Quote Originally Posted by Jake View Post
In fact, it's not MY typing. It's a typing of quite a few Socionists who have more skill and experience than anyone on this forum. I would ask them instead of pointing your finger at me. But if you haven't read it already, one of them already laid Singularity to waste about it.
Yes, it is YOUR typing. It's irrelevant whoever did it first because you agree with it and support it. You could say it's not just your typing, that'd be correct but again, irrelevant to me since I do not accept information as true just because some "authority" says it so. It's especially ridiculous to do it when it comes to Socionics or even MBTI for that matter, since this is NOT hard science, there's literally no proof that any of this is real. Be free to subscribe to any beliefs coming from "skilled and experienced" Socionists to your heart's content, clearly it suffices your intellect. Or shall I say it doesn't, otherwise you wouldn't be so invested in proving yourself right about a popstar's typing.

As for laying Singularity to waste, if that's the reality you choose to live in, then I have nothing else to say.

Quote Originally Posted by Jake View Post
I'll reiterate, persona = personality. NOBODY can fake their personality that well to the point of coming off like another type, especially when we don't even type people by what they appear like on the outside; rather, we type their motivations. Therefore, you have no argument and should, again, rethink your understanding of Socionics if you're going to come in guns blazing on a forum about the subject.
It's not a question of "reiterating" because you are not a teacher passing on proven knowledge, you are just a person insisting on your opinion. You might repeat yourself as much as you please, you won't get people to agree with you with it. Your opinion on people's ability to deceive is directly opposite to mine, so there's no point in arguing that, it's useless since it renders everything else pointless since it's right at the base of both our typings.

I have no arguments? Jesus, you ARE full of yourself! Tell me, how do you get by on a normal basis on a world where people question "facts" or "established truths", however you prefer it? Does it give you a migraine when people here commit blasphemy on your Socionits gods? But then again I guess you can always count on your Socionics bible and your experts to reassure you that everything's in order, and you have everything figured out.

As for "guns blazing on a forum" would you please listen to yourself? You sound utterly ridiculous, this is fun bantering to me, you're giving yourself and this subject way too much importance. This is how you are taking my posts, not how they actually read. There's no war going on, talk about emotionalism