Something that's been puttering about in my head for a while...

Si is often perceived as the element concerned with nice, soft, warm, fluffy things -- comfort and pleasure and relaxation. When people think of violence, power, strength, they tend to think of Se. However, this does not match up with my experience.

As an LII, I don't value Se. However, I enjoy action movies, I took a martial arts course for a while and greatly enjoyed it, and my daydreams tend to revolve around rescuing damsels in distress from muggers, terrorists, and the like. But those things are all about violence, power, and strength. Shouldn't that mean that I value Se, then? And yet, I am quite sure I am LII.

Furthermore, and I could be wrong about this, but my impression is that Se-valuing types would tend to think of daydreaming about beating up bad guys and being the hero as kind of silly and childish. Especially Gammas. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. But in old cowboy movies, for example, it's the Alpha nerd from out East who is all excited to learn how to shoot a gun and be in a real gunfight, and it's the grizzled Beta veteran who tells him there's no glory in shooting a man.

Anyway, this is the conclusion I have come to:
Se-valuing types like the results of strength.
Si-valuing types like the feeling of strength.

Si isn't just sitting by the fire in a comfy chair with your hot chocolate and a good book. It's also driving racecars, skydiving, weightlifting, and martial arts. I noticed, for example, in the race car driver thread, and the soccer/football player thread, there are a lot of Si-valuing Delta ST types. Si-valuing types can (don't always, but can) enjoy combat and battle in the same way as they enjoy snowboarding and running -- it feels good.

For another example, take Gimli from the Lord of the Rings, as portrayed in the movies. He definitely appears to be some kind of Alpha SF (I think ESE, but I've also seen SEI), and he clearly enjoys battle and all forms of fighting.

Se-valuing types are more practical about combat and fighting. They use it as a tool to acheive an objective. They don't really enjoy the fight, they enjoy the victory and the fruits of victory.

I've seen some people say "this person enjoys violence, therefore they are Se". If I'm right, the question should not be "Does he enjoy violence?", but rather, "What aspect of violence does he enjoy?"

Does this sound right to everybody? I'm kind of a n00b around here; for all I know this is all common knowledge. What say ye?