View Poll Results: Taylor Swift

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  • Alpha

    9 11.39%
  • Beta

    16 20.25%
  • Gamma

    5 6.33%
  • Delta

    0 0%
  • ILE

    2 2.53%
  • SEI

    5 6.33%
  • ESE

    16 20.25%
  • LII

    2 2.53%
  • EIE

    14 17.72%
  • LSI

    9 11.39%
  • SLE

    6 7.59%
  • IEI

    6 7.59%
  • SEE

    9 11.39%
  • ILI

    2 2.53%
  • LIE

    1 1.27%
  • ESI

    2 2.53%
  • LSE

    1 1.27%
  • EII

    5 6.33%
  • IEE

    0 0%
  • SLI

    1 1.27%
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Thread: Taylor Swift

  1. #81

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    Even if it's a case of "more than or less than" (which obviously fits in with my typing method), the overall behavior of Taylor Swift fits in more with irrational than rational behavior. If Taylor Swift was MORE irrational in her behavior even though she is a rational, then nothing would make sense, obviously. It's a case of her being MORE irrational than rational, on average.

    (Also called shizotymes in early socionics literature)

    1. Tend to plan ahead, make decisions early.
    2. Are more often rigid and stubborn.
    3. Do not like to change their decisions.
    4. Tend to finish what they started.
    5. Usually have stiff movements.
    6. Usually more 'authoritarian' leadership style.
    7. Low stress tolerance.

    (Also called cyclotymes in early socionics literature)

    1. Tend to wait and see, more spontaneous.
    2. Are more often flexible and tolerant.
    3. Change their decisions frequently.
    4. Tend to start new things without finishing them.
    5. Usually have gentle movements.
    6. Usually more 'democratic' leadership style.
    7. High stress tolerance.

    What I'm saying is that she is MORE LIKELY an irrational than not, and MORE LIKELY a Beta than she is not, etc. Nothing is 100% certain, obviously.

    In other words, WHERE is the evidence that she is a rational? NONE has provided any, and yet you'd say that she is a rational? That has got to be one of the most ridiculous and dishonest typing methods.

  2. #82

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    Some more stereotypical IEI things about her... just because:

    Quote Originally Posted by Taylor Swift
    As a parenting team, Andrea and Scott balance each other out. Taylor told the Tennessean, “I have a logical, practical, realistic mother, and a head-in-the-clouds, kind and friendly, optimistic father. And so I’m a dreamer, and my imagination goes to places where love lasts forever and everything is covered in glitter, and that’s from my dad’s personality. ”
    She's a fucking poet! And she loves it!:

    She told the Washington Post, “Writing is pretty involuntary to me. I’m always writing.” Taylor’s love of language “started with poetry, trying to figure out the perfect combination of words, with the perfect amount of syllables and the perfect rhyme to make it completely pop off the page.” She loved Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein, and told Rolling Stone: “I noticed early on that poetry was something that just stuck in my head and I was replaying those rhymes and trying to think of my own. In English, the only thing I wanted to do was poetry and all the other kids were like, ‘Oh, man. We have to write poems again?’ and I would have a three-page long poem.”

    In the fourth grade she won a national poetry contest for her composition “Monster in My Closet.” She even wrote a 350-page novel during a summer vacation. Andrea remembers, “She wrote all the time. If music hadn’t worked out, I think she’d be going off to college to take journalism classes or trying to become a novelist.”
    One of her favorite songs is Eminem's Lose Yourself... and we all know that Eminem is IEI, right?

    Now, just a few years later, she was center stage, telling the crowd about her journey by paraphrasing one of her favorite songs, Eminem’s “Lose Yourself.” “See, when I left three years ago,” she told the crowd, “I had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything I ever wanted. Y’all think I did alright?”
    About one of her best friends, Kellie Pickler, who people say are "opposites":

    Says Taylor of Kellie Pickler: “She’s like a sister. People say we’re such opposites, but that’s what makes us such good friends. She’s incredibly blunt. I love that about her. If some guy has said or done something to me she doesn’t like, she’ll grab my cell phone and say, ‘I’m deleting his number.’” The two co-wrote Kellie’s first top 10 hit “Best Days of Your Life,” with Taylor singing on the track and appearing in its video.
    Who the heck is Kellie Pickler? I don't know, but she seems SEE:

    You think an EII would mind someone just grabbing their phone and deleting someone's number? Fuck no! That's more DS Se.

    This is obviously Se:

    “It was really neat. Total blonde power. After the game, we pulled into a gas station and Carrie saw this guy talking to Taylor. We were like, This isn’t right! I said, ‘Get away from her, you old man. If you’re still around when we finish filling up with gas, we’ll make a hood ornament out of you!’” — Kellie Pickler on a girls’ night out at a hockey game with Taylor and Carrie Underwood.
    Some pranks that they have done:

    Also on the Bonfires & Amplifiers tour were labelmate Jack Ingram and pal Kellie Pickler. The three injected a lot of energy and more than a little silliness into the tour like the night they decided to prank the headliner. Taylor ordered tick costumes for her and Kellie, and Jack put together an exterminator suit. When Brad started playing his new song “Ticks,” Kellie and Taylor emerged in costume, and danced around Brad onstage. Out came Exterminator Ingram who pretended to spray them with insecticide then the bugs faked an elaborate death. Writing about it on her MySpace, Taylor recalls, “I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Then I was laying there on the stage playing dead, and looked up at Brad, and he looked down at me and said, ‘Nice work.’” Guess he was a little bit “bugged.” Not to worry, Brad was a prankster himself, and forced Jack Ingram into a cage and made him perform from there!
    Sounds Fe:

    Despite her success, country music’s golden girl isn’t without her own fears. She explained to Girls’ Life, “I think things on the record that are talked about have a very fearless quality to them. It’s not about me being this fearless person because I’m afraid of everything, you know? I’m afraid of finding the most perfect love and losing it. I’m afraid of regretting things. I’m afraid of my career becoming mediocre and not being able to excite people anymore. I’m afraid of running out of things to write about. But I think there’s something fearless about jumping, even when you’re really scared of where you might land.”
    Obvious Beta things:

    Taylor’s plans were marked by a theatrical flair likely left over from her community theater days. She told Rolling Stone, “I feel like there’s drama that I’ve always been attracted to — sort of a theatrical type, dramatic performance that I feel is sometimes missing when you see shows these days. I never want people to think that they’re just seeing a show where I’m playing song after song after song. When I play a song, I want people to feel like they’re experiencing exactly what I went through when I wrote the song as I’m singing it for them.”
    “When I was a teenager I felt like we were always being stereotyped as being really intense and dramatic and passionate and hopelessly romantic and excitable, now in retrospect I think I need to let you know those things are amazing. I hope you never lose those things.”
    Yes, I would say that some of things about her seem EII. But her overall patterns in her friendship and her behavior totally doesn't make sense for that typing.
    Last edited by Singu; 04-04-2017 at 11:03 AM.

  3. #83
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    you don't realize when you're beat, or why you're unconvincing because you fail to recognize what is cherry picking and what constitutes a factual coup de grace; so you throw out all this shit and its obvious to others its mostly a lot of irrelevant (for varying reasons) chatter, which is what you think constitutes substantive argumentation when its anything but. the overall impression you create is someone with whom it is useless to argue with because the underlying common ground that might lead to a resolution is lacking, i.e.: the ability to agree on what data points are meaningful and what ones aren't

    so you can pull out a million and one snippets, and make it exhausting for others to go point by point as to why they aren't what you think they are; but the end result is its easier to simply not bother because you would just generate more. note: when people withdraw in this way it doesn't mean you're right; it means you made discourse so bothersome people don't want to engage further

    I don't even think its particularly bad here (although we're definitely getting there), but I've noticed this occurs in most your disagreements and its a very bad thing as a trend because its ridiculously counter productive

  4. #84

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    SEI 2w1 sp/so. She is cute

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    This was a very interesting video. For the first 45 seconds, Taylor Swift displayed every micro-expression that I've seen on the face of an SEI-Fe that I work with. They look very much alike, even though the woman I work with is in her mid-forties. (I've mentioned before that I like the SEI-Fe that I work with, but I'm very careful to keep my distance so I don't wear out her good intentions by over-exposing her to her conflictor.)
    But then, in the last half of the video, Taylor Swift's face seems to change from that of an attractive conflictor to that of a carnivorous insectoid alien (I said earlier in this thread that she seemed like a snake, but no, more like a praying mantis) who seems disgusted by her interviewer. I've never seen this so clearly in an ESE, but I think I have seen hints of it.

    Both of these types (SEI & ESE) are very distant from me and I have very little experience or understanding of them, but I'm going to assume that the look of disgust on Swift's face might be her way of pushing people away, or her defense from the tendency that ESE's have (I have heard) of getting sucked into the Fe of other people in the environment, which they find to be personally disturbing (and is why they like to hang out with the emotionally flat-lined LII's).

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    This was a very interesting video. For the first 45 seconds, Taylor Swift displayed every micro-expression that I've seen on the face of an SEI-Fe that I work with. They look very much alike, even though the woman I work with is in her mid-forties. (I've mentioned before that I like the SEI-Fe that I work with, but I'm very careful to keep my distance so I don't wear out her good intentions by over-exposing her to her conflictor.)
    But then, in the last half of the video, Taylor Swift's face seems to change from that of an attractive conflictor to that of a carnivorous insectoid alien (I said earlier in this thread that she seemed like a snake, but no, more like a praying mantis) who seems disgusted by her interviewer. I've never seen this so clearly in an ESE, but I think I have seen hints of it.

    Both of these types (SEI & ESE) are very distant from me and I have very little experience or understanding of them, but I'm going to assume that the look of disgust on Swift's face might be her way of pushing people away, or her defense from the tendency that ESE's have (I have heard) of getting sucked into the Fe of other people in the environment, which they find to be personally disturbing (and is why they like to hang out with the emotionally flat-lined LII's).
    I could be way off base here; but for what its worth, I'd describe the (I think) SEE I know precisely as half way between SEI and ESE

    I think it just has to do with the peculiar way in which Se + Fi functions as a chameleon, that is neither Si/Fe or Fe/Si but adaptable to both. It has the weird quality of being similar in result to Si<=>Fe but being subtly "looser", less constrained, less predictable than either one on its own (SEI/ESE is easy to spot because they have relatively fixed forms). SEE seems to have additional depth, when we're not dealing with pornstars or stereotypes

    I see that depth in Taylor, and I think SEEs make a habit of trying to hide it

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Ok, then where is the Fi and Ne? (other than the friendship thing, which is only a ridiculous stereotype) You should be able to point it out. Andy Biersack is an obvious EII despite not being a stereotype of one, because you could relatively easily point out his functions (also does Andy Biersack go around making high-profile friends? No). And why would she get along so well with her LSI mom? Super-ego relations aren't known to be that close.

    Her "squad" seems mostly Se-valuing types, and she is Se-PoLR? I don't think so.

    EII is plausible, but on a closer inspection... not really. Some people may also be tempted to say something like SEE or IEE, but again, on a closer inspection, not really. They're only fairly superficial typings.
    The Fi/Ne shows up a lot more in earlier interviews, but you can spot it in recent ones too. For example, she was asked a question about having power, or control, over her fans and being an influence to the younger generation. She completely skipped over the control/power part and went to how she felt about building a close connection and helping out others recognize that they need to love themselves first. If this isn't, at least, valued R + devalued F, then I'll be damned.

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    Quote Originally Posted by passenger View Post
    The Fi/Ne shows up a lot more in earlier interviews, but you can spot it in recent ones too. For example, she was asked a question about having power, or control, over her fans and being an influence to the younger generation. She completely skipped over the control/power part and went to how she felt about building a close connection and helping out others recognize that they need to love themselves first. If this isn't, at least, valued R + devalued F, then I'll be damned.
    Ok, and does this not sound like control and power? (and some Fe, of course):

    As with everything in her career, Taylor supervised all of the tour preparations from set design to selecting her six dancers. Andrea Swift explained, “Every single decision that’s made, whether it’s talking about artwork that’s going to go on the side of the buses for the tour or a script that needs to be read, you know, almost invariably, someone in the room says, ‘Have you checked with Taylor?’” It’s a point Taylor isn’t ashamed to admit: “I absolutely want to have my hands on everything that has to do with my career.”

    Yet even though she has total control, Taylor makes sure that she doesn’t act like a self-righteous dictator. “There are times when you get frustrated, but the one thing you always focus on is treating people well. You just cannot storm off and freak out. People don’t take you seriously if you scream, if you raise your voice, especially when you’re a 19-year-old girl,” she told Dateline
    And if she's an EII, then why would most of her friends be clearly Se or Se-valuing types? Why would she get a long so well with her LSI mom?

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    I think even SEI is a more plausible typing, but she did some odd things like practice on her guitar until her fingers bled, which seems more Se-valuing, Si-devaluing:

    ”Now, at 12, she saw a 12-string guitar and thought it was the coolest thing. And of course we immediately said, ‘Oh no, absolutely not, your fingers are too small — not till you’re much older will you be able to play the 12-string guitar.’ Well, that was all it took. Don’t ever say never or can’t do to Taylor. She started playing it four hours a day — six on the weekends. She would get calluses on her fingers and they would crack and bleed, and we would tape them up and she’d just keep on playing. That’s all she played, till a couple of years later, which was the first time she ever picked up a six-string guitar. And when she did, it was like, wow, this is really easy!”
    Last edited by Singu; 04-04-2017 at 02:17 PM.

  10. #90
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    Yeah that ain't Si. And too much enneagram 3 in a person.

  11. #91
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    "This video previously contained a copyrighted audio track. Due to a claim by a copyright holder, the audio track has been muted."
    ^ sure illuminati

    ~mk ultra mind control~

  12. #92
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    so/sx 731or8

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    As for the allegations that Taylor Swift isn't vengeful or aggressive, she is:

    The song lyrics are feisty and aggressive. In “Picture to Burn,” Taylor threatens to do a few things in revenge, like date the jerky ex-boyfriend’s best friends and in one version, even tell her friends he’s gay. With lyrics like “wasted time” and “planning my revenge,” Taylor shows a different side. She may be sweet and nice, but if you cross her, look out. She’ll strike a match and not only burn your picture, but your memory. Taylor’s fans, mostly women, relate to these
    Quote Originally Posted by Picture to Burn
    State the obvious, I didn't get my perfect fantasy
    I realize you love yourself more than you could ever love me
    So go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy
    [Album version line:] That's fine I'll tell mine that you're gay!
    [Music video version line:] That's fine you won't mind if I say
    By the way...

    I hate that stupid old pickup truck
    You never let me drive
    You're a redneck heartbreak
    Who's really bad at lying
    So watch me strike a match
    On all my wasted time
    As far as I'm concerned you're
    Just another picture to burn!

    There's no time for tears,
    I'm just sitting here planning my revenge
    There's nothing stopping me
    From going out with all of your best friends
    And if you come around saying sorry to me
    My daddy's gonna show you how sorry you'll be

    Burn, burn, burn, baby, burn
    You're just another picture to burn
    Baby, burn...
    The music video obviously has some Se:

    Can't be EII, because EIIs aren't vengeful, mi right.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Her "squad" seems mostly Se-valuing types, and she is Se-PoLR? I don't think so.

    EII is plausible, but on a closer inspection... not really. Some people may also be tempted to say something like SEE or IEE, but again, on a closer inspection, not really. They're only fairly superficial typings.
    Yeah, it sort of amazes me how people can see pictures like this and think she has Se vulnerable.

  16. #96
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    I'm about to call her manager to ask whether she could take hotel's questionnaire, this needs to be settled.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Yeah, it sort of amazes me how people can see pictures like this and think she has Se vulnerable.
    What is Se about those photos?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    I'm about to call her manager to ask whether she could take hotel's questionnaire, this needs to be settled.
    Well I've tried my best to fill such things :

    What was Taylor like when she was a kid?

    Sharon first met Taylor when she was 11 and auditioned for The Sound of Music. Impressed by Taylor’s “amazing” stage presence, Luyben gave her the part of Louisa. “She was very focused and determined to do what she wanted to do,” Sharon recalled of the adolescent Taylor Swift. “But she was not obnoxiously competitive; not pushy. Just a quiet leader; a pleasant, wonderful person.”

    What are Taylor's favorite music?

    Eminem happens to be one of the artists on Taylor’s iPod, which is full of an eclectic mix of tunes. “My iPod is full of everything: Ingrid Michaelson, Matt Carney, the Dixie Chicks, Rascal Flatts...and then I have Kanye West and Eminem,” she explained. “My musical taste is all over the place.”

    She also listens to Boys Like Girls, Faith Hill, Heidi Newfield, Hellogoodbye, Jonas Brothers, Katy Perry, Kings of Leon, and Metro Station. Furthermore, Taylor’s cell phone ringtones include “Taylor” by Jack Johnson, “It’s Over” by Jesse McCartney, and “You’re so Vain” by Carly Simon. In this way, Taylor’s musical tastes span decades. One of her favorite songs is the 1990 cover song “Nothing Compares to You” by Sinead O’Connor. It’s a song Taylor sometimes puts on repeat play.

    What's Taylor's favorite book?

    Her favorite book in school was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee because she said, “I’m very interested in any writing from a child’s perspective.”

    What's Taylor's favorite art?

    “I’m interested in Jackson Pollock’s kind of art, where art is beautiful but it’s nothing and yet it’s incredible,” she said.

    What are Taylor's favorite movies, TV shows?

    Her favorite movie is Love Actually—she can say all the lines in a British accent. “It’s one of those movies with an amazing ending that makes you want a boyfriend on Christmas,” said Taylor. “Because of that, I can only watch it once a year.”

    Her favorite television show is CSI, especially CSI: Las Vegas. She also loves the situational humor on Grey’s Anatomy. She said she watches Grey’s Anatomy when she feels stressed or lonely, and she watches them more than once. She refers to it as “her show” and even downloads all the songs played on the show. Her favorite character was Izzie’s boyfriend, Denny Duquette, who died in Season 3. Taylor cried for days after that happened. “It was borderline embarrassing,” she said.


    When she’s not blogging on MySpace, Taylor likes to read other blogs; her favorites are Ocean Up, Just Jared, and Paris Hilton.

    “Twitter has just become big in the last couple of months,” Taylor told Whirl magazine in 2008. “And, my dad’s a stockbroker, so it’s all about trying to figure out what’s going to be huge tomorrow and getting in front of it…I always want to be on the cutting edge of all those platforms.”

    What does Taylor think about love?

    “I’m fascinated by love rather than the principle of ‘Oh, does this guy like me?’” she said. “I love love. I love studying it and watching it. I love thinking about how we treat each other, and the crazy way that one person can feel one thing and another can feel totally different.”

    She likes that love can be impulsive. “I think that you can’t be too neurotic about love. You can’t plan everything out,” she said. “I think that one of the cool things about love is that the spontaneity of it is what makes it so magical. I think the coolest way to have a first kiss is when you’re in the middle of a sentence, and you’re rambling on about something, and the guy looks over and just kisses you, and you’re not expecting it. Like, you’re not planning that. That’s not underneath a terrace, underneath the moonlight with a shooting star running across the sky and everything’s perfect. I think the perfection of love is that it’s not perfect.”

    What does Taylor look for in a potential mate?

    “The guy I’m looking for is the guy I can be me around, not a version of me I think he’d like,” she told Seventeen. “He’s the guy I’m not wearing different clothes for. I’m not holding back jokes because he might think they’re stupid. I’m not afraid to show emotion because I might scare him. It’s important to not have rules about who the guy is: the rule should be about who you are when you’re with him.”

    “I think it’s more a question of confidence. I wouldn’t want to be with a pushover who would let me make all the plans and have all the control,” she said. “It’s really natural for me to go into planning mode, but I’d rather be with someone who has his own voice and passion and ambition.”

    What does Taylor look for in friends?

    Who are the friends she values most? When making friends, Taylor looks for a simple yet important characteristic. “I love people who are nice to me,” she said. Despite her fame, Taylor isn’t a snob about who can be her friend, and who can’t. “All you need to do to be my friend is like me,” she explained.

    What would Taylor be doing if she weren't doing music?

    If she went to college, Taylor said she would not major in music. “When music becomes technical for me, I don’t like that part of it,” she said. “When you’re reading music, for me, it turns into math. I like for it to go the way it’s going to go. I’m not as much into technique as I am into the emotion of it.”

    Her mother believes she would have been a writer. “If music hadn’t worked out, I think she’d be going off to college to take journalism classes or trying to become a novelist,” Andrea Swift told The Washington Post. “But her writing took an interesting twist when she picked up the guitar and applied her writing to music.”

    Police work is another possible, alternative career for Taylor. “I would be in some sort of criminal investigation process, Homeland Security or something like that,” she said. On the other hand, she might have gone into business development and advertising. “Sometimes, I think of ideas for products,” Taylor explained. “How about a van company called Van Go?”

    What does Taylor carry in her purse?

    These include “a black Juicy Couture wallet from my first boyfriend, my iPhone, two iPods, Mace, and a key chain that looks like a cat but is really a knife,” said Taylor.

    She also carries her diary around with her, which makes her purse heavy. “My purse weighs, like, 50 pounds because my diary’s in there and it weighs so much—it’s the thickness of a Bible!” she told Seventeen. “I always have to have a diary or a journal with me wherever I go because I’m constantly writing stuff down, whether it’s what happened to me that day, or an idea for a song in the middle of the night.”

    Where does Taylor see herself in the future?

    There is one thing Taylor Swift knows about the future. She’ll still love music. She hopes to be touring still in 10 or 20 years. “I’d love to always be present in music, writing songs, but I’m not the kind of person who will hang around if I become irrelevant,” she said. “I’ll bow out gracefully, raise my kids and have a garden. And I’m going to let my hair go gray when I’m older—I don’t need to be blond when I’m 60.”

    How would Taylor decorate her home?

    Taylor said she wanted her condo to have an “Old World, eclectic feel,” one that would boast “a different knob on every cabinet.” Taylor also said she loves bright colors and draping fabrics. She would fill the condo with antiques she bought during her travels. And, perhaps to prove she’s still a kid at heart, she said she wanted a tree house in her living room.

    Last edited by Singu; 04-07-2017 at 09:15 AM.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Well I've tried my best to fill such things :

    What was Taylor like when she was a kid?

    Sharon first met Taylor when she was 11 and auditioned for The Sound of Music. Impressed by Taylor’s “amazing” stage presence, Luyben gave her the part of Louisa. “She was very focused and determined to do what she wanted to do,” Sharon recalled of the adolescent Taylor Swift. “But she was not obnoxiously competitive; not pushy. Just a quiet leader; a pleasant, wonderful person.”

    What are Taylor's favorite music?

    Eminem happens to be one of the artists on Taylor’s iPod, which is full of an eclectic mix of tunes. “My iPod is full of everything: Ingrid Michaelson, Matt Carney, the Dixie Chicks, Rascal Flatts...and then I have Kanye West and Eminem,” she explained. “My musical taste is all over the place.”

    She also listens to Boys Like Girls, Faith Hill, Heidi Newfield, Hellogoodbye, Jonas Brothers, Katy Perry, Kings of Leon, and Metro Station. Furthermore, Taylor’s cell phone ringtones include “Taylor” by Jack Johnson, “It’s Over” by Jesse McCartney, and “You’re so Vain” by Carly Simon. In this way, Taylor’s musical tastes span decades. One of her favorite songs is the 1990 cover song “Nothing Compares to You” by Sinead O’Connor. It’s a song Taylor sometimes puts on repeat play.

    What's Taylor's favorite book?

    Her favorite book in school was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee because she said, “I’m very interested in any writing from a child’s perspective.”

    What's Taylor's favorite art?

    “I’m interested in Jackson Pollock’s kind of art, where art is beautiful but it’s nothing and yet it’s incredible,” she said.

    What are Taylor's favorite movies, TV shows?

    Her favorite movie is Love Actually—she can say all the lines in a British accent. “It’s one of those movies with an amazing ending that makes you want a boyfriend on Christmas,” said Taylor. “Because of that, I can only watch it once a year.”

    Her favorite television show is CSI, especially CSI: Las Vegas. She also loves the situational humor on Grey’s Anatomy. She can’t always watch episodes when they air, so she catches up by watching them on DVD. She said she watches Grey’s Anatomy when she feels stressed or lonely, and she watches them more than once. She refers to it as “her show” and even downloads all the songs played on the show. Her favorite character was Izzie’s boyfriend, Denny Duquette, who died in Season 3. Taylor cried for days after that happened. “It was borderline embarrassing,” she said.


    When she’s not blogging on MySpace, Taylor likes to read other blogs; her favorites are Ocean Up, Just Jared, and Paris Hilton.

    “Twitter has just become big in the last couple of months,” Taylor told Whirl magazine in 2008. “And, my dad’s a stockbroker, so it’s all about trying to figure out what’s going to be huge tomorrow and getting in front of it…I always want to be on the cutting edge of all those platforms.”

    What does Taylor think about love?

    “I’m fascinated by love rather than the principle of ‘Oh, does this guy like me?’” she said. “I love love. I love studying it and watching it. I love thinking about how we treat each other, and the crazy way that one person can feel one thing and another can feel totally different.”

    She likes that love can be impulsive. “I think that you can’t be too neurotic about love. You can’t plan everything out,” she said. “I think that one of the cool things about love is that the spontaneity of it is what makes it so magical. I think the coolest way to have a first kiss is when you’re in the middle of a sentence, and you’re rambling on about something, and the guy looks over and just kisses you, and you’re not expecting it. Like, you’re not planning that. That’s not underneath a terrace, underneath the moonlight with a shooting star running across the sky and everything’s perfect. I think the perfection of love is that it’s not perfect.”

    What does Taylor look for in a potential mate?

    “The guy I’m looking for is the guy I can be me around, not a version of me I think he’d like,” she told Seventeen. “He’s the guy I’m not wearing different clothes for. I’m not holding back jokes because he might think they’re stupid. I’m not afraid to show emotion because I might scare him. It’s important to not have rules about who the guy is: the rule should be about who you are when you’re with him.”

    “I think it’s more a question of confidence. I wouldn’t want to be with a pushover who would let me make all the plans and have all the control,” she said. “It’s really natural for me to go into planning mode, but I’d rather be with someone who has his own voice and passion and ambition.”

    What does Taylor look for in friends?

    Who are the friends she values most? When making friends, Taylor looks for a simple yet important characteristic. “I love people who are nice to me,” she said. Despite her fame, Taylor isn’t a snob about who can be her friend, and who can’t. “All you need to do to be my friend is like me,” she explained.

    What would Taylor be doing if she weren't doing music?

    If she went to college, Taylor said she would not major in music. “When music becomes technical for me, I don’t like that part of it,” she said. “When you’re reading music, for me, it turns into math. I like for it to go the way it’s going to go. I’m not as much into technique as I am into the emotion of it.”

    Her mother believes she would have been a writer. “If music hadn’t worked out, I think she’d be going off to college to take journalism classes or trying to become a novelist,” Andrea Swift told The Washington Post. “But her writing took an interesting twist when she picked up the guitar and applied her writing to music.”

    Police work is another possible, alternative career for Taylor. “I would be in some sort of criminal investigation process, Homeland Security or something like that,” she said. On the other hand, she might have gone into business development and advertising. “Sometimes, I think of ideas for products,” Taylor explained. “How about a van company called Van Go?”

    What does Taylor carry in her purse?

    These include “a black Juicy Couture wallet from my first boyfriend, my iPhone, two iPods, Mace, and a key chain that looks like a cat but is really a knife,” said Taylor.

    She also carries her diary around with her, which makes her purse heavy. “My purse weighs, like, 50 pounds because my diary’s in there and it weighs so much—it’s the thickness of a Bible!” she told Seventeen. “I always have to have a diary or a journal with me wherever I go because I’m constantly writing stuff down, whether it’s what happened to me that day, or an idea for a song in the middle of the night.”

    Where does Taylor see herself in the future?

    There is one thing Taylor Swift knows about the future. She’ll still love music. She hopes to be touring still in 10 or 20 years. “I’d love to always be present in music, writing songs, but I’m not the kind of person who will hang around if I become irrelevant,” she said. “I’ll bow out gracefully, raise my kids and have a garden. And I’m going to let my hair go gray when I’m older—I don’t need to be blond when I’m 60.”

    How would Taylor decorate her home?

    Taylor said she wanted her condo to have an “Old World, eclectic feel,” one that would boast “a different knob on every cabinet.” Taylor also said she loves bright colors and draping fabrics. She would fill the condo with antiques she bought during her travels. And, perhaps to prove she’s still a kid at heart, she said she wanted a tree house in her living room.

    Ohhhh! Nice research. More NFness here. The most interesting fact: She carries a knife in disguise in her purse.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    What is Se about those photos?
    It's all very flashy/oversexualized. It generally portrays a decadent pleasure-seeking lifestyle.

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    Look at her body movements:

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    It's all very flashy/oversexualized. It generally portrays a decadent pleasure-seeking lifestyle.
    Pleasure-seeking is usually attributed to Si not Se. Flashy is what celebrities have to be by nature of their occupation. You won't see much flashiness in Se types working jobs like construction and plumbing.

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    SocionyTybe have made a video on her as EII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Milo View Post
    Pleasure-seeking is usually attributed to Si not Se.
    I am talking about the kind of decadent lifestyle where people go out partying, dancing, getting drunk, etc. This is the opposite of Si.

    Flashy is what celebrities have to be by nature of their occupation.
    No they don't. There are plenty of examples of celebrities that don't have anything to do with this kind of lifestyle (even among Se valuers). In fact I would say the ones that do are in the minority. Maybe in the pop music business it's more the rule than the exception, but I would argue that that tends to attract Se types in the first place anyways.

    You won't see much flashiness in Se types working jobs like construction and plumbing.
    I didn't say that ALL Se types were flashy or have decadent lifestyles. This is just one manifestation of Se. There are others though, obviously.

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    Come on, the EII typing is pretty ridiculous.

    This is clearly Se, about Taylor Swift and Kelly Pickler being "BFFs":

    What’s your favorite thing about each other?

    Taylor Swift: My favorite thing about Kellie is that she’s the one person on the planet who has the nerve to delete a guy’s number out of my phone if she doesn’t think he’s right for me [laughs]. She will grab my phone and delete his number, because she does not want me to talk to someone who she thinks is bad news.

    Kelly Pickler: When I say she’s like a little sister to me, it’s really true because we both keep each other in line.

    Do you trust each other with your deepest, darkest secrets?

    TS: I can trust Kellie with all my secrets because she’s really unbiased. She’ll give me advice from a place that she knows. She’s learned a lot of lessons, and she knows a lot for her 22 years of being on this earth. She’s the person who will very bluntly say to me, “Get over it!” … instead of my friends who are like, “Maybe he misses you or maybe he didn’t mean it that way, or blah, blah, blah.” Kellie will just look at me and say, “He’s bad news, get over it.”

    Do you ever have a crush on the same guy?

    TS: We never have a crush on the same guy because we’re attracted to different kinds of people [laughs]. Kellie never, never thinks that the guys that I think are cute are cute. I have a really eclectic, weird taste in guys, and she just never ever agrees with it.

    KP: We’re attracted to totally different people. She and I are nothing alike when it comes to boys. I feel like an old soul [laughs].

    “It was really neat. Total blonde power. After the game, we pulled into a gas station and Carrie saw this guy talking to Taylor. We were like, This isn’t right! I said, ‘Get away from her, you old man. If you’re still around when we finish filling up with gas, we’ll make a hood ornament out of you!’” — Kellie Pickler on a girls’ night out at a hockey game with Taylor and Carrie Underwood.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Milo View Post
    Why is it that I don't need to click on this video or check out this channel to know it will be garbage?
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    Taylor Swift and her long list of "friends":

    Selena Gomez is a premier member of the squad. She and Swift often hang out and attend award shows together.

    Lena Dunham. Taylor and Lena Dunham were fans of each other, started communicating on Twitter, and are now great friends.

    Karlie Kloss. Taylor has been BFFs with this model for some time now. The pair were even roomies for awhile back in 2014.

    Gigi Hadid. “She’s one of the people who is really supporting women in the entertainment business. It’s really inspiring to see that and I think that it’s kind of what we want to share with our generation,” once said of Taylor.

    Lily Aldridge. Taylor Swift has a lot of close friends within the Victoria’s Secret ranks, and brunette babe Lily Aldridge is one of them. The two have been captured in photos together everywhere from around town to holding hands on stage at the VS fashion show, and are obviously close friends.

    Camila Cabello. The Fifth Harmony singer is one of Taylor’s friends and someone who she totally admires.

    Serayah. Taylor and Serayah are often seen at events together, and the fashionable duo seem to get along from all of Taylor’s photos. Serayah has said that she sometimes is intimidated by the other girls in Tay’s squad, but it would seem like the friendship she has with Taylor outweighs the intimidation she gets from the other members of the posse.

    Cara Delevingne. One of the many models in Swift's squad, Cara Delevingne often pops up on the singer's Instagram.

    Martha Hunt is often seen hanging out with Taylor — both at major Hollywood events, and on vacay.

    Haim sisters. Taylor has frequently been spotted kickin’ it with the Haim sisters.

    Abigaill Anderson is Taylor Swift’s lifelong best friend. Despite the fact that Taylor hangs out with supermodels, she still makes time for her bestie from her pre-famous days in high school.

    Emma Stone

    Lorde. Taylor was a huge fan of Lorde's and the two became fast friends. Musician Lorde is one of Taylor’s best friends, and the two were recently seen hanging out at Coachella together.

    Ellie Goulding. She’s frequently pictured alongside Swift out at trendy parties or even just in cozy clothes, chilling at Swift’s crib. Believe it or not, Goulding is also the one who played matchmaker between Swift and her newest guy, Calvin Harris. Now that’s a true friend!

    Hayley Williams. Taylor Swift's mom introduced her to the Paramore singer, and the two have been friends ever since.

    Ed Sheeran and Taylor have shared a close friendship since they met in 2013.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    Why is it that I don't need to click on this video or check out this channel to know it will be garbage?
    You don't need strong Intuition for that shit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Taylor Swift and her long list of "friends":

    Selena Gomez is a premier member of the squad. She and Swift often hang out and attend award shows together.

    Lena Dunham. Taylor and Lena Dunham were fans of each other, started communicating on Twitter, and are now great friends.

    Karlie Kloss. Taylor has been BFFs with this model for some time now. The pair were even roomies for awhile back in 2014.

    Gigi Hadid. “She’s one of the people who is really supporting women in the entertainment business. It’s really inspiring to see that and I think that it’s kind of what we want to share with our generation,” once said of Taylor.

    Lily Aldridge. Taylor Swift has a lot of close friends within the Victoria’s Secret ranks, and brunette babe Lily Aldridge is one of them. The two have been captured in photos together everywhere from around town to holding hands on stage at the VS fashion show, and are obviously close friends.

    Camila Cabello. The Fifth Harmony singer is one of Taylor’s friends and someone who she totally admires.

    Serayah. Taylor and Serayah are often seen at events together, and the fashionable duo seem to get along from all of Taylor’s photos. Serayah has said that she sometimes is intimidated by the other girls in Tay’s squad, but it would seem like the friendship she has with Taylor outweighs the intimidation she gets from the other members of the posse.

    Cara Delevingne. One of the many models in Swift's squad, Cara Delevingne often pops up on the singer's Instagram.

    Martha Hunt is often seen hanging out with Taylor — both at major Hollywood events, and on vacay.

    Haim sisters. Taylor has frequently been spotted kickin’ it with the Haim sisters.

    Abigaill Anderson is Taylor Swift’s lifelong best friend. Despite the fact that Taylor hangs out with supermodels, she still makes time for her bestie from her pre-famous days in high school.

    Emma Stone

    Lorde. Taylor was a huge fan of Lorde's and the two became fast friends. Musician Lorde is one of Taylor’s best friends, and the two were recently seen hanging out at Coachella together.

    Ellie Goulding. She’s frequently pictured alongside Swift out at trendy parties or even just in cozy clothes, chilling at Swift’s crib. Believe it or not, Goulding is also the one who played matchmaker between Swift and her newest guy, Calvin Harris. Now that’s a true friend!

    Hayley Williams. Taylor Swift's mom introduced her to the Paramore singer, and the two have been friends ever since.

    Ed Sheeran and Taylor have shared a close friendship since they met in 2013.
    Would you type all of those people to prove you're right?

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    hiss hiss bitch

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    Quote Originally Posted by passenger View Post
    Would you type all of those people to prove you're right?
    Selena Gomez - IEI or SEI, probably IEI
    Karlie Kloss - IEE
    Gigi Hadid - SEE
    Lily Aldridge - SEE, Kim Kardashian vibes
    Camila Cabello - Beta NF, kind of like Ariana Grande.
    Serayah - Probably ESI
    Cara Delevingne - Ni-dom... could be IEI.
    Martha Hunt - SEI actually
    Abigaill Anderson - Could be SEE
    Emma Stone - SLE
    Lorde - Likely ESI
    Ellie Goulding - IEE or IEI, not sure which
    Hayley Williams - IEI or SEI
    Ed Sheeran - I thought EII at first, but could be SEI
    Last edited by Singu; 04-09-2017 at 02:48 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Selena Gomez - IEI or SEI, probably IEI

    Lily Aldridge - SEE, Kim Kardashian vibes
    Don't know her, but Kim is ESE

    Emma Stone - SLE
    ESE, has played a few SLEs

    Ed Sheeran - I thought EII at first, but could be SEI
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Some of her older friends:

    Kellie Pickler - SEE ("People say we’re such opposites, but that’s what makes us such good friends. She’s incredibly blunt. I love that about her.")
    Colbie Caillat - IEE (Taylor called Colbie “No. 1 on my cool people list.”)
    Demi Lovato - EIE (now feuding)
    Miley Cyrus - SEI or SEE? (now feuding)

    Quote Originally Posted by handjob View Post
    Selena - SEI
    Yeah, but EIEs seem to like her.

    Lily Aldridge. Don't know her, but Kim is ESE
    She could be an ESE, she seems like a J type.

    Emma Stone. ESE, has played a few SLEs
    Uhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmm..... I don't really see it, she seems like a Se-dom.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Demi Lovato - EIE (now feuding)
    Something Fe, dont think EIE really works tho

    Miley Cyrus - SEI or SEE? (now feuding)

    Uhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmm..... I don't really see it, she seems like a Se-dom.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    In most cases I would agree with you about EII's not being agressive or vengeful... unless of course you're Maritsa

    That being said, I disagree.
    Disagree with what... her not being an EII? Well the idea is that Deltas are supposed to be more forgiving etc., and the aggressiveness is usually more correlated with Se. I also think that Fi egos tend to try to quickly mend relations that have gone sour, because they can't stand disturbances in relations, until they have reached "a point of no return", while Taylor Swift doesn't seem to mind it too much. It's as if she goes out of her way to offend her "perpetrators".

    Honestly, what she's doing is pretty similar to what Eminem is doing... like what he did to Kim and his mom. They both write some really (overly) personal things that are basically revenge fantasies on those they feel that have wronged them in some ways, and they both know exactly the kind of impact that they would have on people.

    The pattern in her friendship seems to be that she mostly makes friends with Gamma SFs and irrational feelers. From that alone, I would say that she is very likely either a Gamma SF or a Beta NF, minus SEE because she seems to be very receptive of Ti from her mom.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    The pattern in her friendship seems to be that she mostly makes friends with Gamma SFs and irrational feelers. From that alone, I would say that she is very likely either a Gamma SF or a Beta NF, minus SEE because she seems to be very receptive of Ti from her mom.
    Why does this exclude Alpha SF, lol

    Also take into account that many 3s are very vengeful regardless of type and she's clearly 3w2 (which is also incompatible with IEI)
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by handjob View Post
    Why does this exclude Alpha SF, lol
    Because she clearly values Se, which shows up in her songs and videos, and the kind of people whom she befriends.

    Quote Originally Posted by handjob View Post
    Also take into account that many 3s are very vengeful regardless of type and she's clearly 3w2 (which is also incompatible with IEI)
    She's obviously a 4w3. Her entire motive is to "express herself" and transform all of her experiences, especially the negative ones into an artform.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taylor Swift
    I feel the emotion that life conjures up and the songs I write get me closer to my feelings and realising who I am. It's a natural process.
    One of my big goals as a human being is to continue to write what's really happening to me, even if it's a tough pill to swallow for people around me...
    I never want to change so much that people can't recognize me.
    She's trying to find herself by expressing herself. That's a 4. Also she's concerned with authenticity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by handjob View Post
    Why does this exclude Alpha SF, lol

    Also take into account that many 3s are very vengeful regardless of type and she's clearly 3w2 (which is also incompatible with IEI)
    ESE's 3's (and 2w3's) are often slutty drama queens who party hard. Don't know since when these things are limited to Se valuers. Things one reads on this forum...

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    I think it's fairly pointless to even use the friends people hang out with as any clue to what their type is.

    I hang out with people all over the map on the socion. Next, what Singularity's typed her friends as are also pretty all over the map, so I'm not sure what he's trying to get at by doing that, even assuming he typed them correctly in the first place (for sure there's bound to be a few mistakes at minimum). On top of that, she's Taylor Swift and her image and what she's allowed to do and present herself like is highly controlled and curated by those who own her, so keep that in mind.

    I can actually understand some of the low or devalued Se arguments for her because even though she's pictured in "party hard" or luxurious lifestyle scenarios, she's mostly posed in a "meek" or "good girl" posing style in them all, relative to a lot of the other women and people in the pictures. And I really think that this image she's presenting is a fake one either way, so it's almost impossible to discern her true personality using this. Maybe we can re-check when her MK Ultra Illuminati mind control programming starts to wear off when she's around 30 and they probably try pulling her off the market by faking her death or mental breakdowns or something.
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    ESE's 3's (and 2w3's) are often slutty drama queens who party hard. Don't know since when these things are limited to Se valuers. Things one reads on this forum...
    And I'm not typing her Se-valuing because of those things. Actually she says that she doesn't party or even drink much. I would hardly think of her as "slutty" or even a drama queen really. I'm typing her based on her songs and her videos, and the fact that most of her friends seem to be Se egos and Se-valuers. If your friends are mostly Se egos, then you're probably not an EII. Also it reduces the chance of being Alpha/Delta.

    One of the criticism against her is that she almost exclusively hangs around "powerful" women/people. I'd say that's more Se.

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