I really like how this convo has turned out
This is something I find really interesting
it was like I felt trapped, thinking that this is not me. I just wasn't comfortable saying the things that I was feeling and thinking about because I didn't "sense" it in my environment. It's like the things in my head weren't "normal," when really it's just that I tend to look for deeper meanings to things. It was like I was going to be imposing something new to my environment/people, was going to stand out, and I didn't like it... I didn't want to come off as weird, which is why I didn't say/do anything.
And then this
the problem is in eliminating the illogical fear of "taking up space," because you might be contributing something that is very important and that might be appreciated. It's having something in your mind and releasing it, without having any validation in the environment that it is going to be accepted, and getting over the fear of imposing something "out there," that will definitely cause a reaction, be it good or bad to the other people
The funny thing is, I actually feel like you Sereno 49% of the time, believe it or not heh. Especially the thing with not taking up space. But then the last 51% just thinks, to h*** with it. It’s more important to just get whatever goes on inside out.
I actually don’t mind standing out and making a fool of myself, though. This may be another reason why I just blurt out whatever is on top of my head.
But I also believe that the more angels you can get on any subject the better. I mean peoples viewpoints and experience, isn’t that what it is all about. To me there is no such thing as a stupid input. I bet lots of ppl here disagree and think of me as a total airhead, but to me all input is potentially valuable. It’s not the articulation that matters to me either, but the contents. And even the most simple input can give a unexpected angle to help shed light on a topic
I had another thing I wanted to post, but sort of got lost. Oh this

Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
Wow sereno that could have basically been written about me..word for word...I never thought anyone else felt that way.
This is an excellent example why speaking your mind is always good.
To be totally corny, sharing makes ppl come closer and feel less lonely ha ha

Another funny thing is I actually always nod a lot when I read your posts. I like to think that I’m like an EII on the inside, but no one knows cuz it just doesn’t show
Also I feel that you put a lot of thought into your posts, which is something I really appreciate, as my own attention span is 2 sec at the max, so it feels that what you are saying is more thought through. I tend to comment as I read other ppls posts, without any kind of filter