not make. By this quality it is obliged to its reputation of "talented lazy person".

    Hugo (ESFJ)

    External signs

    ESE it is possible to determine according to the special features of exterior view, but in this case it is necessary to compulsorily turn attention to its gait and motions. Of the details of face in ESE usually are small, but are proportional. In the person is frequently noticeable some aspiration upward, impulse. Carriage ESE always straight line. Figure most frequently is thin, is pulled pull. Completeness is encountered very rarely. In men of this type excessive completeness by us she were encountered not to time. In any event of proportion the figures are elongated upward. Is very characteristic gait ESE. Specifically, it makes it possible to assume that man relates to this type. It always rapid, very fussy. This mobility is especially inherent in men. Is created the impression of dergannosti, restlessness. This is much less expressed with the intensive sensory component. For ESE is characteristic also the sharp change of the expression of face. Is especially good this noticeably in ethical subtype. After the statements of logical nature something of the intensely considering person makes form. Considerable attention ESE gives to its clothing. On the selection of the objects of toilet it is well noticeable that it attempts to dress with the taste, it is harmonious. The colors of clothing are usually selected in the tone. There are no sharply separating details. For the women of this type is characteristic the love for different kind to the adornments, not compulsorily expensive. They always harmonize with the extrinsic ethos. As a whole its style of clothing gravitates towards to the decorativeness. In the selection the clothing ESE are always oriented toward their own taste. Is put on not that which is fashionable, but that that to it to face. It follows also the fact in order to soblyudat' the functional belonging of the clothing: in the theater - evening dress, for leisure - sport style. Disproportions in the clothing attest to the fact that man belongs to another sotsiotipu.

    Manner of the contact

    Most characteristic feature of the manner of contact ESE the increased emotionalism. Greatly it loves about by something emotionally, with the details to say. One of the favorite themes of conversations - skill. It is inclined to present the subjects of films, plays and books. To the pleased to it films or the plays it walks on several times. In the contact this sotsiotip easily is determined by the manifestation of negative emotions. Periodically it is agitated, moreover frequently on the small occasion. Rapidly it flares up, but also rapidly it is calmed. It is not possible to explain the manifestation of emotions by the external logic: from any detail it can make drama, but not note in this case almost straight insult. In the conversation considerable attention is given to questions of ethics, good breeding. It loves to give ethical estimations, to investigate, who entered well, and who is bad. It follows the fact so that soblyudalis' the standards of politeness. If people not soblyudayut ethical standards, it presses on them by negative emotions. Because of this they can consider it scandalous, unsociable. It is not easy to join closely with it. It is too exacting and straight-line for the majority of people. It presents its explanations in detail, on several times, asking again collocutor, it did understand with this it can insult the listener, who can think that they consider it confused. It loves to tell about its connections, acquaintances. Them it easily starts, because of its sociability and friendly attitude to the collocutor. With coupling constant it requires of the people of unselfishness.

    Special features of the behavior

    In the behavior it is very demonstrative. When it is necessary to attain something, so it gets accustomed to into its role, which itself begins in it to believe. Although it makes much on the clean enthusiasm, in the matters it is usually resourceful and practical. Anything will not begin to buy provided, he tries to purchase the better. It is easy to learn it on the following feature of behavior. Of all types of personality precisely it is inclined most of all to go back into the store and to require the replacement of defective goods or recovery of money. Master of the composition of things. It knows how to create cosiness it would seem from anything. Things can be old, but are compulsory high-quality. Strictly it follows the health and health its and its close ones. After visiting doctor, compulsorily he wants to learn diagnosis in order very to determine the methods of treatment. It adores so that they would help it, something they made in the house with hands. Is important not result, but fact itself that they help it. One additional special feature, which makes it possible with the high degree of confidence to determine this sotsiotip, improbable hospitality. Always tries to astonish guest by something uncommon - "to release dust into the eyes". It gravitates towards to the celebratory meals and the entertainments, in this case frequently it is obtrusive, not it soblyudayet reasonable measure as in the fable about The the dem'yanovoy ear. Neekonomnost' the useless spending of energy is manifested almost in all matters. Eternally it hurries, somewhere it runs, visits are brought. It is constantly overloaded by the matters, from many of which it is possible to refuse. On this score it transfers criticism badly, it is offended.

    Robesp'er (INTJ)

    External signs

    The appearance OF LEAHS has a number of characteristic properties, which make it possible to identify well this type of personality even at a distance. For it very characteristically ascetic face. About the asceticism it is possible to speak for two reasons. First, very structure of face frequently resembles medieval profiles by its angularity, by the combination of the large parts of face (usually nose) with small (usually chin), and also cheek-bones and superciliary arcs. In the second place, the expression of face at a distance is always received as completely bezemotsional'noye, severe, gloomy. Color of face, as a rule, pale, bloodless. Men of this type gravitate towards to the short hair-cuttings. Figure in LEAH in the majority of the cases is thin. Very characteristic feature, which makes it possible to confidently assume the belonging of man with this sotsiotipu, the sagging of figure back, a somewhat stuck out stomach. Gait OF LEAHS - Acted unsure, Somewhat wagging. Impression sometimes even is created, that he does not know, where to go. In the minutes of excitation it actually rushes about from the side to the side, as if laying way in the space by feel. It dresses LEAHS (man) inconspicuously, without desiring to attract superfluous attention. However, fluctuations in the style of clothing are characteristic for it. Sometimes it rushes from the extreme into the extreme: first is appointed fashionably, then it appears in the "shabby" form. The style of the clothing of women of this type can be named French - in it are outlined the emphasized originality, nonstandardness, desire to be isolated.

    Manner of the contact

    LEAHS behaves with the unknown people very with restraint, otchuzhdenno, it soblyudayet distant psychological distance. First the initiative of acquaintance it does not manifest. Its speech is very clear, is logical. Material presents very connected. Are the tendency to separate by intonation and by stress the most significant words. Abstract position at first usually voices, and it then gives the concrete example, which illustrates or which supports this thought. Is possible the reverse order: a number of examples at first is given, and then the generalizing conclusion follows. The logic of its speech, especially when it defends any ideas during the dispute, very rigid, categorical. It always intercepts excess details, only general regularities interest it. During the conversation or the appearance manifests the emotionalism, which in it it is at first difficult to suspect. Emotions in proportion to excitation acquire strong, dramatic nature. Eyes flare up by fanatic luster. Nevertheless he tries to behave in this case emphasized correctly. Conversation is supported only if it to it is interesting. Its opinion on indifferent for it questions it does not voice, it prefers to keep silent.

    Special features of the behavior

    Attentively it relates to the people, always gives the possibility to man to be expressed. Since it considers that each person has any abilities, he tries, at least, not to prevent man from opening them. Greatly we suffer to other points of view. Rejects immediately not one proposal, he tries to verify everything in reality. In the behavior it is very reserved: it is extended neither about its matters nor about the personal life. Even it can seem from the side that it he generally does not have. For it characteristically very large tendency toward the independence. Only complete freedom arranges it. In the business activity the tendency toward the freedom is combined with a feeling of responsibility. Is undemanding, and frequently also bezralichen to the food and its formulation. After being absorbed in by work, it rejects the dinner. In private life it is modest, agreeable to dovol'stvovovat'sya by the minimum of conveniences. Frequently has any enthusiasm, which it fanatically follows in the long period. In this case to it it is completely unimportant, that speak about it those surrounding. Never it sticks out its vital position, it lives by its interests, simply it ignores its not arranging rules or orders. It is incomprehensible to the majority of people OF LEAHS and from it they try to be held at a distance.

    Hamlet (ENFJ)

    External signs

    The belonging of man with this sotsiotipu more easily in all is determined by face and manner to be held. First of all attention is drawn to sad, languid eyes. If even in this case is intensified ethical component, then in them is well noticeable the luster of obsession, which put outs strong internal emotional incandescence. Figure in Eie most frequently is thin, arm and leg thin. Gait - the more rapid, the more strongly is expressed the emotionalism. Eie in the ethical version people are very brisk, are mobile. In this case for them poor motor coordination is characteristic, impression can even be created, that they namerenno "are manufactured". One of the most characteristic details of face - sufficiently large, is more frequent straight and sharp nose. Snub-nosed among the representatives of this sotsiotipa by us were encountered not to time. For Eie are characteristic a certain stateliness in the appearance, even haughtiness. This impression is created because head holds highly, view is directed above the head for the man.

    Manner of the contact

    Eie in the contact gravitates towards to the company, where positive emotions are manifested, ingenious jokes or anecdotes sound. Greatly it loves to laugh, emotionally to be discharged. Its own emotions bear stormy, dramatic nature. He tries to in every way possible hold in control itself, but completely unexpectedly for those surrounding it can be torn away, jump out, focus on itself attention. In the conversations it frequently warns collocutor about the likely dangers. It is inclined to dramatize events, peace sees in the dark tones. Its speech is frequently filled with enthusiasm, sometimes he speaks with aspiration in the manner of the artiste of Tatiana doroninoy. In the contact it is is sufficiently obtrusive, it sticks with the conversations, it comments on events. It cannot but express its opinion to partner. People of this type can conduct dialogues themselves with themselves, pronounce sometimes speeches in the transport (with the excessive development of emotional component). People of such type possess large oratorical craftsmanship, they know how "beautiful" to speak. Besides dramatic emotions in the speech be present sometimes caustic humor, sarcasm with the nuance of malice. Skillfully combining humor with the tragedy, the stressed, gripping subjects erect. They believe only to that information, which is somewhere officially published. To unofficial ideas and to theories they do not entrust. They pay attention to gossips, love to discuss the piquant details of the personal life of other people. They love to dream, it takes a long time to develop one theme. They know how to convince those surrounding in their rightness. The projects created by them bear always global nature, although they begin from the trifle. They are inclined to make "from the fly of elephant" to the external signs clothing Eie it is frequently disharmonic. As a rule, unsuccessfully selects the objects of toilet to each other. Adornments can not be combined with the general style of clothing. Frequently is present some detail, which strikes and badly tallies to the extrinsic ethos as a whole. Moreover, undertaken separately, it appears completely normally. Knowing this, Eie nagging relates to its appearance and does not love, when it is evaluated.

    Special features of the behavior

    One of the characteristic properties of behavior Eie, which makes it possible to confidently identify this sotsiotip, relation to the people depending on their position in the hierarchy of authority. If man costs below him on the official position, then relation to it cool- disdainful. Deferential attitude manifests to the higher chiefs. It believes in authorities, respects principle "vozhdizma". The uniqueness of idea, by which it is obsessed, emphasizes. Another special feature of behavior, all characteristic Eie, consist in the fact that they cannot work next to someone, on the eyes in others. Therefore are inclined to give to people the commissions of every kind, in order to send them into another place. The manners of behavior Eie, especially in intuitive subtype, can be very unique from the point of view of their correspondence to today's standards. Behaves now and then in the manner that man from the past century. In these manners there is something nobiliary, aristocratic. It is disposed to the exceptionally polite, correct rotation, without roughness and urgings-on. Easily it undertakes the solution of the most difficult, it would seem, problems. For example, the study of several foreign languages in a short time. By its behavior indicates the conditionality of the barriers, which limit the possibilities of man. Thus, Georgiy lozanov devised the method of intensive study of foreign languages in short time. Sometimes it is inclined to the mysticism, to uncommon, mysterious phenomena, omens, exotic religions and the like it loves to seclude and to reflect about the sense of life, about place and role of man in it.

    Gor'kiy (ISTJ)

    External signs

    The belonging of man with the type LSI easily is determined by the external signs at a distance. However, this concerns men. Women of this type do not bear any bright it is indicative in the appearance. The first, which strikes in the figure LSI, this fundamentality, soundness. Man of this type solidly stands on the feet, is produced the impression of solidity and hardness. Head on the arms sits exactly, motionlessly, practically it does not revolve by it. Head is turned together with the body. During walking never it swings by hands. They are fixed in the elbows; therefore brushes do not dangle. Sometimes even is created impression, which holds hands on the seams. The gait as a whole is soft, is smooth, which slides. However, periodically make sharp turnings, to the side from the straight trajectory. In the features of face the cheek-bones are most remarkable. Because of this in the appearance frequently be present something east, Asian. The tip of the nose; however, is elevated upwards. The expression of face is static, is bezemotsional'noye, is concentrated. For the men of this type are characteristic beautiful, magnificent whiskers as in director nikity Mikhalkova. In the clothing the accuracy and neatness, first of all, is noted. Clothing, as a rule, planing, inconspicuous, it nebyvayet never dirty, by mint. To men of this type always to face military form. To the disturbances of the form of the clothing, when to the service they appear in the unbecoming form, they relate very critically.

    Manner of the contact

    Sufficiently easily it enters into the contact, it knows how to establish close distance. It catches people with ingenious observations or jokes, especially the persons of opposite floor (man). It frequently behaves as galantnyy cavalier, izyskanno is polite. Skillfully it handles ladies, plays well the role of "hussar" (if is intensified sensory component). It frequently becomes the communicative center of company. It gravitates towards to the performance of romantic songs under the guitar in the spirit of motion picture "severe romance". The accuracy greatly values at the official level of contact. Considerable attention is given to the numbers, the indices, the factual material, the concrete logic. It examines any question from all sides, deeply studies details. In the judgments and the estimations - sober realist. It does not love unsubstantiated assumptions, boundless projects. It considers that any question must be thoroughly prepared. In the speech are frequently audible the capital truths, the moralizations, which are close to the situation of moment. The edification is characteristic for it. It loves posters, wall press and other forms of visual agitation. In the nonformal situation, after remaining in the narrow to the circle of close people, it is inclined to discuss on the philosophical- moral themes. There is the specific thrust to the religion, the mysticism, the predictions and other forms of the manifestation of deep intuition. When to it they are turned with a question, never it rejects. It always advises, where to pass, to whom to turn, what there is an order in this concrete matter.

    Special features of the behavior

    The characteristic property of behavior, which makes it possible to confidently identify this type of personality, a good adaptability to its position in the hierarchy of authority. In the childhood he is almost always obedient, correct child, who always respects elders. In its school frequently they place in the example to others, give critical commissions. It is very operating. When it is appointed to the post, it manifests explicit administrative inclinations. Good organizer. Rigidly he asks for carrying out of the solutions accepted. No one it makes reductions. Strict discipline is supported. It loves and respects hierarchy - degree, titles, posts. It soblyudayet subordination. It is very trusting in questions of human relations. Knowing this, suspiciously it relates to the people, which disrupt the elementary ethical standards of behavior. Sometimes to it seem to plots, evil intentions of people. Who does not express to it opened his relation, he falls under the suspicion. It loves and are gathered the books, especially reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries. It does not love to recognize that to it anything is unknown in its region. In the house almost military order is maintained: things in it lie strictly at the diverted places, even if them there is much. Greatly it does not love, when they shift them, negligently with them they are turned. The comfort and the order constantly are created around itself. It knows how to make, to overhaul, to generally work by hands. In private life it is unpretentious, it does not require the refined food. Food can be one and the same, but qualitative.

    Zhukov (ESTP)

    External signs

    SLE best anything is determined by figure and nature of motions. SLE with the intensive sensorikoy has, as a rule, thin figure. If this is woman, then frequently has the brittle, thinned form. The motions are leisurely, are phlegmatic. The impression of calm confidence in itself is produced from the side. Figure SLE with the intensive logic is different. It to one degree or another dense, thickset, strongly. Motions flattened, free. When it stands on the spot, for it are characteristic the involuntary fluctuations of hands and entire body, but calm, not sharp. Hoc - neutral, unremarkable. Eyebrows frequently with the fracture, mobile, sometimes asymmetrical. Showing its noncompliance, it threateningly reduces them to the bridge of the nose. Eyes, if is intensified sensory component, with the age become zapukhshiye, framed the sufficiently large folds of the skin in century. The eyes periodically squint in logical subtypes. Lips - heavy, complete, low-mobility, because of what sometimes there is a certain indistinctness of speech. It dresses BY SLE inconspicuously. He tries to adhere to a certain neutral style, not subjected to the fluctuations of mode. If this is woman, then it prefers pale, the pastel color of tone. In men frequently the official style of clothing, suit. In this is manifested the tendency SLE not to be separated, to remain in the shadow.

    Manner of the contact

    For it is characteristic the restrained, correct manner of news conversation. If logical component is intensified, then contact very flattened, free, with the smile and the manifestations of positive emotions. Frequently first it zdorovayetsya. Its relation to the discussed question directly does not express. He tries by attentiveness and by sensitivity to arrange man to itself, it assigns to it many questions, it questions about the problems, requests to express personal opinion. All this is done in the delicate, correct form, which greatly locates people to the answer. During the dialogue is characteristic the following moment, which makes it possible to confidently identify this sotsiotip. SLE after the remark of collocutor makes pause, seemingly it thinks, in order to comprehend the entered information and to give necessary answer. During this consideration it is inclined to squint eyes. Another special feature of its manner of contact this absence of the fear to show its neosvedomlenost' or incomprehension of any question. Never it is troubled to ask again, to refine. When itself is explained, makes this leisurely, with the arrangement, explaining everything based on simple examples from the practice. Noteworthy from the point of view of external diagnostics and its method to conclude conversation or discussion. After made possible by all to be expressed, speaks out itself, as if summing up the sum. Last word leaves after itself. If necessary it can "plant man into the puddle", after destroying by his one remark or by the phrase, said at the suitable moment. If this moment for long does not come, it can provoke man to the activity, in order to deliver the impact into the "sore" point.

    Special features of the behavior

    Behavior SLE is characterized by iron endurance and composure. The planned global purpose it reaches at any cost. To the fuss around itself is not turned the attention. If it is must, it stops not before what methods, not taking into account ethical standards. It turns its activity broadwise. When control over the matter in view of its scales loses, it rejects the checking after its least essential parts, transferring them into the hands of other people, with which are established the mutually advantageous relations in the contract basis. It does not interfere in their activity after this. Flexible tactician, knows how to be adjusted slightly under the situation, but in this case he does not forget global purpose. It goes only to the temporary concessions. It knows how to arrange its people depending on their usefulness for achievement of purpose. Prefers nonformal and nedemonstrativnoye leadership. It directs people, remaining in the shadow. Of the enemies he tries to get rid by strange hands. It is characterized by great fitness for work, persistence, which grows proportional to a quantity of obstacles. Under the normal conditions, without difficulties and ardor, it walks slack it is disposed pessimistic. With the appearance of difficulties it is revived, it enters into ardor. It is inclined to advance the ultimata: either in the manner that I want or I will not at all make. It is difficult to derive it from itself, but if this occurred, it cannot stop in anger. For achievement of purpose it assigns on the work of all subordinates, even not ready to its fulfillment. Effectiveness is evaluated only according to eventual result, are not checked the methods of its reaching. It loves the game of chances, in which it is necessary to think. Frequently it wins in them, since it knows how to lead enemy into error, to provoke to the false step.

    Esenin (INFP)

    External signs

    The very characteristic property, which makes it possible with the confidence to assume that man relates to this sotsiotipu, elegant exterior view. IEI very thinly feels accordion. A feeling of composition makes possible for it to dress by time very izyskanno. The objects of toilet wonderfully are selected. Sometimes it looks like real dandy. This concerns both the women and men. The second special feature concerns gait and figure. Figures in IEI are encountered both thin and complete, moreover the more developed the intuitive component, the more strongly is expressed the tendency toward the completeness. But dependently on the figure very well it manages its body, gait frequently is graceful, now and then even fanciful, with vyshagivaniyem. More emotional version IEI is easily learned on the lively gesticulation. For it is characteristic the gesture by hand from itself to the side with unwinding of palm. Eyes - being laughed, narrow. In more intuitive version - wide, curious. During the conversation sometimes has the tendency to glance into the eyes at collocutor, and to also take him for the hand.

    Manner of the contact

    In the contact the most important sign, reliably, which testifies about the belonging of man with this sotsiotipu, alarming, a somewhat shy smile, which appears in it during the agitation or when about it goes conversation in its presence. Being interested in all uncommon, original, has tendency toward the dear chatter about different kind interesting trifles. Its attention now and then is difficult to concentrate on the main thing. It brings down the common line of conversation, unexpectedly posing questions not concerning the theme. It loves interesting or simply ridiculous histories. It recalls ridiculous episodes from its life. In the conversation now and then it breaks and flirts, drawing off final answer, although already everything solved for itself. It is inclined to give empty promises. The elementary justifications for its optionality of the type always find: "he wanted, but not smog", "thus were formed circumstances" and the like loves to speak about its impracticality. But in this case it knows how to bore rather well business affair. Bendings it is dodgy, this helps it it takes a long time to be retained at its post. It leads rather well due to the fact that knows how to select to itself reliable deputies. It calms down the upset, lost people, speaking, that yet not all is lost that is still in front and the like.

    Special features of the behavior

    Observing IEI in the course of a certain time, it is easy to note this special feature as contrast between the behavior on the people, in the unknown company and among its close ones, including of house. On the people IEI behaves vsega softly, vospitanno, allowing for itself no roughness or even discourtesy. But in its to circle, among the close people it can conduct now and then even unduly familiar. It loves to fool about, to create uncommon situations. It pulls at people in order to cause they have positive emotions. Houses it is is very capricious, it obstinate attains its, arranging sobbings, tear, even scandals. These emotional splashes rapidly are passed, without catching it deeply. Emotions very flexible, are included and are turned off consciously. In the rotation with the money it is wasteful, it cannot to itself refuse in by anything; therefore it gets in into the debts, if its own means do not be sufficient. It loves beautiful, "society" life; therefore it advances large demands. It is inclined to the marriages according to the calculation. It complains about the poor life, the sufferings. It loves so that they would treat it, they handled it, listened complaints about the poor health and the like it accumulates them in themselves, in order with the suitable case to then express everything immediately.

    Jack London (ENTJ)

    External signs

    In order to determine, does relate man to this sotsiotipu, it is necessary to, first of all, glance at his gait. During walking LIE slightly "it jumps" - it is rolled from the heel to the nose, so that stupnya of the foot diverted back occupies position at large angle to the earth. However, this special feature concerns not all representatives of this type, but only those, in whom logical component is intensified. Does not have any the intuitive version LIE of this special feature. It it is possible to distinguish by the well-fed, complete figure in contrast to the logical version LIE, whose figure is rectangular, "logical". View in LIE brisk, mobile, eyes revolve hither and thither, not on what for a long time staying. It does not love to look into the eyes to another person. However, in it the intuitive estrangement periodically is manifested: at times is shifted gaze into the side or on the ceiling, being completely disconnected at this moment from the situation. Lips LIE - swollen, that separate, especially in intuitive version. Always at call "American" smile is the open unbuttoned smile of "its" fellow as in French actor Bel'mondo. Exterior view LIE is frequently disharmonic, tattered, and in men directly slovenly. Impression is created, that man recently returned from the march. This is manifested considerably more brightly in logical version. In its clothing, especially if this is man, sometimes are encountered the combinations of the objects, little compatible from a conventional point of view, for example, training trousers and coat from the suit. There is also a tendency for long to walk in one clothing.

    Manner of the contact

    Most reliable sign of the manner of contact LIE, which makes it possible to easily determine this sotsiotip, the manifestation of sly humor, love for the joke, is frequently sexually painted (man). Slyness of its jokes lies in the fact that they have a certain ambiguity, which can be understood to on- everyone. Another special feature of its humor irony. Has the tendency to ridicule the views of its opponent, to sometimes even poizdevat'sya above it. It puts remarks in the unexpected moment how it frequently amuses listeners. Very easily it enters into the contact with its interested person in any place. In the contact it is always held on the short distance. Any proposals or ideas examine from the point of view of their usefulness and applicability. It attempts to at any cost obtain practical return. Great pragmatician. It loves at everything to be dismantled, to verify everything. Very distrustful it relates to different kind to the mystical, irrational phenomena: to flying saucers, to inoplanetyanam, to biofields, telepathies and the like loves to lead, gives many concrete indications that after how to make. It always calls to use entire foremost, that there is in this region. American type of businessman.

    Special features of the behavior

    Among the special features of behavior LIE first of all it is necessary to isolate the ability to light up by the matter. When in it the desire to study something appears, he forgets about everything. Beginning from the small, it is thrown to larger - the circle of business interests constantly is enlarged. Constantly it experiments because of its curiosity and restlessness, it is pulled into the matters, which were solved by others, but they did not come out. Its logic begins to work well, when it is included in searches. By its behavior it can press to the people, stick, requiring from them anything. It occurs even it is pugnacious, when words do not be sufficient to prove their rightness. It is characterized by "cowboy" manners. Actions in it now and then anticipate analysis. In the situation dangerous for the life it will mobilize all forces of its organism. It is very life-loving and hardy. Men of this type frequently be fascinated by marches, tourism, mountain climbing, run to the long distances. It is inclined to be enjoyed, it is released into the amorous adventures. It behaves light-heartedly and lightly. It does not think about the consequences of its behavior. In such minutes it does not separately trouble itself by the observance of the standards of morals.

    Dreiser (ISFJ)

    External signs

    ESI is learned according to the characteristic penetrating view and the expression of face, on which are written alertness, readiness to resist. This special feature very well is outlined in American actress Jain fund. When ESI thinks, it can be set by eyes and look at the object or the man. In this case in face is reflected the bewilderment from the uncertainty of position, into which it fell. ESI looks at the man, but with the reciprocal view, as a rule, removes eyes. It can for long be located in one pose. Lips in ESI usually are not narrow, but are swollen, but tightly compressed. Face coordinated, without the appearing sharp cheek-bones. If ethical component is intensified, then the expression of face depicts dissatisfaction, critical attitude, and sometimes also malice. Figures in ESI are encountered both very thin, elongated, with the long feet, even ballet (Mayya Plisetskaya) and grown stout, stately, with the wide arms. For the clothing ESI is characteristic a strict elegance, the nuance of officialism is present almost vseshcha, when it is located out of the house or assumes guests. Clothing is not slovenly: it is always assembled, pulled, it does not weaken. There is thrust to the folklore element.

    Manner of the contact

    In any matter ESI it is disposed critically. First of all he indicates the great deficiencies. It investigates situation from all sides, attempting to be logical. At everything he wants to be dismantled objectively, without the emotions. Sees well disturbance by people of ethical standards. It gives moral estimation to behavior of man, when it converses in its to circle. It is guided in its estimations by the concept of debt. It sometimes gives the advice for negative ethics, which are reduced to the open manifestation of negative emotions of the type: "go to it and say everything that you about it think". If ethical component is intensified, then in the contact be present unnatural wantonness, insolent familiarity, stretched laughter. It is disposed to the ambiguous witty remarks, the rather rough care (women). It will always find to the remarks in its address what to answer. It does not climb after the word into the pocket. It enters into the skirmishes in the turns and the transport, but not on its initiative, but as if protecting from the external insults. It is sometimes inclined to check a feeling of the humor of people by drawings - to report to them the information, which requires immediate emotional reaction, with serious face. This property ESI is well described by American writer selendzher in the narrative "catcher in the rye", whose main hero relates to this type. The contact ESI requires not so much in the psychological, as in the physical distance. In private it does not love for long to remain with one person. Strangers in its house irritate.

    Special features of the behavior

    The very characteristic property of behavior ESI, which can be noted, controlling it, this skill to actively protect itself and close ones. If already ESI took man under protection, then it renders the prolonged patronage it: it walks for it to negotiate, it defends its interests. When greatly they vex to it, actively it launches a counterattack, it brawls. If already it decided to take vengeance, then it knows how to find the most vulnerable place in enemy. Specifically, thus acts commissioner Kattani against the Mafia in a known series of Italian cameramen "octopus". The pangs of conscience are experienced, it lives under the pressure of a feeling of debt. Therefore it occurs inclined to the removal of stress with the aid of alcohol. It loves to be enjoyed in its company, removing all brakes. It heavily transfers the situations of the uncertainty, when it cannot be said either yes, or no. In such situations either it begins to rush about, it is sufficient at everything immediately or it will be recycled, always agonizingly about this thinks. It does not love to await. The nearer the expected outstanding event, the more rapidly the stress and the agitation increases in it. Harvesting makes rarely, but thoroughly (woman). Can several times a day wash floor. It will not lie to sleep, until it washes dishes, it will not remove on the table. It does not know how to rest, anything making. Is measured labor not according to the eventual result, but in a quantity of spent efforts.

    Napoleon (ESFP)

    External signs

    See is noticeable first of all on figure and features of face. It frequently has complete, volumetric in all parts of the body figure. Especially vividly this is manifested in women. Because of this See is produced the impression of a certain "indomitable" mass, with the view on face See first of all is focused on itself attention soft, sometimes whining mouth, and also nervous lips, whose corners frequently are strongly lowered. The lateral vertical folds of the skin around the mouth are formed because of this in the ripe age. Form of face - oval, smoothed, without the protruding parts. Eye- mobile, brisk, that slide over the surface of people and objects, that feel space. Are planted eyes usually not deeply. The weighted lower part of face sometimes is observed. Two subtypes See - sensory and ethical - are distinguished by the nature of motions and the gait. Ethical version See - rapid, restless, audacious. Sensory version is calm, razmerenno and confidently moving. Controlling its movements in a certain period, you can pridti to the sensation of "viscous, viscous mass", the "ball of mercury". Clothing See usually separates it from the surrounding crowd. It follows the mode, but it cannot be said that thoughtlessly it copies. It dresses so as to focus attention of those surrounding on itself. In its exterior view it is always confident; therefore it allows for itself the now and then most original details, which are immediately struck (woman).

    Manner of the contact

    The basic sign, which makes it possible to determine See according to the manner of contact, the stormy response reaction, when they attempt to subordinate it to any rules, to limit its activity. It behaves in such cases very energetically, it is audacious. See greatly is irritated, when it criticize for the whims, illogical behavior, they attempt to explain the reason for its behavior. It is very self-confident, it is not considered the logical reasons. In the contact it boldly manifests its feelings. It can opened, into the eyes express its sympathies - antipathy. Feelings are very flexible, are changeable. It can be scolded the man to leave, after flapping by door, but after a certain time to return and to reconcile, as if nothing were the matter. Periodically in See begin the minutes of weakening and pensiveness. It loves into such minutes to grieve a bit, to be complained, that it they do not understand, that in actuality it not such as it seems surrounding. View in this case is fixed far, eyes are covered with languishing eyes, cloud themselves. In the company it is attempted to cause positive emotions in people. It does not love to entertain others, but the atmosphere of the free, absolutely flattened contact is supported with the pleasure. It is sociable, it loves to have a talk about which conveniently. It frequently has a habit it takes a long time to stir on the telephone. Houses in to the circle of friends its mood it transfers on those surrounding. If it has poor mood, then by all badly, but if merry, then it can produce everything, anything.

    Special features of the behavior

    The chief characteristic of behavior See, which becomes well noticeable after a certain time of observation of it, this skill to manipulate by feelings of people. When to it it is necessary, vseshcha knows how to focus on itself attention of those surrounding. Moreover makes this opened, without the shadow of confusion. It possesses, as a rule, a large quantity of acquaintances. Itself to break the been bored with relations always it not can; therefore the circle of its acquaintances constantly is enlarged. Everywhere it acts in accordance with the available possibilities. Never it undertakes the sight of the matter unreal from its point. Its tactics in the solution of the problems is characteristic: it attempts to solve them to gathering, to sudden attack. He wants to obtain the rapid result of his work. If this do not exist, then the desire to work disappears. It cannot be occupied by for long one and the same. It is restless. It is bored rarely, it knows how to always find to itself occupation from the mood. In private life it behaves carelessly. He forgets to turn off household devices. The dishes, which do not require a constant presence during their preparation, frequently scorch (woman). It is inclined to manifest tenderness to animals. It is moved by birds, likable cats or dogs, if it meets them on the street. However, in their house it does not hold because of the considerations of cleanliness and hygiene.

    Balzac (INTP)

    External signs

    The most characteristic external feature OR, by which easily is determined this sotsiotip, this carriage. The representative of this sotsiotipa, as a rule it is round-shouldered, head as pulled toward the arms and it is inclined forward. Eyes OR - Expressive, Sad. In them frequently is read viktimnost' (spirit of sacrifice). It it is easy to present to itself among its surrounding it with cries "Raspni" crowd. Figures in OR are the most different: from the completely thin to the dense as in artist a. dzhigarkhanyan, or even heavy as in poet rasul Gamzatova. In the expression of face the wisdom with the geniality in intuitive version and depression with touchiness in logical are interwoven. Lips OR - badly outlined, inexpressive. During the conversation it sometimes advances lower lip, lower jaw badly is governed, it sags. Clothing and extrinsic ethos OR greatly depend on subtype. OR logical subtype frequently appears slovenly, zapushchenno, as if after the man there is no withdrawal. Foot-wear occurs worn down at the heels or bent. Intuitive subtype, on the contrary, is accurate, its clothing, as a rule, is well selected, it is characterized by cleanliness and neatness.

    Manner of the contact

    Two subtypes OR differ radically from each other and in the manner of contact. Logical version in the contact frequently manifests activity, energetic nature. It is sometimes even emphasized by rough and vulgar. However, for long similar unceremoniousness cannot retain, it snikayet. Intuitive version OR associates softly, nenavyazchivo, with the smile. The general impression of the intelligent, brought up person leaves after itself. If to it it is must, knows how very raspolagayushche, in a cultured way to ask and to its request, as a rule, tyuey otklikayutsya. Is leisurely, the manner of speech, especially during the appearances, frequently sluggish, extended. This manner to speak acts to usyplyayushche, it hypnotizes. It notes well and are turned attention to the nonconformities and contradictions in any theory, views. OR it knows how to predict the course of nearest events in the descriptive, associative form. Simulating the behavior of man on the basis of its experience of contact with it, it can to the details describe further behavior of man how now and then is caused the big enough interest of listeners. Stormy emotions, fusses, hurry never manifests. They irritate it, they act to usyplyayushche. Greatly it does not love, when it is derived from the state of calmness and weakening. It associates with the people on the close distance, is caused respect for itself by its wisdom and foresight. The prospects for prompt undertakings skeptically are evaluated. The statements of the type are characteristic for it: "this anything it will leave", "in vain you fuss". "keep better than your forces", etc.

    Special features of the behavior

    One of the characteristic properties of behavior OR which becomes noticeable after a certain time of observation of it, this tendency toward the business activity of commercial nature. OR under the normal conditions it is sufficiently lazy and weakened. It undertakes only those matters, which guarantee large profit. It knows how to profitably sell goods. Its business activity can apply to large territory. It is usually characterized by large thrift. It does not love to give gifts, to give money into the debt. However, it is generous for itself, to the personal expenditures it does not be stingy. Leaving to the street, leaving for the march, always has with itself the standard collection of things for guaranteeing the minimum of comfort. The standards of hygiene are carried out, in order to preserve health. Hands frequently wash, he tries to soblyudat' cleanliness. For OR is characteristic the clear logic of behavior, which reaches now and then the pedantry. Work makes clearly, without hurrying, investigating in the detail. It is scrupulous in private life. For each matter he tries to have his tool. Going out are checked cranes, household devices, etc.

    Shtirlits (ESTJ)

    External signs

    Among the external is indicative LSE should be isolated first of all its straight carriage, badly being bent figure. They speak about such people: it has military carriage. In the majority of the cases it is thin. However, if sensory component is intensified, then it is complete. This more frequently it concerns women. But also in this case in the figure are noticeable a certain smartness, zafiksirovannost'. Gait and the nature of motions LSE - sharp, jerky, stressed. Great internal nervousness is felt. Especially strongly it is visible in subtype with the intensive logic. This is manifested in the fact that LSE cannot for long sit in one pose, constantly it changes, and in the special luster of eyes during the agitated conversation. Clothing LSE always gravitates towards to the business or classical style. These are traditional suit and necktie for the men. Usually greatly it does not follow the mode, the aim is only quality and quality of the objects of toilet. Women do not also permit themselves extravagant details. Even if they are attempted to dress fashionably, then their tastes all -equal are sufficiently strict and conservative. LSE is characterized by also special feature to with great care handle clothing. Their details are always clean and accurate. They know how it takes a long time to bear them. Things in this case appear almost as new. They do not allow for itself the inaccuracy of the extrinsic ethos. Are always pulled, naglazheny, foot-wear is polished.

    Manner of the contact

    The chief characteristic of the style of contact LSE it is emphasized the brought up manners, a strict observance of standards of ethics with contact c by outside people. Especially vividly this is evident in the men, when they talk with the ladies. This and rotation on "you", and proposal to sit down, the emphasized politeness. Familiarity is absent completely. LSE loves about everything to question, to learn facts. Comparing facts, logical conclusions are drawn. It does not recognize, diffuse, evasive answers, it requires concreteness. On any question has its opinion. Hotly he argues, defending it. Never is recognized itself its injustice in by anything. It will always find, at what to cavil. It does not love to stir on the trifles, it takes a long time to address on the telephone, to be exchanged gossips. During the telephone conversations in it even sometimes voice changes, it becomes some unnatural. It always comes out in favor of practicalness, expediency. He does not understand and condemns the dreamers, who advance beautiful, but useless projects. It does not suffer laziness, slackness. Supporter of gradual, but steady advance forward. Sharp changes it does not love. Leit-motif of its activity stability. Specifically, under this sign was passed British prime minister Margaret tetcher's activity. Are conservative in the views on the family, especially men. The separations of the responsibilities are usually supporters: husband breadwinner, wife - housewife, the educator of children. They speak about such people: after it as after the rock wall.

    Special features of the behavior

    The very characteristic property of behavior, which makes it possible to identify this sotsiotip, the periodically repetitive flashes of fury. They occur emaciated, when they criticize its method of fulfilling the work, teach. It does not especially suffer this from those people, which same with this do not deal, they are not competent. In such minutes it is capable to fling everything which falls under the hand, to beat dishes. Leaving from itself, it shouts to that criticizing, he indicates its personal deficiencies, without being troubled in the expressions. The same choleric flashes occur, when in it something is not obtained in the concrete work. Very high fitness for work is characteristic for it. Can work on is much it is hour in a 24 hour period. However, periodically it needs weakening. It can simply be rolled on the sofa, look television set, being disconnected from in all. But it not can for long to sit without the matter. It does not love to be ill and to lie at the bed. It is constantly active, occupied with concrete work. Good inventor and innovator, and also designer (T. Edison, S. p. Korolev). It always comes to the aid, when physical danger threatens people. It acts in this situation boldly and decisively. Never by this it brags. It goes directly to the purpose, it does not maneuver. Even if it attempts to use cunning, then its craftinesses easily are checked. It acts sufficiently rectilinearly. Because of all this, it uses the reputation of honest person. All these qualities helped George Bush to become the President of the United States of America. It will not carry craftiness, fraud, forgery, truancy. It does not love lightness, frivolity. Guardian of dispositions.

    Dostoyevsky (INFJ)

    the external signs

    Most reliable orientator, which makes it possible to identify this sotsiotip on the appearance, impassive face. The classical features of its appearance resemble the faces of the saints or martyrs from the icons: the straight elongated nose, which does not step back far from the plane of face. Very face usually of correct oval form. The press suffering seemingly lies on face. Never it manifests stormy positive emotions. It can only smile. At a distance on face in EII is written seemingly silent reproach to entire culpable, which occurs all around. The same is heard also in the intonation of its speech. EII with the intensive ethics has, as a rule, thin, ascetic figure. In the motions of cuttings, it is sufficiently mobile. But if intuition is intensified, then figure occurs complete, that was spread, motion clumsy. The features of face in this case also differ from canonical model. Gait Iee has the following special feature: the soles of feet highly are not torn off from the earth, they are moved in parallel to floor. Because of the fine pitch the gait is semenyashchey. In the clothing EII are observed the extremes. From one side, to be separated it does not attempt, prefers modest, but with the taste clothing /eticheskiy type/. from other side, it can dress up very vividly as parrot, according to mode. The latter is characteristic for the men of intuitive subtype.

    Manner of the contact

    EII love at first to control people, evaluating the folding relations, and only then to enter into the contact. First initiative they do not manifest. Sharpness, touchiness, characteristic EII, especially if is intensified ethics, make it in the contact convenient. Its moralizatorskiy tone, monotonic "church" voice dissipate wantonness and merry attitude, are tuned people to the minor harmony, as if making it necessary to think about entire poor, which occurs in this peace. The most characteristic for determining this type of personality from the manner of contact - this is its "ispovedal'nost'". People frequently turn themselves to it for the council and the comfort into the difficult minute of their life, they issue soul. EII people never repulses, it is ready to listen them as much, as is must, until man calms down. It is not considered with i

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    (Picture Deleted)
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Thar ye go. (Also, I think it might be best from now on to delete your pics from your replies after I put it in the head message. It keeps the thread from being stretched out to the side.)

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    Baby, it seems like you are missing IEE (ENFP) and SLI (ISTP) from the descriptions.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Weird... they've got IEE, and it's here:

    Huxley (ENFP)

    External signs

    This type of personality, perhaps, is the most difficult for the identification according to the external signs at a distance. It does not possess the clearly expressed signs of face. If in it ethical component is intensified, then motion and gait rapid, irregular. Hands in this case in it frequently freely swing as on the leash. The features of face in are essence proportional, frequently are rounded. Sometimes are encountered large, the African type of lip. In entire appearance now and then is seen the African origin of this sotsiotipa, in veins of which the hot blood of southern ancestors flows. But if intuitive component is intensified, then the motions retarded, calm, without the jerks. Figure that more frequent elongated, thin. In men - lanky. To the sole of feet places in time walkings by noses strongly outside, which strengthens the impression of the irrationality of gait. In Iee as in all representatives of fourth kvadry, rarely are encountered the salient forward, far distant behind the plane persons noses. Is more significant the style of clothing Iee, especially in women. In them always oshchushchayetsya light carelessness, incompletness, lack of severity. These are the romantic style, raskreposhchennyy and is light. In the clothing, as in entire appearance Iee, is present a certain theatricality or karnaval'nost'. In ethical version Iee - "shooting" eyes, the wantonness, which is received very naturally. In intuitive, when it does not associate, surprise on the person is frequently written, face itself slightly raises itself upward.

    Manner of the contact

    It is very easy to identify Iee on its manner of contact. If the discussion deals with the man, then this - style the Don Juan, who sufficiently easily conquers female hearts by soft, courteous manners, by its skill to make compliments shityu nenavyazchivym, flexible care. Woman Iee for the same reasons "especially if is intensified ethics, frequently is received as windy and easily accessible, that provokes men to the active attempts. However, issues unexpectedly decisive rebuff, up to child abuse, if the matter assumes serious revolution. For the manner of contact Iee are characteristic the directness and emotionalism. It knows how to find approach practically to any person. Is very convenient in the contact, pleasant collocutor. It helps people by their councils about how to be unscrewed from the difficult ethical position. It moves hope by phrases of the type: "will be everything well", "it is still in front", "there is no blind alleys" and the like to the logical types of personality this manner of contact it can seem by confused, surface. However, from other side, precisely, because of the fact that it does not trouble itself by detailed study of details, Iee it is capable to easily master new field of knowledges, gripping the most interesting in the sphere attractive for it. Because of its thrust to the beautiful life this sotsiotip very frequently is encountered in the large cities, where there are many possibilities for the lighthearted pastime and entertainments.

    Special features of the behavior

    Having the capability to observe Iee in the long period, it is easy to establish the very characteristic property of its behavior - skill to create around itself its circle of close familiar, in the center of attention of which it is located. Moreover necessary To iee relations in this group of people it forms nenavyazchivo, it is soft, with a feeling of time. Greatly it values the opinion of its surrounding people. It actively defends them in such a case, when someone subjects to the doubt of their ability, it scolds, it oskorblyaet. For Iee is characteristic volitional mobilization in the extreme situations. When all around panic, Iee are activated, it becomes decisive, it can take command in its hands, if next it does not prove to be the more volitional type of personality. Under the normal conditions it is sufficiently loosened, tedious fulfillment of monotonous work is not given to it. The deep study of specific questions for it is dull. After learning the most interesting in one sphere, it is thrown to another. Enthusiasm frequently change. It badly shapes the documentation: reports, information, table. Greatly it follows its exterior view. Each time brings itself into order as on leaving to the scene. In the behavior it is inclined to the adventurism, the unconsidered measures, the impromptu. Only Iee can under the effect of its envelopped desire sit down on the train and leave in the unknown direction for one purpose alone - to be scattered. It loves to spend a certain sum of money on its whims. Men of this type are inclined to be on a spree in the restaurants for show. It frequently considers its destination the "beautiful life", not burdened by dull daily concerns. With the age this, of course, it can pass.

    ... but there's no mention of SLI on that page... sorry, Rocky. To make up for it, here's ISTp in looooooooove by Jewison and Kroeger:

    ISTP (Gaben)
    The matters speak more than the word

    GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC: This - real jacks-of-all-trades. They almost for sure although once in the life everything tried; is such their approach also to the important relations. When the relation <работают>, ISTP will support them in action; when they not <срабатывают>, it or <чинит> them - or <бросает>. It can so be absorbed in <починкой> or by the consideration of relations, that everything will tangle so, that again it is necessary <чинить>.

    FIRST IMPRESSION: Cold, but very active. Thorough and interesting in immediately several things. They pose good questions and receive life as practical experiment. Their confidence in itself and diverse abilities help them in the majority of the first encounters.

    CONTACT: They little speak and rapidly they begin to be bored from the long communication or complex answers to simple questions. If <Простите!> it is sufficient, then <Простите, пожалуйста> - this already loquacity. They unwillingly share their views, preferring to pose questions in order to implicate others in the conversation.

    SEX And THE PROXIMITY: Since ISTP live by present day, proximity is important and brings satisfaction thus far it lasts. Obtaining sensations with the aid of all five feelings - here is the essence of proximity. Conversations here anything can improve, but if someone says anything, about which then it will be sorry, then entire situation and completely can be spoiled.

    FINANCES: Inclined to the moderate risk, they see in the money call, one additional region, where it is possible to study <починкой>. In the financial matters ISTP they are precise and practical, although they do not too connect itself with rules and procedures. Their motto: If you have money, spend or put; if no earn.

    CONFLICT: They not of those, who zatevayet conflicts, but also not of those, who deviate from them. Since the matters speak more than word, they prefer not to spend time on the conversations. ISTP are inclined to begin that that not was, but especially - conflict, if only it cannot be solved. Negotiations, solutions and very process of converting the complex situation into something the design them excite.

    OBLIGATIONS: This as etcetera, the matter of moment. They can put in them many forces, but, most likely, they will remember about the fact that everything changes. So that this a question is immediate. Each new day brings the renewal of understanding, which acts only until both sides with it are agreeable.

    RODITEL'STVO: Like others intro-faithyoureceiving, ISTP is not experienced the special need to influence its children, without speaking already about complete control. As the parents they make everything that they can, with those means, by which they can, they hope that all this will operate.

    CONTRACTS: Already same this word for ISTP returns by psychology and therefore it seems doubtful. If they carry out their obligations, then, therefore, and it is necessary to conclude no contracts. But if in the relations problems arose, then ISTP he says: study the matter and everything repair or forget about this. Is here necessary the common sense, but not psychologist.

    END OF THE RELATIONS: When relations are completed, then everything and actually is ended. Nothing can return relations, it is necessary to be reconciled with this. So that, speaks ISTP, life continues, day after the day. Yesterday passed, and relations left it. Therefore they try to take maximum from each new day.

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    ... but there's no mention of SLI on that page... sorry, Rocky. To make up for it, here's ISTp in looooooooove by Jewison and Kroeger:
    First they ban me from using their website, now this. They must really dislike SLIs or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  9. #9
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    Yay I'm in the experiment! I love being probed.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  10. #10


    No, there is only room for one INTp. :wink:

  11. #11
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    Oh, you will just have to move over and make some room!
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    ... but there's no mention of SLI on that page... sorry, Rocky. To make up for it, here's ISTp in looooooooove by Jewison and Kroeger:
    First they ban me from using their website, now this. They must really dislike SLIs or something.
    (Psst... are you on IE? You might be able to sort it out by switching browsers.)

    Cone and Rocky have been added, as well as myself. Now delete your pics.

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    Behold, ENTp: Logical Subtype!

    Add me.

  14. #14
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Just a thought: it would be easier if the pictures were sorted into quadras, or maybe even placed next to subtype descriptions, for those types for which we have examples of both. Just an idea.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    I wouldn't put much weight in the subtypes, actually.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Added Darkside.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraus
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I wouldn't put much weight in the subtypes, actually.
    True. I noticed that if you're an ESTp with dark hair, you pretty much look exactly the same as all the other dark-haired ESTps, regardless of subtype. I'm not sure about other types, though.
    I haven't noticed that, lol. I wish we could see if this holds up, but the chance of finding another ESTp to submit a pic on this board is slim.

    As per INFps, they tend all to look different to me, but have a very similar movement style - usually pretty toned down and mellow gestures, arms close to the body, eyes used as a vehicle of expression but in a very different way than ESTps. ESTps are more demonstrative (especially facial expressions) - they tend to express through their brow and sides of their mouth.

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    Ironically enough for thinkers, the things that I've noticed that are similar between Peter and myself are mostly facial expressions and movements. We have somewhat similar facial shapes, but his is a bit more oval while mine is a tad more angled/triangular.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  18. #18
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    Interesting...only one J type has posted a picture. J's are naturally more self-aware, no?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    My face is extremely angular.

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    We should have sex.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Just for fun, I've matched up, as best I could, each of our subjects with a photo of a similar example from Filatova's photographs. I chose the pictures based on similarity of expression - they won't look physiologically similar, however.

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    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Joy, it doesn't work if you're gonna flip-flop your type every week.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  24. #24
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    the girl in the photo is without a doubt an ISFp

    this is me next to her


    Check out my Socionics group!

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    OK, but if you're sisters (twins?) and of the same type, and with the same parents, how could you grow up to be so different to the point of her being a stereotypical ISFP and you seemingly like an ENTP? Is it that Identical-dualization thing?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Joy, it doesn't work if you're gonna flip-flop your type every week.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    OK, but if you're sisters (twins?) and of the same type, and with the same parents, how could you grow up to be so different to the point of her being a stereotypical ISFP and you seemingly like an ENTP? Is it that Identical-dualization thing?
    That's the theory. Although my own identical relationship with my brother (trust me) only served to turn me into an anally logical little bitch, but nowhere near as bad as ashton.

  28. #28
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    I thought your brother looked more ESTp when we VI'd him.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Too bad we look a lot alike, sound the same, have the same laugh, manerisms, and sense of humor.

  30. #30
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    That could all easily be do to a) being genetically almost identical and b) being raised in the same household.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    That could all easily be do to a) being genetically almost identical and b) being raised in the same household.
    COULD be, but isn't.

  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Darkside
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    OK, but if you're sisters (twins?) and of the same type, and with the same parents, how could you grow up to be so different to the point of her being a stereotypical ISFP and you seemingly like an ENTP? Is it that Identical-dualization thing?
    That's the theory. Although my own identical relationship with my brother (trust me) only served to turn me into an anally logical little bitch, but nowhere near as bad as ashton.
    I love to talk about Ashton.

    Did you know he is really good a maths?

    Joy.. Joy... Joy... she is every type it's rather funny next week she will be 90% sure she is ESTj!

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    I'll show you why photgraphic VI is nonsense:

    I could easily do this:

    Is cone INFp?

    No Herzy INFp?

    Is Peter INFp or is Auvi ENTp?

  34. #34
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    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  35. #35
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    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkside
    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    That could all easily be do to a) being genetically almost identical and b) being raised in the same household.
    COULD be, but isn't.
    How do you know?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87

    Yes they do

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    Yes but isn't that just a coincidence?

    You get people from different types looking similaras well. You can even get people in the same type looking different.

  39. #39
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    I don't see the structural face similarities that I do between people who really are the same type. Look at the thread that compares me and marilyn manson. THAT'S the kind of resemblance that you have to look for. The only one of yours that looks remotely close is Cone and the dude.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    So why don't you know your type?

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